More Stuff You Didn't Know

Do you really think that retweeting or reposting other people tweets is "infiltration" of the campaign?
Do you really think that retweeting or reposting other people tweets is "infiltration" of the campaign?
If Trump supporters unwittingly reposted or retweeted Russian propaganda obtained illegally from Clinton's campaign, they were promoting the Russian infiltration of the 2016 election.
How many Dims knowingly participated in or promoted the coup against the President?
How many Dims knowingly participated in or promoted the coup against the President?
Why would Democrats support Trump and Russia?

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

"The clandestine influence campaign involved the Internet Research Agency 'troll farm' creating thousands of social media accounts that impersonated Americans supporting radical groups, planning and promoting pro-Trump and anti-Clinton rallies, and reached millions of social media users between 2013 and 2017.

"According to criminal indictments by the Special Counsel, those messages and activities 'spread distrust towards the candidates and the political system in general', for example by discouraging African Americans from voting or by motivating conservative voters wary of Trump.

"Additionally, hackers affiliated with the Russian military intelligence service (GRU) penetrated computer systems of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and Clinton campaign officials, notably chairman John Podesta.

"Tens of thousands of private emails and attachments were released to the public during the final months of the campaign, via DCLeaks, Guccifer 2.0 and Wikileaks.

"The exposed information exacerbated tensions within the Democratic party, leading to the resignation of DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and reduced voter support for Clinton."
How Donnygate Reveals the True Similarity Between Trump and Putin
So you have no trouble with Americans staging a coup against their government?

It's hilarious how facts caused Hillary to lose the election, and you're whining about it!
So you have no trouble with Americans staging a coup against their government?

It's hilarious how facts caused Hillary to lose the election, and you're whining about it!
You obviously have no trouble with a POTUS widely suspected of laundering money for mobsters (Russian and domestic), or with his many violations of the Emoluments Clause, so I suspect you won't find a majority of Americans who are confused about who is staging a coup against the Constitution.
"That Pesky Constitution
The Founding Fathers Had Trump In Mind When They Wrote the ‘Emoluments Clause’"

That Pesky Constitution |

How's that lawsuit coming along? Does laughed out of court sound about right?
Lawsuit accusing Trump of violating Constitution gets hostile reception
With both Clintons and Obama involved I doubt that this mess can be cleaned up prior to Trump leaving office.
Yep. They likely won’t all be in jail yet, but the jails ain’t going anywhere.

If only.....
since Hot Springs is part of the Outfit turf the Clintons and Obama had and have the same boss they report to. The Commission and the Office have been relatively ineffective Kennedy was the last Office area president and his dad bought the 1960 election from the Chicago Outfit. Targeting Chicago is the more effective way to break open the leftist machine.
Chicago’s Mayor Daley’s shenanigans holding back city vote totals as late as he did election night ‘60 had no impact on getting Clinton’s philanderer role model elected. If the Illinois EC votes went to Nixon instead, Kennedy would still have won election.

Not true. Illinois votes going to Nixon would have had him elected.
What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.

so how many votes did russian activity change? which states did they occur in? which counties? which cities? How many of those votes were offset by social media posts that supported hillary?

If the russians were doing anything, they were trying to divide us and get us yelling at each other, in that they succeeded.

next question: why would russia perfer Trump who they could not control over hillary who they had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing whatever they wanted? Try to give a logical answer.

There you go trying to edumacate people again with rational thinking apparently beyond the ken of all journalists everywhere!

Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Meantime it is all based on a supposed hacking of a server that no one, including the FBI, has ever seen to actually verify was hacked?

And over WHAT? Russian meddling in an election despite the fact that no one has ever actually found a single vote changed? Not one person saying they were influenced? Not one documented case of a single county much less state flipped to Trump because of it?

Meantime, not only is no one in Washington even talking about how to prevent it from being repeated in the next election, but the 35 million dollar investigation into all of this didn't even look at any of the actually known evidence we DO have---- ---- that of Hillary and DNC payments to Steele and others for a fraudulent dossier involving sources from Ukraine pumped through the FISA court with lies and obfuscation. All the while the democrats tear everything apart looking ever deep in this "constitutional crisis" for 30 year old tax records from Trump while refusing to read the Mueller report unless they can have the legally required 2% redactions removed there to protect sensitive national information? So when the AG has finally had enough of shitty accusations that he stops showing up, democrats start bringing in fried chicken cramming it in their faces with greasy fingers? And how many House members are all tied up in this endless circus to nowhere at $175,000 a year each a pop?

Oh my.

I think I DO see a constitutional crisis after all.
Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 78)

"On May 17, 2017, Acting Attorney General Rosenstein appointed Robert S. Mueller, III as Special Counsel and authorized him to conduct the Russia investigation and matters that arose from the investigation.501

"The President learned of the Special Counsel’s appointment from Sessions, who was with the President, Hunt, and McGahn conducting interviews for a new FBI Director.502

"Sessions stepped out of the Oval Office to take a call from Rosenstein, who told him about the Special Counsel appointment, and Sessions then returned to inform the President of the news.503

"According to notes written by Hunt, when Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.'"
What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.

so how many votes did russian activity change? which states did they occur in? which counties? which cities? How many of those votes were offset by social media posts that supported hillary?

If the russians were doing anything, they were trying to divide us and get us yelling at each other, in that they succeeded.

next question: why would russia perfer Trump who they could not control over hillary who they had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing whatever they wanted? Try to give a logical answer.

There you go trying to edumacate people again with rational thinking apparently beyond the ken of all journalists everywhere!

Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Meantime it is all based on a supposed hacking of a server that no one, including the FBI, has ever seen to actually verify was hacked?

And over WHAT? Russian meddling in an election despite the fact that no one has ever actually found a single vote changed? Not one person saying they were influenced? Not one documented case of a single county much less state flipped to Trump because of it?

Meantime, not only is no one in Washington even talking about how to prevent it from being repeated in the next election, but the 35 million dollar investigation into all of this didn't even look at any of the actually known evidence we DO have---- ---- that of Hillary and DNC payments to Steele and others for a fraudulent dossier involving sources from Ukraine pumped through the FISA court with lies and obfuscation. All the while the democrats tear everything apart looking ever deep in this "constitutional crisis" for 30 year old tax records from Trump while refusing to read the Mueller report unless they can have the legally required 2% redactions removed there to protect sensitive national information? So when the AG has finally had enough of shitty accusations that he stops showing up, democrats start bringing in fried chicken cramming it in their faces with greasy fingers? And how many House members are all tied up in this endless circus to nowhere at $175,000 a year each a pop?

Oh my.

I think I DO see a constitutional crisis after all.
Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 78)

"On May 17, 2017, Acting Attorney General Rosenstein appointed Robert S. Mueller, III as Special Counsel and authorized him to conduct the Russia investigation and matters that arose from the investigation.501

"The President learned of the Special Counsel’s appointment from Sessions, who was with the President, Hunt, and McGahn conducting interviews for a new FBI Director.502

"Sessions stepped out of the Oval Office to take a call from Rosenstein, who told him about the Special Counsel appointment, and Sessions then returned to inform the President of the news.503

"According to notes written by Hunt, when Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.'"

Yep. He knew he was going to get screwed over and he has. He knew it would impact his ability to carry out the people's plans, and to a large extent it has by tying up the president dealing with this. But Trump said nothing about being impeached, and here it is, TWO YEARS LATER and even Nancy Pelosi is saying impeachment isn't a place they are willing to go to and the investigation into him is over. Everything else is the usual Democratic Circus. They have absolutely nothing to run on, so I guess in 2020 they will try to convince the gullible public like you that Trump's still a bad man and they are fighting the good fight trying to put the big bad man away.
If Trump supporters unwittingly reposted or retweeted Russian propaganda obtained illegally from Clinton's campaign, they were promoting the Russian infiltration of the 2016 election.
How many Dims knowingly participated in or promoted the coup against the President?
How many Dims knowingly participated in or promoted the coup against the President?
Why would Democrats support Trump and Russia?

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

"The clandestine influence campaign involved the Internet Research Agency 'troll farm' creating thousands of social media accounts that impersonated Americans supporting radical groups, planning and promoting pro-Trump and anti-Clinton rallies, and reached millions of social media users between 2013 and 2017.

"According to criminal indictments by the Special Counsel, those messages and activities 'spread distrust towards the candidates and the political system in general', for example by discouraging African Americans from voting or by motivating conservative voters wary of Trump.

"Additionally, hackers affiliated with the Russian military intelligence service (GRU) penetrated computer systems of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and Clinton campaign officials, notably chairman John Podesta.

"Tens of thousands of private emails and attachments were released to the public during the final months of the campaign, via DCLeaks, Guccifer 2.0 and Wikileaks.

"The exposed information exacerbated tensions within the Democratic party, leading to the resignation of DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and reduced voter support for Clinton."
How Donnygate Reveals the True Similarity Between Trump and Putin
So you have no trouble with Americans staging a coup against their government?

It's hilarious how facts caused Hillary to lose the election, and you're whining about it!
So you have no trouble with Americans staging a coup against their government?

It's hilarious how facts caused Hillary to lose the election, and you're whining about it!
You obviously have no trouble with a POTUS widely suspected of laundering money for mobsters (Russian and domestic), or with his many violations of the Emoluments Clause, so I suspect you won't find a majority of Americans who are confused about who is staging a coup against the Constitution.
"That Pesky Constitution
The Founding Fathers Had Trump In Mind When They Wrote the ‘Emoluments Clause’"

That Pesky Constitution |

How's that lawsuit coming along? Does laughed out of court sound about right?
Lawsuit accusing Trump of violating Constitution gets hostile reception
How's that lawsuit coming along? Does laughed out of court sound about right?
Lawsuit accusing Trump of violating Constitution gets hostile reception
Your link:

"While Trump has faced at least four lawsuits alleging his illegal receipt of foreign gifts related to his office, the D.C. and Maryland suit had previously seemed to present the biggest legal headache of the bunch.

"That’s because last December, Messitte gave the D.C. and Maryland attorneys general the go-ahead to begin discovery — the process of seeking documents and testimony about how much money the Trump hotel is making from foreign sources, the U.S. government and state governments.

"The 4th Circuit put that discovery process on hold last December at the Justice Department’s request until the appeal is resolved.

"Last October, a New York-based federal appeals court heard arguments in the first lawsuit filed over the emoluments issue — a case brought by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

"A district court judge in New York threw out that case in December 2017, ruling that the watchdog group and other plaintiffs in the hospitality industry lacked the legal standing to pursue their claims.

"The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals panel has yet to rule on efforts to revive that suit.

Meanwhile, a suit that more than 200 Democratic lawmakers brought over the emoluments issue remains alive in a federal court in Washington.

"Last September, a judge found that the lawmakers did have legal standing to sue, but the case has proceeded at a glacial pace.

"The Democratic House members may now have a more potent tool to explore Trump’s business dealings: congressional subpoenas.

"With Democrats taking control of the House in January, the chairs of various House committees could try to use their legal authority to demand more details on Trump’s business dealings"

Trump will be laughed out of the White House and into prison regardless of how many Republicans put party over country.
What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.

so how many votes did russian activity change? which states did they occur in? which counties? which cities? How many of those votes were offset by social media posts that supported hillary?

If the russians were doing anything, they were trying to divide us and get us yelling at each other, in that they succeeded.

next question: why would russia perfer Trump who they could not control over hillary who they had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing whatever they wanted? Try to give a logical answer.

There you go trying to edumacate people again with rational thinking apparently beyond the ken of all journalists everywhere!

Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Meantime it is all based on a supposed hacking of a server that no one, including the FBI, has ever seen to actually verify was hacked?

And over WHAT? Russian meddling in an election despite the fact that no one has ever actually found a single vote changed? Not one person saying they were influenced? Not one documented case of a single county much less state flipped to Trump because of it?

Meantime, not only is no one in Washington even talking about how to prevent it from being repeated in the next election, but the 35 million dollar investigation into all of this didn't even look at any of the actually known evidence we DO have---- ---- that of Hillary and DNC payments to Steele and others for a fraudulent dossier involving sources from Ukraine pumped through the FISA court with lies and obfuscation. All the while the democrats tear everything apart looking ever deep in this "constitutional crisis" for 30 year old tax records from Trump while refusing to read the Mueller report unless they can have the legally required 2% redactions removed there to protect sensitive national information? So when the AG has finally had enough of shitty accusations that he stops showing up, democrats start bringing in fried chicken cramming it in their faces with greasy fingers? And how many House members are all tied up in this endless circus to nowhere at $175,000 a year each a pop?

Oh my.

I think I DO see a constitutional crisis after all.
Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 78)

"On May 17, 2017, Acting Attorney General Rosenstein appointed Robert S. Mueller, III as Special Counsel and authorized him to conduct the Russia investigation and matters that arose from the investigation.501

"The President learned of the Special Counsel’s appointment from Sessions, who was with the President, Hunt, and McGahn conducting interviews for a new FBI Director.502

"Sessions stepped out of the Oval Office to take a call from Rosenstein, who told him about the Special Counsel appointment, and Sessions then returned to inform the President of the news.503

"According to notes written by Hunt, when Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.'"

Yep. He knew he was going to get screwed over and he has. He knew it would impact his ability to carry out the people's plans, and to a large extent it has by tying up the president dealing with this. But Trump said nothing about being impeached, and here it is, TWO YEARS LATER and even Nancy Pelosi is saying impeachment isn't a place they are willing to go to and the investigation into him is over. Everything else is the usual Democratic Circus. They have absolutely nothing to run on, so I guess in 2020 they will try to convince the gullible public like you that Trump's still a bad man and they are fighting the good fight trying to put the big bad man away.
Yep. He knew he was going to get screwed over and he has. He knew it would impact his ability to carry out the people's plans, and to a large extent it has by tying up the president dealing with this.
He was referring to the appointment of a special prosecutor he knew would investigate his criminal contacts with Russian oligarchs.

Luckily for Trump, Bill Barr came back to distort Mueller's conclusions. Maybe you'll have better luck with Pence in the White House after the Red Don resigns in disgrace?
How many Dims knowingly participated in or promoted the coup against the President?
How many Dims knowingly participated in or promoted the coup against the President?
Why would Democrats support Trump and Russia?

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

"The clandestine influence campaign involved the Internet Research Agency 'troll farm' creating thousands of social media accounts that impersonated Americans supporting radical groups, planning and promoting pro-Trump and anti-Clinton rallies, and reached millions of social media users between 2013 and 2017.

"According to criminal indictments by the Special Counsel, those messages and activities 'spread distrust towards the candidates and the political system in general', for example by discouraging African Americans from voting or by motivating conservative voters wary of Trump.

"Additionally, hackers affiliated with the Russian military intelligence service (GRU) penetrated computer systems of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and Clinton campaign officials, notably chairman John Podesta.
"Tens of thousands of private emails and attachments were released to the public during the final months of the campaign, via DCLeaks, Guccifer 2.0 and Wikileaks.

"The exposed information exacerbated tensions within the Democratic party, leading to the resignation of DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and reduced voter support for Clinton."
How Donnygate Reveals the True Similarity Between Trump and Putin
So you have no trouble with Americans staging a coup against their government?

It's hilarious how facts caused Hillary to lose the election, and you're whining about it!
So you have no trouble with Americans staging a coup against their government?

It's hilarious how facts caused Hillary to lose the election, and you're whining about it!
You obviously have no trouble with a POTUS widely suspected of laundering money for mobsters (Russian and domestic), or with his many violations of the Emoluments Clause, so I suspect you won't find a majority of Americans who are confused about who is staging a coup against the Constitution.
"That Pesky Constitution
The Founding Fathers Had Trump In Mind When They Wrote the ‘Emoluments Clause’"

That Pesky Constitution |

How's that lawsuit coming along? Does laughed out of court sound about right?
Lawsuit accusing Trump of violating Constitution gets hostile reception
How's that lawsuit coming along? Does laughed out of court sound about right?
Lawsuit accusing Trump of violating Constitution gets hostile reception
Your link:

"While Trump has faced at least four lawsuits alleging his illegal receipt of foreign gifts related to his office, the D.C. and Maryland suit had previously seemed to present the biggest legal headache of the bunch.

"That’s because last December, Messitte gave the D.C. and Maryland attorneys general the go-ahead to begin discovery — the process of seeking documents and testimony about how much money the Trump hotel is making from foreign sources, the U.S. government and state governments.

"The 4th Circuit put that discovery process on hold last December at the Justice Department’s request until the appeal is resolved.

"Last October, a New York-based federal appeals court heard arguments in the first lawsuit filed over the emoluments issue — a case brought by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

"A district court judge in New York threw out that case in December 2017, ruling that the watchdog group and other plaintiffs in the hospitality industry lacked the legal standing to pursue their claims.

"The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals panel has yet to rule on efforts to revive that suit.

Meanwhile, a suit that more than 200 Democratic lawmakers brought over the emoluments issue remains alive in a federal court in Washington.

"Last September, a judge found that the lawmakers did have legal standing to sue, but the case has proceeded at a glacial pace.

"The Democratic House members may now have a more potent tool to explore Trump’s business dealings: congressional subpoenas.

"With Democrats taking control of the House in January, the chairs of various House committees could try to use their legal authority to demand more details on Trump’s business dealings"

Trump will be laughed out of the White House and into prison regardless of how many Republicans put party over country.

OMG. In January of 2025 Trump will leave the WH after 8-years of getting the US back on track, as he was elected to do. Besides you haven't said what he would go to prison for? Just blowing smoke or have something dreamy?
What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.

so how many votes did russian activity change? which states did they occur in? which counties? which cities? How many of those votes were offset by social media posts that supported hillary?

If the russians were doing anything, they were trying to divide us and get us yelling at each other, in that they succeeded.

next question: why would russia perfer Trump who they could not control over hillary who they had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing whatever they wanted? Try to give a logical answer.

There you go trying to edumacate people again with rational thinking apparently beyond the ken of all journalists everywhere!

Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Meantime it is all based on a supposed hacking of a server that no one, including the FBI, has ever seen to actually verify was hacked?

And over WHAT? Russian meddling in an election despite the fact that no one has ever actually found a single vote changed? Not one person saying they were influenced? Not one documented case of a single county much less state flipped to Trump because of it?

Meantime, not only is no one in Washington even talking about how to prevent it from being repeated in the next election, but the 35 million dollar investigation into all of this didn't even look at any of the actually known evidence we DO have---- ---- that of Hillary and DNC payments to Steele and others for a fraudulent dossier involving sources from Ukraine pumped through the FISA court with lies and obfuscation. All the while the democrats tear everything apart looking ever deep in this "constitutional crisis" for 30 year old tax records from Trump while refusing to read the Mueller report unless they can have the legally required 2% redactions removed there to protect sensitive national information? So when the AG has finally had enough of shitty accusations that he stops showing up, democrats start bringing in fried chicken cramming it in their faces with greasy fingers? And how many House members are all tied up in this endless circus to nowhere at $175,000 a year each a pop?

Oh my.

I think I DO see a constitutional crisis after all.
Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 78)

"On May 17, 2017, Acting Attorney General Rosenstein appointed Robert S. Mueller, III as Special Counsel and authorized him to conduct the Russia investigation and matters that arose from the investigation.501

"The President learned of the Special Counsel’s appointment from Sessions, who was with the President, Hunt, and McGahn conducting interviews for a new FBI Director.502

"Sessions stepped out of the Oval Office to take a call from Rosenstein, who told him about the Special Counsel appointment, and Sessions then returned to inform the President of the news.503

"According to notes written by Hunt, when Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.'"

Yep. He knew he was going to get screwed over and he has. He knew it would impact his ability to carry out the people's plans, and to a large extent it has by tying up the president dealing with this. But Trump said nothing about being impeached, and here it is, TWO YEARS LATER and even Nancy Pelosi is saying impeachment isn't a place they are willing to go to and the investigation into him is over. Everything else is the usual Democratic Circus. They have absolutely nothing to run on, so I guess in 2020 they will try to convince the gullible public like you that Trump's still a bad man and they are fighting the good fight trying to put the big bad man away.
Yep. He knew he was going to get screwed over and he has. He knew it would impact his ability to carry out the people's plans, and to a large extent it has by tying up the president dealing with this.
He was referring to the appointment of a special prosecutor he knew would investigate his criminal contacts with Russian oligarchs.
Luckily for Trump, Bill Barr came back to distort Mueller's conclusions. Maybe you'll have better luck with Pence in the White House after the Red Don resigns in disgrace?

Why is that?
Mueller's a republican, supposed to be a stand-up guy!
Which contacts were criminal? Why are Trump's contacts criminal but not Obama or Hillary's?
Bar is a two-time AG. Never was in the wrong before, why suddenly now?
Why do you peddle this HORSESHIT? Is it because you really believe all this crap?
Why would Democrats support Trump and Russia?

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

"The clandestine influence campaign involved the Internet Research Agency 'troll farm' creating thousands of social media accounts that impersonated Americans supporting radical groups, planning and promoting pro-Trump and anti-Clinton rallies, and reached millions of social media users between 2013 and 2017.

"According to criminal indictments by the Special Counsel, those messages and activities 'spread distrust towards the candidates and the political system in general', for example by discouraging African Americans from voting or by motivating conservative voters wary of Trump.

"Additionally, hackers affiliated with the Russian military intelligence service (GRU) penetrated computer systems of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and Clinton campaign officials, notably chairman John Podesta.
"Tens of thousands of private emails and attachments were released to the public during the final months of the campaign, via DCLeaks, Guccifer 2.0 and Wikileaks.

"The exposed information exacerbated tensions within the Democratic party, leading to the resignation of DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and reduced voter support for Clinton."
How Donnygate Reveals the True Similarity Between Trump and Putin
So you have no trouble with Americans staging a coup against their government?

It's hilarious how facts caused Hillary to lose the election, and you're whining about it!
So you have no trouble with Americans staging a coup against their government?

It's hilarious how facts caused Hillary to lose the election, and you're whining about it!
You obviously have no trouble with a POTUS widely suspected of laundering money for mobsters (Russian and domestic), or with his many violations of the Emoluments Clause, so I suspect you won't find a majority of Americans who are confused about who is staging a coup against the Constitution.
"That Pesky Constitution
The Founding Fathers Had Trump In Mind When They Wrote the ‘Emoluments Clause’"

That Pesky Constitution |

How's that lawsuit coming along? Does laughed out of court sound about right?
Lawsuit accusing Trump of violating Constitution gets hostile reception
How's that lawsuit coming along? Does laughed out of court sound about right?
Lawsuit accusing Trump of violating Constitution gets hostile reception
Your link:

"While Trump has faced at least four lawsuits alleging his illegal receipt of foreign gifts related to his office, the D.C. and Maryland suit had previously seemed to present the biggest legal headache of the bunch.

"That’s because last December, Messitte gave the D.C. and Maryland attorneys general the go-ahead to begin discovery — the process of seeking documents and testimony about how much money the Trump hotel is making from foreign sources, the U.S. government and state governments.

"The 4th Circuit put that discovery process on hold last December at the Justice Department’s request until the appeal is resolved.

"Last October, a New York-based federal appeals court heard arguments in the first lawsuit filed over the emoluments issue — a case brought by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

"A district court judge in New York threw out that case in December 2017, ruling that the watchdog group and other plaintiffs in the hospitality industry lacked the legal standing to pursue their claims.

"The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals panel has yet to rule on efforts to revive that suit.

Meanwhile, a suit that more than 200 Democratic lawmakers brought over the emoluments issue remains alive in a federal court in Washington.

"Last September, a judge found that the lawmakers did have legal standing to sue, but the case has proceeded at a glacial pace.

"The Democratic House members may now have a more potent tool to explore Trump’s business dealings: congressional subpoenas.

"With Democrats taking control of the House in January, the chairs of various House committees could try to use their legal authority to demand more details on Trump’s business dealings"

Trump will be laughed out of the White House and into prison regardless of how many Republicans put party over country.

OMG. In January of 2025 Trump will leave the WH after 8-years of getting the US back on track, as he was elected to do. Besides you haven't said what he would go to prison for? Just blowing smoke or have something dreamy?

Ever notice than NONE of the shit these assholes claim EVER comes true? Yet they peddle their crap forever saying it is just around the corner going to happen any day now, full of claims and statements they can never back up or justify with anything. Trump must be the smartest man in the world to have committed so many crimes yet not have a single stick of evidence, not a single charge, nothing against him.

So the hired assassin didn't find Trump guilty of ANYTHING????????

Who knew?

I did.
Did you read Mueller's report, or would that cut into your executive time?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index

"Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

Scoop: Leaked private schedules show Trump spent 60% of last 3 months in "Executive Time"

Your entertainment value has about run out......

....tired of smashing custard pies in your ugly kisser.

Sooooo......time for you to get lost.

No, time for you to be shown to be the stupid Anti-Semite you are. Trump did to try to stop Flynn's indictment. Hoping something bad does not happen to Flynn is NOT obstruction. Loss #1. Asking Sessions to unrecuse himself in NO way obstructs Mueller's "investigation". Loss #2. Venting to staff in private meetings that Mueller should be fired for his blatant illegal acts does NOT constitute obstruction. No matter how much Little Bobby Mewler's feelings got hurt. Trump had the right to fire him at any tme for any reason. Loss #3. Looks like YOU better get lost.
No, time for you to be shown to be the stupid Anti-Semite you are. Trump did to try to stop Flynn's indictment. Hoping something bad does not happen to Flynn is NOT obstruction. Loss #1
Not even close, Loser:

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 24)

"During the presidential transition, incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn had two phone calls with the Russian Ambassador to the United States about the Russian response to U.S. sanctions imposed because of Russia’s election interference.

"After the press reported on Flynn’s contacts with the Russian Ambassador, Flynn lied to incoming Administration officials by saying he had not discussed sanctions on the calls.

"The officials publicly repeated those lies in press interviews.

"The FBI, which previously was investigating Flynn for other matters, interviewed him about the calls in the first week after the inauguration, and Flynn told similar lies to the FBI.

"On January 26, 2017, Department of Justice (DOJ) officials notified the White House that Flynn and the Russian Ambassador had discussed sanctions and that Flynn had been interviewed by the FBI.

"The next night, the President had a private dinner with FBI Director James Comey in which he asked for Comey’s loyalty.

"On February 13, 2017, the President asked Flynn to resign.

"The following day, the President had a one-on-one conversation with Comey in which he said, 'I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go.'"

I hope you can see the gangster like attempt at obstruction in Trump's conversation with Comey.
So where is the obstruction by Trump?

You idiots believe any nothing burger you get hysterical about is a crime.
So you have no trouble with Americans staging a coup against their government?

It's hilarious how facts caused Hillary to lose the election, and you're whining about it!
So you have no trouble with Americans staging a coup against their government?

It's hilarious how facts caused Hillary to lose the election, and you're whining about it!
You obviously have no trouble with a POTUS widely suspected of laundering money for mobsters (Russian and domestic), or with his many violations of the Emoluments Clause, so I suspect you won't find a majority of Americans who are confused about who is staging a coup against the Constitution.
"That Pesky Constitution
The Founding Fathers Had Trump In Mind When They Wrote the ‘Emoluments Clause’"

That Pesky Constitution |

How's that lawsuit coming along? Does laughed out of court sound about right?
Lawsuit accusing Trump of violating Constitution gets hostile reception
How's that lawsuit coming along? Does laughed out of court sound about right?
Lawsuit accusing Trump of violating Constitution gets hostile reception
Your link:

"While Trump has faced at least four lawsuits alleging his illegal receipt of foreign gifts related to his office, the D.C. and Maryland suit had previously seemed to present the biggest legal headache of the bunch.

"That’s because last December, Messitte gave the D.C. and Maryland attorneys general the go-ahead to begin discovery — the process of seeking documents and testimony about how much money the Trump hotel is making from foreign sources, the U.S. government and state governments.

"The 4th Circuit put that discovery process on hold last December at the Justice Department’s request until the appeal is resolved.

"Last October, a New York-based federal appeals court heard arguments in the first lawsuit filed over the emoluments issue — a case brought by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

"A district court judge in New York threw out that case in December 2017, ruling that the watchdog group and other plaintiffs in the hospitality industry lacked the legal standing to pursue their claims.

"The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals panel has yet to rule on efforts to revive that suit.

Meanwhile, a suit that more than 200 Democratic lawmakers brought over the emoluments issue remains alive in a federal court in Washington.

"Last September, a judge found that the lawmakers did have legal standing to sue, but the case has proceeded at a glacial pace.

"The Democratic House members may now have a more potent tool to explore Trump’s business dealings: congressional subpoenas.

"With Democrats taking control of the House in January, the chairs of various House committees could try to use their legal authority to demand more details on Trump’s business dealings"

Trump will be laughed out of the White House and into prison regardless of how many Republicans put party over country.

OMG. In January of 2025 Trump will leave the WH after 8-years of getting the US back on track, as he was elected to do. Besides you haven't said what he would go to prison for? Just blowing smoke or have something dreamy?

Ever notice than NONE of the shit these assholes claim EVER comes true? Yet they peddle their crap forever saying it is just around the corner going to happen any day now, full of claims and statements they can never back up or justify with anything. Trump must be the smartest man in the world to have committed so many crimes yet not have a single stick of evidence, not a single charge, nothing against him.
They spent two years claiming almost daily that Mueller had the goods on Trump.

so how many votes did russian activity change? which states did they occur in? which counties? which cities? How many of those votes were offset by social media posts that supported hillary?

If the russians were doing anything, they were trying to divide us and get us yelling at each other, in that they succeeded.

next question: why would russia perfer Trump who they could not control over hillary who they had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing whatever they wanted? Try to give a logical answer.

There you go trying to edumacate people again with rational thinking apparently beyond the ken of all journalists everywhere!

Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Meantime it is all based on a supposed hacking of a server that no one, including the FBI, has ever seen to actually verify was hacked?

And over WHAT? Russian meddling in an election despite the fact that no one has ever actually found a single vote changed? Not one person saying they were influenced? Not one documented case of a single county much less state flipped to Trump because of it?

Meantime, not only is no one in Washington even talking about how to prevent it from being repeated in the next election, but the 35 million dollar investigation into all of this didn't even look at any of the actually known evidence we DO have---- ---- that of Hillary and DNC payments to Steele and others for a fraudulent dossier involving sources from Ukraine pumped through the FISA court with lies and obfuscation. All the while the democrats tear everything apart looking ever deep in this "constitutional crisis" for 30 year old tax records from Trump while refusing to read the Mueller report unless they can have the legally required 2% redactions removed there to protect sensitive national information? So when the AG has finally had enough of shitty accusations that he stops showing up, democrats start bringing in fried chicken cramming it in their faces with greasy fingers? And how many House members are all tied up in this endless circus to nowhere at $175,000 a year each a pop?

Oh my.

I think I DO see a constitutional crisis after all.
Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 78)

"On May 17, 2017, Acting Attorney General Rosenstein appointed Robert S. Mueller, III as Special Counsel and authorized him to conduct the Russia investigation and matters that arose from the investigation.501

"The President learned of the Special Counsel’s appointment from Sessions, who was with the President, Hunt, and McGahn conducting interviews for a new FBI Director.502

"Sessions stepped out of the Oval Office to take a call from Rosenstein, who told him about the Special Counsel appointment, and Sessions then returned to inform the President of the news.503

"According to notes written by Hunt, when Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.'"

Yep. He knew he was going to get screwed over and he has. He knew it would impact his ability to carry out the people's plans, and to a large extent it has by tying up the president dealing with this. But Trump said nothing about being impeached, and here it is, TWO YEARS LATER and even Nancy Pelosi is saying impeachment isn't a place they are willing to go to and the investigation into him is over. Everything else is the usual Democratic Circus. They have absolutely nothing to run on, so I guess in 2020 they will try to convince the gullible public like you that Trump's still a bad man and they are fighting the good fight trying to put the big bad man away.
Yep. He knew he was going to get screwed over and he has. He knew it would impact his ability to carry out the people's plans, and to a large extent it has by tying up the president dealing with this.
He was referring to the appointment of a special prosecutor he knew would investigate his criminal contacts with Russian oligarchs.
Luckily for Trump, Bill Barr came back to distort Mueller's conclusions. Maybe you'll have better luck with Pence in the White House after the Red Don resigns in disgrace?

Why is that?
Mueller's a republican, supposed to be a stand-up guy!
Which contacts were criminal? Why are Trump's contacts criminal but not Obama or Hillary's?
Bar is a two-time AG. Never was in the wrong before, why suddenly now?
Why do you peddle this HORSESHIT? Is it because you really believe all this crap?
It's because now they need something to distract Barr from investigating the coup.
Do you really think that retweeting or reposting other people tweets is "infiltration" of the campaign?
Do you really think that retweeting or reposting other people tweets is "infiltration" of the campaign?
If Trump supporters unwittingly reposted or retweeted Russian propaganda obtained illegally from Clinton's campaign, they were promoting the Russian infiltration of the 2016 election.
How many Dims knowingly participated in or promoted the coup against the President?
How many Dims knowingly participated in or promoted the coup against the President?
Why would Democrats support Trump and Russia?

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

"The clandestine influence campaign involved the Internet Research Agency 'troll farm' creating thousands of social media accounts that impersonated Americans supporting radical groups, planning and promoting pro-Trump and anti-Clinton rallies, and reached millions of social media users between 2013 and 2017.

"According to criminal indictments by the Special Counsel, those messages and activities 'spread distrust towards the candidates and the political system in general', for example by discouraging African Americans from voting or by motivating conservative voters wary of Trump.

"Additionally, hackers affiliated with the Russian military intelligence service (GRU) penetrated computer systems of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and Clinton campaign officials, notably chairman John Podesta.

"Tens of thousands of private emails and attachments were released to the public during the final months of the campaign, via DCLeaks, Guccifer 2.0 and Wikileaks.

"The exposed information exacerbated tensions within the Democratic party, leading to the resignation of DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and reduced voter support for Clinton."
How Donnygate Reveals the True Similarity Between Trump and Putin
So you have no trouble with Americans staging a coup against their government?

It's hilarious how facts caused Hillary to lose the election, and you're whining about it!
So you have no trouble with Americans staging a coup against their government?

It's hilarious how facts caused Hillary to lose the election, and you're whining about it!
You obviously have no trouble with a POTUS widely suspected of laundering money for mobsters (Russian and domestic), or with his many violations of the Emoluments Clause, so I suspect you won't find a majority of Americans who are confused about who is staging a coup against the Constitution.

"That Pesky Constitution
The Founding Fathers Had Trump In Mind When They Wrote the ‘Emoluments Clause’"

That Pesky Constitution |
Running a business that charges the going rate is not a violation of the emoluments clause, you fucking moron, and there is zero evidence that Trump was engaged in money laundering - zero, nada, zip.
You obviously have no trouble with a POTUS widely suspected of laundering money for mobsters (Russian and domestic), or with his many violations of the Emoluments Clause, so I suspect you won't find a majority of Americans who are confused about who is staging a coup against the Constitution.
"That Pesky Constitution
The Founding Fathers Had Trump In Mind When They Wrote the ‘Emoluments Clause’"

That Pesky Constitution |

How's that lawsuit coming along? Does laughed out of court sound about right?
Lawsuit accusing Trump of violating Constitution gets hostile reception
How's that lawsuit coming along? Does laughed out of court sound about right?
Lawsuit accusing Trump of violating Constitution gets hostile reception
Your link:

"While Trump has faced at least four lawsuits alleging his illegal receipt of foreign gifts related to his office, the D.C. and Maryland suit had previously seemed to present the biggest legal headache of the bunch.

"That’s because last December, Messitte gave the D.C. and Maryland attorneys general the go-ahead to begin discovery — the process of seeking documents and testimony about how much money the Trump hotel is making from foreign sources, the U.S. government and state governments.

"The 4th Circuit put that discovery process on hold last December at the Justice Department’s request until the appeal is resolved.

"Last October, a New York-based federal appeals court heard arguments in the first lawsuit filed over the emoluments issue — a case brought by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

"A district court judge in New York threw out that case in December 2017, ruling that the watchdog group and other plaintiffs in the hospitality industry lacked the legal standing to pursue their claims.

"The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals panel has yet to rule on efforts to revive that suit.

Meanwhile, a suit that more than 200 Democratic lawmakers brought over the emoluments issue remains alive in a federal court in Washington.

"Last September, a judge found that the lawmakers did have legal standing to sue, but the case has proceeded at a glacial pace.

"The Democratic House members may now have a more potent tool to explore Trump’s business dealings: congressional subpoenas.

"With Democrats taking control of the House in January, the chairs of various House committees could try to use their legal authority to demand more details on Trump’s business dealings"

Trump will be laughed out of the White House and into prison regardless of how many Republicans put party over country.

OMG. In January of 2025 Trump will leave the WH after 8-years of getting the US back on track, as he was elected to do. Besides you haven't said what he would go to prison for? Just blowing smoke or have something dreamy?

Ever notice than NONE of the shit these assholes claim EVER comes true? Yet they peddle their crap forever saying it is just around the corner going to happen any day now, full of claims and statements they can never back up or justify with anything. Trump must be the smartest man in the world to have committed so many crimes yet not have a single stick of evidence, not a single charge, nothing against him.
They spent two years claiming almost daily that Mueller had the goods on Trump.


Didn't Adam Schiff go around everywhere saying he had definitive proof that Trump had worked with the Russians to throw the election in his favor? Did Adam ever present that? I didn't see that either in the Mueller Report.
What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.

so how many votes did russian activity change? which states did they occur in? which counties? which cities? How many of those votes were offset by social media posts that supported hillary?

If the russians were doing anything, they were trying to divide us and get us yelling at each other, in that they succeeded.

next question: why would russia perfer Trump who they could not control over hillary who they had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing whatever they wanted? Try to give a logical answer.

There you go trying to edumacate people again with rational thinking apparently beyond the ken of all journalists everywhere!

Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Meantime it is all based on a supposed hacking of a server that no one, including the FBI, has ever seen to actually verify was hacked?

And over WHAT? Russian meddling in an election despite the fact that no one has ever actually found a single vote changed? Not one person saying they were influenced? Not one documented case of a single county much less state flipped to Trump because of it?

Meantime, not only is no one in Washington even talking about how to prevent it from being repeated in the next election, but the 35 million dollar investigation into all of this didn't even look at any of the actually known evidence we DO have---- ---- that of Hillary and DNC payments to Steele and others for a fraudulent dossier involving sources from Ukraine pumped through the FISA court with lies and obfuscation. All the while the democrats tear everything apart looking ever deep in this "constitutional crisis" for 30 year old tax records from Trump while refusing to read the Mueller report unless they can have the legally required 2% redactions removed there to protect sensitive national information? So when the AG has finally had enough of shitty accusations that he stops showing up, democrats start bringing in fried chicken cramming it in their faces with greasy fingers? And how many House members are all tied up in this endless circus to nowhere at $175,000 a year each a pop?

Oh my.

I think I DO see a constitutional crisis after all.
Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 78)

"On May 17, 2017, Acting Attorney General Rosenstein appointed Robert S. Mueller, III as Special Counsel and authorized him to conduct the Russia investigation and matters that arose from the investigation.501

"The President learned of the Special Counsel’s appointment from Sessions, who was with the President, Hunt, and McGahn conducting interviews for a new FBI Director.502

"Sessions stepped out of the Oval Office to take a call from Rosenstein, who told him about the Special Counsel appointment, and Sessions then returned to inform the President of the news.503

"According to notes written by Hunt, when Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.'"
So? Is there an "I'm fucked" statute in the federal register?

The Mueller report is nothing more than a compilation of salacious gossip. But that's the kind of thing we expect a pack of Trump hating Democrat hacks to produce.
How many Dims knowingly participated in or promoted the coup against the President?
How many Dims knowingly participated in or promoted the coup against the President?
Why would Democrats support Trump and Russia?

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

"The clandestine influence campaign involved the Internet Research Agency 'troll farm' creating thousands of social media accounts that impersonated Americans supporting radical groups, planning and promoting pro-Trump and anti-Clinton rallies, and reached millions of social media users between 2013 and 2017.

"According to criminal indictments by the Special Counsel, those messages and activities 'spread distrust towards the candidates and the political system in general', for example by discouraging African Americans from voting or by motivating conservative voters wary of Trump.

"Additionally, hackers affiliated with the Russian military intelligence service (GRU) penetrated computer systems of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and Clinton campaign officials, notably chairman John Podesta.

"Tens of thousands of private emails and attachments were released to the public during the final months of the campaign, via DCLeaks, Guccifer 2.0 and Wikileaks.

"The exposed information exacerbated tensions within the Democratic party, leading to the resignation of DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and reduced voter support for Clinton."
How Donnygate Reveals the True Similarity Between Trump and Putin
So you have no trouble with Americans staging a coup against their government?

It's hilarious how facts caused Hillary to lose the election, and you're whining about it!
So you have no trouble with Americans staging a coup against their government?

It's hilarious how facts caused Hillary to lose the election, and you're whining about it!
You obviously have no trouble with a POTUS widely suspected of laundering money for mobsters (Russian and domestic), or with his many violations of the Emoluments Clause, so I suspect you won't find a majority of Americans who are confused about who is staging a coup against the Constitution.
"That Pesky Constitution
The Founding Fathers Had Trump In Mind When They Wrote the ‘Emoluments Clause’"

That Pesky Constitution |

How's that lawsuit coming along? Does laughed out of court sound about right?
Lawsuit accusing Trump of violating Constitution gets hostile reception
How's that lawsuit coming along? Does laughed out of court sound about right?
Lawsuit accusing Trump of violating Constitution gets hostile reception
Your link:

"While Trump has faced at least four lawsuits alleging his illegal receipt of foreign gifts related to his office, the D.C. and Maryland suit had previously seemed to present the biggest legal headache of the bunch.

"That’s because last December, Messitte gave the D.C. and Maryland attorneys general the go-ahead to begin discovery — the process of seeking documents and testimony about how much money the Trump hotel is making from foreign sources, the U.S. government and state governments.

"The 4th Circuit put that discovery process on hold last December at the Justice Department’s request until the appeal is resolved.

"Last October, a New York-based federal appeals court heard arguments in the first lawsuit filed over the emoluments issue — a case brought by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

"A district court judge in New York threw out that case in December 2017, ruling that the watchdog group and other plaintiffs in the hospitality industry lacked the legal standing to pursue their claims.

"The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals panel has yet to rule on efforts to revive that suit.

Meanwhile, a suit that more than 200 Democratic lawmakers brought over the emoluments issue remains alive in a federal court in Washington.

"Last September, a judge found that the lawmakers did have legal standing to sue, but the case has proceeded at a glacial pace.

"The Democratic House members may now have a more potent tool to explore Trump’s business dealings: congressional subpoenas.

"With Democrats taking control of the House in January, the chairs of various House committees could try to use their legal authority to demand more details on Trump’s business dealings"

Trump will be laughed out of the White House and into prison regardless of how many Republicans put party over country.
The desperation drips from your post.
How many Dims knowingly participated in or promoted the coup against the President?
How many Dims knowingly participated in or promoted the coup against the President?
Why would Democrats support Trump and Russia?

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

"The clandestine influence campaign involved the Internet Research Agency 'troll farm' creating thousands of social media accounts that impersonated Americans supporting radical groups, planning and promoting pro-Trump and anti-Clinton rallies, and reached millions of social media users between 2013 and 2017.

"According to criminal indictments by the Special Counsel, those messages and activities 'spread distrust towards the candidates and the political system in general', for example by discouraging African Americans from voting or by motivating conservative voters wary of Trump.

"Additionally, hackers affiliated with the Russian military intelligence service (GRU) penetrated computer systems of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and Clinton campaign officials, notably chairman John Podesta.

"Tens of thousands of private emails and attachments were released to the public during the final months of the campaign, via DCLeaks, Guccifer 2.0 and Wikileaks.

"The exposed information exacerbated tensions within the Democratic party, leading to the resignation of DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and reduced voter support for Clinton."
How Donnygate Reveals the True Similarity Between Trump and Putin
So you have no trouble with Americans staging a coup against their government?

It's hilarious how facts caused Hillary to lose the election, and you're whining about it!
So you have no trouble with Americans staging a coup against their government?

It's hilarious how facts caused Hillary to lose the election, and you're whining about it!
You obviously have no trouble with a POTUS widely suspected of laundering money for mobsters (Russian and domestic), or with his many violations of the Emoluments Clause, so I suspect you won't find a majority of Americans who are confused about who is staging a coup against the Constitution.
"That Pesky Constitution
The Founding Fathers Had Trump In Mind When They Wrote the ‘Emoluments Clause’"

That Pesky Constitution |

How's that lawsuit coming along? Does laughed out of court sound about right?
Lawsuit accusing Trump of violating Constitution gets hostile reception
How's that lawsuit coming along? Does laughed out of court sound about right?
Lawsuit accusing Trump of violating Constitution gets hostile reception
Your link:

"While Trump has faced at least four lawsuits alleging his illegal receipt of foreign gifts related to his office, the D.C. and Maryland suit had previously seemed to present the biggest legal headache of the bunch.

"That’s because last December, Messitte gave the D.C. and Maryland attorneys general the go-ahead to begin discovery — the process of seeking documents and testimony about how much money the Trump hotel is making from foreign sources, the U.S. government and state governments.

"The 4th Circuit put that discovery process on hold last December at the Justice Department’s request until the appeal is resolved.

"Last October, a New York-based federal appeals court heard arguments in the first lawsuit filed over the emoluments issue — a case brought by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

"A district court judge in New York threw out that case in December 2017, ruling that the watchdog group and other plaintiffs in the hospitality industry lacked the legal standing to pursue their claims.

"The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals panel has yet to rule on efforts to revive that suit.

Meanwhile, a suit that more than 200 Democratic lawmakers brought over the emoluments issue remains alive in a federal court in Washington.

"Last September, a judge found that the lawmakers did have legal standing to sue, but the case has proceeded at a glacial pace.

"The Democratic House members may now have a more potent tool to explore Trump’s business dealings: congressional subpoenas.

"With Democrats taking control of the House in January, the chairs of various House committees could try to use their legal authority to demand more details on Trump’s business dealings"

Trump will be laughed out of the White House and into prison regardless of how many Republicans put party over country.
What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.

so how many votes did russian activity change? which states did they occur in? which counties? which cities? How many of those votes were offset by social media posts that supported hillary?

If the russians were doing anything, they were trying to divide us and get us yelling at each other, in that they succeeded.

next question: why would russia perfer Trump who they could not control over hillary who they had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing whatever they wanted? Try to give a logical answer.

There you go trying to edumacate people again with rational thinking apparently beyond the ken of all journalists everywhere!

Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Meantime it is all based on a supposed hacking of a server that no one, including the FBI, has ever seen to actually verify was hacked?

And over WHAT? Russian meddling in an election despite the fact that no one has ever actually found a single vote changed? Not one person saying they were influenced? Not one documented case of a single county much less state flipped to Trump because of it?

Meantime, not only is no one in Washington even talking about how to prevent it from being repeated in the next election, but the 35 million dollar investigation into all of this didn't even look at any of the actually known evidence we DO have---- ---- that of Hillary and DNC payments to Steele and others for a fraudulent dossier involving sources from Ukraine pumped through the FISA court with lies and obfuscation. All the while the democrats tear everything apart looking ever deep in this "constitutional crisis" for 30 year old tax records from Trump while refusing to read the Mueller report unless they can have the legally required 2% redactions removed there to protect sensitive national information? So when the AG has finally had enough of shitty accusations that he stops showing up, democrats start bringing in fried chicken cramming it in their faces with greasy fingers? And how many House members are all tied up in this endless circus to nowhere at $175,000 a year each a pop?

Oh my.

I think I DO see a constitutional crisis after all.
Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 78)

"On May 17, 2017, Acting Attorney General Rosenstein appointed Robert S. Mueller, III as Special Counsel and authorized him to conduct the Russia investigation and matters that arose from the investigation.501

"The President learned of the Special Counsel’s appointment from Sessions, who was with the President, Hunt, and McGahn conducting interviews for a new FBI Director.502

"Sessions stepped out of the Oval Office to take a call from Rosenstein, who told him about the Special Counsel appointment, and Sessions then returned to inform the President of the news.503

"According to notes written by Hunt, when Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.'"

Yep. He knew he was going to get screwed over and he has. He knew it would impact his ability to carry out the people's plans, and to a large extent it has by tying up the president dealing with this. But Trump said nothing about being impeached, and here it is, TWO YEARS LATER and even Nancy Pelosi is saying impeachment isn't a place they are willing to go to and the investigation into him is over. Everything else is the usual Democratic Circus. They have absolutely nothing to run on, so I guess in 2020 they will try to convince the gullible public like you that Trump's still a bad man and they are fighting the good fight trying to put the big bad man away.
Yep. He knew he was going to get screwed over and he has. He knew it would impact his ability to carry out the people's plans, and to a large extent it has by tying up the president dealing with this.
He was referring to the appointment of a special prosecutor he knew would investigate his criminal contacts with Russian oligarchs.

Luckily for Trump, Bill Barr came back to distort Mueller's conclusions. Maybe you'll have better luck with Pence in the White House after the Red Don resigns in disgrace?
That prosecutor said their were no such contacts, shit for brains.
What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.

so how many votes did russian activity change? which states did they occur in? which counties? which cities? How many of those votes were offset by social media posts that supported hillary?

If the russians were doing anything, they were trying to divide us and get us yelling at each other, in that they succeeded.

next question: why would russia perfer Trump who they could not control over hillary who they had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing whatever they wanted? Try to give a logical answer.

There you go trying to edumacate people again with rational thinking apparently beyond the ken of all journalists everywhere!

Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Meantime it is all based on a supposed hacking of a server that no one, including the FBI, has ever seen to actually verify was hacked?

And over WHAT? Russian meddling in an election despite the fact that no one has ever actually found a single vote changed? Not one person saying they were influenced? Not one documented case of a single county much less state flipped to Trump because of it?

Meantime, not only is no one in Washington even talking about how to prevent it from being repeated in the next election, but the 35 million dollar investigation into all of this didn't even look at any of the actually known evidence we DO have---- ---- that of Hillary and DNC payments to Steele and others for a fraudulent dossier involving sources from Ukraine pumped through the FISA court with lies and obfuscation. All the while the democrats tear everything apart looking ever deep in this "constitutional crisis" for 30 year old tax records from Trump while refusing to read the Mueller report unless they can have the legally required 2% redactions removed there to protect sensitive national information? So when the AG has finally had enough of shitty accusations that he stops showing up, democrats start bringing in fried chicken cramming it in their faces with greasy fingers? And how many House members are all tied up in this endless circus to nowhere at $175,000 a year each a pop?

Oh my.

I think I DO see a constitutional crisis after all.
Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 78)

"On May 17, 2017, Acting Attorney General Rosenstein appointed Robert S. Mueller, III as Special Counsel and authorized him to conduct the Russia investigation and matters that arose from the investigation.501

"The President learned of the Special Counsel’s appointment from Sessions, who was with the President, Hunt, and McGahn conducting interviews for a new FBI Director.502

"Sessions stepped out of the Oval Office to take a call from Rosenstein, who told him about the Special Counsel appointment, and Sessions then returned to inform the President of the news.503

"According to notes written by Hunt, when Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.'"
So? Is there an "I'm fucked" statute in the federal register?

The Mueller report is nothing more than a compilation of salacious gossip. But that's the kind of thing we expect a pack of Trump hating Democrat hacks to produce.
The Mueller report is nothing more than a compilation of salacious gossip. But that's the kind of thing we expect a pack of Trump hating Democrat hacks to produce.
Have you read the report?
How many times?
How many footnotes?
Your ignorance defines you.
What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.

so how many votes did russian activity change? which states did they occur in? which counties? which cities? How many of those votes were offset by social media posts that supported hillary?

If the russians were doing anything, they were trying to divide us and get us yelling at each other, in that they succeeded.

next question: why would russia perfer Trump who they could not control over hillary who they had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing whatever they wanted? Try to give a logical answer.

There you go trying to edumacate people again with rational thinking apparently beyond the ken of all journalists everywhere!

Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Meantime it is all based on a supposed hacking of a server that no one, including the FBI, has ever seen to actually verify was hacked?

And over WHAT? Russian meddling in an election despite the fact that no one has ever actually found a single vote changed? Not one person saying they were influenced? Not one documented case of a single county much less state flipped to Trump because of it?

Meantime, not only is no one in Washington even talking about how to prevent it from being repeated in the next election, but the 35 million dollar investigation into all of this didn't even look at any of the actually known evidence we DO have---- ---- that of Hillary and DNC payments to Steele and others for a fraudulent dossier involving sources from Ukraine pumped through the FISA court with lies and obfuscation. All the while the democrats tear everything apart looking ever deep in this "constitutional crisis" for 30 year old tax records from Trump while refusing to read the Mueller report unless they can have the legally required 2% redactions removed there to protect sensitive national information? So when the AG has finally had enough of shitty accusations that he stops showing up, democrats start bringing in fried chicken cramming it in their faces with greasy fingers? And how many House members are all tied up in this endless circus to nowhere at $175,000 a year each a pop?

Oh my.

I think I DO see a constitutional crisis after all.
Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 78)

"On May 17, 2017, Acting Attorney General Rosenstein appointed Robert S. Mueller, III as Special Counsel and authorized him to conduct the Russia investigation and matters that arose from the investigation.501

"The President learned of the Special Counsel’s appointment from Sessions, who was with the President, Hunt, and McGahn conducting interviews for a new FBI Director.502

"Sessions stepped out of the Oval Office to take a call from Rosenstein, who told him about the Special Counsel appointment, and Sessions then returned to inform the President of the news.503

"According to notes written by Hunt, when Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.'"
So? Is there an "I'm fucked" statute in the federal register?

The Mueller report is nothing more than a compilation of salacious gossip. But that's the kind of thing we expect a pack of Trump hating Democrat hacks to produce.
The Mueller report is nothing more than a compilation of salacious gossip. But that's the kind of thing we expect a pack of Trump hating Democrat hacks to produce.
Have you read the report?
How many times?
How many footnotes?
Your ignorance defines you.
You just got done quoting a lot of the salacious gossip, shit for brains.

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