More Right-Wing Boogaloo on Federal Charges, ANTIFA, Not So Much

I have yet to see any self identified Antifa members storm a state capital With assault weapons to intimidate our political leaders.
Those "assault weapons" were used as props, and had no ammunition and open breaches, you deliberately dishonest fucking hack.
The politicians in the state house feared for their safety, you pathetic extremist dolt.

At least one of them wore a bullet proof vest to work when those people were at the capitol with their semi assault weapons.

Body armor poses no physical threat to anyone, cement head.


The politicians wore the bullet proof vests.

For heaven's sake. If you can't read the article at least read the headline of article.

The politicians were so threatened and terrorized by those far right radical extremists they wore bullet proof vests to work.

The threat came from the far right radical extremists who were walking around with semi automatic weapons everywhere. Some were right in the faces of the police screaming at them.

View attachment 351295
Did any of those protesters lay a single hand on anyone, let alone commit acts of vandalism, arson, looting, assault, and general mayhem?

Of course they didn't, and you're still an hysterical cement head,.
Luckily the authorities didn't take a hard line take control reaction to the situation. Guess they didn't want to touch a match to the powder keg of civil war that day, when the right wing gun nuts came to town.
What was there to take a hard line against?...Show one instance of where the Michigan protesters laid a single finger on anyone, destroyed or defaced the capitol grounds or surrounding private property, stole anything, or did so much as litter the grounds.

Go ahead....I fucking defy you.
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Charges have now been brought on the two suspect in the drive-by murder of Federal Security Officers, David Patric Underwood. Suspects had previously been arrested for the ambush killing of a Santa Cruz Deputy. Air Force Staff Sergeant Steven Carrillo and accomplice are charged in the killing.

" Authorities said Carrillo and a second man traveled to Oakland with the intent to kill police and believed the large demonstrations spurred by the death of Floyd in Minneapolis — which they were not a part of — would help them get away it. "

" Carrillo, prior to his arrest, used his own blood to scrawl the word “boog” and “I became unreasonable” on the hood of a vehicle he carjacked, the complaint says. Both phrases are also associated with "Boogaloo," a term used by extremists to reference a violent uprising or impending civil war in the U.S., the complaint says."

" Steven Carrillo and his alleged accomplice "came to Oakland to kill cops," said John Bennett, special agent in charge of the San Francisco division of the FBI. "

ANTIFA may be some bad people, but I think I am more worried about Right Wing Boogaloo, cop killers and extremist favoring civil war, at this point.
Since when is the right anti police? :cuckoo:
If it's one thing that the left does with stunning expertise, it is to project all of the worst aspects of themselves onto others.
If you don't think that the Antifa freaks aren't spoiling for a civil war, you need a reality check.

And no one is disputing that they are hooligans that will resort to the occasional property damage.
But as I've pointed out, so far, they've killed no one...haven't even seriously injured someone.
Now, on the other side of the aisle....
They looted and burned down a fuckton of a major metropolitan main drag, where I spent a significant portion of my young adulthood, cocksucker.

"Occasional property damage"...Fuck you.

And still no bodies. Or no serious injuries. They're a convenient excuse because you knuckledraggers can't bring yourselves to admit that they might not be responsible for most of the looting and damage. Still remains to be seen if those "patriots" on the right weren't the ones who were actually doing the damage. But you go right ahead and get your panties in a twist over it. Those bad, bad lefties will be made to answer for their indiscretions.

Looting isn't the same thing as what the far right groups are doing.

Looters don't get charged with violence crimes. They are charged with the theft crimes.

Has anyone ever produced an honest and reputable report of any Antifa in anywhere in America being violent during the protests? I haven't seen any. I have seen a lot of reports of innocent people wrongly being accused of being Antifa. One family was attacked while camping because people thought they were Antifa. They weren't Antifa and the far right people who attacked that family are facing criminal charges.
There are about a million videos on youtube of ANTIFA being violent. Have you been living under a rock?

They are living in denial and/or when they see whites being violent in the street, they think it’s white supremacists.
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  • #84
Charges have now been brought on the two suspect in the drive-by murder of Federal Security Officers, David Patric Underwood. Suspects had previously been arrested for the ambush killing of a Santa Cruz Deputy. Air Force Staff Sergeant Steven Carrillo and accomplice are charged in the killing.

" Authorities said Carrillo and a second man traveled to Oakland with the intent to kill police and believed the large demonstrations spurred by the death of Floyd in Minneapolis — which they were not a part of — would help them get away it. "

" Carrillo, prior to his arrest, used his own blood to scrawl the word “boog” and “I became unreasonable” on the hood of a vehicle he carjacked, the complaint says. Both phrases are also associated with "Boogaloo," a term used by extremists to reference a violent uprising or impending civil war in the U.S., the complaint says."

" Steven Carrillo and his alleged accomplice "came to Oakland to kill cops," said John Bennett, special agent in charge of the San Francisco division of the FBI. "

ANTIFA may be some bad people, but I think I am more worried about Right Wing Boogaloo, cop killers and extremist favoring civil war, at this point.

I am more worried about looters and rioters burning down Black neighborhoods. You, not so much.
You aren't worried about that. Because people like the ones in the OP are doing the burning. There isn't all that much burning going on but the people like those in the OP know you will look for some reason to diss blacks and you're doing exactly what they want.
Antifa and BLM are predominantly white, affluent, suburban pajama bois, Buckwheat.....You know, wiggers.
While I disagree with his warped point of view and do not respond or even read when about racial bias, the "Buckwheat and wiggers thing is uncalled for. :mad:
Charges have now been brought on the two suspect in the drive-by murder of Federal Security Officers, David Patric Underwood. Suspects had previously been arrested for the ambush killing of a Santa Cruz Deputy. Air Force Staff Sergeant Steven Carrillo and accomplice are charged in the killing.

" Authorities said Carrillo and a second man traveled to Oakland with the intent to kill police and believed the large demonstrations spurred by the death of Floyd in Minneapolis — which they were not a part of — would help them get away it. "

" Carrillo, prior to his arrest, used his own blood to scrawl the word “boog” and “I became unreasonable” on the hood of a vehicle he carjacked, the complaint says. Both phrases are also associated with "Boogaloo," a term used by extremists to reference a violent uprising or impending civil war in the U.S., the complaint says."

" Steven Carrillo and his alleged accomplice "came to Oakland to kill cops," said John Bennett, special agent in charge of the San Francisco division of the FBI. "

ANTIFA may be some bad people, but I think I am more worried about Right Wing Boogaloo, cop killers and extremist favoring civil war, at this point.

I am more worried about looters and rioters burning down Black neighborhoods. You, not so much.
You aren't worried about that. Because people like the ones in the OP are doing the burning. There isn't all that much burning going on but the people like those in the OP know you will look for some reason to diss blacks and you're doing exactly what they want.
Antifa and BLM are predominantly white, affluent, suburban pajama bois, Buckwheat.....You know, wiggers.
While I disagree with his warped point of view and do not respond or even read when about racial bias, the "Buckwheat and wiggers thing is uncalled for. :mad:
Fucks not given.
If you don't think that the Antifa freaks aren't spoiling for a civil war, you need a reality check.
The antifa you are terrified of doesn't even exist.
Antifa is a joke. It is right-wing extremists that are the true threat. They are the ones storming state capitals with their assault weapons on their backs. Law enforcement knows it as well.

Both extremes are equally dangerous. Antifa is no joke.
I have yet to see any self identified Antifa members storm a state capital With assault weapons to intimidate our political leaders.
Nope. Their calling card is setting fires.
You like 'em? Fine. I already had my rant about Antifa somewhere here today.

And I just got done with my rant about the vigilante militias, too. They're BOTH BAD.

It's the boogaloo boys who like to make Molotov cocktails. Some of them have been arrested at the protests either making or using them.

I don't recall Antifa doing that. I know they get into fights with the far right at protests. I think some of them have been arrested and prosecuted for those fights.
They are pyro's. If they only burn the dumpster, it's to leave their calling card. The Berkley protest against Milo -- remember that? Campus security said Antifa snuck in and began the trouble. Campus security tries to keep them out, but it's a big campus and they slime their way in. The college kids were just making a lot of noise until Antifa arrived. Then windows got broken, fires started.
View attachment 351399
Were any caught and or charged? Is there any proof? Or just supposition?
Charges have now been brought on the two suspect in the drive-by murder of Federal Security Officers, David Patric Underwood. Suspects had previously been arrested for the ambush killing of a Santa Cruz Deputy. Air Force Staff Sergeant Steven Carrillo and accomplice are charged in the killing.

" Authorities said Carrillo and a second man traveled to Oakland with the intent to kill police and believed the large demonstrations spurred by the death of Floyd in Minneapolis — which they were not a part of — would help them get away it. "

" Carrillo, prior to his arrest, used his own blood to scrawl the word “boog” and “I became unreasonable” on the hood of a vehicle he carjacked, the complaint says. Both phrases are also associated with "Boogaloo," a term used by extremists to reference a violent uprising or impending civil war in the U.S., the complaint says."

" Steven Carrillo and his alleged accomplice "came to Oakland to kill cops," said John Bennett, special agent in charge of the San Francisco division of the FBI. "

ANTIFA may be some bad people, but I think I am more worried about Right Wing Boogaloo, cop killers and extremist favoring civil war, at this point.

I am more worried about looters and rioters burning down Black neighborhoods. You, not so much.
You aren't worried about that. Because people like the ones in the OP are doing the burning. There isn't all that much burning going on but the people like those in the OP know you will look for some reason to diss blacks and you're doing exactly what they want.
Antifa and BLM are predominantly white, affluent, suburban pajama bois, Buckwheat.....You know, wiggers.
While I disagree with his warped point of view and do not respond or even read when about racial bias, the "Buckwheat and wiggers thing is uncalled for. :mad:
Fucks not given.
Because you're too damn stupid to realize what you just said.
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  • #88
I have yet to see any self identified Antifa members storm a state capital With assault weapons to intimidate our political leaders.
Those "assault weapons" were used as props, and had no ammunition and open breaches, you deliberately dishonest fucking hack.
The politicians in the state house feared for their safety, you pathetic extremist dolt.

At least one of them wore a bullet proof vest to work when those people were at the capitol with their semi assault weapons.

Body armor poses no physical threat to anyone, cement head.


The politicians wore the bullet proof vests.

For heaven's sake. If you can't read the article at least read the headline of article.

The politicians were so threatened and terrorized by those far right radical extremists they wore bullet proof vests to work.

The threat came from the far right radical extremists who were walking around with semi automatic weapons everywhere. Some were right in the faces of the police screaming at them.

View attachment 351295
Did any of those protesters lay a single hand on anyone, let alone commit acts of vandalism, arson, looting, assault, and general mayhem?

Of course they didn't, and you're still an hysterical cement head,.
Luckily the authorities didn't take a hard line take control reaction to the situation. Guess they didn't want to touch a match to the powder keg of civil war that day, when the right wing gun nuts came to town.
What was there to take a hard line against?...Show one instance of where the Michigan protesters laid a single finger on anyone, destroyed or defaced the capitol grounds or surrounding private property, stole anything, or did so much as litter the grounds.

Go ahead....I fucking defy you.
They didn't. My opinion is never bring a knife to a gunfight and never bring a gun to a word fight. I think weaponry should be banned from all public protests and rallies. You don't see them getting in the gate at trump rallies do you? Why were they brought to a state capital protest? Show of possible force? Stupid tactic.
I have yet to see any self identified Antifa members storm a state capital With assault weapons to intimidate our political leaders.
Those "assault weapons" were used as props, and had no ammunition and open breaches, you deliberately dishonest fucking hack.
The politicians in the state house feared for their safety, you pathetic extremist dolt.

At least one of them wore a bullet proof vest to work when those people were at the capitol with their semi assault weapons.

Body armor poses no physical threat to anyone, cement head.


The politicians wore the bullet proof vests.

For heaven's sake. If you can't read the article at least read the headline of article.

The politicians were so threatened and terrorized by those far right radical extremists they wore bullet proof vests to work.

The threat came from the far right radical extremists who were walking around with semi automatic weapons everywhere. Some were right in the faces of the police screaming at them.

View attachment 351295
Did any of those protesters lay a single hand on anyone, let alone commit acts of vandalism, arson, looting, assault, and general mayhem?

Of course they didn't, and you're still an hysterical cement head,.
Luckily the authorities didn't take a hard line take control reaction to the situation. Guess they didn't want to touch a match to the powder keg of civil war that day, when the right wing gun nuts came to town.
What was there to take a hard line against?...Show one instance of where the Michigan protesters laid a single finger on anyone, destroyed or defaced the capitol grounds or surrounding private property, stole anything, or did so much as litter the grounds.

Go ahead....I fucking defy you.
They didn't. My opinion is never bring a knife to a gunfight and never bring a gun to a word fight. I think weaponry should be banned from all public protests and rallies. You don't see them getting in the gate at trump rallies do you? Why were they brought to a state capital protest? Show of possible force? Stupid tactic.
My point of view is not warped. I have supported it with facts. I appreciate what you said to oddball btw.
Charges have now been brought on the two suspect in the drive-by murder of Federal Security Officers, David Patric Underwood. Suspects had previously been arrested for the ambush killing of a Santa Cruz Deputy. Air Force Staff Sergeant Steven Carrillo and accomplice are charged in the killing.

" Authorities said Carrillo and a second man traveled to Oakland with the intent to kill police and believed the large demonstrations spurred by the death of Floyd in Minneapolis — which they were not a part of — would help them get away it. "

" Carrillo, prior to his arrest, used his own blood to scrawl the word “boog” and “I became unreasonable” on the hood of a vehicle he carjacked, the complaint says. Both phrases are also associated with "Boogaloo," a term used by extremists to reference a violent uprising or impending civil war in the U.S., the complaint says."

" Steven Carrillo and his alleged accomplice "came to Oakland to kill cops," said John Bennett, special agent in charge of the San Francisco division of the FBI. "

ANTIFA may be some bad people, but I think I am more worried about Right Wing Boogaloo, cop killers and extremist favoring civil war, at this point.

The intelligence agencies report that antifa has a limited presence in the violence in the protests. It's listed as a footnote in the report. That report is about the far right radical extremists who have been responsible for almost all of the violence in the protests. The boogaloo boys aren't the only ones. There's local far right militias who are also being violent. One of them shot a peaceful protester in New Mexico.

They did arrest a few RW loons wearing AntiFa tee shirts and spray painting their logo on buildings.
AntiFa ain't into making progressives look bad. They ain't into killing people either.
If you don't think that the Antifa freaks aren't spoiling for a civil war, you need a reality check.
The antifa you are terrified of doesn't even exist.
Antifa is a joke. It is right-wing extremists that are the true threat. They are the ones storming state capitals with their assault weapons on their backs. Law enforcement knows it as well.

Both extremes are equally dangerous. Antifa is no joke.

Disagree - White Nationalists, Neo-Nazis, Klansman and certain militias are FAR greater in numbers and have killed far more people than AntiFa. In fact, it isn't even close.
Charges have now been brought on the two suspect in the drive-by murder of Federal Security Officers, David Patric Underwood. Suspects had previously been arrested for the ambush killing of a Santa Cruz Deputy. Air Force Staff Sergeant Steven Carrillo and accomplice are charged in the killing.

" Authorities said Carrillo and a second man traveled to Oakland with the intent to kill police and believed the large demonstrations spurred by the death of Floyd in Minneapolis — which they were not a part of — would help them get away it. "

" Carrillo, prior to his arrest, used his own blood to scrawl the word “boog” and “I became unreasonable” on the hood of a vehicle he carjacked, the complaint says. Both phrases are also associated with "Boogaloo," a term used by extremists to reference a violent uprising or impending civil war in the U.S., the complaint says."

" Steven Carrillo and his alleged accomplice "came to Oakland to kill cops," said John Bennett, special agent in charge of the San Francisco division of the FBI. "

ANTIFA may be some bad people, but I think I am more worried about Right Wing Boogaloo, cop killers and extremist favoring civil war, at this point.

The intelligence agencies report that antifa has a limited presence in the violence in the protests. It's listed as a footnote in the report. That report is about the far right radical extremists who have been responsible for almost all of the violence in the protests. The boogaloo boys aren't the only ones. There's local far right militias who are also being violent. One of them shot a peaceful protester in New Mexico.

They did arrest a few RW loons wearing AntiFa tee shirts and spray painting their logo on buildings.
AntiFa ain't into making progressives look bad. They ain't into killing people either.
Cool story bro. No one believes you.
If you don't think that the Antifa freaks aren't spoiling for a civil war, you need a reality check.
The antifa you are terrified of doesn't even exist.
Antifa is a joke. It is right-wing extremists that are the true threat. They are the ones storming state capitals with their assault weapons on their backs. Law enforcement knows it as well.

Both extremes are equally dangerous. Antifa is no joke.
I have yet to see any self identified Antifa members storm a state capital With assault weapons to intimidate our political leaders.
Nope. Their calling card is setting fires.
You like 'em? Fine. I already had my rant about Antifa somewhere here today.

And I just got done with my rant about the vigilante militias, too. They're BOTH BAD.
I don’t like any extremism. The problem is falling into the trap as seeing them as equal threats. They are far from that. Open your eyes to the threat that is right-wing extremism. The FBI and law enforcement knows where true threat comes from.


what does this have to do with looters and destructive Antifa fks?
Charges have now been brought on the two suspect in the drive-by murder of Federal Security Officers, David Patric Underwood. Suspects had previously been arrested for the ambush killing of a Santa Cruz Deputy. Air Force Staff Sergeant Steven Carrillo and accomplice are charged in the killing.

" Authorities said Carrillo and a second man traveled to Oakland with the intent to kill police and believed the large demonstrations spurred by the death of Floyd in Minneapolis — which they were not a part of — would help them get away it. "

" Carrillo, prior to his arrest, used his own blood to scrawl the word “boog” and “I became unreasonable” on the hood of a vehicle he carjacked, the complaint says. Both phrases are also associated with "Boogaloo," a term used by extremists to reference a violent uprising or impending civil war in the U.S., the complaint says."

" Steven Carrillo and his alleged accomplice "came to Oakland to kill cops," said John Bennett, special agent in charge of the San Francisco division of the FBI. "

ANTIFA may be some bad people, but I think I am more worried about Right Wing Boogaloo, cop killers and extremist favoring civil war, at this point.

The intelligence agencies report that antifa has a limited presence in the violence in the protests. It's listed as a footnote in the report. That report is about the far right radical extremists who have been responsible for almost all of the violence in the protests. The boogaloo boys aren't the only ones. There's local far right militias who are also being violent. One of them shot a peaceful protester in New Mexico.

They did arrest a few RW loons wearing AntiFa tee shirts and spray painting their logo on buildings.
AntiFa ain't into making progressives look bad. They ain't into killing people either.
sure they are. you're too brainwashed to know differently. You're welcome.
If you don't think that the Antifa freaks aren't spoiling for a civil war, you need a reality check.
The antifa you are terrified of doesn't even exist.
Antifa is a joke. It is right-wing extremists that are the true threat. They are the ones storming state capitals with their assault weapons on their backs. Law enforcement knows it as well.

Both extremes are equally dangerous. Antifa is no joke.
I have yet to see any self identified Antifa members storm a state capital With assault weapons to intimidate our political leaders.
Nope. Their calling card is setting fires.
You like 'em? Fine. I already had my rant about Antifa somewhere here today.

And I just got done with my rant about the vigilante militias, too. They're BOTH BAD.

It's the boogaloo boys who like to make Molotov cocktails. Some of them have been arrested at the protests either making or using them.

I don't recall Antifa doing that. I know they get into fights with the far right at protests. I think some of them have been arrested and prosecuted for those fights.
They are pyro's. If they only burn the dumpster, it's to leave their calling card. The Berkley protest against Milo -- remember that? Campus security said Antifa snuck in and began the trouble. Campus security tries to keep them out, but it's a big campus and they slime their way in. The college kids were just making a lot of noise until Antifa arrived. Then windows got broken, fires started.
View attachment 351399

Do you have a positive ID on the political leanings of the perps? Things are not always as they appear. These far right, anti-government loons are known for covert appearances at ANY rally or protest involving the left. They exploit the chaos. That's what happened in Oakland. Their goal is to start a civil war or race war.

This in fact is their motto: Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo
I have yet to see any self identified Antifa members storm a state capital With assault weapons to intimidate our political leaders.
Those "assault weapons" were used as props, and had no ammunition and open breaches, you deliberately dishonest fucking hack.
The politicians in the state house feared for their safety, you pathetic extremist dolt.

At least one of them wore a bullet proof vest to work when those people were at the capitol with their semi assault weapons.

Body armor poses no physical threat to anyone, cement head.


The politicians wore the bullet proof vests.

For heaven's sake. If you can't read the article at least read the headline of article.

The politicians were so threatened and terrorized by those far right radical extremists they wore bullet proof vests to work.

The threat came from the far right radical extremists who were walking around with semi automatic weapons everywhere. Some were right in the faces of the police screaming at them.

View attachment 351295
Did any of those protesters lay a single hand on anyone, let alone commit acts of vandalism, arson, looting, assault, and general mayhem?

Of course they didn't, and you're still an hysterical cement head,.
Luckily the authorities didn't take a hard line take control reaction to the situation. Guess they didn't want to touch a match to the powder keg of civil war that day, when the right wing gun nuts came to town.
What was there to take a hard line against?...Show one instance of where the Michigan protesters laid a single finger on anyone, destroyed or defaced the capitol grounds or surrounding private property, stole anything, or did so much as litter the grounds.

Go ahead....I fucking defy you.
They didn't. My opinion is never bring a knife to a gunfight and never bring a gun to a word fight. I think weaponry should be banned from all public protests and rallies. You don't see them getting in the gate at trump rallies do you? Why were they brought to a state capital protest? Show of possible force? Stupid tactic.
They didn't....Period, full stop.

Everything after that is worthless and irrelevant equivocation.
  • Thread starter
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  • #99
I have yet to see any self identified Antifa members storm a state capital With assault weapons to intimidate our political leaders.
Those "assault weapons" were used as props, and had no ammunition and open breaches, you deliberately dishonest fucking hack.
The politicians in the state house feared for their safety, you pathetic extremist dolt.

At least one of them wore a bullet proof vest to work when those people were at the capitol with their semi assault weapons.

Body armor poses no physical threat to anyone, cement head.


The politicians wore the bullet proof vests.

For heaven's sake. If you can't read the article at least read the headline of article.

The politicians were so threatened and terrorized by those far right radical extremists they wore bullet proof vests to work.

The threat came from the far right radical extremists who were walking around with semi automatic weapons everywhere. Some were right in the faces of the police screaming at them.

View attachment 351295
Did any of those protesters lay a single hand on anyone, let alone commit acts of vandalism, arson, looting, assault, and general mayhem?

Of course they didn't, and you're still an hysterical cement head,.
Luckily the authorities didn't take a hard line take control reaction to the situation. Guess they didn't want to touch a match to the powder keg of civil war that day, when the right wing gun nuts came to town.
What was there to take a hard line against?...Show one instance of where the Michigan protesters laid a single finger on anyone, destroyed or defaced the capitol grounds or surrounding private property, stole anything, or did so much as litter the grounds.

Go ahead....I fucking defy you.
They didn't. My opinion is never bring a knife to a gunfight and never bring a gun to a word fight. I think weaponry should be banned from all public protests and rallies. You don't see them getting in the gate at trump rallies do you? Why were they brought to a state capital protest? Show of possible force? Stupid tactic.
They didn't....Period, full stop.

Everything after that is worthless and irrelevant equivocation.
Equivocation. You do not know the meaning of the word. Protesters should not bring guns to a peaceful protest to intimidate or show possible force for the cameras, or gratify their sexual needs. Period, full stop.
I have yet to see any self identified Antifa members storm a state capital With assault weapons to intimidate our political leaders.
Those "assault weapons" were used as props, and had no ammunition and open breaches, you deliberately dishonest fucking hack.
The politicians in the state house feared for their safety, you pathetic extremist dolt.

At least one of them wore a bullet proof vest to work when those people were at the capitol with their semi assault weapons.

Body armor poses no physical threat to anyone, cement head.


The politicians wore the bullet proof vests.

For heaven's sake. If you can't read the article at least read the headline of article.

The politicians were so threatened and terrorized by those far right radical extremists they wore bullet proof vests to work.

The threat came from the far right radical extremists who were walking around with semi automatic weapons everywhere. Some were right in the faces of the police screaming at them.

View attachment 351295
Did any of those protesters lay a single hand on anyone, let alone commit acts of vandalism, arson, looting, assault, and general mayhem?

Of course they didn't, and you're still an hysterical cement head,.
Luckily the authorities didn't take a hard line take control reaction to the situation. Guess they didn't want to touch a match to the powder keg of civil war that day, when the right wing gun nuts came to town.
What was there to take a hard line against?...Show one instance of where the Michigan protesters laid a single finger on anyone, destroyed or defaced the capitol grounds or surrounding private property, stole anything, or did so much as litter the grounds.

Go ahead....I fucking defy you.
They didn't. My opinion is never bring a knife to a gunfight and never bring a gun to a word fight. I think weaponry should be banned from all public protests and rallies. You don't see them getting in the gate at trump rallies do you? Why were they brought to a state capital protest? Show of possible force? Stupid tactic.
They didn't....Period, full stop.

Everything after that is worthless and irrelevant equivocation.
Equivocation. You do not know the meaning of the word. Protesters should not bring guns to a peaceful protest to intimidate or show possible force for the cameras, or gratify their sexual needs. Period, full stop.
Your opinion of what peaceful nonviolent people should or shouldn't be carrying as props is irrelevant.

Your comments on the supposed sexual needs of people whom you don't know is pure Freudian projection.

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