More Republicans Are Snapping Out Of It

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Funny, now I'm a traitor too? What makes you think I'm MAGA? Because I don't like that piece of garbage in the WH who has trashed this nation?
LOL...your comment about Gen Milley below....that is more than enough evidence that you are a total MAGA traitor freak.

More likely dishonorably discharged. I bet you followed that traitor who fled his post who Barry Obumma gave a pardon to, and have a poster of Gen. Milley in your bedroom you jack off to.

I know liberals and you are no liberal. You are a gutless, punk progressive America hater.
I'm not seeking your approval, MAGA traitor. I could give a flying fuck whether you believe me or not.

You people are racists and evil and this is how all liberals like me view you. If you all were decent people, then you wouldn't vote for a racist and traitor like Trump in the first place.

It is literally that simple.
Hey stupid, immigration is the Top issue among voters nationwide.

You really are a moron.

For now, when the election is months out, but after a media blitz the Republicans aren’t going to be able to match this year, the issues WILL be different.
I'll consider the source and IGNORE it, troll. You're simply a fucking liar.
Yeah...demonizing me makes it a lot easier than looking in the mirror, doesn't it?

But Republicans have never been good at introspection...and it's 100 times worse with MAGA cult members such as yourself.
I get it Mark--- you get a vidicam and hire some loser, dress him up to look like your idea of a MAGA, then script him some story to read on camera about what a loser he was to follow Trump but has finally come to his senses.

Is this really how desperate you losers have become to actually think this will work and dissuade people from backing the only good candidate out there for America??? :lmao:
Their desperation is really starting to show
LOL...your comment about Gen Milley below....that is more than enough evidence that you are a total MAGA traitor freak.
No, jerkhole, it is just enough evidence that a Joint Chief commander who goes behind his commander's back to secretly contact our chinese enemies to inform them that if President Trump decided to attack them, that he would snitch and warm them, grounds for being shot at sunrise as a traitor.

I'm not seeking your approval, MAGA traitor.
Good, because you will never have it, dooshbag.

I could give a flying fuck whether you believe me or not.
I believe you could give a flying fuck as well. See? If you try hard, you CAN find something we agree on?

You people are racists and evil
You're such an ignorant racist putz, you are not worth arguing with. It is always the biggest racists here who pull out the race card. And if you think I'm evil, then you just don't love America and should leave. I mean get a ticket and leave tonight.

and this is how all liberals like me view you.
Your a prog creep. You are an insult to any true liberals out there (few that there are now).

If you all were decent people, then you wouldn't vote for a racist and traitor like Trump in the first place.
Says the guy who will vote for the imposter in the WH who took millions in bribes to sell out his country while showering with his daughter telling blacks they couldn't be black if they didn't vote for him. :auiqs.jpg:
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.Smell too.

The scared leftist stench is going to take some time for us to scrub away once we get them confined.

I still record Meet the Press.

Even the cheerleaders there are freaking the fuck out as Biden spirals downward.

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