More refuse to stand for the Anthem. Good News...this time its no white people so you can be angry

Just to make certain that we understand one another - Your second point is saying that calling someone a bigot (or a racist) doesn't necessarily make him/her one. Is that your point?


One of the myths that poisons this dialogue is that well meaning people are making matters worse by pointing accusatory fingers at those who exhibit ( say things or do things ) bigoted behavior. Doing so, according to some, causes otherwise good people to get fed up and frustrated....thereby leading them to become bigots out if self defense.

The most obvious example of this is, of course, claims that our president has made the country more racist and more divided because he has periodically spoken out against the discrimination that black Americans face in the legal system.
Just to make certain that we understand one another - Your second point is saying that calling someone a bigot (or a racist) doesn't necessarily make him/her one. Is that your point?
In that case I am definitely in agreement with you! Unless of course, you are a leftist, racist, liberal, self-hating white, bigot, rightest, birther, anti-American, terrorist sympatheiser, a Democrat, a Republican, a Communist, or a hater.
Just to make certain that we understand one another - Your second point is saying that calling someone a bigot (or a racist) doesn't necessarily make him/her one. Is that your point?
In that case I am definitely in agreement with you! Unless of course, you are a leftist, racist, liberal, self-hating white, bigot, rightest, birther, anti-American, terrorist sympatheiser, a Democrat, a Republican, a Communist, or a hater.

Well....I have been called ALL of those things. Oddly....that never made me do a damned thing differently.
Glastnost, what does the American flag stand for, to you?

To me? It stands for the reality of what it is. No dreams. No imagination:



Virtually all of Latin America

Agent Orange

Operation TP Ajax

The Tuskegee Experiment


Operation Northwoods

Non-existent WMD's in Irak

The illegal invasion and occupation of that country

The Magic Bullet at Dealey Plaza

Water Gate

Iran Gate


Cooking the presidential ballots in Florida

The Military-Industrial Complex

The creation, funding and support of Al Qaida & ISIS

Bikini Island


Police Brutality

Drive-by Shootings

Post office shootings

Church shootings

Road Rage shootings

Kindergarten shootings

Jr. High shootings

High school shootings

College shootings

University shootings

Shopping Mall shootings

Abu Graib

Guantanamo detention centre


… there's lots, lots more but I can see that you're already getting sleepy.

All proof that people are sinful beings. The idea of liberty and freedom didn't fail, we did.
This kneeling thing must be the PC approved version of the Black Power salute those dudes at the '68 Olympics did on the podium. It was stupid and disrespectful then as now. But yes, it is America and you have the right to be stupid and disrespectful of your country.
1968 Olympics Black Power salute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And the rest of us have the right to BREAK THEM FINANCIALLY for pushing "values" we despise.

Land of the free!

If you do the crime, you do the time ... unless, of course,you're Hillary Clinton.

No crime tho
Sorry, but I just don't see the Leap into how the writer is celebrating the killing of slaves who want to be free.
it wasnt actually a leap and millions of others have the same opinion.

It sure looks like a leap to me. Millions who were probably already against America and looking for something else. Its just another part of the concerted effort to bring down any sense of pride or validity to the founding of the country.

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?

I dont see how this is refering to slaves, and if you take the whole poem in context, the one reference to slaves
was a minor note. the guy was looking for words that rhimed. Brave, wave, slave and grave.. holy shit!! people sometimes read to much into things.
My bad. I wasnt talking about that part. I was talking about the part that actually said the word slave.

You know, I cant agree with you on that, I'm looking at the overall meaning of the poem and celebrating the murder of slaves does not come to mind. I do have this image though of British and Americans firing cannons at each other however. Seems to me if you look for racism everywhere, your going to find it even if its not there
I would never expect you to agree with it. I was just telling you how it really is so you cant say you werent informed. Basically Keyes bragged about the US forces beating former slaves that were fighting to remain free. Not only is that weird he took pride in beating a rag tag group of untrained former slaves, it clearly defines him as a racist that would have fought for the confederates had he been around.

"... fighting to remain free ... " is a simple falsehood. All the rest of your rant fails because you simply can't get the facts right.

LOL --- ol' Francis Scott "Keyes" ... I remember him well ... didn't he work in the tavern on 9th street?
Lets get over the fact that the Anthem sings about how awesome it is to kill slaves when they have the nerve to want to be free. Everyone should stand to support that :afro:
Hmmm, I don't recall the words "killing slaves" in that song. Are you trying too hard here? Some blacks will never be happy. They are like children who fail to understand anything about their country that gave them the opportunities in their careers and a free country to live in.

I understand that Obama did his level best to entice blacks to hate this country. We will just have to dismiss the discontented for what they are...uneducated morons.
Hmmm, I don't recall the words "killing slaves" in that song. Are you trying too hard here?
You're probably right.

Some blacks will never be happy. They are like children who fail to understand anything about their country that gave them the opportunities in their careers and a free country to live in.

I understand that Obama did his level best to entice blacks to hate this country. We will just have to dismiss the discontented for what they are...uneducated morons.
Can we use the "F" word on this thread? Your comments are vile and if I were your daddy I give you such a thrashing that you'd have to sleep in a standing position for a week. Ass hole.
Lets get over the fact that the Anthem sings about how awesome it is to kill slaves when they have the nerve to want to be free. Everyone should stand to support that :afro:
Hmmm, I don't recall the words "killing slaves" in that song. Are you trying too hard here? Some blacks will never be happy. They are like children who fail to understand anything about their country that gave them the opportunities in their careers and a free country to live in.

I understand that Obama did his level best to entice blacks to hate this country. We will just have to dismiss the discontented for what they are...uneducated morons.

Just because you dont remember any mention of killing slaves doesnt mean shit. It doesnt change reality or the song
Seems to me that the first thing that needs to be done is that the flamethrowers need to be culturally marginalized. They have a right to be destructive flamethrowers (I'm a freedom of expression purist), so nothing of substance can be accomplished unless and until their attacks and ideas are essentially ignored so that actual healing can begin.

Once that has been accomplished to a sufficient degree, we're going to need "leaders" to bravely step forward and create a cultural momentum that can ultimately lead to honest discussions on race. And by "honest discussions", I mean that each "side" of this issue must be willing to look in the mirror and admit their mistakes, and commit to cleaning their OWN house before throwing stones at the other.

Where do these "leaders" come from? Everywhere. Politics. Media. Sports. Music. TV. Movies. Our country is so controlled by popular culture that popular culture will probably have to lead the way.

Now, if you're thinking "right, I don't see any of that happening in my lifetime", well, I'm afraid I agree. I don't see "leaders" who are brave enough to begin the needed momentum.

Sadly, I pretty much saw the race issue fade to virtually nothing in my lifetime. Through the 80 and 90's, race became ever less of an issue. Race pimping rose sharply in the 2000's - then in 2008 we elected the great (grate) race pimp Obama who has fanned the flames of hatred every day for the last 8 years.
Just because you dont remember any mention of killing slaves doesnt mean shit. It doesnt change reality or the song

Just because you are a race pimp spreading hate doesn't change the meaning either.

The song references slaves fighting for the British and being defeated, nothing more.

You and your fellow hate mongers attempt to create an issue on behalf of your massah, George Soros,
The National Anthem is racist. It was only a matter of time..
Next will be the US flag, especially if Trump is elected. There will be mass protests from the left for anything America. They will even avocate boycotting the US in every respect, except lefty institutions.
These people hate this country's history and traditions. They want a new country.

I keep telling them to move to Liberia or Gabon. They wouldn't have to deal with evil white racists there.
White folks live and are born, raised and die there too.

No dice.

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meh........this will be a non-story real soon.

Blacks always find something to protest.........these people are in a perpetual state of protest.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: Virtually noboduy is caring amongst whites.........they see this shit all the time for the past 60 years, but especially in recent years.

Just because you dont remember any mention of killing slaves doesnt mean shit. It doesnt change reality or the song

Just because you are a race pimp spreading hate doesn't change the meaning either.

The song references slaves fighting for the British and being defeated, nothing more.

You and your fellow hate mongers attempt to create an issue on behalf of your massah, George Soros,

Just because you dont remember any mention of killing slaves doesnt mean shit. It doesnt change reality or the song

Just because you are a race pimp spreading hate doesn't change the meaning either.

The song references slaves fighting for the British and being defeated, nothing more.

You and your fellow hate mongers attempt to create an issue on behalf of your massah, George Soros,

You love posting racially divisive stories and rhetoric, you moron. Either you are completely oblivious to the fact you do it, which would mean you are borderline retarded...or you're a liar.

Which is it?
Just because you dont remember any mention of killing slaves doesnt mean shit. It doesnt change reality or the song

Just because you are a race pimp spreading hate doesn't change the meaning either.

The song references slaves fighting for the British and being defeated, nothing more.

You and your fellow hate mongers attempt to create an issue on behalf of your massah, George Soros,

You love posting racially divisive stories and rhetoric, you moron. Either you are completely oblivious to the fact you do it, which would mean you are borderline retarded...or you're a liar.

Which is it?

You love responding to black only stories. When it was shown a white girl didnt stand for the flag suddenly everyone lost interest. Then they are interested again only when its blacks. And you seem to blame ME for your lack of givadam?

Then just scream names "liar" "racist" and "bigot" to distract from it. Boo hoo

You love responding to black only stories. When it was shown a white girl didnt stand for the flag suddenly everyone lost interest. Then they are interested again only when its blacks. And you seem to blame ME for your lack of givadam?

Then just scream names "liar" "racist" and "bigot" to distract from it. Boo hoo

You ARE a racist, that is just a matter of fact. You judge first by skin color, then by party affiliation. IF the content of character is ever a consideration with you, it is not apparent.

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