More Stuff You Didn't Know

With both Clintons and Obama involved I doubt that this mess can be cleaned up prior to Trump leaving office.
The Trump administration will be flailing Democrats and the deep state over their participation in the coup for the next 6 years. Dozens will be going to prison, and the Dim party will shrivel to a ghost of its former self.

True that.

The Democrats are trying to discredit AG Barr and want him to testify in front of Congress to find out whom the DOJ is investigating, so that they can work on their defenses to the charges, coordinate with one another's testimony, and try to get their stories straight.

The next few months will be funny, as all this leftist mental gymnastics of the leftist retarded politicians is gonna go to the roof. The top Dems like stiff Schiff and socialist Nadler are allowed to see the unredacted version of the report yet they refuse to. They already know what the DOJ is investigating, and want to prevent AG Barr from doing it.
So far, everything in this thread is something I already knew.

Up the game and surprise someone.

Face it, you're as useless as rubber lips on a woodpecker.

Come back when you can add something to the conversation.
You made the promise. This is old news.

I don't believe for a minute that you knew what was posted in the OP.

Find your post where you mentioned it.

And when you can't.....beat it, forthwith, freeloader.

I didn’t post it, but The Hill and Blaze had it last week.

Looks like I proved my point, Pinocchio....

Now beat it.
Here's a better question, Dimwit: why would anyone believe anything Trump or his Losers have to say?

William Barr corrects himself, confirms Trump campaign was warned in 2016 about Russian interference

"'Why didn’t President Obama do something about Russia in September (before November Election) when told by the FBI?' Trump tweeted Wednesday. “He did NOTHING, and had no intention of doing anything!'"

"Attorney General William Barr confirmed Wednesday during testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee that the Trump campaign was briefed in 2016 that the Russians would try to infiltrate it, contrary to previous remarks made by the president.

"'I have been told during the break that a lesser kind of briefing, a security briefing that generally discusses general threats, apparently was given to the campaign in August [2016],' Barr told lawmakers after returning from a brief recess."

Did Russians infiltrate Trump's campaign? According to Mueller, they did not.

By the way, was Trump briefed that American spies would try to infiltrate his campaign?
Did Russians infiltrate Trump's campaign? According to Mueller, they did not.
How are you defining "infiltrate"?
Russians infiltrated Trump's campaign in ways they never did with Clinton's.

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. I, P. 33)

"7. Interactions and Contacts with the Trump Campaign

"The investigation identified two different forms of connections between the IRA and members of the Trump Campaign. (The investigation identified no similar connections between the IRA and the Clinton Campaign.)

"First, on multiple occasions, members and surrogates of the Trump Campaign promoted — typically by linking, retweeting, or similar methods of reposting — pro-Trump or anti-Clinton content published by the IRA through IRA-controlled social media accounts.

"Additionally, in a few instances, IRA employees represented themselves as U.S. persons to communicate with members of the Trump Campaign in an effort to seek assistance and coordination on IRA-organized political rallies inside the United States."

Do you really think that retweeting or reposting other people tweets is "infiltration" of the campaign?
Do you really think that retweeting or reposting other people tweets is "infiltration" of the campaign?
If Trump supporters unwittingly reposted or retweeted Russian propaganda obtained illegally from Clinton's campaign, they were promoting the Russian infiltration of the 2016 election.
How many Dims knowingly participated in or promoted the coup against the President?
How many Dims knowingly participated in or promoted the coup against the President?
Why would Democrats support Trump and Russia?

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

"The clandestine influence campaign involved the Internet Research Agency 'troll farm' creating thousands of social media accounts that impersonated Americans supporting radical groups, planning and promoting pro-Trump and anti-Clinton rallies, and reached millions of social media users between 2013 and 2017.

"According to criminal indictments by the Special Counsel, those messages and activities 'spread distrust towards the candidates and the political system in general', for example by discouraging African Americans from voting or by motivating conservative voters wary of Trump.

"Additionally, hackers affiliated with the Russian military intelligence service (GRU) penetrated computer systems of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and Clinton campaign officials, notably chairman John Podesta.

"Tens of thousands of private emails and attachments were released to the public during the final months of the campaign, via DCLeaks, Guccifer 2.0 and Wikileaks.

"The exposed information exacerbated tensions within the Democratic party, leading to the resignation of DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and reduced voter support for Clinton."
How Donnygate Reveals the True Similarity Between Trump and Putin
So far, everything in this thread is something I already knew.

Up the game and surprise someone.

Face it, you're as useless as rubber lips on a woodpecker.

Come back when you can add something to the conversation.
You made the promise. This is old news.

I don't believe for a minute that you knew what was posted in the OP.

Find your post where you mentioned it.

And when you can't.....beat it, forthwith, freeloader.

I didn’t post it, but The Hill and Blaze had it last week.

Looks like I proved my point, Pinocchio....

Now beat it.

So far you have only deflected. Not much of a point.
Did Russians infiltrate Trump's campaign? According to Mueller, they did not.

By the way, was Trump briefed that American spies would try to infiltrate his campaign?
Did Russians infiltrate Trump's campaign? According to Mueller, they did not.
How are you defining "infiltrate"?
Russians infiltrated Trump's campaign in ways they never did with Clinton's.

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. I, P. 33)

"7. Interactions and Contacts with the Trump Campaign

"The investigation identified two different forms of connections between the IRA and members of the Trump Campaign. (The investigation identified no similar connections between the IRA and the Clinton Campaign.)

"First, on multiple occasions, members and surrogates of the Trump Campaign promoted — typically by linking, retweeting, or similar methods of reposting — pro-Trump or anti-Clinton content published by the IRA through IRA-controlled social media accounts.

"Additionally, in a few instances, IRA employees represented themselves as U.S. persons to communicate with members of the Trump Campaign in an effort to seek assistance and coordination on IRA-organized political rallies inside the United States."

Do you really think that retweeting or reposting other people tweets is "infiltration" of the campaign?
Do you really think that retweeting or reposting other people tweets is "infiltration" of the campaign?
If Trump supporters unwittingly reposted or retweeted Russian propaganda obtained illegally from Clinton's campaign, they were promoting the Russian infiltration of the 2016 election.
How many Dims knowingly participated in or promoted the coup against the President?
How many Dims knowingly participated in or promoted the coup against the President?
Why would Democrats support Trump and Russia?

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

"The clandestine influence campaign involved the Internet Research Agency 'troll farm' creating thousands of social media accounts that impersonated Americans supporting radical groups, planning and promoting pro-Trump and anti-Clinton rallies, and reached millions of social media users between 2013 and 2017.

"According to criminal indictments by the Special Counsel, those messages and activities 'spread distrust towards the candidates and the political system in general', for example by discouraging African Americans from voting or by motivating conservative voters wary of Trump.

"Additionally, hackers affiliated with the Russian military intelligence service (GRU) penetrated computer systems of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and Clinton campaign officials, notably chairman John Podesta.

"Tens of thousands of private emails and attachments were released to the public during the final months of the campaign, via DCLeaks, Guccifer 2.0 and Wikileaks.

"The exposed information exacerbated tensions within the Democratic party, leading to the resignation of DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and reduced voter support for Clinton."
How Donnygate Reveals the True Similarity Between Trump and Putin
So you have no trouble with Americans staging a coup against their government?

It's hilarious how facts caused Hillary to lose the election, and you're whining about it!
Your link, Einstein:

"Facebook today said that the Russians still reached 126 million Facebook users, as well as 20 million Instagram users. But Facebook, Twitter and Google all confirmed that their investigations have found no evidence that the Russians uploaded voter registration contact info in order to individually target voters with ads."

Facebook lied to you.

But I have some advice that may help...

Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow.....

.....nah.....tomorrow will be just as glum for you, you dope.
Facebook lied to you
Not as often as Trump.

Anyone supports this POS shouldn't use the word "lie."

Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.
Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:
There's never been a liar like Trump living in the White House in US History, and if he hadn't changed his political stripes from pro-choice Democrat to brain-dead Republican, trolls like you would be the first to notice.

Why Does Donald Trump Lie So Much?
You're forgetting Clinton and Obama, of course.
ou're forgetting Clinton and Obama, of course.
Why Does Donald Trump Lie So Much?

"During the first 2016 presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, the Huffington Post kept a tally of the lies that each candidate told in their responses to Lester Holt's questions.

"The final HuffPo tally? Donald Trump: 16; Hillary Clinton: 0.

"Although the media have made much of Clinton's 'trust problem,' data even beyond this debate tally suggest that Trump has a solid pattern of lying pretty much all the time, about any situation, especially those that might cast him in what he perceives as a negative light."

Cue ad hominem response.
The Ds are at the eating their own children stage but are not the victor in the attempted coup. That's a strange take.
The Ds are at the eating their own children stage but are not the victor in the attempted coup. That's a strange take.

Both parties, it appears, are searching for their 'soul.'

The establishment Democrats are battling not to go down to defeat with communists and anti-Semites at the fore.....but the best they can do is choose the lying incompetent crook freeloader Biden.

The Republican establishment can't bring themselves to back the man the voters chose.

We live in interesting times.
"But evidence presented to the Senate committee revealed that material generated by the Kremlin had reached a hundred and twenty-six million American Facebook users, leading Senator Dianne Feinstein to call the cyberattack 'cataclysmic.'"

You such thing happened.

"Trump and Clinton spent $81M on US election Facebook ads, Russian agency $46K
Facebook had previously announced that $100,000 was spent on Facebook ads from June 2015 to May 2017 by Russian-linked disinformation sources, while an additional $50,000 was spent by Russians that signals indicate weren’t or were only weakly connected to an organized disinformation campaign."
Trump and Clinton spent $81M on US election Facebook ads, Russian agency $46K – TechCrunch

There were 100 thousand Facebook adds by Russian sources……out of billions of ads….

What's the percentage?

Further, it is impossible for any foreign power to alter our elections.
A pity you never read a book.....

Even when their survival depended on it....the Russians had zero ability to move the vote.

Now, once upon a time….there was a candidate that the Kremlin feared, a military threat, they were actually convinced that a certain candidate for President was planning a first strike on Russia.
And they went all out to prevent his election…..with the conscious and active support of elected Democrats, the Liberal Lion, Ted Kennedy....

Ronald Reagan.

Vasili Mitrokhin worked for 30 years in the foreign intelligence archives of the KGB. In 1972 he was made responsible for moving the entire archives to new headquarters in Moscow. But Mitrokhin spent over a decade making notes and transcripts of these classified files. In 1992, British Secret Intelligence Service exfiltrated the defector, and his presence in the west remained secret until the publication of this book.

His book:


‘The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archives, the History of the KGB,” by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin.

Mitrokhin outlines the full-court press that the Soviet power structure used to prevent a Reagan presidency….with, of course the joyful aid of such Democrat luminaries as Ted Kennedy.
“…chairman of the KGB….all foreign intelligence officers….active measures to ensure Reagan’s defeat….”
Mitrokhin, Op. Cit., p. 243

“Reagan won a forty-nine state landslide. The entire Soviet government, working hand-in-hand with [the Democrat hierarchy] and America’s most influential newspaper, couldn’t put a dent a US election…”
Coulter, “Resistance Is Futile,”p. 44-45

Gads, you're a moron.

"But evidence presented to the Senate committee revealed that material generated by the Kremlin had reached a hundred and twenty-six million American Facebook users, leading Senator Dianne Feinstein to call the cyberattack 'cataclysmic.'"

You such thing happened.

Facebook had previously announced that $100,000 was spent on Facebook ads from June 2015 to May 2017 by Russian-linked disinformation sources, while an additional $50,000 was spent by Russians that signals indicate weren’t or were only weakly connected to an organized disinformation campaign."
Trump and Clinton spent $81M on US election Facebook ads, Russian agency $46K – TechCrunch
Your link, Einstein:

"Facebook today said that the Russians still reached 126 million Facebook users, as well as 20 million Instagram users. But Facebook, Twitter and Google all confirmed that their investigations have found no evidence that the Russians uploaded voter registration contact info in order to individually target voters with ads."

Question-1: I heard this little factoid today. What percent of Facebook users are Americans? (ans 10%)
Question-2: When you say 126 million FB users saw Russian ads, was that also only 10% American audience, or 12.6m Americans? (link please)
Question-3: I don't have a FB page, most adult voters probably don't, what percent of those 12.6m FB users are actual registered voters and not kids or unregistered adults? (link please)

So if my assumptions are correct, very few registered US voters actually viewed the Russian ads compared to the "claimed 126m". Yet the MSM and democrats are calling the Russian meddling a "massive attack on the US democracy". Polling data basically proves that the Russian ad campaign did not affect voters nearly as much as Comey's outing of Hillary's illegal server.
Question-1: I heard this little factoid today. What percent of Facebook users are Americans? (ans 10%)
Question-2: When you say 126 million FB users saw Russian ads, was that also only 10% American audience, or 12.6m Americans? (link please)
Question-3: I don't have a FB page, most adult voters probably don't, what percent of those 12.6m FB users are actual registered voters and not kids or unregistered adults? (link please)
Facebook says 126 million Americans may have seen Russia-linked political posts - Reuters

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Facebook Inc (FB.O) said on Monday that Russia-based operatives published about 80,000 posts on the social network over a two-year period in an effort to sway U.S. politics and that about 126 million Americans may have seen the posts during that time."

Thanks! OK, so 126m "Americans" not necessarily VOTERS were exposed to the ads. Of those 126m how many actually voted, and how many even noticed the ads, let alone believe them? The example ads I saw were pretty dumb. As was said, the polls didn't move for the Russian ads, but they did move for Comey's antics.

Two other factoids to consider:
1. Not all Russian ads were pro-Trump, many were intended to be disruptive, which was the general intent since Hillary had the election in the bag.
2. Russians always meddle in elections, so it seems that the Obama admin wanted to leverage that fact to spy on the Trump campaign, and then when that came up empty, to setup their "insurance policy" to investigate the shit out of all things Trump to disrupt his presidency.

As the deep state conspiracy unfolds it should turn into the biggest scandal in US history.
2. Russians always meddle in elections, so it seems that the Obama admin wanted to leverage that fact to spy on the Trump campaign, and then when that came up empty, to setup their "insurance policy" to investigate the shit out of all things Trump to disrupt his presidency.
Why would Obama spy on Trump if Hillary had the election "in the bag"? Since very few knowledgeable observers gave Trump any chance of winning, why would Obama put his legacy at risk in order to spy on the biggest loser in US business history?

Good point. The best I can come up with is payback for Trump's "birther" bullshit.
Maybe Obama had better polling data than the bullshit MSM polls, and knew it was close?
Maybe Obama was concerned with Trump's coziness with the Russians for the Moscow Trump Tower?
Maybe Obama was concerned that since H's illegal server was outed she was toast?

I don't know the exact reason, but it happened, as Barr will prove.
Facebook lied to you.

But I have some advice that may help...

Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow.....

.....nah.....tomorrow will be just as glum for you, you dope.
Facebook lied to you
Not as often as Trump.

Anyone supports this POS shouldn't use the word "lie."

Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.
Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:
There's never been a liar like Trump living in the White House in US History, and if he hadn't changed his political stripes from pro-choice Democrat to brain-dead Republican, trolls like you would be the first to notice.

Why Does Donald Trump Lie So Much?
You're forgetting Clinton and Obama, of course.
ou're forgetting Clinton and Obama, of course.
Why Does Donald Trump Lie So Much?

"During the first 2016 presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, the Huffington Post kept a tally of the lies that each candidate told in their responses to Lester Holt's questions.

"The final HuffPo tally? Donald Trump: 16; Hillary Clinton: 0.

"Although the media have made much of Clinton's 'trust problem,' data even beyond this debate tally suggest that Trump has a solid pattern of lying pretty much all the time, about any situation, especially those that might cast him in what he perceives as a negative light."

Cue ad hominem response.
Well that settles it. We all know that Huffpo is the most credible source on the internet.

"'Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.'183

"The '30,000 emails' were apparently a reference to emails described in media accounts as having been stored on a personal server that candidate Clinton had used while serving as Secretary of State.

"Within approximately five hours of Trump’s statement, GRU officers targeted for the first time Clinton’s personal office.

"After candidate Trump’s remarks, Unit 26165 created and sent malicious links targeting 15 email accounts at the domain ■■■■■■■■■ including an email account belonging to Clinton aide ■■■■■■■■■

"The investigation did not find evidence of earlier GRU attempts to compromise accounts hosted on this domain. It is unclear how the GRU was able to identify these email accounts, which were not public."

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. I, P. 49)

2016 saw large numbers of voters who did not want to vote for either major party candidate. Trump's margin of victory was about 80,000 votes in three key swing states. Many of those voters made last minute decisions about which candidate to back. Since all Russian efforts were made in support of Trump, it's likely any influence they had was to his benefit.

Mueller said no collusion and no obstruction.

You didn't know that????

The only folks for whom we have actual evidence of collusion with the Kremlin......

.......are Democrats.

Let's prove it together:

1. There is zero evidence that of any collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians.

There are scads of evidence of collusion between the media and the DNC, and there is this:

The only folks with a close relationship with the Russians are Democrats.

The names Clinton and Podesta come to mind.

2. "52% Say Clintons Should Be Part of Russia Probe"

52% Say Clintons Should Be Part of Russia Probe - Rasmussen Reports™

Here's why:

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

The first Republican President

And this:

3. "Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

...the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, had taken over a Canadian company with uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West. The deal made Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.

....major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family. Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One.

Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons,...."


4. "Both Hillary Clinton And John Podesta Made Millions From Russia & Putin"

Both Hillary Clinton And John Podesta Made Millions From Russia & Putin » Liberty Alliance


5. "EXCLUSIVE: Dem Super-Lobbyist Podesta Got $170K to End US Sanctions On Russian Bank"

EXCLUSIVE: Dem Super-Lobbyist Podesta Got $170K to End US Sanctions On Russian Bank

6. News anchor highlights all of the known links to Russia


Democrat collusion???

7. "Claire McCaskill Used Undisclosed Foundation to Pay for Dinner at Russian Ambassador’s House

Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill (Mo.) used a personal foundation to pay for a dinner she attended at Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak's Washington, D.C., residence. The senator had failed to disclose her role in the foundation until earlier this month.

McCaskill came under fire this March after she told the Washington Post she never had a "call or meeting" with Kislyak even though she had publicly announced both a call and meeting with him. This week, CNN reportedthat McCaskill also attended a black-tie reception at Kislyak's D.C. residence in November 2015.

McCaskill's attendance at the dinner was accompanied by an $873 payment to the American-Russian Cultural Cooperation Foundation, where Kislyak serves on its board of directors as honorary chairman."

Claire McCaskill Used Undisclosed Foundation to Pay for Dinner at Russian Ambassador's House

8. Podesta Group retroactively files more DOJ disclosures for pro-Putin work

...the powerful Washington lobbying firm run by Clinton ally Tony Podesta filed a document admitting its work for the pro-Russia European Centre for a Modern Ukraine may have principally benefited a foreign government. New disclosures revealed dozens of previously unreported interactions the firm made with influential government offices, including Hillary Clinton's State Department and the office of former Vice President Joe Biden, while lobbying on behalf of the center. Embattled ex-Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort failed to disclose his extensive lobbying efforts on behalf of the center at the time as well.

How do you say 'whoops' in Russian? Podesta Group retroactively files more DOJ disclosures for pro-Putin work

9. And we now know.....


a. The Russians paid $145 million to the Clinton Crime Family, and in return appropriated a large portion of our uranium.
They have it in to be used for weapons......
Against whom?

b. Bill was slipped $500,000 to give a fake speech.
See a. above.

c. " Former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta exits after ... a company that received $35 million from the Russian government..."

d. "WASHINGTON — Tony Podesta and the Podesta Group are now the subjects of a federal investigation being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller,...violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act, known as FARA."
Mueller now investigating Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta
Russian spies influencing the Obama/Clinton administration via bribes.

e. In 11 months of thorough investigations, there has not been a smidgen of evidence of any connections of Trump to the Russians.

10. Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee who has been leading a congressional investigation into President Trump's alleged ties to Russia, had extensive contact last year with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch who was offering Warner access to former British spy and dossier author Christopher Steele, according to text messages obtained exclusively by Fox News.

Throughout the text exchanges, Warner seemed particularly intent on connecting directly with Steele without anyone else on the Senate Intelligence Committee being in the loop -- at least initially. In one text to the lobbyist, Warner wrote that he would "rather not have a paper trail" of his messages. Democratic Sen. Mark Warner texted with Russian oligarch lobbyist in effort to contact dossier author Christopher Steele

11. Adam Schiff is the head Democrat on the Intelligence Committee
Remember....if not for double standards, the Democrats would have no standards at all....
The Dems are claiming that the Trump folks colluded with a foreign power to collect damaging material about a political adversary....
And remember: to know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

Schiff orchestrated a plan to get naked and 'kompromat' pictures of Trump, from the Ukrainians!
The problem is.....the 'Ukrainians' who contacted him were comedians who exposed Schiff and the Democrats for what they are.

"Adam Schiff sent his staff to try and collect 'classified materials for the FBI' after Russian pranksters told him Putin has NAKED blackmail pictures of Trump

Adam Schiff spoofed with Russian claim of nude Trump pic | Daily Mail Online

12.“Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee who has been leading a congressional investigation into President Trump's alleged ties to Russia, had xtensive contact last year with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch who was offering Warner access to former British spy and dossier author Christopher Steele, according to text messages…

From Democrat Warner:
"We have so much to discuss u need to be careful but we can help our country," Warner texted the lobbyist, Adam Waldman, on March 22, 2017.

"I'm in," Waldman, whose firm has ties to Hillary Clinton, texted back to Warner.

Secrecy seemed very important to Warner

"Throughout the text exchanges, Warner seemed particularly intent on connecting directly with Steele without anyone else on the Senate Intelligence Committee being in the loop -- at least initially. In one text to the lobbyist, Warner wrote that he would "rather not have a paper trail" of his messages.” Democratic Sen. Mark Warner texted with Russian oligarch lobbyist in effort to contact dossier author Christopher Steele

“ Secrecy seemed very important to Warner …”
"...would rather not have a paper trail...."

“,,,an honest person would ask themselves how’d they react if that was a text message between Donald Trump, Jr., and some fixer paid for by Sergei Lavrov in which he sought a meeting with someone and didn’t want a paper trail.”
Why Did Mark Warner Try to Secretly Meet With Trump Dossier Author and a Blacklisted Russian Oligarch?

13. The ONLY ones with any collusion with Russia are Democrats.

The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, sink the Trump candidacy.

And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing, to be President.

The only group that we know has colluded with, conspired with, contracted with, been bribed by, paid the Russians, the Kremlin, Moscow....

...are Democrats.

14. While Hillary Clinton sat on the Senate Armed Services Committee she pressured Kazakhstan to build up pal Frank Giustra’s uranium company, Uranium One.

Then, as Sec’y of State, presiding over The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) she suddenly reversed her previous opposition to the Russian State Nuclear Agency controlling 20% of the uranium extraction in the United States.

“Clinton’s CFIUS committee approved a Russian takeover of US uranium assets at the same time that the Russian company’s chairman was giving substantial sums of money to Clinton’s foundation. There is no evidence that Clinton ever divulged this blatant, if not potentially corrupt, conflict of interest.” Jarrett, “The Russia Hoax,” p. 70-71

15. BTW….Russia itself handed some $2.6 million directly to the Clinton’s foundation, at the same time that Hillary Clinton was rubber-stamping the Uranium One deal that authorized the Russian State Nuclear Agency to gain control of some 20% of the uranium extracted in the United States.

“A Canadian company called Salida Capital delivered more than $2.6 million to the Clinton Foundation. It just so happens that a company by the same name was listed by Rosatom in its annual report as being wholly owned by the Russian company.” Jarrett, “The Russia Hoax,” p. 72

And….just before Hillary’s State Department committee, The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), approved the Uranium One deal, Bill was paid $500,000 by a Russian financial institution, Renaissance Capital, to deliver a short speech in Moscow. Ibid.

Nothing….not even America’s well being, can stand in the way of the Clinton’s enrichment.

Now don't're mentally qualified for handicapped parking.

Mueller said no collusion and no obstruction.
Maybe you should read Mueller's report before mis-quoting it?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 182)

"Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President’s conduct.

"The evidence we obtained about the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment.

"At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state1.

"Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."


So the hired assassin didn't find Trump guilty of ANYTHING????????

Who knew?

I did.

Did you read Mueller's report, or would that cut into your executive time?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index

"Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

Scoop: Leaked private schedules show Trump spent 60% of last 3 months in "Executive Time"

Your entertainment value has about run out......

....tired of smashing custard pies in your ugly kisser.

Sooooo......time for you to get lost.

Not as often as Trump.

Anyone supports this POS shouldn't use the word "lie."

Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.
Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:
There's never been a liar like Trump living in the White House in US History, and if he hadn't changed his political stripes from pro-choice Democrat to brain-dead Republican, trolls like you would be the first to notice.

Why Does Donald Trump Lie So Much?
You're forgetting Clinton and Obama, of course.
ou're forgetting Clinton and Obama, of course.
Why Does Donald Trump Lie So Much?

"During the first 2016 presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, the Huffington Post kept a tally of the lies that each candidate told in their responses to Lester Holt's questions.

"The final HuffPo tally? Donald Trump: 16; Hillary Clinton: 0.

"Although the media have made much of Clinton's 'trust problem,' data even beyond this debate tally suggest that Trump has a solid pattern of lying pretty much all the time, about any situation, especially those that might cast him in what he perceives as a negative light."

Cue ad hominem response.
Well that settles it. We all know that Huffpo is the most credible source on the internet.
Well that settles it. We all know that Huffpo is the most credible source on the internet.
Compared to Trump, Huffpo's a paragon of probity.

Why Does Donald Trump Lie So Much?

"Psychology Today explains that pathological lying isn't an official diagnosis. Instead:

"Intentional associated with a range of diagnoses, such as antisocial, borderline and narcissistic personality disorders.

"When it comes to compulsive liars, says Charles Ford, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Alabama Birmingham, 'words seem to flow out of their mouths without them thinking about it.'

"Ford, the author of Lies! Lies!! Lies!!! The Psychology of Deceit, says that pathological liars may slide easily from the notion that something could have happened to the conviction that it did.

"When pressed, many will admit what they are saying isn't true."
Mueller said no collusion and no obstruction.

You didn't know that????

The only folks for whom we have actual evidence of collusion with the Kremlin......

.......are Democrats.

Let's prove it together:

1. There is zero evidence that of any collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians.

There are scads of evidence of collusion between the media and the DNC, and there is this:

The only folks with a close relationship with the Russians are Democrats.

The names Clinton and Podesta come to mind.

2. "52% Say Clintons Should Be Part of Russia Probe"

52% Say Clintons Should Be Part of Russia Probe - Rasmussen Reports™

Here's why:

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

The first Republican President

And this:

3. "Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

...the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, had taken over a Canadian company with uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West. The deal made Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.

....major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family. Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One.

Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons,...."


4. "Both Hillary Clinton And John Podesta Made Millions From Russia & Putin"

Both Hillary Clinton And John Podesta Made Millions From Russia & Putin » Liberty Alliance


5. "EXCLUSIVE: Dem Super-Lobbyist Podesta Got $170K to End US Sanctions On Russian Bank"

EXCLUSIVE: Dem Super-Lobbyist Podesta Got $170K to End US Sanctions On Russian Bank

6. News anchor highlights all of the known links to Russia


Democrat collusion???

7. "Claire McCaskill Used Undisclosed Foundation to Pay for Dinner at Russian Ambassador’s House

Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill (Mo.) used a personal foundation to pay for a dinner she attended at Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak's Washington, D.C., residence. The senator had failed to disclose her role in the foundation until earlier this month.

McCaskill came under fire this March after she told the Washington Post she never had a "call or meeting" with Kislyak even though she had publicly announced both a call and meeting with him. This week, CNN reportedthat McCaskill also attended a black-tie reception at Kislyak's D.C. residence in November 2015.

McCaskill's attendance at the dinner was accompanied by an $873 payment to the American-Russian Cultural Cooperation Foundation, where Kislyak serves on its board of directors as honorary chairman."

Claire McCaskill Used Undisclosed Foundation to Pay for Dinner at Russian Ambassador's House

8. Podesta Group retroactively files more DOJ disclosures for pro-Putin work

...the powerful Washington lobbying firm run by Clinton ally Tony Podesta filed a document admitting its work for the pro-Russia European Centre for a Modern Ukraine may have principally benefited a foreign government. New disclosures revealed dozens of previously unreported interactions the firm made with influential government offices, including Hillary Clinton's State Department and the office of former Vice President Joe Biden, while lobbying on behalf of the center. Embattled ex-Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort failed to disclose his extensive lobbying efforts on behalf of the center at the time as well.

How do you say 'whoops' in Russian? Podesta Group retroactively files more DOJ disclosures for pro-Putin work

9. And we now know.....


a. The Russians paid $145 million to the Clinton Crime Family, and in return appropriated a large portion of our uranium.
They have it in to be used for weapons......
Against whom?

b. Bill was slipped $500,000 to give a fake speech.
See a. above.

c. " Former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta exits after ... a company that received $35 million from the Russian government..."

d. "WASHINGTON — Tony Podesta and the Podesta Group are now the subjects of a federal investigation being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller,...violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act, known as FARA."
Mueller now investigating Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta
Russian spies influencing the Obama/Clinton administration via bribes.

e. In 11 months of thorough investigations, there has not been a smidgen of evidence of any connections of Trump to the Russians.

10. Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee who has been leading a congressional investigation into President Trump's alleged ties to Russia, had extensive contact last year with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch who was offering Warner access to former British spy and dossier author Christopher Steele, according to text messages obtained exclusively by Fox News.

Throughout the text exchanges, Warner seemed particularly intent on connecting directly with Steele without anyone else on the Senate Intelligence Committee being in the loop -- at least initially. In one text to the lobbyist, Warner wrote that he would "rather not have a paper trail" of his messages. Democratic Sen. Mark Warner texted with Russian oligarch lobbyist in effort to contact dossier author Christopher Steele

11. Adam Schiff is the head Democrat on the Intelligence Committee
Remember....if not for double standards, the Democrats would have no standards at all....
The Dems are claiming that the Trump folks colluded with a foreign power to collect damaging material about a political adversary....
And remember: to know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

Schiff orchestrated a plan to get naked and 'kompromat' pictures of Trump, from the Ukrainians!
The problem is.....the 'Ukrainians' who contacted him were comedians who exposed Schiff and the Democrats for what they are.

"Adam Schiff sent his staff to try and collect 'classified materials for the FBI' after Russian pranksters told him Putin has NAKED blackmail pictures of Trump

Adam Schiff spoofed with Russian claim of nude Trump pic | Daily Mail Online

12.“Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee who has been leading a congressional investigation into President Trump's alleged ties to Russia, had xtensive contact last year with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch who was offering Warner access to former British spy and dossier author Christopher Steele, according to text messages…

From Democrat Warner:
"We have so much to discuss u need to be careful but we can help our country," Warner texted the lobbyist, Adam Waldman, on March 22, 2017.

"I'm in," Waldman, whose firm has ties to Hillary Clinton, texted back to Warner.

Secrecy seemed very important to Warner

"Throughout the text exchanges, Warner seemed particularly intent on connecting directly with Steele without anyone else on the Senate Intelligence Committee being in the loop -- at least initially. In one text to the lobbyist, Warner wrote that he would "rather not have a paper trail" of his messages.” Democratic Sen. Mark Warner texted with Russian oligarch lobbyist in effort to contact dossier author Christopher Steele

“ Secrecy seemed very important to Warner …”
"...would rather not have a paper trail...."

“,,,an honest person would ask themselves how’d they react if that was a text message between Donald Trump, Jr., and some fixer paid for by Sergei Lavrov in which he sought a meeting with someone and didn’t want a paper trail.”
Why Did Mark Warner Try to Secretly Meet With Trump Dossier Author and a Blacklisted Russian Oligarch?

13. The ONLY ones with any collusion with Russia are Democrats.

The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, sink the Trump candidacy.

And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing, to be President.

The only group that we know has colluded with, conspired with, contracted with, been bribed by, paid the Russians, the Kremlin, Moscow....

...are Democrats.

14. While Hillary Clinton sat on the Senate Armed Services Committee she pressured Kazakhstan to build up pal Frank Giustra’s uranium company, Uranium One.

Then, as Sec’y of State, presiding over The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) she suddenly reversed her previous opposition to the Russian State Nuclear Agency controlling 20% of the uranium extraction in the United States.

“Clinton’s CFIUS committee approved a Russian takeover of US uranium assets at the same time that the Russian company’s chairman was giving substantial sums of money to Clinton’s foundation. There is no evidence that Clinton ever divulged this blatant, if not potentially corrupt, conflict of interest.” Jarrett, “The Russia Hoax,” p. 70-71

15. BTW….Russia itself handed some $2.6 million directly to the Clinton’s foundation, at the same time that Hillary Clinton was rubber-stamping the Uranium One deal that authorized the Russian State Nuclear Agency to gain control of some 20% of the uranium extracted in the United States.

“A Canadian company called Salida Capital delivered more than $2.6 million to the Clinton Foundation. It just so happens that a company by the same name was listed by Rosatom in its annual report as being wholly owned by the Russian company.” Jarrett, “The Russia Hoax,” p. 72

And….just before Hillary’s State Department committee, The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), approved the Uranium One deal, Bill was paid $500,000 by a Russian financial institution, Renaissance Capital, to deliver a short speech in Moscow. Ibid.

Nothing….not even America’s well being, can stand in the way of the Clinton’s enrichment.

Now don't're mentally qualified for handicapped parking.

Mueller said no collusion and no obstruction.
Maybe you should read Mueller's report before mis-quoting it?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 182)

"Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President’s conduct.

"The evidence we obtained about the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment.

"At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state1.

"Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."


So the hired assassin didn't find Trump guilty of ANYTHING????????

Who knew?

I did.

Did you read Mueller's report, or would that cut into your executive time?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index

"Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

Scoop: Leaked private schedules show Trump spent 60% of last 3 months in "Executive Time"

Your entertainment value has about run out......

....tired of smashing custard pies in your ugly kisser.

Sooooo......time for you to get lost.


They are either lies, or they don't qualify as obstruction.
Not as often as Trump.

Anyone supports this POS shouldn't use the word "lie."

Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.
Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:
There's never been a liar like Trump living in the White House in US History, and if he hadn't changed his political stripes from pro-choice Democrat to brain-dead Republican, trolls like you would be the first to notice.

Why Does Donald Trump Lie So Much?
You're forgetting Clinton and Obama, of course.
ou're forgetting Clinton and Obama, of course.
Why Does Donald Trump Lie So Much?

"During the first 2016 presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, the Huffington Post kept a tally of the lies that each candidate told in their responses to Lester Holt's questions.

"The final HuffPo tally? Donald Trump: 16; Hillary Clinton: 0.

"Although the media have made much of Clinton's 'trust problem,' data even beyond this debate tally suggest that Trump has a solid pattern of lying pretty much all the time, about any situation, especially those that might cast him in what he perceives as a negative light."

Cue ad hominem response.
Well that settles it. We all know that Huffpo is the most credible source on the internet.

That is spelled incredible
Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.
Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:
There's never been a liar like Trump living in the White House in US History, and if he hadn't changed his political stripes from pro-choice Democrat to brain-dead Republican, trolls like you would be the first to notice.

Why Does Donald Trump Lie So Much?
You're forgetting Clinton and Obama, of course.
ou're forgetting Clinton and Obama, of course.
Why Does Donald Trump Lie So Much?

"During the first 2016 presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, the Huffington Post kept a tally of the lies that each candidate told in their responses to Lester Holt's questions.

"The final HuffPo tally? Donald Trump: 16; Hillary Clinton: 0.

"Although the media have made much of Clinton's 'trust problem,' data even beyond this debate tally suggest that Trump has a solid pattern of lying pretty much all the time, about any situation, especially those that might cast him in what he perceives as a negative light."

Cue ad hominem response.
Well that settles it. We all know that Huffpo is the most credible source on the internet.
Well that settles it. We all know that Huffpo is the most credible source on the internet.
Compared to Trump, Huffpo's a paragon of probity.

Why Does Donald Trump Lie So Much?

"Psychology Today explains that pathological lying isn't an official diagnosis. Instead:

"Intentional associated with a range of diagnoses, such as antisocial, borderline and narcissistic personality disorders.

"When it comes to compulsive liars, says Charles Ford, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Alabama Birmingham, 'words seem to flow out of their mouths without them thinking about it.'

"Ford, the author of Lies! Lies!! Lies!!! The Psychology of Deceit, says that pathological liars may slide easily from the notion that something could have happened to the conviction that it did.

"When pressed, many will admit what they are saying isn't true."
Wrong. Huffpo is a firehose of lies.
Mueller said no collusion and no obstruction.

You didn't know that????

The only folks for whom we have actual evidence of collusion with the Kremlin......

.......are Democrats.

Let's prove it together:

1. There is zero evidence that of any collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians.

There are scads of evidence of collusion between the media and the DNC, and there is this:

The only folks with a close relationship with the Russians are Democrats.

The names Clinton and Podesta come to mind.

2. "52% Say Clintons Should Be Part of Russia Probe"

52% Say Clintons Should Be Part of Russia Probe - Rasmussen Reports™

Here's why:

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

The first Republican President

And this:

3. "Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

...the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, had taken over a Canadian company with uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West. The deal made Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.

....major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family. Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One.

Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons,...."


4. "Both Hillary Clinton And John Podesta Made Millions From Russia & Putin"

Both Hillary Clinton And John Podesta Made Millions From Russia & Putin » Liberty Alliance


5. "EXCLUSIVE: Dem Super-Lobbyist Podesta Got $170K to End US Sanctions On Russian Bank"

EXCLUSIVE: Dem Super-Lobbyist Podesta Got $170K to End US Sanctions On Russian Bank

6. News anchor highlights all of the known links to Russia


Democrat collusion???

7. "Claire McCaskill Used Undisclosed Foundation to Pay for Dinner at Russian Ambassador’s House

Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill (Mo.) used a personal foundation to pay for a dinner she attended at Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak's Washington, D.C., residence. The senator had failed to disclose her role in the foundation until earlier this month.

McCaskill came under fire this March after she told the Washington Post she never had a "call or meeting" with Kislyak even though she had publicly announced both a call and meeting with him. This week, CNN reportedthat McCaskill also attended a black-tie reception at Kislyak's D.C. residence in November 2015.

McCaskill's attendance at the dinner was accompanied by an $873 payment to the American-Russian Cultural Cooperation Foundation, where Kislyak serves on its board of directors as honorary chairman."

Claire McCaskill Used Undisclosed Foundation to Pay for Dinner at Russian Ambassador's House

8. Podesta Group retroactively files more DOJ disclosures for pro-Putin work

...the powerful Washington lobbying firm run by Clinton ally Tony Podesta filed a document admitting its work for the pro-Russia European Centre for a Modern Ukraine may have principally benefited a foreign government. New disclosures revealed dozens of previously unreported interactions the firm made with influential government offices, including Hillary Clinton's State Department and the office of former Vice President Joe Biden, while lobbying on behalf of the center. Embattled ex-Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort failed to disclose his extensive lobbying efforts on behalf of the center at the time as well.

How do you say 'whoops' in Russian? Podesta Group retroactively files more DOJ disclosures for pro-Putin work

9. And we now know.....


a. The Russians paid $145 million to the Clinton Crime Family, and in return appropriated a large portion of our uranium.
They have it in to be used for weapons......
Against whom?

b. Bill was slipped $500,000 to give a fake speech.
See a. above.

c. " Former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta exits after ... a company that received $35 million from the Russian government..."

d. "WASHINGTON — Tony Podesta and the Podesta Group are now the subjects of a federal investigation being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller,...violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act, known as FARA."
Mueller now investigating Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta
Russian spies influencing the Obama/Clinton administration via bribes.

e. In 11 months of thorough investigations, there has not been a smidgen of evidence of any connections of Trump to the Russians.

10. Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee who has been leading a congressional investigation into President Trump's alleged ties to Russia, had extensive contact last year with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch who was offering Warner access to former British spy and dossier author Christopher Steele, according to text messages obtained exclusively by Fox News.

Throughout the text exchanges, Warner seemed particularly intent on connecting directly with Steele without anyone else on the Senate Intelligence Committee being in the loop -- at least initially. In one text to the lobbyist, Warner wrote that he would "rather not have a paper trail" of his messages. Democratic Sen. Mark Warner texted with Russian oligarch lobbyist in effort to contact dossier author Christopher Steele

11. Adam Schiff is the head Democrat on the Intelligence Committee
Remember....if not for double standards, the Democrats would have no standards at all....
The Dems are claiming that the Trump folks colluded with a foreign power to collect damaging material about a political adversary....
And remember: to know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

Schiff orchestrated a plan to get naked and 'kompromat' pictures of Trump, from the Ukrainians!
The problem is.....the 'Ukrainians' who contacted him were comedians who exposed Schiff and the Democrats for what they are.

"Adam Schiff sent his staff to try and collect 'classified materials for the FBI' after Russian pranksters told him Putin has NAKED blackmail pictures of Trump

Adam Schiff spoofed with Russian claim of nude Trump pic | Daily Mail Online

12.“Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee who has been leading a congressional investigation into President Trump's alleged ties to Russia, had xtensive contact last year with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch who was offering Warner access to former British spy and dossier author Christopher Steele, according to text messages…

From Democrat Warner:
"We have so much to discuss u need to be careful but we can help our country," Warner texted the lobbyist, Adam Waldman, on March 22, 2017.

"I'm in," Waldman, whose firm has ties to Hillary Clinton, texted back to Warner.

Secrecy seemed very important to Warner

"Throughout the text exchanges, Warner seemed particularly intent on connecting directly with Steele without anyone else on the Senate Intelligence Committee being in the loop -- at least initially. In one text to the lobbyist, Warner wrote that he would "rather not have a paper trail" of his messages.” Democratic Sen. Mark Warner texted with Russian oligarch lobbyist in effort to contact dossier author Christopher Steele

“ Secrecy seemed very important to Warner …”
"...would rather not have a paper trail...."

“,,,an honest person would ask themselves how’d they react if that was a text message between Donald Trump, Jr., and some fixer paid for by Sergei Lavrov in which he sought a meeting with someone and didn’t want a paper trail.”
Why Did Mark Warner Try to Secretly Meet With Trump Dossier Author and a Blacklisted Russian Oligarch?

13. The ONLY ones with any collusion with Russia are Democrats.

The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, sink the Trump candidacy.

And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing, to be President.

The only group that we know has colluded with, conspired with, contracted with, been bribed by, paid the Russians, the Kremlin, Moscow....

...are Democrats.

14. While Hillary Clinton sat on the Senate Armed Services Committee she pressured Kazakhstan to build up pal Frank Giustra’s uranium company, Uranium One.

Then, as Sec’y of State, presiding over The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) she suddenly reversed her previous opposition to the Russian State Nuclear Agency controlling 20% of the uranium extraction in the United States.

“Clinton’s CFIUS committee approved a Russian takeover of US uranium assets at the same time that the Russian company’s chairman was giving substantial sums of money to Clinton’s foundation. There is no evidence that Clinton ever divulged this blatant, if not potentially corrupt, conflict of interest.” Jarrett, “The Russia Hoax,” p. 70-71

15. BTW….Russia itself handed some $2.6 million directly to the Clinton’s foundation, at the same time that Hillary Clinton was rubber-stamping the Uranium One deal that authorized the Russian State Nuclear Agency to gain control of some 20% of the uranium extracted in the United States.

“A Canadian company called Salida Capital delivered more than $2.6 million to the Clinton Foundation. It just so happens that a company by the same name was listed by Rosatom in its annual report as being wholly owned by the Russian company.” Jarrett, “The Russia Hoax,” p. 72

And….just before Hillary’s State Department committee, The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), approved the Uranium One deal, Bill was paid $500,000 by a Russian financial institution, Renaissance Capital, to deliver a short speech in Moscow. Ibid.

Nothing….not even America’s well being, can stand in the way of the Clinton’s enrichment.

Now don't're mentally qualified for handicapped parking.

Mueller said no collusion and no obstruction.
Maybe you should read Mueller's report before mis-quoting it?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 182)

"Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President’s conduct.

"The evidence we obtained about the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment.

"At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state1.

"Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."


So the hired assassin didn't find Trump guilty of ANYTHING????????

Who knew?

I did.

Did you read Mueller's report, or would that cut into your executive time?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index

"Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

Scoop: Leaked private schedules show Trump spent 60% of last 3 months in "Executive Time"

Your entertainment value has about run out......

....tired of smashing custard pies in your ugly kisser.

Sooooo......time for you to get lost.


No, time for you to be shown to be the stupid Anti-Semite you are. Trump did to try to stop Flynn's indictment. Hoping something bad does not happen to Flynn is NOT obstruction. Loss #1. Asking Sessions to unrecuse himself in NO way obstructs Mueller's "investigation". Loss #2. Venting to staff in private meetings that Mueller should be fired for his blatant illegal acts does NOT constitute obstruction. No matter how much Little Bobby Mewler's feelings got hurt. Trump had the right to fire him at any tme for any reason. Loss #3. Looks like YOU better get lost.
How are you defining "infiltrate"?
Russians infiltrated Trump's campaign in ways they never did with Clinton's.

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. I, P. 33)

"7. Interactions and Contacts with the Trump Campaign

"The investigation identified two different forms of connections between the IRA and members of the Trump Campaign. (The investigation identified no similar connections between the IRA and the Clinton Campaign.)

"First, on multiple occasions, members and surrogates of the Trump Campaign promoted — typically by linking, retweeting, or similar methods of reposting — pro-Trump or anti-Clinton content published by the IRA through IRA-controlled social media accounts.

"Additionally, in a few instances, IRA employees represented themselves as U.S. persons to communicate with members of the Trump Campaign in an effort to seek assistance and coordination on IRA-organized political rallies inside the United States."

Do you really think that retweeting or reposting other people tweets is "infiltration" of the campaign?
Do you really think that retweeting or reposting other people tweets is "infiltration" of the campaign?
If Trump supporters unwittingly reposted or retweeted Russian propaganda obtained illegally from Clinton's campaign, they were promoting the Russian infiltration of the 2016 election.
How many Dims knowingly participated in or promoted the coup against the President?
How many Dims knowingly participated in or promoted the coup against the President?
Why would Democrats support Trump and Russia?

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

"The clandestine influence campaign involved the Internet Research Agency 'troll farm' creating thousands of social media accounts that impersonated Americans supporting radical groups, planning and promoting pro-Trump and anti-Clinton rallies, and reached millions of social media users between 2013 and 2017.

"According to criminal indictments by the Special Counsel, those messages and activities 'spread distrust towards the candidates and the political system in general', for example by discouraging African Americans from voting or by motivating conservative voters wary of Trump.

"Additionally, hackers affiliated with the Russian military intelligence service (GRU) penetrated computer systems of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and Clinton campaign officials, notably chairman John Podesta.

"Tens of thousands of private emails and attachments were released to the public during the final months of the campaign, via DCLeaks, Guccifer 2.0 and Wikileaks.

"The exposed information exacerbated tensions within the Democratic party, leading to the resignation of DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and reduced voter support for Clinton."
How Donnygate Reveals the True Similarity Between Trump and Putin
So you have no trouble with Americans staging a coup against their government?

It's hilarious how facts caused Hillary to lose the election, and you're whining about it!
So you have no trouble with Americans staging a coup against their government?

It's hilarious how facts caused Hillary to lose the election, and you're whining about it!
You obviously have no trouble with a POTUS widely suspected of laundering money for mobsters (Russian and domestic), or with his many violations of the Emoluments Clause, so I suspect you won't find a majority of Americans who are confused about who is staging a coup against the Constitution.

"That Pesky Constitution
The Founding Fathers Had Trump In Mind When They Wrote the ‘Emoluments Clause’"

That Pesky Constitution |
What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.

so how many votes did russian activity change? which states did they occur in? which counties? which cities? How many of those votes were offset by social media posts that supported hillary?

If the russians were doing anything, they were trying to divide us and get us yelling at each other, in that they succeeded.

next question: why would russia perfer Trump who they could not control over hillary who they had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing whatever they wanted? Try to give a logical answer.

There you go trying to edumacate people again with rational thinking apparently beyond the ken of all journalists everywhere!

Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Meantime it is all based on a supposed hacking of a server that no one, including the FBI, has ever seen to actually verify was hacked?

And over WHAT? Russian meddling in an election despite the fact that no one has ever actually found a single vote changed? Not one person saying they were influenced? Not one documented case of a single county much less state flipped to Trump because of it?

Meantime, not only is no one in Washington even talking about how to prevent it from being repeated in the next election, but the 35 million dollar investigation into all of this didn't even look at any of the actually known evidence we DO have---- ---- that of Hillary and DNC payments to Steele and others for a fraudulent dossier involving sources from Ukraine pumped through the FISA court with lies and obfuscation. All the while the democrats tear everything apart looking ever deep in this "constitutional crisis" for 30 year old tax records from Trump while refusing to read the Mueller report unless they can have the legally required 2% redactions removed there to protect sensitive national information? So when the AG has finally had enough of shitty accusations that he stops showing up, democrats start bringing in fried chicken cramming it in their faces with greasy fingers? And how many House members are all tied up in this endless circus to nowhere at $175,000 a year each a pop?

Oh my.

I think I DO see a constitutional crisis after all.
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Maybe you should read Mueller's report before mis-quoting it?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 182)

"Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President’s conduct.

"The evidence we obtained about the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment.

"At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state1.

"Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."


So the hired assassin didn't find Trump guilty of ANYTHING????????

Who knew?

I did.
Did you read Mueller's report, or would that cut into your executive time?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index

"Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

Scoop: Leaked private schedules show Trump spent 60% of last 3 months in "Executive Time"

Your entertainment value has about run out......

....tired of smashing custard pies in your ugly kisser.

Sooooo......time for you to get lost.

No, time for you to be shown to be the stupid Anti-Semite you are. Trump did to try to stop Flynn's indictment. Hoping something bad does not happen to Flynn is NOT obstruction. Loss #1. Asking Sessions to unrecuse himself in NO way obstructs Mueller's "investigation". Loss #2. Venting to staff in private meetings that Mueller should be fired for his blatant illegal acts does NOT constitute obstruction. No matter how much Little Bobby Mewler's feelings got hurt. Trump had the right to fire him at any tme for any reason. Loss #3. Looks like YOU better get lost.
No, time for you to be shown to be the stupid Anti-Semite you are. Trump did to try to stop Flynn's indictment. Hoping something bad does not happen to Flynn is NOT obstruction. Loss #1
Not even close, Loser:

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 24)

"During the presidential transition, incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn had two phone calls with the Russian Ambassador to the United States about the Russian response to U.S. sanctions imposed because of Russia’s election interference.

"After the press reported on Flynn’s contacts with the Russian Ambassador, Flynn lied to incoming Administration officials by saying he had not discussed sanctions on the calls.

"The officials publicly repeated those lies in press interviews.

"The FBI, which previously was investigating Flynn for other matters, interviewed him about the calls in the first week after the inauguration, and Flynn told similar lies to the FBI.

"On January 26, 2017, Department of Justice (DOJ) officials notified the White House that Flynn and the Russian Ambassador had discussed sanctions and that Flynn had been interviewed by the FBI.

"The next night, the President had a private dinner with FBI Director James Comey in which he asked for Comey’s loyalty.

"On February 13, 2017, the President asked Flynn to resign.

"The following day, the President had a one-on-one conversation with Comey in which he said, 'I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go.'"

I hope you can see the gangster like attempt at obstruction in Trump's conversation with Comey.

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