More Republican Bullsh!t

"In a new poll, half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 election if the Big Orange Idiot proposed it."

Would these conservatives have agreed to such a radical change in the voting laws if President Obama had proposed it?

He11 no! Conservatives would have been screaming that he was acting like a dictator. And that the Founding Fathers set the laws covering term length. Or, that... Well you get the picture.

Conservatives only support rule changes the give them the advantage over everyone else. Their patriotic hypocrisy is showing.

Analysis | In a new poll, half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 election if Trump proposed it


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The conservative hypocrisy is ever-growing.

You worthless leftist traitors are funny!
"In a new poll, half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 election if the Big Orange Idiot proposed it."

Would these conservatives have agreed to such a radical change in the voting laws if President Obama had proposed it?

He11 no! Conservatives would have been screaming that he was acting like a dictator. And that the Founding Fathers set the laws covering term length. Or, that... Well you get the picture.

Conservatives only support rule changes the give them the advantage over everyone else. Their patriotic hypocrisy is showing.

Analysis | In a new poll, half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 election if Trump proposed it


View attachment 142931 View attachment 142932 View attachment 142934

The conservative hypocrisy is ever-growing.


What we've discovered in the last 5-10 years is that Republicans do not view the Constitution as a concrete last word. They ignore it at will and at their whim. The same way the look at the bible. As soon as a passage is in opposition to what they want to do they ignore it as if it doesn't exist.

This is why I think it is time to dissolve the union. These people have already given up on the democracy and many of them would welcome armed conflict. Better to break the US into three or four smaller countries where everyone can choose which way they want to go and be done with it without a huge loss of life.

Washington, Oregon, and California are all blue states, and would be an economical powerhouse as a sovereign nation. Not to mention valuing constitutional law long, which was ago abandoned by conservatism. For this hypothetical, lets call the new country formed the West Coast Three

In the West Coast Three, the U.S. Constitution would be retained. The First Amendment would be strongly observed, while the Second Amendment would be viewed in the manner intended by the Founding Fathers, not as interpreted by the NRA and other gun nuts. Most other parts would be respected as interpreted to date. Although, corporations would no longer be seen as "people". After all, they are nothing more inanimate entities created to protect fat cats from legal liability.

To maintain economic prosperity and individual freedom in West Coast Three, a well-guarded border would be needed to keep foreign conservatives from the U.S. from moving in and attempting to destroy the progressive government. If permitted to become residents in the West Coast Three, conservatives would immediately try to bring about the same economic disaster to the new nation that took them in, as were caused by the conservative economic policies in red states where the economies have been ruined by such policies. Red states like those of governors Sam Brownback, Scott Walker, and many others.

Conservatives believe "Trickle Down" has been an overwhelming success. But, were this true, the national debt would not have grown to its current enormity, wages would not have stagnated for the past four decades, and all Americans would benefit from the massive growth in the Dow. None of this has occurred, but conservatives are unable to see it. They just know they are angry, and all the blame for their misery belongs on liberals, the poor, and illegal immigrants.


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All of this is far beyond conservatives' ability to understand. They are mired in their convoluted logic, where down is up, and corruption is good.

Their responses to this OP prove this, and any reply to them is a waste of time.


It would be Oregon, Washington, and California along with New York and the rest of the northeast blue states as well as Minnesota, Colorado, New Mexico and likely Arizona. As most of the federal revenue comes from all these blue states the new red state country would be reduced immediately to a 2nd tier country that had very little sway in the world or locally. All it would have is oil in Texas and whatever fracking they could do. Coal is already on a ventilator and that would be the death knell. Draconian conservative laws would hand control of the new government to the corporations as well as the small economy. They'd reduce minimum wage to $5/hr and outlaw abortion and other religions outright.

The exodus to the outside sane world would begin nearly immediately as it would be like leaving North Korea for most of them.

That many blue states scattered around the continent would be a difficult border to patrol. As a New Nation, we would need to keep the dangers of conservatism in check, having seen the devastating effects of decades of their economic and domestic policies.

Also, the millions of devoted conservatives currently dependent on safety net programs, established by progressive legislation in the past, would be clueless as to why they no longer received their monthly benefits after the exodus of the blue states. They would be the most dangerous to the prosperity of the New Nation comprised of the blue states. As these conservatives would emigrate from the U.S. to cash-in on the very benefits they would then vote to eliminate in the New Nation they invaded. Their duty to protect the wealth of the fat cats would emigrate with them.

The rampant stupidity among conservatives is proven whenever they employ their misinformation to refute facts in threads such as this one. They offer absolutely NO empirical evidence or data to prove their assertions. They have only the tired conservative talking points that were long ago been disproved.

Sadly, there are so, so many of these stupid individuals, they destroyed all opportunities for prosperity for the bottom 90% of the American population by consistently electing and reelecting politicians who serve only the super-rich.

Those types of politicians must never be elected in the New Nation. Their conservative policies steal from average citizens to line the pockets of the fat cats. The conservatives' stupidity and their undying belief that "Trickle Down" is a workable system cannot be permitted to gain a foothold in the New Nation.



Despite all evidence, all empirical data, and anecdotal documentation to the contrary, conservatives deny every bit of truth, and only accept as fact everything FOX News tells them.

Their responses to this OP prove this, and any reply to them is a waste of time.


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