More Stuff You Didn't Know

What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.

so how many votes did russian activity change? which states did they occur in? which counties? which cities? How many of those votes were offset by social media posts that supported hillary?

If the russians were doing anything, they were trying to divide us and get us yelling at each other, in that they succeeded.

next question: why would russia perfer Trump who they could not control over hillary who they had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing whatever they wanted? Try to give a logical answer.

There you go trying to edumacate people again with rational thinking apparently beyond the ken of all journalists everywhere!

Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Meantime it is all based on a supposed hacking of a server that no one, including the FBI, has ever seen to actually verify was hacked?

And over WHAT? Russian meddling in an election despite the fact that no one has ever actually found a single vote changed? Not one person saying they were influenced? Not one documented case of a single county much less state flipped to Trump because of it?

Meantime, not only is no one in Washington even talking about how to prevent it from being repeated in the next election, but the 35 million dollar investigation into all of this didn't even look at any of the actually known evidence we DO have---- ---- that of Hillary and DNC payments to Steele and others for a fraudulent dossier involving sources from Ukraine pumped through the FISA court with lies and obfuscation. All the while the democrats tear everything apart looking ever deep in this "constitutional crisis" for 30 year old tax records from Trump while refusing to read the Mueller report unless they can have the legally required 2% redactions removed there to protect sensitive national information? So when the AG has finally had enough of shitty accusations that he stops showing up, democrats start bringing in fried chicken cramming it in their faces with greasy fingers? And how many House members are all tied up in this endless circus to nowhere at $175,000 a year each a pop?

Oh my.

I think I DO see a constitutional crisis after all.
Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 78)

"On May 17, 2017, Acting Attorney General Rosenstein appointed Robert S. Mueller, III as Special Counsel and authorized him to conduct the Russia investigation and matters that arose from the investigation.501

"The President learned of the Special Counsel’s appointment from Sessions, who was with the President, Hunt, and McGahn conducting interviews for a new FBI Director.502

"Sessions stepped out of the Oval Office to take a call from Rosenstein, who told him about the Special Counsel appointment, and Sessions then returned to inform the President of the news.503

"According to notes written by Hunt, when Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.'"
So? Is there an "I'm fucked" statute in the federal register?

The Mueller report is nothing more than a compilation of salacious gossip. But that's the kind of thing we expect a pack of Trump hating Democrat hacks to produce.
The Mueller report is nothing more than a compilation of salacious gossip. But that's the kind of thing we expect a pack of Trump hating Democrat hacks to produce.
Have you read the report?
How many times?
How many footnotes?
Your ignorance defines you.

Tell us George, does it say something different after you read it the second or third time?
Which footnotes are all the solid proof buried in? What power magnifier to I need to find it?
Since you know, why don't you share it with us?
PRINT the proof right here so as not to define YOUR ignorance.
Talk is cheap which is probably why you are all talk.
so how many votes did russian activity change? which states did they occur in? which counties? which cities? How many of those votes were offset by social media posts that supported hillary?

If the russians were doing anything, they were trying to divide us and get us yelling at each other, in that they succeeded.

next question: why would russia perfer Trump who they could not control over hillary who they had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing whatever they wanted? Try to give a logical answer.

There you go trying to edumacate people again with rational thinking apparently beyond the ken of all journalists everywhere!

Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Meantime it is all based on a supposed hacking of a server that no one, including the FBI, has ever seen to actually verify was hacked?

And over WHAT? Russian meddling in an election despite the fact that no one has ever actually found a single vote changed? Not one person saying they were influenced? Not one documented case of a single county much less state flipped to Trump because of it?

Meantime, not only is no one in Washington even talking about how to prevent it from being repeated in the next election, but the 35 million dollar investigation into all of this didn't even look at any of the actually known evidence we DO have---- ---- that of Hillary and DNC payments to Steele and others for a fraudulent dossier involving sources from Ukraine pumped through the FISA court with lies and obfuscation. All the while the democrats tear everything apart looking ever deep in this "constitutional crisis" for 30 year old tax records from Trump while refusing to read the Mueller report unless they can have the legally required 2% redactions removed there to protect sensitive national information? So when the AG has finally had enough of shitty accusations that he stops showing up, democrats start bringing in fried chicken cramming it in their faces with greasy fingers? And how many House members are all tied up in this endless circus to nowhere at $175,000 a year each a pop?

Oh my.

I think I DO see a constitutional crisis after all.
Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 78)

"On May 17, 2017, Acting Attorney General Rosenstein appointed Robert S. Mueller, III as Special Counsel and authorized him to conduct the Russia investigation and matters that arose from the investigation.501

"The President learned of the Special Counsel’s appointment from Sessions, who was with the President, Hunt, and McGahn conducting interviews for a new FBI Director.502

"Sessions stepped out of the Oval Office to take a call from Rosenstein, who told him about the Special Counsel appointment, and Sessions then returned to inform the President of the news.503

"According to notes written by Hunt, when Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.'"
So? Is there an "I'm fucked" statute in the federal register?

The Mueller report is nothing more than a compilation of salacious gossip. But that's the kind of thing we expect a pack of Trump hating Democrat hacks to produce.
The Mueller report is nothing more than a compilation of salacious gossip. But that's the kind of thing we expect a pack of Trump hating Democrat hacks to produce.
Have you read the report?
How many times?
How many footnotes?
Your ignorance defines you.

Tell us George, does it say something different after you read it the second or third time?
Which footnotes are all the solid proof buried in? What power magnifier to I need to find it?
Since you know, why don't you share it with us?
PRINT the proof right here so as not to define YOUR ignorance.
Talk is cheap which is probably why you are all talk.
Tell us George, does it say something different after you read it the second or third time?
Which footnotes are all the solid proof buried in? What power magnifier to I need to find it?
Rereading complex material often improves comprehension, of course, you should start the process with an initial read instead of relying on Trump's whores on Fox News.

What Happens Next with the Mueller Report? The Answer May Lie in the Footnotes

"Footnote 1008

"This footnote offers the nexus between Mueller’s investigation into Russian election interference and the investigation in the Southern District of New York into campaign finance violations by Michael Cohen and, potentially,

"Trump himself. In particular, Mueller states that he was authorized to investigate Essential Consultants, LLC, the shell company used to make a hush-money payment to Stormy Daniels, because he had evidence that 'the entity received funds from Russian-backed entities.'

"This suggests that the Daniels payment was discovered in the course of following the money from Russia, and that the payment became evidence of a separate crime beyond Mueller’s jurisdiction that was then referred to an outside U.S. Attorney’s Office."

Trump finance experts weigh in on “money laundering” claims
There you go trying to edumacate people again with rational thinking apparently beyond the ken of all journalists everywhere!

Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Meantime it is all based on a supposed hacking of a server that no one, including the FBI, has ever seen to actually verify was hacked?

And over WHAT? Russian meddling in an election despite the fact that no one has ever actually found a single vote changed? Not one person saying they were influenced? Not one documented case of a single county much less state flipped to Trump because of it?

Meantime, not only is no one in Washington even talking about how to prevent it from being repeated in the next election, but the 35 million dollar investigation into all of this didn't even look at any of the actually known evidence we DO have---- ---- that of Hillary and DNC payments to Steele and others for a fraudulent dossier involving sources from Ukraine pumped through the FISA court with lies and obfuscation. All the while the democrats tear everything apart looking ever deep in this "constitutional crisis" for 30 year old tax records from Trump while refusing to read the Mueller report unless they can have the legally required 2% redactions removed there to protect sensitive national information? So when the AG has finally had enough of shitty accusations that he stops showing up, democrats start bringing in fried chicken cramming it in their faces with greasy fingers? And how many House members are all tied up in this endless circus to nowhere at $175,000 a year each a pop?

Oh my.

I think I DO see a constitutional crisis after all.
Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 78)

"On May 17, 2017, Acting Attorney General Rosenstein appointed Robert S. Mueller, III as Special Counsel and authorized him to conduct the Russia investigation and matters that arose from the investigation.501

"The President learned of the Special Counsel’s appointment from Sessions, who was with the President, Hunt, and McGahn conducting interviews for a new FBI Director.502

"Sessions stepped out of the Oval Office to take a call from Rosenstein, who told him about the Special Counsel appointment, and Sessions then returned to inform the President of the news.503

"According to notes written by Hunt, when Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.'"
So? Is there an "I'm fucked" statute in the federal register?

The Mueller report is nothing more than a compilation of salacious gossip. But that's the kind of thing we expect a pack of Trump hating Democrat hacks to produce.
The Mueller report is nothing more than a compilation of salacious gossip. But that's the kind of thing we expect a pack of Trump hating Democrat hacks to produce.
Have you read the report?
How many times?
How many footnotes?
Your ignorance defines you.

Tell us George, does it say something different after you read it the second or third time?
Which footnotes are all the solid proof buried in? What power magnifier to I need to find it?
Since you know, why don't you share it with us?
PRINT the proof right here so as not to define YOUR ignorance.
Talk is cheap which is probably why you are all talk.
Tell us George, does it say something different after you read it the second or third time?
Which footnotes are all the solid proof buried in? What power magnifier to I need to find it?
Rereading complex material often improves comprehension, of course, you should start the process with an initial read instead of relying on Trump's whores on Fox News.

What Happens Next with the Mueller Report? The Answer May Lie in the Footnotes

"Footnote 1008

"This footnote offers the nexus between Mueller’s investigation into Russian election interference and the investigation in the Southern District of New York into campaign finance violations by Michael Cohen and, potentially,

"Trump himself. In particular, Mueller states that he was authorized to investigate Essential Consultants, LLC, the shell company used to make a hush-money payment to Stormy Daniels, because he had evidence that 'the entity received funds from Russian-backed entities.'

"This suggests that the Daniels payment was discovered in the course of following the money from Russia, and that the payment became evidence of a separate crime beyond Mueller’s jurisdiction that was then referred to an outside U.S. Attorney’s Office."

Trump finance experts weigh in on “money laundering” claims

Welcome to #3 on the list you pile of human feces. What you commee loons do on an hourly basis to tear down America is beyond hope. You should be rounded up and fed into woodchippers to save the planet.

I will find you loons on USMB and I will expose your sick rear ends one by one.
Last edited:
so how many votes did russian activity change? which states did they occur in? which counties? which cities? How many of those votes were offset by social media posts that supported hillary?

If the russians were doing anything, they were trying to divide us and get us yelling at each other, in that they succeeded.

next question: why would russia perfer Trump who they could not control over hillary who they had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing whatever they wanted? Try to give a logical answer.

There you go trying to edumacate people again with rational thinking apparently beyond the ken of all journalists everywhere!

Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Meantime it is all based on a supposed hacking of a server that no one, including the FBI, has ever seen to actually verify was hacked?

And over WHAT? Russian meddling in an election despite the fact that no one has ever actually found a single vote changed? Not one person saying they were influenced? Not one documented case of a single county much less state flipped to Trump because of it?

Meantime, not only is no one in Washington even talking about how to prevent it from being repeated in the next election, but the 35 million dollar investigation into all of this didn't even look at any of the actually known evidence we DO have---- ---- that of Hillary and DNC payments to Steele and others for a fraudulent dossier involving sources from Ukraine pumped through the FISA court with lies and obfuscation. All the while the democrats tear everything apart looking ever deep in this "constitutional crisis" for 30 year old tax records from Trump while refusing to read the Mueller report unless they can have the legally required 2% redactions removed there to protect sensitive national information? So when the AG has finally had enough of shitty accusations that he stops showing up, democrats start bringing in fried chicken cramming it in their faces with greasy fingers? And how many House members are all tied up in this endless circus to nowhere at $175,000 a year each a pop?

Oh my.

I think I DO see a constitutional crisis after all.
Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 78)

"On May 17, 2017, Acting Attorney General Rosenstein appointed Robert S. Mueller, III as Special Counsel and authorized him to conduct the Russia investigation and matters that arose from the investigation.501

"The President learned of the Special Counsel’s appointment from Sessions, who was with the President, Hunt, and McGahn conducting interviews for a new FBI Director.502

"Sessions stepped out of the Oval Office to take a call from Rosenstein, who told him about the Special Counsel appointment, and Sessions then returned to inform the President of the news.503

"According to notes written by Hunt, when Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.'"

Yep. He knew he was going to get screwed over and he has. He knew it would impact his ability to carry out the people's plans, and to a large extent it has by tying up the president dealing with this. But Trump said nothing about being impeached, and here it is, TWO YEARS LATER and even Nancy Pelosi is saying impeachment isn't a place they are willing to go to and the investigation into him is over. Everything else is the usual Democratic Circus. They have absolutely nothing to run on, so I guess in 2020 they will try to convince the gullible public like you that Trump's still a bad man and they are fighting the good fight trying to put the big bad man away.
Yep. He knew he was going to get screwed over and he has. He knew it would impact his ability to carry out the people's plans, and to a large extent it has by tying up the president dealing with this.
He was referring to the appointment of a special prosecutor he knew would investigate his criminal contacts with Russian oligarchs.

Luckily for Trump, Bill Barr came back to distort Mueller's conclusions. Maybe you'll have better luck with Pence in the White House after the Red Don resigns in disgrace?
That prosecutor said their were no such contacts, shit for brains.
That prosecutor said their were no such contacts, shit for brains.
Who told you that, Don Jr?

All the Legal Trouble in Trumpworld
There you go trying to edumacate people again with rational thinking apparently beyond the ken of all journalists everywhere!

Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Meantime it is all based on a supposed hacking of a server that no one, including the FBI, has ever seen to actually verify was hacked?

And over WHAT? Russian meddling in an election despite the fact that no one has ever actually found a single vote changed? Not one person saying they were influenced? Not one documented case of a single county much less state flipped to Trump because of it?

Meantime, not only is no one in Washington even talking about how to prevent it from being repeated in the next election, but the 35 million dollar investigation into all of this didn't even look at any of the actually known evidence we DO have---- ---- that of Hillary and DNC payments to Steele and others for a fraudulent dossier involving sources from Ukraine pumped through the FISA court with lies and obfuscation. All the while the democrats tear everything apart looking ever deep in this "constitutional crisis" for 30 year old tax records from Trump while refusing to read the Mueller report unless they can have the legally required 2% redactions removed there to protect sensitive national information? So when the AG has finally had enough of shitty accusations that he stops showing up, democrats start bringing in fried chicken cramming it in their faces with greasy fingers? And how many House members are all tied up in this endless circus to nowhere at $175,000 a year each a pop?

Oh my.

I think I DO see a constitutional crisis after all.
Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 78)

"On May 17, 2017, Acting Attorney General Rosenstein appointed Robert S. Mueller, III as Special Counsel and authorized him to conduct the Russia investigation and matters that arose from the investigation.501

"The President learned of the Special Counsel’s appointment from Sessions, who was with the President, Hunt, and McGahn conducting interviews for a new FBI Director.502

"Sessions stepped out of the Oval Office to take a call from Rosenstein, who told him about the Special Counsel appointment, and Sessions then returned to inform the President of the news.503

"According to notes written by Hunt, when Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.'"

Yep. He knew he was going to get screwed over and he has. He knew it would impact his ability to carry out the people's plans, and to a large extent it has by tying up the president dealing with this. But Trump said nothing about being impeached, and here it is, TWO YEARS LATER and even Nancy Pelosi is saying impeachment isn't a place they are willing to go to and the investigation into him is over. Everything else is the usual Democratic Circus. They have absolutely nothing to run on, so I guess in 2020 they will try to convince the gullible public like you that Trump's still a bad man and they are fighting the good fight trying to put the big bad man away.
Yep. He knew he was going to get screwed over and he has. He knew it would impact his ability to carry out the people's plans, and to a large extent it has by tying up the president dealing with this.
He was referring to the appointment of a special prosecutor he knew would investigate his criminal contacts with Russian oligarchs.

Luckily for Trump, Bill Barr came back to distort Mueller's conclusions. Maybe you'll have better luck with Pence in the White House after the Red Don resigns in disgrace?
That prosecutor said their were no such contacts, shit for brains.
That prosecutor said their were no such contacts, shit for brains.
Who told you that, Don Jr?

All the Legal Trouble in Trumpworld

so you know all this and Mueller and his of democrat Trump haters couldn't find any of it?

you and your buddies in the dem party and the corrupt lying media are living in a fantasy that was created by crooked hillary. But its over, the bitch lost, you fools lost, and you will continue losing as long as your only platform is hating Trump for beating the crooked bitch.
There you go trying to edumacate people again with rational thinking apparently beyond the ken of all journalists everywhere!

Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Meantime it is all based on a supposed hacking of a server that no one, including the FBI, has ever seen to actually verify was hacked?

And over WHAT? Russian meddling in an election despite the fact that no one has ever actually found a single vote changed? Not one person saying they were influenced? Not one documented case of a single county much less state flipped to Trump because of it?

Meantime, not only is no one in Washington even talking about how to prevent it from being repeated in the next election, but the 35 million dollar investigation into all of this didn't even look at any of the actually known evidence we DO have---- ---- that of Hillary and DNC payments to Steele and others for a fraudulent dossier involving sources from Ukraine pumped through the FISA court with lies and obfuscation. All the while the democrats tear everything apart looking ever deep in this "constitutional crisis" for 30 year old tax records from Trump while refusing to read the Mueller report unless they can have the legally required 2% redactions removed there to protect sensitive national information? So when the AG has finally had enough of shitty accusations that he stops showing up, democrats start bringing in fried chicken cramming it in their faces with greasy fingers? And how many House members are all tied up in this endless circus to nowhere at $175,000 a year each a pop?

Oh my.

I think I DO see a constitutional crisis after all.
Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 78)

"On May 17, 2017, Acting Attorney General Rosenstein appointed Robert S. Mueller, III as Special Counsel and authorized him to conduct the Russia investigation and matters that arose from the investigation.501

"The President learned of the Special Counsel’s appointment from Sessions, who was with the President, Hunt, and McGahn conducting interviews for a new FBI Director.502

"Sessions stepped out of the Oval Office to take a call from Rosenstein, who told him about the Special Counsel appointment, and Sessions then returned to inform the President of the news.503

"According to notes written by Hunt, when Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.'"
So? Is there an "I'm fucked" statute in the federal register?

The Mueller report is nothing more than a compilation of salacious gossip. But that's the kind of thing we expect a pack of Trump hating Democrat hacks to produce.
The Mueller report is nothing more than a compilation of salacious gossip. But that's the kind of thing we expect a pack of Trump hating Democrat hacks to produce.
Have you read the report?
How many times?
How many footnotes?
Your ignorance defines you.

Tell us George, does it say something different after you read it the second or third time?
Which footnotes are all the solid proof buried in? What power magnifier to I need to find it?
Since you know, why don't you share it with us?
PRINT the proof right here so as not to define YOUR ignorance.
Talk is cheap which is probably why you are all talk.
Tell us George, does it say something different after you read it the second or third time?
Which footnotes are all the solid proof buried in? What power magnifier to I need to find it?
Rereading complex material often improves comprehension, of course, you should start the process with an initial read instead of relying on Trump's whores on Fox News.

What Happens Next with the Mueller Report? The Answer May Lie in the Footnotes

"Footnote 1008

"This footnote offers the nexus between Mueller’s investigation into Russian election interference and the investigation in the Southern District of New York into campaign finance violations by Michael Cohen and, potentially,

"Trump himself. In particular, Mueller states that he was authorized to investigate Essential Consultants, LLC, the shell company used to make a hush-money payment to Stormy Daniels, because he had evidence that 'the entity received funds from Russian-backed entities.'

"This suggests that the Daniels payment was discovered in the course of following the money from Russia, and that the payment became evidence of a separate crime beyond Mueller’s jurisdiction that was then referred to an outside U.S. Attorney’s Office."

Trump finance experts weigh in on “money laundering” claims
What happens next is that the public tosses it into the waste bin where it belongs.
There you go trying to edumacate people again with rational thinking apparently beyond the ken of all journalists everywhere!

Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Meantime it is all based on a supposed hacking of a server that no one, including the FBI, has ever seen to actually verify was hacked?

And over WHAT? Russian meddling in an election despite the fact that no one has ever actually found a single vote changed? Not one person saying they were influenced? Not one documented case of a single county much less state flipped to Trump because of it?

Meantime, not only is no one in Washington even talking about how to prevent it from being repeated in the next election, but the 35 million dollar investigation into all of this didn't even look at any of the actually known evidence we DO have---- ---- that of Hillary and DNC payments to Steele and others for a fraudulent dossier involving sources from Ukraine pumped through the FISA court with lies and obfuscation. All the while the democrats tear everything apart looking ever deep in this "constitutional crisis" for 30 year old tax records from Trump while refusing to read the Mueller report unless they can have the legally required 2% redactions removed there to protect sensitive national information? So when the AG has finally had enough of shitty accusations that he stops showing up, democrats start bringing in fried chicken cramming it in their faces with greasy fingers? And how many House members are all tied up in this endless circus to nowhere at $175,000 a year each a pop?

Oh my.

I think I DO see a constitutional crisis after all.
Trump stands at the precipice of Impeachment and for what? Wanting to stop a baseless investigation that changing investigators wouldn't have mattered anyway because you cannot create something from nothing?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 78)

"On May 17, 2017, Acting Attorney General Rosenstein appointed Robert S. Mueller, III as Special Counsel and authorized him to conduct the Russia investigation and matters that arose from the investigation.501

"The President learned of the Special Counsel’s appointment from Sessions, who was with the President, Hunt, and McGahn conducting interviews for a new FBI Director.502

"Sessions stepped out of the Oval Office to take a call from Rosenstein, who told him about the Special Counsel appointment, and Sessions then returned to inform the President of the news.503

"According to notes written by Hunt, when Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.'"

Yep. He knew he was going to get screwed over and he has. He knew it would impact his ability to carry out the people's plans, and to a large extent it has by tying up the president dealing with this. But Trump said nothing about being impeached, and here it is, TWO YEARS LATER and even Nancy Pelosi is saying impeachment isn't a place they are willing to go to and the investigation into him is over. Everything else is the usual Democratic Circus. They have absolutely nothing to run on, so I guess in 2020 they will try to convince the gullible public like you that Trump's still a bad man and they are fighting the good fight trying to put the big bad man away.
Yep. He knew he was going to get screwed over and he has. He knew it would impact his ability to carry out the people's plans, and to a large extent it has by tying up the president dealing with this.
He was referring to the appointment of a special prosecutor he knew would investigate his criminal contacts with Russian oligarchs.

Luckily for Trump, Bill Barr came back to distort Mueller's conclusions. Maybe you'll have better luck with Pence in the White House after the Red Don resigns in disgrace?
That prosecutor said their were no such contacts, shit for brains.
That prosecutor said their were no such contacts, shit for brains.
Who told you that, Don Jr?

All the Legal Trouble in Trumpworld
You imbecile chart doesn't show any contacts between Russia and the Trump administration, dumbass.

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 78)

"On May 17, 2017, Acting Attorney General Rosenstein appointed Robert S. Mueller, III as Special Counsel and authorized him to conduct the Russia investigation and matters that arose from the investigation.501

"The President learned of the Special Counsel’s appointment from Sessions, who was with the President, Hunt, and McGahn conducting interviews for a new FBI Director.502

"Sessions stepped out of the Oval Office to take a call from Rosenstein, who told him about the Special Counsel appointment, and Sessions then returned to inform the President of the news.503

"According to notes written by Hunt, when Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.'"

Yep. He knew he was going to get screwed over and he has. He knew it would impact his ability to carry out the people's plans, and to a large extent it has by tying up the president dealing with this. But Trump said nothing about being impeached, and here it is, TWO YEARS LATER and even Nancy Pelosi is saying impeachment isn't a place they are willing to go to and the investigation into him is over. Everything else is the usual Democratic Circus. They have absolutely nothing to run on, so I guess in 2020 they will try to convince the gullible public like you that Trump's still a bad man and they are fighting the good fight trying to put the big bad man away.
Yep. He knew he was going to get screwed over and he has. He knew it would impact his ability to carry out the people's plans, and to a large extent it has by tying up the president dealing with this.
He was referring to the appointment of a special prosecutor he knew would investigate his criminal contacts with Russian oligarchs.

Luckily for Trump, Bill Barr came back to distort Mueller's conclusions. Maybe you'll have better luck with Pence in the White House after the Red Don resigns in disgrace?
That prosecutor said their were no such contacts, shit for brains.
That prosecutor said their were no such contacts, shit for brains.
Who told you that, Don Jr?

All the Legal Trouble in Trumpworld

so you know all this and Mueller and his of democrat Trump haters couldn't find any of it?

you and your buddies in the dem party and the corrupt lying media are living in a fantasy that was created by crooked hillary. But its over, the bitch lost, you fools lost, and you will continue losing as long as your only platform is hating Trump for beating the crooked bitch.
you and your buddies in the dem party and the corrupt lying media are living in a fantasy that was created by crooked hillary. But its over, the bitch lost, you fools lost, and you will continue losing as
It's just getting started, Chump, and before another two years passes, the lying imbecile in the White House will be on his way to prison along with most of his crime family.

Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?

All the Legal Trouble in Trumpworld

"Violation of campaign finance laws


"Michael Cohen, Trump’s former personal attorney and longtime fixer, has testified that Trump ordered him to pay hush money to silence adulterous scandals that could have hurt his presidential campaign

"Who's Implicated: Michael Cohen

"Danger for Trump: This case directly implicates the president.

"Status: Cohen has pleaded guilty to 'felonies for the benefit of, at the direction of, and in coordination with' Trump.

"Additionally, in testimony before the House Oversight Committee on Feb. 27, Cohen showed off personal checks signed by Trump, which Cohen testified were to reimburse him for the payoffs. involved in other illegal activities but said he could not comment because of the ongoing nature of the investigations."

Maybe you should just move to Russia where you'll feel more appreciated?

So the hired assassin didn't find Trump guilty of ANYTHING????????

Who knew?

I did.
Did you read Mueller's report, or would that cut into your executive time?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index

"Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

Scoop: Leaked private schedules show Trump spent 60% of last 3 months in "Executive Time"

Your entertainment value has about run out......

....tired of smashing custard pies in your ugly kisser.

Sooooo......time for you to get lost.

No, time for you to be shown to be the stupid Anti-Semite you are. Trump did to try to stop Flynn's indictment. Hoping something bad does not happen to Flynn is NOT obstruction. Loss #1. Asking Sessions to unrecuse himself in NO way obstructs Mueller's "investigation". Loss #2. Venting to staff in private meetings that Mueller should be fired for his blatant illegal acts does NOT constitute obstruction. No matter how much Little Bobby Mewler's feelings got hurt. Trump had the right to fire him at any tme for any reason. Loss #3. Looks like YOU better get lost.
No, time for you to be shown to be the stupid Anti-Semite you are. Trump did to try to stop Flynn's indictment. Hoping something bad does not happen to Flynn is NOT obstruction. Loss #1
Not even close, Loser:

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 24)

"During the presidential transition, incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn had two phone calls with the Russian Ambassador to the United States about the Russian response to U.S. sanctions imposed because of Russia’s election interference.

"After the press reported on Flynn’s contacts with the Russian Ambassador, Flynn lied to incoming Administration officials by saying he had not discussed sanctions on the calls.

"The officials publicly repeated those lies in press interviews.

"The FBI, which previously was investigating Flynn for other matters, interviewed him about the calls in the first week after the inauguration, and Flynn told similar lies to the FBI.

"On January 26, 2017, Department of Justice (DOJ) officials notified the White House that Flynn and the Russian Ambassador had discussed sanctions and that Flynn had been interviewed by the FBI.

"The next night, the President had a private dinner with FBI Director James Comey in which he asked for Comey’s loyalty.

"On February 13, 2017, the President asked Flynn to resign.

"The following day, the President had a one-on-one conversation with Comey in which he said, 'I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go.'"

I hope you can see the gangster like attempt at obstruction in Trump's conversation with Comey.

Wrong again loser. By LAW if there was ANY attempt at obstruction of justice, Comey was REQUIRED to report it. He did not. Thus there was either no obstruction, or Comey broke another law. Which one is it? Can you see that through your tears?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 78)

"On May 17, 2017, Acting Attorney General Rosenstein appointed Robert S. Mueller, III as Special Counsel and authorized him to conduct the Russia investigation and matters that arose from the investigation.501

"The President learned of the Special Counsel’s appointment from Sessions, who was with the President, Hunt, and McGahn conducting interviews for a new FBI Director.502

"Sessions stepped out of the Oval Office to take a call from Rosenstein, who told him about the Special Counsel appointment, and Sessions then returned to inform the President of the news.503

"According to notes written by Hunt, when Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.'"
So? Is there an "I'm fucked" statute in the federal register?

The Mueller report is nothing more than a compilation of salacious gossip. But that's the kind of thing we expect a pack of Trump hating Democrat hacks to produce.
The Mueller report is nothing more than a compilation of salacious gossip. But that's the kind of thing we expect a pack of Trump hating Democrat hacks to produce.
Have you read the report?
How many times?
How many footnotes?
Your ignorance defines you.

Tell us George, does it say something different after you read it the second or third time?
Which footnotes are all the solid proof buried in? What power magnifier to I need to find it?
Since you know, why don't you share it with us?
PRINT the proof right here so as not to define YOUR ignorance.
Talk is cheap which is probably why you are all talk.
Tell us George, does it say something different after you read it the second or third time?
Which footnotes are all the solid proof buried in? What power magnifier to I need to find it?
Rereading complex material often improves comprehension, of course, you should start the process with an initial read instead of relying on Trump's whores on Fox News.

What Happens Next with the Mueller Report? The Answer May Lie in the Footnotes

"Footnote 1008

"This footnote offers the nexus between Mueller’s investigation into Russian election interference and the investigation in the Southern District of New York into campaign finance violations by Michael Cohen and, potentially,

"Trump himself. In particular, Mueller states that he was authorized to investigate Essential Consultants, LLC, the shell company used to make a hush-money payment to Stormy Daniels, because he had evidence that 'the entity received funds from Russian-backed entities.'

"This suggests that the Daniels payment was discovered in the course of following the money from Russia, and that the payment became evidence of a separate crime beyond Mueller’s jurisdiction that was then referred to an outside U.S. Attorney’s Office."

Trump finance experts weigh in on “money laundering” claims
What happens next is that the public tosses it into the waste bin where it belongs.
What happens next is that the public tosses it into the waste bin where it belongs.
The public will toss Trump and his crime family into the trash (hopefully, long before November 2020)

All the Legal Trouble in Trumpworld

"Alleged violations of the U.S. Constitution’s emoluments clause

"The Constitution bars the president from using his office to profit from foreign states.

"The Washington Post reported in December 2018 that Saudi lobbyists had paid for an estimated 500 nights in Trump’s D.C. hotel over a three-month period so that military veterans could come to Washington and lobby against a bill the Saudi government opposed.

"Profits from the Saudi government going to a Trump-owned hotel would seem to violate the emoluments clause.

"Who's Implicated: Donald Trump and the Trump Organization

"Danger for Trump: He is directly implicated. A clear constitutional violation could raise the question of impeachment.

"Status: The court rejected Trump’s initial efforts to shut the investigation down. The case is ongoing."

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 78)

"On May 17, 2017, Acting Attorney General Rosenstein appointed Robert S. Mueller, III as Special Counsel and authorized him to conduct the Russia investigation and matters that arose from the investigation.501

"The President learned of the Special Counsel’s appointment from Sessions, who was with the President, Hunt, and McGahn conducting interviews for a new FBI Director.502

"Sessions stepped out of the Oval Office to take a call from Rosenstein, who told him about the Special Counsel appointment, and Sessions then returned to inform the President of the news.503

"According to notes written by Hunt, when Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.'"

Yep. He knew he was going to get screwed over and he has. He knew it would impact his ability to carry out the people's plans, and to a large extent it has by tying up the president dealing with this. But Trump said nothing about being impeached, and here it is, TWO YEARS LATER and even Nancy Pelosi is saying impeachment isn't a place they are willing to go to and the investigation into him is over. Everything else is the usual Democratic Circus. They have absolutely nothing to run on, so I guess in 2020 they will try to convince the gullible public like you that Trump's still a bad man and they are fighting the good fight trying to put the big bad man away.
Yep. He knew he was going to get screwed over and he has. He knew it would impact his ability to carry out the people's plans, and to a large extent it has by tying up the president dealing with this.
He was referring to the appointment of a special prosecutor he knew would investigate his criminal contacts with Russian oligarchs.

Luckily for Trump, Bill Barr came back to distort Mueller's conclusions. Maybe you'll have better luck with Pence in the White House after the Red Don resigns in disgrace?
That prosecutor said their were no such contacts, shit for brains.
That prosecutor said their were no such contacts, shit for brains.
Who told you that, Don Jr?

All the Legal Trouble in Trumpworld
You imbecile chart doesn't show any contacts between Russia and the Trump administration, dumbass.
You imbecile chart doesn't show any contacts between Russia and the Trump administration, dumbass.
How about contacts between his campaign or inaugural committee or foreign lobbying or his foundation or Russian disinformation campaigns or improper Turkish influence inside his administration or his rancid, venal crime family?

Look closer, Loser.
Yep. He knew he was going to get screwed over and he has. He knew it would impact his ability to carry out the people's plans, and to a large extent it has by tying up the president dealing with this. But Trump said nothing about being impeached, and here it is, TWO YEARS LATER and even Nancy Pelosi is saying impeachment isn't a place they are willing to go to and the investigation into him is over. Everything else is the usual Democratic Circus. They have absolutely nothing to run on, so I guess in 2020 they will try to convince the gullible public like you that Trump's still a bad man and they are fighting the good fight trying to put the big bad man away.
Yep. He knew he was going to get screwed over and he has. He knew it would impact his ability to carry out the people's plans, and to a large extent it has by tying up the president dealing with this.
He was referring to the appointment of a special prosecutor he knew would investigate his criminal contacts with Russian oligarchs.

Luckily for Trump, Bill Barr came back to distort Mueller's conclusions. Maybe you'll have better luck with Pence in the White House after the Red Don resigns in disgrace?
That prosecutor said their were no such contacts, shit for brains.
That prosecutor said their were no such contacts, shit for brains.
Who told you that, Don Jr?

All the Legal Trouble in Trumpworld

so you know all this and Mueller and his of democrat Trump haters couldn't find any of it?

you and your buddies in the dem party and the corrupt lying media are living in a fantasy that was created by crooked hillary. But its over, the bitch lost, you fools lost, and you will continue losing as long as your only platform is hating Trump for beating the crooked bitch.
you and your buddies in the dem party and the corrupt lying media are living in a fantasy that was created by crooked hillary. But its over, the bitch lost, you fools lost, and you will continue losing as
It's just getting started, Chump, and before another two years passes, the lying imbecile in the White House will be on his way to prison along with most of his crime family.

Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?

All the Legal Trouble in Trumpworld

"Violation of campaign finance laws


"Michael Cohen, Trump’s former personal attorney and longtime fixer, has testified that Trump ordered him to pay hush money to silence adulterous scandals that could have hurt his presidential campaign

"Who's Implicated: Michael Cohen

"Danger for Trump: This case directly implicates the president.

"Status: Cohen has pleaded guilty to 'felonies for the benefit of, at the direction of, and in coordination with' Trump.

"Additionally, in testimony before the House Oversight Committee on Feb. 27, Cohen showed off personal checks signed by Trump, which Cohen testified were to reimburse him for the payoffs. involved in other illegal activities but said he could not comment because of the ongoing nature of the investigations."

Maybe you should just move to Russia where you'll feel more appreciated?
He wrote a check to one of his lawyers?

What an outrage!
Yep. He knew he was going to get screwed over and he has. He knew it would impact his ability to carry out the people's plans, and to a large extent it has by tying up the president dealing with this. But Trump said nothing about being impeached, and here it is, TWO YEARS LATER and even Nancy Pelosi is saying impeachment isn't a place they are willing to go to and the investigation into him is over. Everything else is the usual Democratic Circus. They have absolutely nothing to run on, so I guess in 2020 they will try to convince the gullible public like you that Trump's still a bad man and they are fighting the good fight trying to put the big bad man away.
Yep. He knew he was going to get screwed over and he has. He knew it would impact his ability to carry out the people's plans, and to a large extent it has by tying up the president dealing with this.
He was referring to the appointment of a special prosecutor he knew would investigate his criminal contacts with Russian oligarchs.

Luckily for Trump, Bill Barr came back to distort Mueller's conclusions. Maybe you'll have better luck with Pence in the White House after the Red Don resigns in disgrace?
That prosecutor said their were no such contacts, shit for brains.
That prosecutor said their were no such contacts, shit for brains.
Who told you that, Don Jr?

All the Legal Trouble in Trumpworld
You imbecile chart doesn't show any contacts between Russia and the Trump administration, dumbass.
You imbecile chart doesn't show any contacts between Russia and the Trump administration, dumbass.
How about contacts between his campaign or inaugural committee or foreign lobbying or his foundation or Russian disinformation campaigns or improper Turkish influence inside his administration or his rancid, venal crime family?

Look closer, Loser.
No one in the Trump campaign had any contact with a "Russian disinformation campaign." Manafort's lobbying for the Turks occurred before he joined the campaign, not during the campaign. None of your accusations are crimes, and most of them simply never happened.
He was referring to the appointment of a special prosecutor he knew would investigate his criminal contacts with Russian oligarchs.

Luckily for Trump, Bill Barr came back to distort Mueller's conclusions. Maybe you'll have better luck with Pence in the White House after the Red Don resigns in disgrace?
That prosecutor said their were no such contacts, shit for brains.
That prosecutor said their were no such contacts, shit for brains.
Who told you that, Don Jr?

All the Legal Trouble in Trumpworld
You imbecile chart doesn't show any contacts between Russia and the Trump administration, dumbass.
You imbecile chart doesn't show any contacts between Russia and the Trump administration, dumbass.
How about contacts between his campaign or inaugural committee or foreign lobbying or his foundation or Russian disinformation campaigns or improper Turkish influence inside his administration or his rancid, venal crime family?

Look closer, Loser.
No one in the Trump campaign had any contact with a "Russian disinformation campaign." Manafort's lobbying for the Turks occurred before he joined the campaign, not during the campaign. None of your accusations are crimes, and most of them simply never happened.
No one in the Trump campaign had any contact with a "Russian disinformation campaign." Manafort's lobbying for the Turks occurred before he joined the campaign, not during the campaign. None of your accusations are crimes, and most of them simply never happened.
Are you lying or astronomically ignorant?

"On June 19, 2017, the Washington Post broke the story that Paul Manafort, while serving as the chairman of the Trump campaign, had a secret August 2, 2016 meeting with suspected GRU (Russian military intelligence) officer Konstantin Kilimnik in a Manhattan cigar bar called the Grand Havana Room."
It's not news that Manafort colluded with the Russians
Last edited:
He was referring to the appointment of a special prosecutor he knew would investigate his criminal contacts with Russian oligarchs.

Luckily for Trump, Bill Barr came back to distort Mueller's conclusions. Maybe you'll have better luck with Pence in the White House after the Red Don resigns in disgrace?
That prosecutor said their were no such contacts, shit for brains.
That prosecutor said their were no such contacts, shit for brains.
Who told you that, Don Jr?

All the Legal Trouble in Trumpworld

so you know all this and Mueller and his of democrat Trump haters couldn't find any of it?

you and your buddies in the dem party and the corrupt lying media are living in a fantasy that was created by crooked hillary. But its over, the bitch lost, you fools lost, and you will continue losing as long as your only platform is hating Trump for beating the crooked bitch.
you and your buddies in the dem party and the corrupt lying media are living in a fantasy that was created by crooked hillary. But its over, the bitch lost, you fools lost, and you will continue losing as
It's just getting started, Chump, and before another two years passes, the lying imbecile in the White House will be on his way to prison along with most of his crime family.

Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?

All the Legal Trouble in Trumpworld

"Violation of campaign finance laws


"Michael Cohen, Trump’s former personal attorney and longtime fixer, has testified that Trump ordered him to pay hush money to silence adulterous scandals that could have hurt his presidential campaign

"Who's Implicated: Michael Cohen

"Danger for Trump: This case directly implicates the president.

"Status: Cohen has pleaded guilty to 'felonies for the benefit of, at the direction of, and in coordination with' Trump.

"Additionally, in testimony before the House Oversight Committee on Feb. 27, Cohen showed off personal checks signed by Trump, which Cohen testified were to reimburse him for the payoffs. involved in other illegal activities but said he could not comment because of the ongoing nature of the investigations."

Maybe you should just move to Russia where you'll feel more appreciated?
He wrote a check to one of his lawyers?

What an outrage!
He wrote a check to one of his lawyers?

What an outrage!
Was the purpose of that check criminal in nature?

All the Legal Trouble in Trumpworld

"Violation of campaign finance laws


"Michael Cohen, Trump’s former personal attorney and longtime fixer, has testified that Trump ordered him to pay hush money to silence adulterous scandals that could have hurt his presidential campaign.

"Who's Implicated: Michael Cohen

"Danger for Trump: This case directly implicates the president.

"Status: Cohen has pleaded guilty to 'felonies for the benefit of, at the direction of, and in coordination with' Trump.

"Additionally, in testimony before the House Oversight Committee on Feb. 27, Cohen showed off personal checks signed by Trump, which Cohen testified were to reimburse him for the payoffs. involved in other illegal activities but said he could not comment because of the ongoing nature of the investigations."
Did you read Mueller's report, or would that cut into your executive time?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index

"Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

Scoop: Leaked private schedules show Trump spent 60% of last 3 months in "Executive Time"

Your entertainment value has about run out......

....tired of smashing custard pies in your ugly kisser.

Sooooo......time for you to get lost.

No, time for you to be shown to be the stupid Anti-Semite you are. Trump did to try to stop Flynn's indictment. Hoping something bad does not happen to Flynn is NOT obstruction. Loss #1. Asking Sessions to unrecuse himself in NO way obstructs Mueller's "investigation". Loss #2. Venting to staff in private meetings that Mueller should be fired for his blatant illegal acts does NOT constitute obstruction. No matter how much Little Bobby Mewler's feelings got hurt. Trump had the right to fire him at any tme for any reason. Loss #3. Looks like YOU better get lost.
No, time for you to be shown to be the stupid Anti-Semite you are. Trump did to try to stop Flynn's indictment. Hoping something bad does not happen to Flynn is NOT obstruction. Loss #1
Not even close, Loser:

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 24)

"During the presidential transition, incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn had two phone calls with the Russian Ambassador to the United States about the Russian response to U.S. sanctions imposed because of Russia’s election interference.

"After the press reported on Flynn’s contacts with the Russian Ambassador, Flynn lied to incoming Administration officials by saying he had not discussed sanctions on the calls.

"The officials publicly repeated those lies in press interviews.

"The FBI, which previously was investigating Flynn for other matters, interviewed him about the calls in the first week after the inauguration, and Flynn told similar lies to the FBI.

"On January 26, 2017, Department of Justice (DOJ) officials notified the White House that Flynn and the Russian Ambassador had discussed sanctions and that Flynn had been interviewed by the FBI.

"The next night, the President had a private dinner with FBI Director James Comey in which he asked for Comey’s loyalty.

"On February 13, 2017, the President asked Flynn to resign.

"The following day, the President had a one-on-one conversation with Comey in which he said, 'I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go.'"

I hope you can see the gangster like attempt at obstruction in Trump's conversation with Comey.

Wrong again loser. By LAW if there was ANY attempt at obstruction of justice, Comey was REQUIRED to report it. He did not. Thus there was either no obstruction, or Comey broke another law. Which one is it? Can you see that through your tears?

He certainly and clearly lied when he said that she couldn't be charged because she didn't 'intend' to break the law.

The law does not require intent for guilt to be ascertained.
He was referring to the appointment of a special prosecutor he knew would investigate his criminal contacts with Russian oligarchs.

Luckily for Trump, Bill Barr came back to distort Mueller's conclusions. Maybe you'll have better luck with Pence in the White House after the Red Don resigns in disgrace?
That prosecutor said their were no such contacts, shit for brains.
That prosecutor said their were no such contacts, shit for brains.
Who told you that, Don Jr?

All the Legal Trouble in Trumpworld

so you know all this and Mueller and his of democrat Trump haters couldn't find any of it?

you and your buddies in the dem party and the corrupt lying media are living in a fantasy that was created by crooked hillary. But its over, the bitch lost, you fools lost, and you will continue losing as long as your only platform is hating Trump for beating the crooked bitch.
you and your buddies in the dem party and the corrupt lying media are living in a fantasy that was created by crooked hillary. But its over, the bitch lost, you fools lost, and you will continue losing as
It's just getting started, Chump, and before another two years passes, the lying imbecile in the White House will be on his way to prison along with most of his crime family.

Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?

All the Legal Trouble in Trumpworld

"Violation of campaign finance laws


"Michael Cohen, Trump’s former personal attorney and longtime fixer, has testified that Trump ordered him to pay hush money to silence adulterous scandals that could have hurt his presidential campaign

"Who's Implicated: Michael Cohen

"Danger for Trump: This case directly implicates the president.

"Status: Cohen has pleaded guilty to 'felonies for the benefit of, at the direction of, and in coordination with' Trump.

"Additionally, in testimony before the House Oversight Committee on Feb. 27, Cohen showed off personal checks signed by Trump, which Cohen testified were to reimburse him for the payoffs. involved in other illegal activities but said he could not comment because of the ongoing nature of the investigations."

Maybe you should just move to Russia where you'll feel more appreciated?
He wrote a check to one of his lawyers?

What an outrage!

If even that! I don't know who those two signatures are, but neither of them are Donald Trump's! Not to mention the fact that the entire thing could be fake. I could make a fake "copy" of a check to say anything. Further, how odd that this account has only written out 138 checks! Apparently the Donald doesn't write many checks to people. And isn't it strange that it is for so even a number? An even 70K to the penny? And no memo line to say what it was for. Just sayin'.
A better question would be how many voters in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania were influenced by the Russian hacking that Trump had publicly called for:

How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump

"Before the hearings, Facebook’s chairman and C.E.O., Mark Zuckerberg, had maintained that the amount of Russian content that had been disseminated on social media was too small to matter.

"But evidence presented to the Senate committee revealed that material generated by the Kremlin had reached a hundred and twenty-six million American Facebook users, leading Senator Dianne Feinstein to call the cyberattack 'cataclysmic.'"

"But evidence presented to the Senate committee revealed that material generated by the Kremlin had reached a hundred and twenty-six million American Facebook users, leading Senator Dianne Feinstein to call the cyberattack 'cataclysmic.'"

You such thing happened.

"Trump and Clinton spent $81M on US election Facebook ads, Russian agency $46K
Facebook had previously announced that $100,000 was spent on Facebook ads from June 2015 to May 2017 by Russian-linked disinformation sources, while an additional $50,000 was spent by Russians that signals indicate weren’t or were only weakly connected to an organized disinformation campaign."
Trump and Clinton spent $81M on US election Facebook ads, Russian agency $46K – TechCrunch

There were 100 thousand Facebook adds by Russian sources……out of billions of ads….

What's the percentage?

Further, it is impossible for any foreign power to alter our elections.
A pity you never read a book.....

Even when their survival depended on it....the Russians had zero ability to move the vote.

Now, once upon a time….there was a candidate that the Kremlin feared, a military threat, they were actually convinced that a certain candidate for President was planning a first strike on Russia.
And they went all out to prevent his election…..with the conscious and active support of elected Democrats, the Liberal Lion, Ted Kennedy....

Ronald Reagan.

Vasili Mitrokhin worked for 30 years in the foreign intelligence archives of the KGB. In 1972 he was made responsible for moving the entire archives to new headquarters in Moscow. But Mitrokhin spent over a decade making notes and transcripts of these classified files. In 1992, British Secret Intelligence Service exfiltrated the defector, and his presence in the west remained secret until the publication of this book.

His book:


‘The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archives, the History of the KGB,” by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin.

Mitrokhin outlines the full-court press that the Soviet power structure used to prevent a Reagan presidency….with, of course the joyful aid of such Democrat luminaries as Ted Kennedy.
“…chairman of the KGB….all foreign intelligence officers….active measures to ensure Reagan’s defeat….”
Mitrokhin, Op. Cit., p. 243

“Reagan won a forty-nine state landslide. The entire Soviet government, working hand-in-hand with [the Democrat hierarchy] and America’s most influential newspaper, couldn’t put a dent a US election…”
Coulter, “Resistance Is Futile,”p. 44-45

Gads, you're a moron.

"But evidence presented to the Senate committee revealed that material generated by the Kremlin had reached a hundred and twenty-six million American Facebook users, leading Senator Dianne Feinstein to call the cyberattack 'cataclysmic.'"

You such thing happened.

Facebook had previously announced that $100,000 was spent on Facebook ads from June 2015 to May 2017 by Russian-linked disinformation sources, while an additional $50,000 was spent by Russians that signals indicate weren’t or were only weakly connected to an organized disinformation campaign."
Trump and Clinton spent $81M on US election Facebook ads, Russian agency $46K – TechCrunch
Your link, Einstein:

"Facebook today said that the Russians still reached 126 million Facebook users, as well as 20 million Instagram users. But Facebook, Twitter and Google all confirmed that their investigations have found no evidence that the Russians uploaded voter registration contact info in order to individually target voters with ads."

Facebook lied to you.

But I have some advice that may help...

Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow.....

.....nah.....tomorrow will be just as glum for you, you dope.
Facebook lied to you
Not as often as Trump.

Anyone supports this POS shouldn't use the word "lie."

Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.

Today, Senator Cruz saying what I have been posting for several years:

“Sen. Cruz: If the State Department Believes It Is a Good Idea to Allow Iran to Do Nuclear Research in a Bunker Designed to Create Weapons of Mass Destruction, the American People Are Entitled to Know That

Sen. Cruz: If the State Department Believes It Is a Good Idea to Allow Iran to Do Nuclear Research in a Bunker Designed to Create Weapons of Mass Destruction, the American People Are Entitled to Know That | Ted Cruz | U.S. Senator for Texas
"But evidence presented to the Senate committee revealed that material generated by the Kremlin had reached a hundred and twenty-six million American Facebook users, leading Senator Dianne Feinstein to call the cyberattack 'cataclysmic.'"

You such thing happened.

"Trump and Clinton spent $81M on US election Facebook ads, Russian agency $46K
Facebook had previously announced that $100,000 was spent on Facebook ads from June 2015 to May 2017 by Russian-linked disinformation sources, while an additional $50,000 was spent by Russians that signals indicate weren’t or were only weakly connected to an organized disinformation campaign."
Trump and Clinton spent $81M on US election Facebook ads, Russian agency $46K – TechCrunch

There were 100 thousand Facebook adds by Russian sources……out of billions of ads….

What's the percentage?

Further, it is impossible for any foreign power to alter our elections.
A pity you never read a book.....

Even when their survival depended on it....the Russians had zero ability to move the vote.

Now, once upon a time….there was a candidate that the Kremlin feared, a military threat, they were actually convinced that a certain candidate for President was planning a first strike on Russia.
And they went all out to prevent his election…..with the conscious and active support of elected Democrats, the Liberal Lion, Ted Kennedy....

Ronald Reagan.

Vasili Mitrokhin worked for 30 years in the foreign intelligence archives of the KGB. In 1972 he was made responsible for moving the entire archives to new headquarters in Moscow. But Mitrokhin spent over a decade making notes and transcripts of these classified files. In 1992, British Secret Intelligence Service exfiltrated the defector, and his presence in the west remained secret until the publication of this book.

His book:


‘The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archives, the History of the KGB,” by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin.

Mitrokhin outlines the full-court press that the Soviet power structure used to prevent a Reagan presidency….with, of course the joyful aid of such Democrat luminaries as Ted Kennedy.
“…chairman of the KGB….all foreign intelligence officers….active measures to ensure Reagan’s defeat….”
Mitrokhin, Op. Cit., p. 243

“Reagan won a forty-nine state landslide. The entire Soviet government, working hand-in-hand with [the Democrat hierarchy] and America’s most influential newspaper, couldn’t put a dent a US election…”
Coulter, “Resistance Is Futile,”p. 44-45

Gads, you're a moron.

"But evidence presented to the Senate committee revealed that material generated by the Kremlin had reached a hundred and twenty-six million American Facebook users, leading Senator Dianne Feinstein to call the cyberattack 'cataclysmic.'"

You such thing happened.

Facebook had previously announced that $100,000 was spent on Facebook ads from June 2015 to May 2017 by Russian-linked disinformation sources, while an additional $50,000 was spent by Russians that signals indicate weren’t or were only weakly connected to an organized disinformation campaign."
Trump and Clinton spent $81M on US election Facebook ads, Russian agency $46K – TechCrunch
Your link, Einstein:

"Facebook today said that the Russians still reached 126 million Facebook users, as well as 20 million Instagram users. But Facebook, Twitter and Google all confirmed that their investigations have found no evidence that the Russians uploaded voter registration contact info in order to individually target voters with ads."

Facebook lied to you.

But I have some advice that may help...

Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow.....

.....nah.....tomorrow will be just as glum for you, you dope.
Facebook lied to you
Not as often as Trump.

Anyone supports this POS shouldn't use the word "lie."

Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.

Today, Senator Cruz saying what I have been posting for several years:

“Sen. Cruz: If the State Department Believes It Is a Good Idea to Allow Iran to Do Nuclear Research in a Bunker Designed to Create Weapons of Mass Destruction, the American People Are Entitled to Know That

Sen. Cruz: If the State Department Believes It Is a Good Idea to Allow Iran to Do Nuclear Research in a Bunker Designed to Create Weapons of Mass Destruction, the American People Are Entitled to Know That | Ted Cruz | U.S. Senator for Texas
Your link:

"Sen. Cruz: 'How is it possibly in our best interest to allow Iran to continue doing nuclear research in the Fordow bunker that was built into the side of a mountain to be able to develop nuclear weapons to use to murder Americans? How is that in our best interest?'"

Where did Ted get the idea Iranians have any intention of murdering Americans?
Your link, Einstein:

"Facebook today said that the Russians still reached 126 million Facebook users, as well as 20 million Instagram users. But Facebook, Twitter and Google all confirmed that their investigations have found no evidence that the Russians uploaded voter registration contact info in order to individually target voters with ads."

Facebook lied to you.

But I have some advice that may help...

Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow.....

.....nah.....tomorrow will be just as glum for you, you dope.
Facebook lied to you
Not as often as Trump.

Anyone supports this POS shouldn't use the word "lie."

Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.

Today, Senator Cruz saying what I have been posting for several years:

“Sen. Cruz: If the State Department Believes It Is a Good Idea to Allow Iran to Do Nuclear Research in a Bunker Designed to Create Weapons of Mass Destruction, the American People Are Entitled to Know That

Sen. Cruz: If the State Department Believes It Is a Good Idea to Allow Iran to Do Nuclear Research in a Bunker Designed to Create Weapons of Mass Destruction, the American People Are Entitled to Know That | Ted Cruz | U.S. Senator for Texas
Your link:

"Sen. Cruz: 'How is it possibly in our best interest to allow Iran to continue doing nuclear research in the Fordow bunker that was built into the side of a mountain to be able to develop nuclear weapons to use to murder Americans? How is that in our best interest?'"

Where did Ted get the idea Iranians have any intention of murdering Americans?

Ted Cruz & Marco Rubio Vote to Give 9/11 Financiers $1.15 Billion - Liberty Hangout

My link:


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