More Stupid Trump Voters now crying at their own choice...

Like when Obama blamed atms for the slow job recovery? That you believed.

Well, no, I never heard him say that. What I did hear is that Bush fucked up the economy so bad we should be grateful it recovered at all.

But it did.

And you guys turned around and voted back in the same people who fucked it up to start with.

Good job, Stupid.
Like when Obama blamed atms for the slow job recovery? That you believed.

Well, no, I never heard him say that. What I did hear is that Bush fucked up the economy so bad we should be grateful it recovered at all.

But it did.

And you guys turned around and voted back in the same people who fucked it up to start with.

Good job, Stupid.
That's because you don't pay attention, try to keep up.
That's because you don't pay attention, try to keep up.

No, it's because it simply wasn't a big deal when he said it, if he said it at all.

Since you didn't provide the exact quote, in context, you probably know this.
More tears for stupid Trump supporters may be on the way:

Trump Threatens Coverage Of Millions If Democrats Won't Negotiate On ACA Repeal | The Huffington Post

President Donald Trump is contemplating a new strategy to get repeal of the Affordable Care Act through Congress: threatening to torpedo insurance for millions of Americans unless Democrats agree to negotiate with him.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal that appeared on Wednesday, Trump made a warning. If Democrats won’t talk repeal, the president said, Republicans might decide to cut off some subsidies now flowing to health insurers offering coverage through Obamacare’s exchanges.
The pentagon has misplaced 8.trillion dollars the federal reserve is missing 9 trillion dollars coporations hiding 2.4 trillion in over seas tax havens. the millions of people on food stamps cost 74 billion. so lets focus on shaming the people who use food stamps to eat and ignore the 19.9 trillion . I don't get it?

Like the $400 hammers and $800 toilets, I'd wager that money is stashed away from view for "special events".


Nope... not a myth.

$37 screws, a $7,622 coffee maker, $640 toilet seats; : suppliers to our military just won't be oversold
As someone who used to work in the defense industry, I can tell you that it's incredibly inefficient. I'm glad to have rid myself of it. The examples you've pointed out however are anomalies which I believe were intended to make up for contracts that were losing money and keep the few players that are in this industry viable.
SWEET IRONY. These Trump Voters FORCED to SELL Their Land to Build The WALL, "We Can't Believe It!"

So now these Trump voters are losing their land to build the wall they voted
I guess they believed that Trump sees them differently from Black people, Asians, Hispanics, etc.

All of these idiots lost in court...I have no sympathy for them....

Oh how that must sting. Vote for a turd and the turd takes your land. Hey cons, how's that whole nazi changey thing working out for you?

Not too hard to understand that this will cost American jobs as well. drumpf, the job destroyer! I feel sorry for the Americans All Along the Watchtower who's land will be taken from them, like the government took land from the native Americans in the 19th century.

Outside in the cold distance, a wildcat did growl.

Said the dipshits who literally steal land to preserve basically extinct species of bugs, fish and plant life....

Everything that is supposedly terrible about Trump is an order of magnitude worse when it comes to Democrats.

Hey how's Kathy down at Superlative Supermarket? Is she the best ever in the whole universe for all time forever and ever?

Queen de la drama.

So, you are just another Democrat retard after all.

Good to know.

You already believe whatever makes you feel good so continue on.

You're wrong but in your mind you never are. I wouldn't want to upset your sensitivities.

I am never more wrong than you are.
More tears for stupid Trump supporters may be on the way:

Trump Threatens Coverage Of Millions If Democrats Won't Negotiate On ACA Repeal | The Huffington Post

President Donald Trump is contemplating a new strategy to get repeal of the Affordable Care Act through Congress: threatening to torpedo insurance for millions of Americans unless Democrats agree to negotiate with him.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal that appeared on Wednesday, Trump made a warning. If Democrats won’t talk repeal, the president said, Republicans might decide to cut off some subsidies now flowing to health insurers offering coverage through Obamacare’s exchanges.

Trumps strategy is the old National Lampoon....Buy this magazine or we will shoot this dog

Threaten to dump people off their insurance and make Dems grovel to save them
More tears for stupid Trump supporters may be on the way:

Trump Threatens Coverage Of Millions If Democrats Won't Negotiate On ACA Repeal | The Huffington Post

President Donald Trump is contemplating a new strategy to get repeal of the Affordable Care Act through Congress: threatening to torpedo insurance for millions of Americans unless Democrats agree to negotiate with him.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal that appeared on Wednesday, Trump made a warning. If Democrats won’t talk repeal, the president said, Republicans might decide to cut off some subsidies now flowing to health insurers offering coverage through Obamacare’s exchanges.

Trumps strategy is the old National Lampoon....Buy this magazine or we will shoot this dog

Did you buy the magazine?
SWEET IRONY. These Trump Voters FORCED to SELL Their Land to Build The WALL, "We Can't Believe It!"

So now these Trump voters are losing their land to build the wall they voted
I guess they believed that Trump sees them differently from Black people, Asians, Hispanics, etc.

All of these idiots lost in court...I have no sympathy for them....

We can't believe got that right.
CNN and other media outlets are literally making shit up these days.
The latest was that Putin planned Trump's Tomahawk attack on Syria.
They have last all credibility because of their biased and dishonest totally opinion driven reporting.
They have last all credibility because of their biased and dishonest totally opinion driven reporting
Cant lose something you never had, and liberals never had any morals or credibility. Why else are they the Clinton Crime Network.
When did government land grabs become an approved policy of the right? Suddenly they love govt!
when the land is being used to stop the fucking liberal invasion of unwanted diseased people crossing from the south, then using the land for this purpose has meaning. When a fucking liberal grabs land, it is for nefarious reasons like stopping US citizens from being happy, as most liberals can never be happy(just look at CrosedCraption here) unless they are fucking other citizens(just look at what happened at UC Berkley).
when the land is being used to stop the fucking liberal invasion of unwanted diseased people crossing from the south, then using the land for this purpose has meaning. When a fucking liberal grabs land, it is for nefarious reasons like stopping US citizens from being happy, as most liberals can never be happy(just look at CrosedCraption here) unless they are fucking other citizens(just look at what happened at UC Berkley).

So I don't think the Red State assholes who are getting their land seized to build a wall that will never happen and wont' stop anyone from crossing the border are going to be very happy, either.
when the land is being used to stop the fucking liberal invasion of unwanted diseased people crossing from the south, then using the land for this purpose has meaning. When a fucking liberal grabs land, it is for nefarious reasons like stopping US citizens from being happy, as most liberals can never be happy(just look at CrosedCraption here) unless they are fucking other citizens(just look at what happened at UC Berkley).

So I don't think the Red State assholes who are getting their land seized to build a wall that will never happen and wont' stop anyone from crossing the border are going to be very happy, either.
Just because you wont get future Democrat illegal voters to cross the wall, you and your sorry ass liberal ilk will not have a chance to be back in power for at least 3 generations. Keep on having your women abort those kidney bean sized fetus's as your side dwindles because of genocide, while our side continues to prosper. LOL, you guys are too funny.
More tears for stupid Trump supporters may be on the way:

Trump Threatens Coverage Of Millions If Democrats Won't Negotiate On ACA Repeal | The Huffington Post

President Donald Trump is contemplating a new strategy to get repeal of the Affordable Care Act through Congress: threatening to torpedo insurance for millions of Americans unless Democrats agree to negotiate with him.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal that appeared on Wednesday, Trump made a warning. If Democrats won’t talk repeal, the president said, Republicans might decide to cut off some subsidies now flowing to health insurers offering coverage through Obamacare’s exchanges.

Trumps strategy is the old National Lampoon....Buy this magazine or we will shoot this dog

Did you buy the magazine?
Millions was one of their biggest sellers

Just because you wont get future Democrat illegal voters to cross the wall, you and your sorry ass liberal ilk will not have a chance to be back in power for at least 3 generations. Keep on having your women abort those kidney bean sized fetus's as your side dwindles because of genocide, while our side continues to prosper. LOL, you guys are too funny.

Guy, you clowns are done next midterm.

You see, had you elected one of the 16 qualified people you have, one who knew what he was doing, I'd probably be worried.

But Trump is swirling around the bowl with a 35% approval rating. Even the Alt-Right is turning on him.

Trump can be called the "unifier". By 2020, everyone will agree on how much they hate him.
Just because you wont get future Democrat illegal voters to cross the wall, you and your sorry ass liberal ilk will not have a chance to be back in power for at least 3 generations. Keep on having your women abort those kidney bean sized fetus's as your side dwindles because of genocide, while our side continues to prosper. LOL, you guys are too funny.

Guy, you clowns are done next midterm.

You see, had you elected one of the 16 qualified people you have, one who knew what he was doing, I'd probably be worried.

But Trump is swirling around the bowl with a 35% approval rating. Even the Alt-Right is turning on him.

Trump can be called the "unifier". By 2020, everyone will agree on how much they hate him.
Back in 2010 , you libtards said the same thing when Obama shut down the government, more seats ended up in Congress, removing the batshit crazy, blinkie Pelosi from the speaker. You morontards, said the same thing in 2014 when more seats went to the Senate, removing the cycloptic Dirty Harry Reid from the Senate Majority. You guys never learn and that is a good thing, keep up the rioting in the streets, the punching of women at UC Berkley, aborting those unborn and born children, as you will be long dead, before one of your party gets back in office.
Just because you wont get future Democrat illegal voters to cross the wall, you and your sorry ass liberal ilk will not have a chance to be back in power for at least 3 generations. Keep on having your women abort those kidney bean sized fetus's as your side dwindles because of genocide, while our side continues to prosper. LOL, you guys are too funny.

Guy, you clowns are done next midterm.

You see, had you elected one of the 16 qualified people you have, one who knew what he was doing, I'd probably be worried.

But Trump is swirling around the bowl with a 35% approval rating. Even the Alt-Right is turning on him.

Trump can be called the "unifier". By 2020, everyone will agree on how much they hate him.
Liberal talking points once again. Liberals live by the polls(Hillary a sure winner), die by the polls(Hillary a sure Whiner). Butthurt liberals are too funny.

SWEET IRONY. These Trump Voters FORCED to SELL Their Land to Build The WALL, "We Can't Believe It!"

So now these Trump voters are losing their land to build the wall they voted
I guess they believed that Trump sees them differently from Black people, Asians, Hispanics, etc.

All of these idiots lost in court...I have no sympathy for them....

The only crying I see is that being done by a sore loser like you.

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