More refuse to stand for the Anthem. Good News...this time its no white people so you can be angry


You love responding to black only stories. When it was shown a white girl didnt stand for the flag suddenly everyone lost interest. Then they are interested again only when its blacks. And you seem to blame ME for your lack of givadam?

Then just scream names "liar" "racist" and "bigot" to distract from it. Boo hoo

You ARE a racist, that is just a matter of fact. You judge first by skin color, then by party affiliation. IF the content of character is ever a consideration with you, it is not apparent.

Watch this


Go ahead and tell us how outraged you the pic in the far left corner. :badgrin:
White folks live and are born, raised and die there too.

No dice.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

If you could release a genetic agent that would kill every white man, women, and child on the face of the earth; would you have a sandwich first or a beer? :dunno:
whites mostly could care less about this..............they've seen blacks protesting everything and anything for decades. Whites automatically think to themselves, "There go the ******* again!!' :deal:.:gay::gay:.........and note the respectable black people not having their heads explode with every blip on the social scene!!
really.....this is a media engineered story that is a non-story amongst a huge majority of the population, especially whites. Whites have been desensitized to this shit over the decades.......they see black America as being in a perpetual state of angst. Not talked about openly by whites because it is politically incorrect but its definitely the wide sentiment......but there is this fringe element of whites who are up to their eyeballs in white guilt, like Closed Caption ( idk.....could be black )..........either way :gay::gay::gay:
Just because you dont remember any mention of killing slaves doesnt mean shit. It doesnt change reality or the song

Just because you are a race pimp spreading hate doesn't change the meaning either.

The song references slaves fighting for the British and being defeated, nothing more.

You and your fellow hate mongers attempt to create an issue on behalf of your massah, George Soros,

You love posting racially divisive stories and rhetoric, you moron. Either you are completely oblivious to the fact you do it, which would mean you are borderline retarded...or you're a liar.

Which is it?

You love responding to black only stories. When it was shown a white girl didnt stand for the flag suddenly everyone lost interest. Then they are interested again only when its blacks. And you seem to blame ME for your lack of givadam?

Then just scream names "liar" "racist" and "bigot" to distract from it. Boo hoo
I've already admitted I am racist. I am. So are you, you're just too much of a pussy to admit it. With that said, I am not the type of racist to take glee in it. It is what it is to me. Look at your thread titles and tell me you don't take glee in every single incident of racism you can drag up? You aren't hurt by racism, it fuels your sick movement.
West Virginia Tech volleyball players kneel during national anthem

MONTGOMERY, WV (WCHS/WVAH) — Following Colin Kaepernick, athletes across the nation are not standing for the national anthem and now some local college athletes are joining in the protest.

Before Wednesday night’s volleyball game at West Virginia University Tech, three volleyball players chose to take a stance on something they feel very strongly about by kneeling during the Star Spangled Banner in support of Kaepernick’s protest.

As an athlete and vice president of the Black Student Union at WVU Tech, Keyonna Morrow said that something needed to be done to show her support for Kaepernick's choice to kneel during the national anthem

"He’s exercising his right to choose to sit or stand, so you have to recognize that he's got that right," Morrow said.

Morrow and two other teammates chose to join the protest by kneeling when the anthem was played before the game, saying everyone should be treated equally.

"I hope that it just makes people reconsider before they judge someone for something,” Morrow said.

WVU Tech student Tiffany Reavis said she disagrees.

“You stand for the national anthem, regardless. It's kind of like a respect thing for everyone who served, here especially,” Reavis said.

Well, we all have rights, and when we exercise them, sometimes we have to live with the consequences.
How is this news?
Just because you dont remember any mention of killing slaves doesnt mean shit. It doesnt change reality or the song

Just because you are a race pimp spreading hate doesn't change the meaning either.

The song references slaves fighting for the British and being defeated, nothing more.

You and your fellow hate mongers attempt to create an issue on behalf of your massah, George Soros,

You love posting racially divisive stories and rhetoric, you moron. Either you are completely oblivious to the fact you do it, which would mean you are borderline retarded...or you're a liar.

Which is it?

You love responding to black only stories. When it was shown a white girl didnt stand for the flag suddenly everyone lost interest. Then they are interested again only when its blacks. And you seem to blame ME for your lack of givadam?

Then just scream names "liar" "racist" and "bigot" to distract from it. Boo hoo
I've already admitted I am racist. I am. So are you, you're just too much of a pussy to admit it. With that said, I am not the type of racist to take glee in it. It is what it is to me. Look at your thread titles and tell me you don't take glee in every single incident of racism you can drag up? You aren't hurt by racism, it fuels your sick movement.

Are you really trying the old "whadda chicken" Bullshit? Lol...that doesn't move me fool.
Just because you are a race pimp spreading hate doesn't change the meaning either.

The song references slaves fighting for the British and being defeated, nothing more.

You and your fellow hate mongers attempt to create an issue on behalf of your massah, George Soros,

You love posting racially divisive stories and rhetoric, you moron. Either you are completely oblivious to the fact you do it, which would mean you are borderline retarded...or you're a liar.

Which is it?

You love responding to black only stories. When it was shown a white girl didnt stand for the flag suddenly everyone lost interest. Then they are interested again only when its blacks. And you seem to blame ME for your lack of givadam?

Then just scream names "liar" "racist" and "bigot" to distract from it. Boo hoo
I've already admitted I am racist. I am. So are you, you're just too much of a pussy to admit it. With that said, I am not the type of racist to take glee in it. It is what it is to me. Look at your thread titles and tell me you don't take glee in every single incident of racism you can drag up? You aren't hurt by racism, it fuels your sick movement.

Are you really trying the old "whadda chicken" Bullshit? Lol...that doesn't move me fool.
You're really a racist. Which is why you just posted what you did. You're a retard, so I don't expect you to understand why that's the case.
I hope blacks self segregate more, honestly speaking. It'll just prove what we know to be true. Most of you are dumb as shit.

Except we DON'T know that. In countries OTHER than America, Blacks do just as well as everyone else.

The reality is that it is American black "culture" that fucks black people up. There is nothing inherent in skin color or genetics, just an abysmal culture of failure.
You love posting racially divisive stories and rhetoric, you moron. Either you are completely oblivious to the fact you do it, which would mean you are borderline retarded...or you're a liar.

Which is it?

You love responding to black only stories. When it was shown a white girl didnt stand for the flag suddenly everyone lost interest. Then they are interested again only when its blacks. And you seem to blame ME for your lack of givadam?

Then just scream names "liar" "racist" and "bigot" to distract from it. Boo hoo
I've already admitted I am racist. I am. So are you, you're just too much of a pussy to admit it. With that said, I am not the type of racist to take glee in it. It is what it is to me. Look at your thread titles and tell me you don't take glee in every single incident of racism you can drag up? You aren't hurt by racism, it fuels your sick movement.

Are you really trying the old "whadda chicken" Bullshit? Lol...that doesn't move me fool.
You're really a racist. Which is why you just posted what you did. You're a retard, so I don't expect you to understand why that's the case.

I already admitted I was black but you're to chicken shit to do the same
I hope blacks self segregate more, honestly speaking. It'll just prove what we know to be true. Most of you are dumb as shit.

Except we DON'T know that. In countries OTHER than America, Blacks do just as well as everyone else.

The reality is that it is American black "culture" that fucks black people up. There is nothing inherent in skin color or genetics, just an abysmal culture of failure.
I agree that there is nothing inherent in their skin color, but there is an inherent low IQ for Blacks. As well as higher testosterone levels which explains black higher propensity for violence. It goes for men in general, yet we are supposed to ignore the fact niggs have higher testosterone levels than all other racial male categories?
You love posting racially divisive stories and rhetoric, you moron. Either you are completely oblivious to the fact you do it, which would mean you are borderline retarded...or you're a liar.

Which is it?

You love responding to black only stories. When it was shown a white girl didnt stand for the flag suddenly everyone lost interest. Then they are interested again only when its blacks. And you seem to blame ME for your lack of givadam?

Then just scream names "liar" "racist" and "bigot" to distract from it. Boo hoo
I've already admitted I am racist. I am. So are you, you're just too much of a pussy to admit it. With that said, I am not the type of racist to take glee in it. It is what it is to me. Look at your thread titles and tell me you don't take glee in every single incident of racism you can drag up? You aren't hurt by racism, it fuels your sick movement.

Are you really trying the old "whadda chicken" Bullshit? Lol...that doesn't move me fool.
You're really a racist. Which is why you just posted what you did. You're a retard, so I don't expect you to understand why that's the case.

I already admitted I was black but you're to chicken shit to do the same
I'm not black. So I can't admit to it. You're an obvious racist though. Just admit it.
And the way they always make us sing the second and third verses of the National Anthem to prove that we want a return to slavery!

Those fucking racists!

And the flag! The Anthem refers to the flag!

Did you know the interstate highways were racist too?
Must be the White stripe.
You love responding to black only stories. When it was shown a white girl didnt stand for the flag suddenly everyone lost interest. Then they are interested again only when its blacks. And you seem to blame ME for your lack of givadam?

Then just scream names "liar" "racist" and "bigot" to distract from it. Boo hoo
I've already admitted I am racist. I am. So are you, you're just too much of a pussy to admit it. With that said, I am not the type of racist to take glee in it. It is what it is to me. Look at your thread titles and tell me you don't take glee in every single incident of racism you can drag up? You aren't hurt by racism, it fuels your sick movement.

Are you really trying the old "whadda chicken" Bullshit? Lol...that doesn't move me fool.
You're really a racist. Which is why you just posted what you did. You're a retard, so I don't expect you to understand why that's the case.

I already admitted I was black but you're to chicken shit to do the same
I'm not black. So I can't admit to it. You're an obvious racist though. Just admit it.

Yes you are...but you're to scared to admit it
The National Anthem is racist. It was only a matter of time..
Next will be the US flag, especially if Trump is elected. There will be mass protests from the left for anything America. They will even avocate boycotting the US in every respect, except lefty institutions.
These people hate this country's history and traditions. They want a new country. Payback.
Maybe they can move and start their own country.....and possibly discover how difficult creating a nation with a peaceful society is.

The common retort to 'You're this or that" is 'it takes one to know one"

Well I'm admittedly racist, and CC is one as well...just too much of a coward to admit it.

I agree that there is nothing inherent in their skin color, but there is an inherent low IQ for Blacks. As well as higher testosterone levels which explains black higher propensity for violence. It goes for men in general, yet we are supposed to ignore the fact niggs have higher testosterone levels than all other racial male categories?

IQ is also a product of culture.

Children who are read to as youngsters develop higher intellectual skills. The abhorrent cultural bias against education in American black culture retards the intellectual growth of black youth. This is why the children of middle class black parents score relative to their peers, while inner-city blacks do not.

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