More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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Well it doesn't affect White people, because White people support the police.

White people hate the police. The only reason white people support the police is because they harm black people.

We understand that the reason white neighborhoods are not over run with rape, murder, violence, vandalism, and so on... is only because of the police.

Talk sense. Even in places where there are no black people or hardly any (Russia, Other European countries, parts of USA) white people have the same racist attitudes. The biggest rapists on the planet and murderers are white people and the most violent people are and have been white people. Black people have did nothing to white people. So where you get this idea that blk ppl are waiting to murder, rape and commit violent acts towards white people is based on no history you can show me

So when we see a white guy, fight with police officers, and get shot.... even if unarmed... we don't go around protesting it.

If the police were killing unarmed white children and white people at the rates they do black ppl, then white people would be blowing up police stations tomorrow.

White people freak out at even 1% of oppression. This coming from a race of people who were getting out on the streets a few months bk angry at not being able to get a hair cut or play golf



In fact white people picked up guns for this. White people thought it was facism when they could plant seeds in their garden

Only people for whom daily life is pretty easy could believe that the closing of bars, gyms, restaurants, and sporting events was a tragedy.

Ya know who doesn’t think that way?

Black people.

And this happens constantly. White guys get shot by police ALL THE TIME. Include Black police.

There are more whites than blacks in poverty. This was also true during the days of formal segregation and even enslavement.

What's your point ?

Whatever broad social category you pick will typically have more white folks in it than black people.

But if white people object to white people being harmed by the police then white people need to be as vociferous as black people are and protest about police brutality against white people on the same scale that black people do.

If all people get police brutality then wouldn’t you think that white people should be complaining about the police, rather than complaining about nlack people complaining out the police ?

But the fact is white people will support harsher policies from the police if they’ll hurt black people. White people (Generally) ldon't mind a few white sacrifices JUST AS LONG as the police harm black people (Especially young black men)

It’s an example of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

We just don't use the black officer shooting a white guy, as an excuse to destroy our neighborhoods. Because we're good people. That's why.

If white people were good people then we would not have had the racial problems we have had for the last 400 years
You either purposely lie or are very delusional. White people like police because they hurt black people? You lost what few brain cells you pretended to have.
I'm being dead honest. You can't hurt us.

I'm not interested in hurting white people. We could easily hurt whites if we wanted to. Considering that whites are in far greater numbers.

Just as in the Nat Turner's rebellion of 1831 what you say brings to the surface deep seated white fear of the other. That maybe one day, bottom rail will be on top this time.

It may be why you don’t see many dead white people in the news. Whites just can’t bear to see harm come to themselves. It's why white people needed therapy after the Channon Newson case

White skin is protected by centuries of privilege; hence if white skin harmed in any context is simply unbearable for whites.

Black existence hurts you.

Whites never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti.

You are baffled at our resilience and cannot come to terms with it. That hurts you. If whites were placed in our situation you would have died off centuries ago. That hurts you.

And you look around and see that white skin is a recessive trait the world over, that indeed you are the odd ones on the planet in terms of pigmentation. You see black people excelling in any arena where we are given full and equal opportunity (not enough arenas, to be sure, but still);

And then you ask yourself "Why can’t black people just die?"

How is it possible that we are still here? But we can't hurt you. You're hurting already.

False on both accounts.
78% of whites said police did a good job of fighting crime.

That means that most white people are happy with the police harming black people.

75% said they treated race equally.

White people said that was not a racism problem 55 years ago. Look at any Gallup poll from 1960's

So I don't really listen to white people judgements on racism when they say stuff like that.

There is no evidence that Whites actually want Blacks to be harmed.

We would not have the racial problems we have if that was case.

Again, if we did... you wouldn't be here

White people are never gonna to try to wipe black people out.

What's the point in having a system of white supremacy if there is no one whites can feel superior to ?

If there were no black folks around, whites would have no one to blame but yourselves
for the crime that occurred; no one to blame but yourselves when u didn’t get the job you wanted. White people need black people, especially in a inferior role, as a way to build yourselves up, and provide you a sense of self-worth you otherwise lack.

And even if it did come to "race war" you gotta deal with the fact

We out numbers you by a massive numbers, and we have the guns, the police, the military, the national guard. If we really wanted to kill all the blacks, you would all be dead by now.

USA had all that in Nam but still got there asses kicked.

There is no shortage black people in the military and police an I'm pretty sure they are not gonna be on the white supremacist fighting for blacks to be wiped out.

Yes white supremacists have always joined the military, to learn to fight in their little Rahowa thing. The flipside to that, is if they do start up their race war, you'll find there's a lot of black peoplel who've had that same training, as well as combat experience.

Also even if white supremacists can convince large numbers of whites to agree with some of their basic arguments about so-called reverse discrimination, the revulsion to genocidal movements would immediately sink you.

But good luck on trying to convince the millions of white people the world over who have protested against racism in the USA, that the plan is to wipe out black people

This is 2020. Not 1820. Most people have access to guns. White Cops and white people are cautious around unarmed black men. Imagined how they'd feel when black people are armed ? We are already doing the 2nd amendment thing.

How many white people are really brave enough to go to the hood and really have it out ?

This is 2020. Not 1820. Most ppl have access to guns.

Bk in the day white people systematically disarmarmed of black men in the US after the Civil War to make the African-American community especially vulnerable to white mob violence, racial pogroms, and ethnic cleansing. Even allowing for that fact, there was always resistance.

You will always be faced with mass resistance. Not only from black people. But even from your own people.

Plenty of innocents will be massacred, families wiped out, communities looted and burnt.

This is not an easy win.

Again, historically untrue. There were more white slaves in North Africa, than Black slaves in the United States, and by wide margin. In fact, some north African countries still have slaves even to this very day.

So now that you think black people have done bad, then North Africa was full of blacks there. But when talking about Egypt, which is also in Africa and they done good, now there were no blacks there.

Then why are you still here? Why not go to one of your peaceful Black dominated countries?
There's a plane leaving for Africa every single day.So why not hop on a plane, and leave?

Black people built America.

Secondly name a black country on this planet that is not controlled by white supremacy ?

It may be why you don’t see many dead white people in the news. Whites just can’t bear to see harm come to themselves.

Ridiculous. Dead whites are in the news all the time. You people just don't care unless it fits with your agenda.

White skin is protected by centuries of privilege; hence if white skin harmed in any context is simply unbearable for whites.


We would not have the racial problems we have if that was case.

We have racial problems, because you have an agenda that requires racial problems exist.

In the 90s and 2000s, racial tension was so low, it didn't show up in people's lists of important topics in elections. That includes blacks. There is no systemic racism, or least wasn't any until those on your side made it an issue.

As soon as Obama became president, and used race to bait and accuse everyone who disagreed with him on anything, racial tensions became a huge problem, races hating groups rebounded from a 50 year low, and everything we have today, is due to that.

Bottom line is, Obama created a racial problem, that has gotten hundreds of blacks killed, for political benefit.

All on you guys. You did all of this.

So now that you think black people have done bad, then North Africa was full of blacks there. But when talking about Egypt, which is also in Africa and they done good, now there were no blacks there.

Egypt? No. The entire northern half of Africa had thousands, if not millions of white slaves. Not just Egypt. Go learn some history.

Actually it's not even history. White slaves exist right now.

Black people built America.

Nope. You are full of crap. Very few Americans had slaves. Most of what we have today, existed because Europeans came here, became American and built this country. You are wrong.

Secondly name a black country on this planet that is not controlled by white supremacy?

By asking this question, you have revealed yourself too ignorant to be commenting on this topic.

And if there are none, then isn't that proof that black people are inferior? Really? You guys can't even control one country on the entire face of the Earth? You are that pathetic?

I don't believe you. There are plenty of black governed countries.

That's just you making excuses to refuse to back your own words with actions.
Well it doesn't affect White people, because White people support the police.

White people hate the police. The only reason white people support the police is because they harm black people.

We understand that the reason white neighborhoods are not over run with rape, murder, violence, vandalism, and so on... is only because of the police.

Talk sense. Even in places where there are no black people or hardly any (Russia, Other European countries, parts of USA) white people have the same racist attitudes. The biggest rapists on the planet and murderers are white people and the most violent people are and have been white people. Black people have did nothing to white people. So where you get this idea that blk ppl are waiting to murder, rape and commit violent acts towards white people is based on no history you can show me

So when we see a white guy, fight with police officers, and get shot.... even if unarmed... we don't go around protesting it.

If the police were killing unarmed white children and white people at the rates they do black ppl, then white people would be blowing up police stations tomorrow.

White people freak out at even 1% of oppression. This coming from a race of people who were getting out on the streets a few months bk angry at not being able to get a hair cut or play golf



In fact white people picked up guns for this. White people thought it was facism when they could plant seeds in their garden

Only people for whom daily life is pretty easy could believe that the closing of bars, gyms, restaurants, and sporting events was a tragedy.

Ya know who doesn’t think that way?

Black people.

And this happens constantly. White guys get shot by police ALL THE TIME. Include Black police.

There are more whites than blacks in poverty. This was also true during the days of formal segregation and even enslavement.

What's your point ?

Whatever broad social category you pick will typically have more white folks in it than black people.

But if white people object to white people being harmed by the police then white people need to be as vociferous as black people are and protest about police brutality against white people on the same scale that black people do.

If all people get police brutality then wouldn’t you think that white people should be complaining about the police, rather than complaining about nlack people complaining out the police ?

But the fact is white people will support harsher policies from the police if they’ll hurt black people. White people (Generally) ldon't mind a few white sacrifices JUST AS LONG as the police harm black people (Especially young black men)

It’s an example of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

We just don't use the black officer shooting a white guy, as an excuse to destroy our neighborhoods. Because we're good people. That's why.

If white people were good people then we would not have had the racial problems we have had for the last 400 years
You either purposely lie or are very delusional. White people like police because they hurt black people? You lost what few brain cells you pretended to have.

He is literally a parrot of his white overlords. He is just repeating what his masters have brainwashed him to say.
And if there are none, then isn't that proof that black people are inferior?

No. It's proof that black people don't think like whites or should I say white supremacists,
We don't see it as an act of superiority being able to kill white people, to go into white countries and put the white people of that nation under our heel and starve white people and poison them.

If you think that's acting superior then that's on you.

Gunpowder changed the game.

Marco Polo brought it back to Europe and whites started using it to kill people with.

This is the difference. White ppl have got something going for them that other black people don't have to the same extent.

Whites love to kill. We didn't take warfare seriously enough. Because black people don't think like whites.

As a kid my father used to take me to a farm and I'd watch white people when they shoot a pheasant. When you'd shoot something, you'dgo crazy, like you were really getting your kicks.

They never defeated the African armies until they got gunpowder. Then with their gunpowder, they came in. And that suited the white man cowardly nature bcoz anyone can take a gun and stand at a distance and shoot at something that's no danger to him and whites used it, and took over the world, with that gunpowder.

Really? You guys can't even control one country on the entire face of the Earth?

Name a black countries that the white supremacist is not controlling ?

It’s the scorched earth shit. They (the white supremacist) fk up the water over in African countries. They fk up the earth so they cant grow anything and then and then give them a bag of rice in exchange for a bag of diamonds.

The mobile phone or I-phone you have in your pocket, or laptop would not even work without congolese coltan

And who do you think mines that ? Yup black Africans.


Who controls Coltan deposits over there ? Apple (The biggest company in the world)

Africa has the biggest stores of
  • Gold and diamonds
Not to mention Iron, Platinum, Uranium, Chromium. Even Cement is exported from Egypt and Morocco. Also Africa is one of the most diverse geological continents.

And then the World bank gives out credits to African countries. So the African countries are held hostage through debt. The debt payback is done by getting more resources at low prices. Meanwhile local infrastructures are crumbling, social programmes and local developments are cut because of the paybacks.

The debt relief comes with a price. The African resource producing countries have to sell everything for a special discount price which opens the doors to all sorts of speculations from foreign investors demanding high returns.

Another by-product the west is expecting from their ‘generous gestures’ is to get positive votes at the next UN assembly. Any African who goes against it ? They threaten the local authorities to pull their funds out or threaten them to initiate another government turnover.

White supremacist don’t want Africans or black countries in charge of their own destiny.

Look at what happens to Africans who have tried ? Colonel Gaddifi was trying to create a central African bank and an African communication network. Africa is a massive source for mobile phone networks and internet. Africans make billions for the white supremacists. Gaddifi plan went against there wishes just as would have an African bank. So he had to be killed.

Robert Mugabe trying to return the land back to Africans in Zimbabwe. Julius Malema in S.Africa doing the same.

Black people in Africa had to fight a long civil war for their freedom, and now they are being fought tooth and nail by the international community for wanting to take back the soil that is rightfully theirs.

Patrice Lumumba, one of the greatest black leaders was killed by the Belgians with the aid of US. So that the white international community could get the puppet government that they wanted in the Congo.

I don't believe you. There are plenty of black governed countries.

And the white supremacist get's to decide who governs in that black countries or they make sure that black person who governs in that black country is going to serve their wishes.
And if there are none, then isn't that proof that black people are inferior?

No. It's proof that black people don't think like whites or should I say white supremacists,
We don't see it as an act of superiority being able to kill white people, to go into white countries and put the white people of that nation under our heel and starve white people and poison them.

If you think that's acting superior then that's on you.

Gunpowder changed the game.

Marco Polo brought it back to Europe and whites started using it to kill people with.

This is the difference. White ppl have got something going for them that other black people don't have to the same extent.

Whites love to kill. We didn't take warfare seriously enough. Because black people don't think like whites.

As a kid my father used to take me to a farm and I'd watch white people when they shoot a pheasant. When you'd shoot something, you'dgo crazy, like you were really getting your kicks.

They never defeated the African armies until they got gunpowder. Then with their gunpowder, they came in. And that suited the white man cowardly nature bcoz anyone can take a gun and stand at a distance and shoot at something that's no danger to him and whites used it, and took over the world, with that gunpowder.

Really? You guys can't even control one country on the entire face of the Earth?

Name a black countries that the white supremacist is not controlling ?

It’s the scorched earth shit. They (the white supremacist) fk up the water over in African countries. They fk up the earth so they cant grow anything and then and then give them a bag of rice in exchange for a bag of diamonds.

The mobile phone or I-phone you have in your pocket, or laptop would not even work without congolese coltan

And who do you think mines that ? Yup black Africans.


Who controls Coltan deposits over there ? Apple (The biggest company in the world)

Africa has the biggest stores of
  • Gold and diamonds
Not to mention Iron, Platinum, Uranium, Chromium. Even Cement is exported from Egypt and Morocco. Also Africa is one of the most diverse geological continents.

And then the World bank gives out credits to African countries. So the African countries are held hostage through debt. The debt payback is done by getting more resources at low prices. Meanwhile local infrastructures are crumbling, social programmes and local developments are cut because of the paybacks.

The debt relief comes with a price. The African resource producing countries have to sell everything for a special discount price which opens the doors to all sorts of speculations from foreign investors demanding high returns.

Another by-product the west is expecting from their ‘generous gestures’ is to get positive votes at the next UN assembly. Any African who goes against it ? They threaten the local authorities to pull their funds out or threaten them to initiate another government turnover.

White supremacist don’t want Africans or black countries in charge of their own destiny.

Look at what happens to Africans who have tried ? Colonel Gaddifi was trying to create a central African bank and an African communication network. Africa is a massive source for mobile phone networks and internet. Africans make billions for the white supremacists. Gaddifi plan went against there wishes just as would have an African bank. So he had to be killed.

Robert Mugabe trying to return the land back to Africans in Zimbabwe. Julius Malema in S.Africa doing the same.

Black people in Africa had to fight a long civil war for their freedom, and now they are being fought tooth and nail by the international community for wanting to take back the soil that is rightfully theirs.

Patrice Lumumba, one of the greatest black leaders was killed by the Belgians with the aid of US. So that the white international community could get the puppet government that they wanted in the Congo.

I don't believe you. There are plenty of black governed countries.

And the white supremacist get's to decide who governs in that black countries or they make sure that black person who governs in that black country is going to serve their wishes.
Your problem is that sub-Saharan Africa is the world's biggest shithole inhabited by the stupidest of people. That is something you can't blame on others no matter how hard you try.
And if there are none, then isn't that proof that black people are inferior?

No. It's proof that black people don't think like whites or should I say white supremacists,
We don't see it as an act of superiority being able to kill white people, to go into white countries and put the white people of that nation under our heel and starve white people and poison them.

If you think that's acting superior then that's on you.

Gunpowder changed the game.

Marco Polo brought it back to Europe and whites started using it to kill people with.

This is the difference. White ppl have got something going for them that other black people don't have to the same extent.

Whites love to kill. We didn't take warfare seriously enough. Because black people don't think like whites.

As a kid my father used to take me to a farm and I'd watch white people when they shoot a pheasant. When you'd shoot something, you'dgo crazy, like you were really getting your kicks.

They never defeated the African armies until they got gunpowder. Then with their gunpowder, they came in. And that suited the white man cowardly nature bcoz anyone can take a gun and stand at a distance and shoot at something that's no danger to him and whites used it, and took over the world, with that gunpowder.

Really? You guys can't even control one country on the entire face of the Earth?

Name a black countries that the white supremacist is not controlling ?

It’s the scorched earth shit. They (the white supremacist) fk up the water over in African countries. They fk up the earth so they cant grow anything and then and then give them a bag of rice in exchange for a bag of diamonds.

The mobile phone or I-phone you have in your pocket, or laptop would not even work without congolese coltan

And who do you think mines that ? Yup black Africans.


Who controls Coltan deposits over there ? Apple (The biggest company in the world)

Africa has the biggest stores of
  • Gold and diamonds
Not to mention Iron, Platinum, Uranium, Chromium. Even Cement is exported from Egypt and Morocco. Also Africa is one of the most diverse geological continents.

And then the World bank gives out credits to African countries. So the African countries are held hostage through debt. The debt payback is done by getting more resources at low prices. Meanwhile local infrastructures are crumbling, social programmes and local developments are cut because of the paybacks.

The debt relief comes with a price. The African resource producing countries have to sell everything for a special discount price which opens the doors to all sorts of speculations from foreign investors demanding high returns.

Another by-product the west is expecting from their ‘generous gestures’ is to get positive votes at the next UN assembly. Any African who goes against it ? They threaten the local authorities to pull their funds out or threaten them to initiate another government turnover.

White supremacist don’t want Africans or black countries in charge of their own destiny.

Look at what happens to Africans who have tried ? Colonel Gaddifi was trying to create a central African bank and an African communication network. Africa is a massive source for mobile phone networks and internet. Africans make billions for the white supremacists. Gaddifi plan went against there wishes just as would have an African bank. So he had to be killed.

Robert Mugabe trying to return the land back to Africans in Zimbabwe. Julius Malema in S.Africa doing the same.

Black people in Africa had to fight a long civil war for their freedom, and now they are being fought tooth and nail by the international community for wanting to take back the soil that is rightfully theirs.

Patrice Lumumba, one of the greatest black leaders was killed by the Belgians with the aid of US. So that the white international community could get the puppet government that they wanted in the Congo.

I don't believe you. There are plenty of black governed countries.

And the white supremacist get's to decide who governs in that black countries or they make sure that black person who governs in that black country is going to serve their wishes.

Right right. Sure thing. Go to those countries, get into office, and find out how wrong you are.

Or it's safer and easier, to sit at your computer and regurgitate garbage on the internet.
And if there are none, then isn't that proof that black people are inferior?

No. It's proof that black people don't think like whites or should I say white supremacists,
We don't see it as an act of superiority being able to kill white people, to go into white countries and put the white people of that nation under our heel and starve white people and poison them.

If you think that's acting superior then that's on you.

Gunpowder changed the game.

Marco Polo brought it back to Europe and whites started using it to kill people with.

This is the difference. White ppl have got something going for them that other black people don't have to the same extent.

Whites love to kill. We didn't take warfare seriously enough. Because black people don't think like whites.

As a kid my father used to take me to a farm and I'd watch white people when they shoot a pheasant. When you'd shoot something, you'dgo crazy, like you were really getting your kicks.

They never defeated the African armies until they got gunpowder. Then with their gunpowder, they came in. And that suited the white man cowardly nature bcoz anyone can take a gun and stand at a distance and shoot at something that's no danger to him and whites used it, and took over the world, with that gunpowder.

Really? You guys can't even control one country on the entire face of the Earth?

Name a black countries that the white supremacist is not controlling ?

It’s the scorched earth shit. They (the white supremacist) fk up the water over in African countries. They fk up the earth so they cant grow anything and then and then give them a bag of rice in exchange for a bag of diamonds.

The mobile phone or I-phone you have in your pocket, or laptop would not even work without congolese coltan

And who do you think mines that ? Yup black Africans.


Who controls Coltan deposits over there ? Apple (The biggest company in the world)

Africa has the biggest stores of
  • Gold and diamonds
Not to mention Iron, Platinum, Uranium, Chromium. Even Cement is exported from Egypt and Morocco. Also Africa is one of the most diverse geological continents.

And then the World bank gives out credits to African countries. So the African countries are held hostage through debt. The debt payback is done by getting more resources at low prices. Meanwhile local infrastructures are crumbling, social programmes and local developments are cut because of the paybacks.

The debt relief comes with a price. The African resource producing countries have to sell everything for a special discount price which opens the doors to all sorts of speculations from foreign investors demanding high returns.

Another by-product the west is expecting from their ‘generous gestures’ is to get positive votes at the next UN assembly. Any African who goes against it ? They threaten the local authorities to pull their funds out or threaten them to initiate another government turnover.

White supremacist don’t want Africans or black countries in charge of their own destiny.

Look at what happens to Africans who have tried ? Colonel Gaddifi was trying to create a central African bank and an African communication network. Africa is a massive source for mobile phone networks and internet. Africans make billions for the white supremacists. Gaddifi plan went against there wishes just as would have an African bank. So he had to be killed.

Robert Mugabe trying to return the land back to Africans in Zimbabwe. Julius Malema in S.Africa doing the same.

Black people in Africa had to fight a long civil war for their freedom, and now they are being fought tooth and nail by the international community for wanting to take back the soil that is rightfully theirs.

Patrice Lumumba, one of the greatest black leaders was killed by the Belgians with the aid of US. So that the white international community could get the puppet government that they wanted in the Congo.

I don't believe you. There are plenty of black governed countries.

And the white supremacist get's to decide who governs in that black countries or they make sure that black person who governs in that black country is going to serve their wishes.
Your problem is that sub-Saharan Africa is the world's biggest shithole inhabited by the stupidest of people. That is something you can't blame on others no matter how hard you try.

This guy is indoctrinated. You won't convince him no matter what information you give him. He's just an MP3 player, doing a playback from the left-wing overlords.

Sad part is, he's the biggest pawn of the white liberal elite on the forum, and doesn't know it.
And if there are none, then isn't that proof that black people are inferior?

No. It's proof that black people don't think like whites or should I say white supremacists,
We don't see it as an act of superiority being able to kill white people, to go into white countries and put the white people of that nation under our heel and starve white people and poison them.

If you think that's acting superior then that's on you.

Gunpowder changed the game.

Marco Polo brought it back to Europe and whites started using it to kill people with.

This is the difference. White ppl have got something going for them that other black people don't have to the same extent.

Whites love to kill. We didn't take warfare seriously enough. Because black people don't think like whites.

As a kid my father used to take me to a farm and I'd watch white people when they shoot a pheasant. When you'd shoot something, you'dgo crazy, like you were really getting your kicks.

They never defeated the African armies until they got gunpowder. Then with their gunpowder, they came in. And that suited the white man cowardly nature bcoz anyone can take a gun and stand at a distance and shoot at something that's no danger to him and whites used it, and took over the world, with that gunpowder.

Really? You guys can't even control one country on the entire face of the Earth?

Name a black countries that the white supremacist is not controlling ?

It’s the scorched earth shit. They (the white supremacist) fk up the water over in African countries. They fk up the earth so they cant grow anything and then and then give them a bag of rice in exchange for a bag of diamonds.

The mobile phone or I-phone you have in your pocket, or laptop would not even work without congolese coltan

And who do you think mines that ? Yup black Africans.


Who controls Coltan deposits over there ? Apple (The biggest company in the world)

Africa has the biggest stores of
  • Gold and diamonds
Not to mention Iron, Platinum, Uranium, Chromium. Even Cement is exported from Egypt and Morocco. Also Africa is one of the most diverse geological continents.

And then the World bank gives out credits to African countries. So the African countries are held hostage through debt. The debt payback is done by getting more resources at low prices. Meanwhile local infrastructures are crumbling, social programmes and local developments are cut because of the paybacks.

The debt relief comes with a price. The African resource producing countries have to sell everything for a special discount price which opens the doors to all sorts of speculations from foreign investors demanding high returns.

Another by-product the west is expecting from their ‘generous gestures’ is to get positive votes at the next UN assembly. Any African who goes against it ? They threaten the local authorities to pull their funds out or threaten them to initiate another government turnover.

White supremacist don’t want Africans or black countries in charge of their own destiny.

Look at what happens to Africans who have tried ? Colonel Gaddifi was trying to create a central African bank and an African communication network. Africa is a massive source for mobile phone networks and internet. Africans make billions for the white supremacists. Gaddifi plan went against there wishes just as would have an African bank. So he had to be killed.

Robert Mugabe trying to return the land back to Africans in Zimbabwe. Julius Malema in S.Africa doing the same.

Black people in Africa had to fight a long civil war for their freedom, and now they are being fought tooth and nail by the international community for wanting to take back the soil that is rightfully theirs.

Patrice Lumumba, one of the greatest black leaders was killed by the Belgians with the aid of US. So that the white international community could get the puppet government that they wanted in the Congo.

I don't believe you. There are plenty of black governed countries.

And the white supremacist get's to decide who governs in that black countries or they make sure that black person who governs in that black country is going to serve their wishes.
Your problem is that sub-Saharan Africa is the world's biggest shithole inhabited by the stupidest of people. That is something you can't blame on others no matter how hard you try.
So if its a shit hole then why did they have to fight white ppl to get them to leave?
This guy is indoctrinated. You won't convince him no matter what information you give him.

You're talking points sound good when you are on stormfront or around family and friends. They sound good when no one is there to counter them.

Sad part is, he's the biggest pawn of the white liberal elite on the forum, and doesn't know it.

White supremacists can come on the left or the right. Makes no difference
So if its a shit hole then why did they have to fight white ppl to get them to leave?
When did you think the areas that had white people became shitholes?

Given your IQ, it'll take hours or even days to figure that one out.
There are a vast number of black men and women who have yet to reach 70 that witnessed real discrimination, who also have still living relatives who experienced it.

And that justifies discrimination against whites now, how?

You are the one who stated that you would listen to any elderly black person that experienced discrimination. I only pointed out that they are out there in abundance.

On the otherl hand, there is no metric that exists that proves through measuring employment, home ownership, average salary or college graduation rates that reflect any widescale discrimination against white citizens that has had a widespread effect on a national basis.

1. And I stated that I have found that such elderly black people are pretty happy just being treated as equals, and don't seem to need nor expect, nor want, special favoritism based on their being black.

2. ONE small limited example, of hard evidence of documented discrimination is the discrimination show in Ivy League admissions.

1. Of course the average elderly person of any race is less concerned about opportunities tha tg have already been missed. Furthermore the average elderly black person would likely be guarded about what they would even discuss with you.

Most elderly black people that I know are more concerned about their final years being enjoyable. But if they had an opportunity to live their lives over, they would not view legislation to ensure equality as "favoritism".

2. Yes that is definitely a VERY LIMITED example. There is no evidence that white applicants have been or are being displaced on a broad scale by by black applicants.
My bro works hr Fortune 500. Blacks and women who are qualified are very highly sought after. Even not qualified are getting opportunities and white dudes are getting passed up because the ceo wants a diversity candidate.

Make no mistake this is changing peoples lives. Getting the vp job is like a golden ticket. Now you’re in the $500k a year league plus stocks and golden parachutes. Lots of white guys are bitter when they go with the diversity candidate.

White women mostly benefit from this. Holy shit if you can find a black woman you’ve hit the jackpot.

And a black or women will make $1mill a year. My brothers replacement took a better job for double. Now she’s hiring him to go work with her because she’s in over her head.

Are there EVER examples where a white person might not get hired or asks for help because they are not qualified or are in over their heads?"
Of course there are. Many whites were turned down for employment at places o worked.
You aren’t getting it. Far too many times incompetent whites get the job because of white privilege and too many blacks aren’t getting the job because of bias.

I said it before. It doesn’t matter if you morons get it. Big corporations do and they’re workingon diversifying.
How do you know why whites are getting jobs? And I am getting it. I answered the question that was posed.
Your question suggests you don’t get it.

Listen lady, you women benefitted the most from affirmative action. How did we know back then why white women weren’t ever getting the jobs?

Did bias play a part? Of course. To this day men are afraid to hire a women because they worry shes going to have a baby and either quit or not devote as much attention to the job as a man would as soon as she pops the kid out
You know exactly why women back then didn’t get the jobs. It was because of ignorant, male chauvinists who decided they had to be in charge. Contrary to what you may believe, women are smart and can be more capable and worthy of their careers than some men.
Wow! Look at how quickly your attitude changed when we stopped talking about blacks and brought up women.

Suddenly you’re getting it? This is the problem with conservatives. No empathy unless it’s happening to them.

So for the record I agree with you about women but for some reason you don’t agree when it comes to blacks. Could it be because you lack empathy for them?

You seem to have no empathy for whites, especially white males, who are getting the short end of the "push for diversity".
There are a vast number of black men and women who have yet to reach 70 that witnessed real discrimination, who also have still living relatives who experienced it.

And that justifies discrimination against whites now, how?

You are the one who stated that you would listen to any elderly black person that experienced discrimination. I only pointed out that they are out there in abundance.

On the otherl hand, there is no metric that exists that proves through measuring employment, home ownership, average salary or college graduation rates that reflect any widescale discrimination against white citizens that has had a widespread effect on a national basis.

1. And I stated that I have found that such elderly black people are pretty happy just being treated as equals, and don't seem to need nor expect, nor want, special favoritism based on their being black.

2. ONE small limited example, of hard evidence of documented discrimination is the discrimination show in Ivy League admissions.

1. Of course the average elderly person of any race is less concerned about opportunities tha tg have already been missed. Furthermore the average elderly black person would likely be guarded about what they would even discuss with you.

Most elderly black people that I know are more concerned about their final years being enjoyable. But if they had an opportunity to live their lives over, they would not view legislation to ensure equality as "favoritism".

2. Yes that is definitely a VERY LIMITED example. There is no evidence that white applicants have been or are being displaced on a broad scale by by black applicants.
My bro works hr Fortune 500. Blacks and women who are qualified are very highly sought after. Even not qualified are getting opportunities and white dudes are getting passed up because the ceo wants a diversity candidate.

Make no mistake this is changing peoples lives. Getting the vp job is like a golden ticket. Now you’re in the $500k a year league plus stocks and golden parachutes. Lots of white guys are bitter when they go with the diversity candidate.

White women mostly benefit from this. Holy shit if you can find a black woman you’ve hit the jackpot.

And a black or women will make $1mill a year. My brothers replacement took a better job for double. Now she’s hiring him to go work with her because she’s in over her head.

Are there EVER examples where a white person might not get hired or asks for help because they are not qualified or are in over their heads?"
Of course there are. Many whites were turned down for employment at places o worked.
You aren’t getting it. Far too many times incompetent whites get the job because of white privilege and too many blacks aren’t getting the job because of bias.

I said it before. It doesn’t matter if you morons get it. Big corporations do and they’re workingon diversifying.
How do you know why whites are getting jobs? And I am getting it. I answered the question that was posed.
Your question suggests you don’t get it.

Listen lady, you women benefitted the most from affirmative action. How did we know back then why white women weren’t ever getting the jobs?

Did bias play a part? Of course. To this day men are afraid to hire a women because they worry shes going to have a baby and either quit or not devote as much attention to the job as a man would as soon as she pops the kid out
You know exactly why women back then didn’t get the jobs. It was because of ignorant, male chauvinists who decided they had to be in charge. Contrary to what you may believe, women are smart and can be more capable and worthy of their careers than some men.
Wow! Look at how quickly your attitude changed when we stopped talking about blacks and brought up women.

Suddenly you’re getting it? This is the problem with conservatives. No empathy unless it’s happening to them.

So for the record I agree with you about women but for some reason you don’t agree when it comes to blacks. Could it be because you lack empathy for them?

You seem to have no empathy for whites, especially white males, who are getting the short end of the "push for diversity".
And he imagines things, like saying I don’t agree when it comes to blacks. He didn’t elaborate, but I don’t know where that came from.
There are a vast number of black men and women who have yet to reach 70 that witnessed real discrimination, who also have still living relatives who experienced it.

And that justifies discrimination against whites now, how?

You are the one who stated that you would listen to any elderly black person that experienced discrimination. I only pointed out that they are out there in abundance.

On the otherl hand, there is no metric that exists that proves through measuring employment, home ownership, average salary or college graduation rates that reflect any widescale discrimination against white citizens that has had a widespread effect on a national basis.

1. And I stated that I have found that such elderly black people are pretty happy just being treated as equals, and don't seem to need nor expect, nor want, special favoritism based on their being black.

2. ONE small limited example, of hard evidence of documented discrimination is the discrimination show in Ivy League admissions.

1. Of course the average elderly person of any race is less concerned about opportunities tha tg have already been missed. Furthermore the average elderly black person would likely be guarded about what they would even discuss with you.

Most elderly black people that I know are more concerned about their final years being enjoyable. But if they had an opportunity to live their lives over, they would not view legislation to ensure equality as "favoritism".

2. Yes that is definitely a VERY LIMITED example. There is no evidence that white applicants have been or are being displaced on a broad scale by by black applicants.
My bro works hr Fortune 500. Blacks and women who are qualified are very highly sought after. Even not qualified are getting opportunities and white dudes are getting passed up because the ceo wants a diversity candidate.

Make no mistake this is changing peoples lives. Getting the vp job is like a golden ticket. Now you’re in the $500k a year league plus stocks and golden parachutes. Lots of white guys are bitter when they go with the diversity candidate.

White women mostly benefit from this. Holy shit if you can find a black woman you’ve hit the jackpot.

And a black or women will make $1mill a year. My brothers replacement took a better job for double. Now she’s hiring him to go work with her because she’s in over her head.

Are there EVER examples where a white person might not get hired or asks for help because they are not qualified or are in over their heads?"
Of course there are. Many whites were turned down for employment at places o worked.
You aren’t getting it. Far too many times incompetent whites get the job because of white privilege and too many blacks aren’t getting the job because of bias.

I said it before. It doesn’t matter if you morons get it. Big corporations do and they’re workingon diversifying.
How do you know why whites are getting jobs? And I am getting it. I answered the question that was posed.
Your question suggests you don’t get it.

Listen lady, you women benefitted the most from affirmative action. How did we know back then why white women weren’t ever getting the jobs?

Did bias play a part? Of course. To this day men are afraid to hire a women because they worry shes going to have a baby and either quit or not devote as much attention to the job as a man would as soon as she pops the kid out
You know exactly why women back then didn’t get the jobs. It was because of ignorant, male chauvinists who decided they had to be in charge. Contrary to what you may believe, women are smart and can be more capable and worthy of their careers than some men.
Wow! Look at how quickly your attitude changed when we stopped talking about blacks and brought up women.

Suddenly you’re getting it? This is the problem with conservatives. No empathy unless it’s happening to them.

So for the record I agree with you about women but for some reason you don’t agree when it comes to blacks. Could it be because you lack empathy for them?

You seem to have no empathy for whites, especially white males, who are getting the short end of the "push for diversity".
And he imagines things, like saying I don’t agree when it comes to blacks. He didn’t elaborate, but I don’t know where that came from.

Well lets see. You said this "How do you know why whites are getting jobs?"

So I flipped it and instead of blacks I made it about women. Suddenly you became a defender of Affirmative Action.

So I ask you, How do you know why men are getting the jobs instead of women?

To this day women are still the biggest benefitters of Affirmative Action.
There are a vast number of black men and women who have yet to reach 70 that witnessed real discrimination, who also have still living relatives who experienced it.

And that justifies discrimination against whites now, how?

You are the one who stated that you would listen to any elderly black person that experienced discrimination. I only pointed out that they are out there in abundance.

On the otherl hand, there is no metric that exists that proves through measuring employment, home ownership, average salary or college graduation rates that reflect any widescale discrimination against white citizens that has had a widespread effect on a national basis.

1. And I stated that I have found that such elderly black people are pretty happy just being treated as equals, and don't seem to need nor expect, nor want, special favoritism based on their being black.

2. ONE small limited example, of hard evidence of documented discrimination is the discrimination show in Ivy League admissions.

1. Of course the average elderly person of any race is less concerned about opportunities tha tg have already been missed. Furthermore the average elderly black person would likely be guarded about what they would even discuss with you.

Most elderly black people that I know are more concerned about their final years being enjoyable. But if they had an opportunity to live their lives over, they would not view legislation to ensure equality as "favoritism".

2. Yes that is definitely a VERY LIMITED example. There is no evidence that white applicants have been or are being displaced on a broad scale by by black applicants.
My bro works hr Fortune 500. Blacks and women who are qualified are very highly sought after. Even not qualified are getting opportunities and white dudes are getting passed up because the ceo wants a diversity candidate.

Make no mistake this is changing peoples lives. Getting the vp job is like a golden ticket. Now you’re in the $500k a year league plus stocks and golden parachutes. Lots of white guys are bitter when they go with the diversity candidate.

White women mostly benefit from this. Holy shit if you can find a black woman you’ve hit the jackpot.

And a black or women will make $1mill a year. My brothers replacement took a better job for double. Now she’s hiring him to go work with her because she’s in over her head.

Are there EVER examples where a white person might not get hired or asks for help because they are not qualified or are in over their heads?"
Of course there are. Many whites were turned down for employment at places o worked.
You aren’t getting it. Far too many times incompetent whites get the job because of white privilege and too many blacks aren’t getting the job because of bias.

I said it before. It doesn’t matter if you morons get it. Big corporations do and they’re workingon diversifying.
How do you know why whites are getting jobs? And I am getting it. I answered the question that was posed.
Your question suggests you don’t get it.

Listen lady, you women benefitted the most from affirmative action. How did we know back then why white women weren’t ever getting the jobs?

Did bias play a part? Of course. To this day men are afraid to hire a women because they worry shes going to have a baby and either quit or not devote as much attention to the job as a man would as soon as she pops the kid out
You know exactly why women back then didn’t get the jobs. It was because of ignorant, male chauvinists who decided they had to be in charge. Contrary to what you may believe, women are smart and can be more capable and worthy of their careers than some men.
Wow! Look at how quickly your attitude changed when we stopped talking about blacks and brought up women.

Suddenly you’re getting it? This is the problem with conservatives. No empathy unless it’s happening to them.

So for the record I agree with you about women but for some reason you don’t agree when it comes to blacks. Could it be because you lack empathy for them?

You seem to have no empathy for whites, especially white males, who are getting the short end of the "push for diversity".
And he imagines things, like saying I don’t agree when it comes to blacks. He didn’t elaborate, but I don’t know where that came from.

Well lets see. You said this "How do you know why whites are getting jobs?"

So I flipped it and instead of blacks I made it about women. Suddenly you became a defender of Affirmative Action.

So I ask you, How do you know why men are getting the jobs instead of women?

To this day women are still the biggest benefitters of Affirmative Action.

I've heard a lot of libs make that claim. Sounds like bullshit. Blacks get the big benefits. Massive sat bonus in college admissions,for one limited example.
There are a vast number of black men and women who have yet to reach 70 that witnessed real discrimination, who also have still living relatives who experienced it.

And that justifies discrimination against whites now, how?

You are the one who stated that you would listen to any elderly black person that experienced discrimination. I only pointed out that they are out there in abundance.

On the otherl hand, there is no metric that exists that proves through measuring employment, home ownership, average salary or college graduation rates that reflect any widescale discrimination against white citizens that has had a widespread effect on a national basis.

1. And I stated that I have found that such elderly black people are pretty happy just being treated as equals, and don't seem to need nor expect, nor want, special favoritism based on their being black.

2. ONE small limited example, of hard evidence of documented discrimination is the discrimination show in Ivy League admissions.

1. Of course the average elderly person of any race is less concerned about opportunities tha tg have already been missed. Furthermore the average elderly black person would likely be guarded about what they would even discuss with you.

Most elderly black people that I know are more concerned about their final years being enjoyable. But if they had an opportunity to live their lives over, they would not view legislation to ensure equality as "favoritism".

2. Yes that is definitely a VERY LIMITED example. There is no evidence that white applicants have been or are being displaced on a broad scale by by black applicants.
My bro works hr Fortune 500. Blacks and women who are qualified are very highly sought after. Even not qualified are getting opportunities and white dudes are getting passed up because the ceo wants a diversity candidate.

Make no mistake this is changing peoples lives. Getting the vp job is like a golden ticket. Now you’re in the $500k a year league plus stocks and golden parachutes. Lots of white guys are bitter when they go with the diversity candidate.

White women mostly benefit from this. Holy shit if you can find a black woman you’ve hit the jackpot.

And a black or women will make $1mill a year. My brothers replacement took a better job for double. Now she’s hiring him to go work with her because she’s in over her head.

Are there EVER examples where a white person might not get hired or asks for help because they are not qualified or are in over their heads?"
Of course there are. Many whites were turned down for employment at places o worked.
You aren’t getting it. Far too many times incompetent whites get the job because of white privilege and too many blacks aren’t getting the job because of bias.

I said it before. It doesn’t matter if you morons get it. Big corporations do and they’re workingon diversifying.
How do you know why whites are getting jobs? And I am getting it. I answered the question that was posed.
Your question suggests you don’t get it.

Listen lady, you women benefitted the most from affirmative action. How did we know back then why white women weren’t ever getting the jobs?

Did bias play a part? Of course. To this day men are afraid to hire a women because they worry shes going to have a baby and either quit or not devote as much attention to the job as a man would as soon as she pops the kid out
You know exactly why women back then didn’t get the jobs. It was because of ignorant, male chauvinists who decided they had to be in charge. Contrary to what you may believe, women are smart and can be more capable and worthy of their careers than some men.
Wow! Look at how quickly your attitude changed when we stopped talking about blacks and brought up women.

Suddenly you’re getting it? This is the problem with conservatives. No empathy unless it’s happening to them.

So for the record I agree with you about women but for some reason you don’t agree when it comes to blacks. Could it be because you lack empathy for them?

You seem to have no empathy for whites, especially white males, who are getting the short end of the "push for diversity".
And he imagines things, like saying I don’t agree when it comes to blacks. He didn’t elaborate, but I don’t know where that came from.

Well lets see. You said this "How do you know why whites are getting jobs?"

So I flipped it and instead of blacks I made it about women. Suddenly you became a defender of Affirmative Action.

So I ask you, How do you know why men are getting the jobs instead of women?

To this day women are still the biggest benefitters of Affirmative Action.

I've heard a lot of libs make that claim. Sounds like bullshit. Blacks get the big benefits. Massive sat bonus in college admissions,for one limited example.
That's because a lot of women go to college and they go to good public schools not inner city shit hole schools.

It's not a claim it's a fact. Apparently one that makes you feel uncomfortable.

I've already told you about Maria. She replaced my brother. The CEO insisted on a diversity candidate. They eventually went with Maria because my brother said he would train/teach her. There were a lot of white men who were more qualified.

AND, after a year she left the company because another company paid her double her salary. They too wanted a diversity candidate.
There are a vast number of black men and women who have yet to reach 70 that witnessed real discrimination, who also have still living relatives who experienced it.

And that justifies discrimination against whites now, how?

You are the one who stated that you would listen to any elderly black person that experienced discrimination. I only pointed out that they are out there in abundance.

On the otherl hand, there is no metric that exists that proves through measuring employment, home ownership, average salary or college graduation rates that reflect any widescale discrimination against white citizens that has had a widespread effect on a national basis.

1. And I stated that I have found that such elderly black people are pretty happy just being treated as equals, and don't seem to need nor expect, nor want, special favoritism based on their being black.

2. ONE small limited example, of hard evidence of documented discrimination is the discrimination show in Ivy League admissions.

1. Of course the average elderly person of any race is less concerned about opportunities tha tg have already been missed. Furthermore the average elderly black person would likely be guarded about what they would even discuss with you.

Most elderly black people that I know are more concerned about their final years being enjoyable. But if they had an opportunity to live their lives over, they would not view legislation to ensure equality as "favoritism".

2. Yes that is definitely a VERY LIMITED example. There is no evidence that white applicants have been or are being displaced on a broad scale by by black applicants.
My bro works hr Fortune 500. Blacks and women who are qualified are very highly sought after. Even not qualified are getting opportunities and white dudes are getting passed up because the ceo wants a diversity candidate.

Make no mistake this is changing peoples lives. Getting the vp job is like a golden ticket. Now you’re in the $500k a year league plus stocks and golden parachutes. Lots of white guys are bitter when they go with the diversity candidate.

White women mostly benefit from this. Holy shit if you can find a black woman you’ve hit the jackpot.

And a black or women will make $1mill a year. My brothers replacement took a better job for double. Now she’s hiring him to go work with her because she’s in over her head.

Are there EVER examples where a white person might not get hired or asks for help because they are not qualified or are in over their heads?"
Of course there are. Many whites were turned down for employment at places o worked.
You aren’t getting it. Far too many times incompetent whites get the job because of white privilege and too many blacks aren’t getting the job because of bias.

I said it before. It doesn’t matter if you morons get it. Big corporations do and they’re workingon diversifying.
How do you know why whites are getting jobs? And I am getting it. I answered the question that was posed.
Your question suggests you don’t get it.

Listen lady, you women benefitted the most from affirmative action. How did we know back then why white women weren’t ever getting the jobs?

Did bias play a part? Of course. To this day men are afraid to hire a women because they worry shes going to have a baby and either quit or not devote as much attention to the job as a man would as soon as she pops the kid out
You know exactly why women back then didn’t get the jobs. It was because of ignorant, male chauvinists who decided they had to be in charge. Contrary to what you may believe, women are smart and can be more capable and worthy of their careers than some men.
Wow! Look at how quickly your attitude changed when we stopped talking about blacks and brought up women.

Suddenly you’re getting it? This is the problem with conservatives. No empathy unless it’s happening to them.

So for the record I agree with you about women but for some reason you don’t agree when it comes to blacks. Could it be because you lack empathy for them?

You seem to have no empathy for whites, especially white males, who are getting the short end of the "push for diversity".
And he imagines things, like saying I don’t agree when it comes to blacks. He didn’t elaborate, but I don’t know where that came from.

Well lets see. You said this "How do you know why whites are getting jobs?"

So I flipped it and instead of blacks I made it about women. Suddenly you became a defender of Affirmative Action.

So I ask you, How do you know why men are getting the jobs instead of women?

To this day women are still the biggest benefitters of Affirmative Action.

I've heard a lot of libs make that claim. Sounds like bullshit. Blacks get the big benefits. Massive sat bonus in college admissions,for one limited example.
That's because a lot of women go to college and they go to good public schools not inner city shit hole schools.

So, it is not that women benefit more for AA, but that they have many other tools at their disposal, ie good schools.

So, you going to stop making that false claim?

It's not a claim it's a fact. Apparently one that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Doesn't bother me at all. Even if it were true, it would not bother me. Your assumption that it would is very strange. YOu don't seem to really get much of what I actually say.

I've already told you about Maria. She replaced my brother. The CEO insisted on a diversity candidate. They eventually went with Maria because my brother said he would train/teach her. There were a lot of white men who were more qualified.

AND, after a year she left the company because another company paid her double her salary. They too wanted a diversity candidate.

Yeah. ANd I asked you to explain how it was "Fair" to those white men. AND, I pointed out that this type of shit, is not limited to VPs but hits men, white men all up and down the socio-economic scale, causing real harm to men and their families.

AND I asked you, why you don't give a fuck about them.
There are a vast number of black men and women who have yet to reach 70 that witnessed real discrimination, who also have still living relatives who experienced it.

And that justifies discrimination against whites now, how?

You are the one who stated that you would listen to any elderly black person that experienced discrimination. I only pointed out that they are out there in abundance.

On the otherl hand, there is no metric that exists that proves through measuring employment, home ownership, average salary or college graduation rates that reflect any widescale discrimination against white citizens that has had a widespread effect on a national basis.

1. And I stated that I have found that such elderly black people are pretty happy just being treated as equals, and don't seem to need nor expect, nor want, special favoritism based on their being black.

2. ONE small limited example, of hard evidence of documented discrimination is the discrimination show in Ivy League admissions.

1. Of course the average elderly person of any race is less concerned about opportunities tha tg have already been missed. Furthermore the average elderly black person would likely be guarded about what they would even discuss with you.

Most elderly black people that I know are more concerned about their final years being enjoyable. But if they had an opportunity to live their lives over, they would not view legislation to ensure equality as "favoritism".

2. Yes that is definitely a VERY LIMITED example. There is no evidence that white applicants have been or are being displaced on a broad scale by by black applicants.
My bro works hr Fortune 500. Blacks and women who are qualified are very highly sought after. Even not qualified are getting opportunities and white dudes are getting passed up because the ceo wants a diversity candidate.

Make no mistake this is changing peoples lives. Getting the vp job is like a golden ticket. Now you’re in the $500k a year league plus stocks and golden parachutes. Lots of white guys are bitter when they go with the diversity candidate.

White women mostly benefit from this. Holy shit if you can find a black woman you’ve hit the jackpot.

And a black or women will make $1mill a year. My brothers replacement took a better job for double. Now she’s hiring him to go work with her because she’s in over her head.

Are there EVER examples where a white person might not get hired or asks for help because they are not qualified or are in over their heads?"
Of course there are. Many whites were turned down for employment at places o worked.
You aren’t getting it. Far too many times incompetent whites get the job because of white privilege and too many blacks aren’t getting the job because of bias.

I said it before. It doesn’t matter if you morons get it. Big corporations do and they’re workingon diversifying.
How do you know why whites are getting jobs? And I am getting it. I answered the question that was posed.
Your question suggests you don’t get it.

Listen lady, you women benefitted the most from affirmative action. How did we know back then why white women weren’t ever getting the jobs?

Did bias play a part? Of course. To this day men are afraid to hire a women because they worry shes going to have a baby and either quit or not devote as much attention to the job as a man would as soon as she pops the kid out
You know exactly why women back then didn’t get the jobs. It was because of ignorant, male chauvinists who decided they had to be in charge. Contrary to what you may believe, women are smart and can be more capable and worthy of their careers than some men.
Wow! Look at how quickly your attitude changed when we stopped talking about blacks and brought up women.

Suddenly you’re getting it? This is the problem with conservatives. No empathy unless it’s happening to them.

So for the record I agree with you about women but for some reason you don’t agree when it comes to blacks. Could it be because you lack empathy for them?

You seem to have no empathy for whites, especially white males, who are getting the short end of the "push for diversity".
And he imagines things, like saying I don’t agree when it comes to blacks. He didn’t elaborate, but I don’t know where that came from.

Well lets see. You said this "How do you know why whites are getting jobs?"

So I flipped it and instead of blacks I made it about women. Suddenly you became a defender of Affirmative Action.

So I ask you, How do you know why men are getting the jobs instead of women?

To this day women are still the biggest benefitters of Affirmative Action.
You ASSume that. I am not a defender of affirmative action. I believe someone should be hired based on their qualifications, not race or gender. You do know that men were once in charge of pretty much everything, so your question about men getting the jobs was moot. I also was passed over for jobs and bluntly told that a man was getting the job because he was the breadwinner for the family. I have heard many similar instances from many people. I am not saying some people won’t hire black people, I am saying that is not always the reason someone doesn’t get the job. I have had employers deny both blacks and whites for various reasons, lack of qualifications, appearance, lying on job applications, failing drug tests. The majority of the blacks who weren’t hired blamed it on race, yet there were other black people working at these establishments.
And if there are none, then isn't that proof that black people are inferior?

No. It's proof that black people don't think like whites or should I say white supremacists,
We don't see it as an act of superiority being able to kill white people, to go into white countries and put the white people of that nation under our heel and starve white people and poison them.

If you think that's acting superior then that's on you.

Gunpowder changed the game.

Marco Polo brought it back to Europe and whites started using it to kill people with.

This is the difference. White ppl have got something going for them that other black people don't have to the same extent.

Whites love to kill. We didn't take warfare seriously enough. Because black people don't think like whites.

As a kid my father used to take me to a farm and I'd watch white people when they shoot a pheasant. When you'd shoot something, you'dgo crazy, like you were really getting your kicks.

They never defeated the African armies until they got gunpowder. Then with their gunpowder, they came in. And that suited the white man cowardly nature bcoz anyone can take a gun and stand at a distance and shoot at something that's no danger to him and whites used it, and took over the world, with that gunpowder.

Really? You guys can't even control one country on the entire face of the Earth?

Name a black countries that the white supremacist is not controlling ?

It’s the scorched earth shit. They (the white supremacist) fk up the water over in African countries. They fk up the earth so they cant grow anything and then and then give them a bag of rice in exchange for a bag of diamonds.

The mobile phone or I-phone you have in your pocket, or laptop would not even work without congolese coltan

And who do you think mines that ? Yup black Africans.


Who controls Coltan deposits over there ? Apple (The biggest company in the world)

Africa has the biggest stores of
  • Gold and diamonds
Not to mention Iron, Platinum, Uranium, Chromium. Even Cement is exported from Egypt and Morocco. Also Africa is one of the most diverse geological continents.

And then the World bank gives out credits to African countries. So the African countries are held hostage through debt. The debt payback is done by getting more resources at low prices. Meanwhile local infrastructures are crumbling, social programmes and local developments are cut because of the paybacks.

The debt relief comes with a price. The African resource producing countries have to sell everything for a special discount price which opens the doors to all sorts of speculations from foreign investors demanding high returns.

Another by-product the west is expecting from their ‘generous gestures’ is to get positive votes at the next UN assembly. Any African who goes against it ? They threaten the local authorities to pull their funds out or threaten them to initiate another government turnover.

White supremacist don’t want Africans or black countries in charge of their own destiny.

Look at what happens to Africans who have tried ? Colonel Gaddifi was trying to create a central African bank and an African communication network. Africa is a massive source for mobile phone networks and internet. Africans make billions for the white supremacists. Gaddifi plan went against there wishes just as would have an African bank. So he had to be killed.

Robert Mugabe trying to return the land back to Africans in Zimbabwe. Julius Malema in S.Africa doing the same.

Black people in Africa had to fight a long civil war for their freedom, and now they are being fought tooth and nail by the international community for wanting to take back the soil that is rightfully theirs.

Patrice Lumumba, one of the greatest black leaders was killed by the Belgians with the aid of US. So that the white international community could get the puppet government that they wanted in the Congo.

I don't believe you. There are plenty of black governed countries.

And the white supremacist get's to decide who governs in that black countries or they make sure that black person who governs in that black country is going to serve their wishes.
Your problem is that sub-Saharan Africa is the world's biggest shithole inhabited by the stupidest of people. That is something you can't blame on others no matter how hard you try.
So if its a shit hole then why did they have to fight white ppl to get them to leave?

Dumb question. That's like asking if I went to South Bronx, and started kicking black people out of their homes, they would fight me rather than leave.

South Bronx might be one of the worst areas of NYC to live in, but that still doesn't change the fact the blacks in that area are not going to just up and leave without a fight.

Further, there is clear evidence that those areas were not terrible until the blacks gained power. Zimbabwe is a perfect example.

In fact most countries that either declared, or were granted independence from the UK, ended up in economic decline.
There are a vast number of black men and women who have yet to reach 70 that witnessed real discrimination, who also have still living relatives who experienced it.

And that justifies discrimination against whites now, how?

You are the one who stated that you would listen to any elderly black person that experienced discrimination. I only pointed out that they are out there in abundance.

On the otherl hand, there is no metric that exists that proves through measuring employment, home ownership, average salary or college graduation rates that reflect any widescale discrimination against white citizens that has had a widespread effect on a national basis.

1. And I stated that I have found that such elderly black people are pretty happy just being treated as equals, and don't seem to need nor expect, nor want, special favoritism based on their being black.

2. ONE small limited example, of hard evidence of documented discrimination is the discrimination show in Ivy League admissions.

1. Of course the average elderly person of any race is less concerned about opportunities tha tg have already been missed. Furthermore the average elderly black person would likely be guarded about what they would even discuss with you.

Most elderly black people that I know are more concerned about their final years being enjoyable. But if they had an opportunity to live their lives over, they would not view legislation to ensure equality as "favoritism".

2. Yes that is definitely a VERY LIMITED example. There is no evidence that white applicants have been or are being displaced on a broad scale by by black applicants.
My bro works hr Fortune 500. Blacks and women who are qualified are very highly sought after. Even not qualified are getting opportunities and white dudes are getting passed up because the ceo wants a diversity candidate.

Make no mistake this is changing peoples lives. Getting the vp job is like a golden ticket. Now you’re in the $500k a year league plus stocks and golden parachutes. Lots of white guys are bitter when they go with the diversity candidate.

White women mostly benefit from this. Holy shit if you can find a black woman you’ve hit the jackpot.

And a black or women will make $1mill a year. My brothers replacement took a better job for double. Now she’s hiring him to go work with her because she’s in over her head.

Are there EVER examples where a white person might not get hired or asks for help because they are not qualified or are in over their heads?"
Of course there are. Many whites were turned down for employment at places o worked.
You aren’t getting it. Far too many times incompetent whites get the job because of white privilege and too many blacks aren’t getting the job because of bias.

I said it before. It doesn’t matter if you morons get it. Big corporations do and they’re workingon diversifying.
How do you know why whites are getting jobs? And I am getting it. I answered the question that was posed.
Your question suggests you don’t get it.

Listen lady, you women benefitted the most from affirmative action. How did we know back then why white women weren’t ever getting the jobs?

Did bias play a part? Of course. To this day men are afraid to hire a women because they worry shes going to have a baby and either quit or not devote as much attention to the job as a man would as soon as she pops the kid out
You know exactly why women back then didn’t get the jobs. It was because of ignorant, male chauvinists who decided they had to be in charge. Contrary to what you may believe, women are smart and can be more capable and worthy of their careers than some men.
Wow! Look at how quickly your attitude changed when we stopped talking about blacks and brought up women.

Suddenly you’re getting it? This is the problem with conservatives. No empathy unless it’s happening to them.

So for the record I agree with you about women but for some reason you don’t agree when it comes to blacks. Could it be because you lack empathy for them?

You seem to have no empathy for whites, especially white males, who are getting the short end of the "push for diversity".
And he imagines things, like saying I don’t agree when it comes to blacks. He didn’t elaborate, but I don’t know where that came from.

Well lets see. You said this "How do you know why whites are getting jobs?"

So I flipped it and instead of blacks I made it about women. Suddenly you became a defender of Affirmative Action.

So I ask you, How do you know why men are getting the jobs instead of women?

To this day women are still the biggest benefitters of Affirmative Action.

I've heard a lot of libs make that claim. Sounds like bullshit. Blacks get the big benefits. Massive sat bonus in college admissions,for one limited example.
That's because a lot of women go to college and they go to good public schools not inner city shit hole schools.

It's not a claim it's a fact. Apparently one that makes you feel uncomfortable.

I've already told you about Maria. She replaced my brother. The CEO insisted on a diversity candidate. They eventually went with Maria because my brother said he would train/teach her. There were a lot of white men who were more qualified.

AND, after a year she left the company because another company paid her double her salary. They too wanted a diversity candidate.

So wait wait wait...... Hold on. Do you not see that you contradicted yourself? Said this....

You aren’t getting it. Far too many times incompetent whites get the job because of white privilege and too many blacks aren’t getting the job because of bias.

And now you said this:

The CEO insisted on a diversity candidate. They eventually went with Maria because my brother said he would train/teach her. There were a lot of white men who were more qualified.

You made the claim that incompetent whites were getting jobs because of white privileged, and then gave a personal testimonial of someone less competent getting a job specifically because of diversity.

So which is it? Because those are mutually exclusive.

I've seen diversity incompetence many times in my life. The last one, was the most egregious.

We had a black guy, who got hired on as a manager, and he was the absolute most incompetent person I have ever seen in management.

First, he was arrogant. So arrogant that he made everyone absolutely hate him, which caused them to do things to intentionally piss him off. Employees hated him so much, that if they saw a mistake, they would intentionally not correct it, just to see him flip out. Packages with the wrong production, or going to the wrong address, all would slide by simply because the employees hated him so much.

What did he do that was so terrible? Everything. He was a disaster

One day he walked in, and proclaimed that there will no longer be any chairs in the warehouse. Problem is we had some women who did inventory work on computers. They removed their chairs. We had women, on their knees.... on the floor... at their desks.... to do their job.

We had a lady come in that had applied to rent an apartment, and the land lord wanted proof she had a job. The lady gave the land lord the managers Email address to ask for evidence she was employed there. All the manager had to do, was hit reply, and say "Yes she works here".

He refused to do it. She couldn't rent the apartment. She had to contact the HR department at the Company HQ, and they contacted the manager, and he refused to do it for them either. Finally the HR Department contacted the land lord and said she had a job. 2 weeks to get a "Yes she has a job" sent to the land lord for an apartment rental.

And the guy was a prolific liar. He lied about absolutely everything.

We had a lady that was sick with the flu (this was 2 years ago). She was absolutely incoherent. Couldn't work. Snot rolling down her nose. Tears from her red eyes. She did absolutely nothing all day. I asked in bewilderment "Why are you here?!?".

She said this manager told her you can't use sick days for the first 90 days of employment. She said she was going to contact the HR Department. The manager said, 'you can do that, but I'm in charge, and it will just come back to me, and I'll know what you have said'. Clearly a threat. She contacted HR anyway, sure enough he came got her, and started chewing her out, for wanting to use a sick day when she was clearly sick and the employee handbook itself says you can use sick time from the start of employment.

This is a tiny tiny fraction of what all this guy did. This black man was a holy terror, and the least competent manager I have ever dealt with in my life, and I can't even begin to list everything he did while he was there.

So why was he able to keep his job for at least 4 years, while being a problem for the HR department the entire time, and having dozens of people quit the job, leaving notes all saying this one guy was the specific reason they quit?

He as black. Diversity is important. That's why.

White privileged? I don't buy it. Even if.... and that is a massive huge *IF*.... Even if there is such a thing as white privilege... diversity is not a solution. Diversity is only an excuse to hire and pay for absolutely incompetent people.
There are a vast number of black men and women who have yet to reach 70 that witnessed real discrimination, who also have still living relatives who experienced it.

And that justifies discrimination against whites now, how?

You are the one who stated that you would listen to any elderly black person that experienced discrimination. I only pointed out that they are out there in abundance.

On the otherl hand, there is no metric that exists that proves through measuring employment, home ownership, average salary or college graduation rates that reflect any widescale discrimination against white citizens that has had a widespread effect on a national basis.

1. And I stated that I have found that such elderly black people are pretty happy just being treated as equals, and don't seem to need nor expect, nor want, special favoritism based on their being black.

2. ONE small limited example, of hard evidence of documented discrimination is the discrimination show in Ivy League admissions.

1. Of course the average elderly person of any race is less concerned about opportunities tha tg have already been missed. Furthermore the average elderly black person would likely be guarded about what they would even discuss with you.

Most elderly black people that I know are more concerned about their final years being enjoyable. But if they had an opportunity to live their lives over, they would not view legislation to ensure equality as "favoritism".

2. Yes that is definitely a VERY LIMITED example. There is no evidence that white applicants have been or are being displaced on a broad scale by by black applicants.
My bro works hr Fortune 500. Blacks and women who are qualified are very highly sought after. Even not qualified are getting opportunities and white dudes are getting passed up because the ceo wants a diversity candidate.

Make no mistake this is changing peoples lives. Getting the vp job is like a golden ticket. Now you’re in the $500k a year league plus stocks and golden parachutes. Lots of white guys are bitter when they go with the diversity candidate.

White women mostly benefit from this. Holy shit if you can find a black woman you’ve hit the jackpot.

And a black or women will make $1mill a year. My brothers replacement took a better job for double. Now she’s hiring him to go work with her because she’s in over her head.

Are there EVER examples where a white person might not get hired or asks for help because they are not qualified or are in over their heads?"
Of course there are. Many whites were turned down for employment at places o worked.
You aren’t getting it. Far too many times incompetent whites get the job because of white privilege and too many blacks aren’t getting the job because of bias.

I said it before. It doesn’t matter if you morons get it. Big corporations do and they’re workingon diversifying.
How do you know why whites are getting jobs? And I am getting it. I answered the question that was posed.
Your question suggests you don’t get it.

Listen lady, you women benefitted the most from affirmative action. How did we know back then why white women weren’t ever getting the jobs?

Did bias play a part? Of course. To this day men are afraid to hire a women because they worry shes going to have a baby and either quit or not devote as much attention to the job as a man would as soon as she pops the kid out
You know exactly why women back then didn’t get the jobs. It was because of ignorant, male chauvinists who decided they had to be in charge. Contrary to what you may believe, women are smart and can be more capable and worthy of their careers than some men.
Wow! Look at how quickly your attitude changed when we stopped talking about blacks and brought up women.

Suddenly you’re getting it? This is the problem with conservatives. No empathy unless it’s happening to them.

So for the record I agree with you about women but for some reason you don’t agree when it comes to blacks. Could it be because you lack empathy for them?

You seem to have no empathy for whites, especially white males, who are getting the short end of the "push for diversity".
And he imagines things, like saying I don’t agree when it comes to blacks. He didn’t elaborate, but I don’t know where that came from.

Well lets see. You said this "How do you know why whites are getting jobs?"

So I flipped it and instead of blacks I made it about women. Suddenly you became a defender of Affirmative Action.

So I ask you, How do you know why men are getting the jobs instead of women?

To this day women are still the biggest benefitters of Affirmative Action.

I've heard a lot of libs make that claim. Sounds like bullshit. Blacks get the big benefits. Massive sat bonus in college admissions,for one limited example.
That's because a lot of women go to college and they go to good public schools not inner city shit hole schools.

It's not a claim it's a fact. Apparently one that makes you feel uncomfortable.

I've already told you about Maria. She replaced my brother. The CEO insisted on a diversity candidate. They eventually went with Maria because my brother said he would train/teach her. There were a lot of white men who were more qualified.

AND, after a year she left the company because another company paid her double her salary. They too wanted a diversity candidate.

So wait wait wait...... Hold on. Do you not see that you contradicted yourself? Said this....

You aren’t getting it. Far too many times incompetent whites get the job because of white privilege and too many blacks aren’t getting the job because of bias.

And now you said this:

The CEO insisted on a diversity candidate. They eventually went with Maria because my brother said he would train/teach her. There were a lot of white men who were more qualified.

You made the claim that incompetent whites were getting jobs because of white privileged, and then gave a personal testimonial of someone less competent getting a job specifically because of diversity.

So which is it? Because those are mutually exclusive.

I've seen diversity incompetence many times in my life. The last one, was the most egregious.

We had a black guy, who got hired on as a manager, and he was the absolute most incompetent person I have ever seen in management.

First, he was arrogant. So arrogant that he made everyone absolutely hate him, which caused them to do things to intentionally piss him off. Employees hated him so much, that if they saw a mistake, they would intentionally not correct it, just to see him flip out. Packages with the wrong production, or going to the wrong address, all would slide by simply because the employees hated him so much.

What did he do that was so terrible? Everything. He was a disaster

One day he walked in, and proclaimed that there will no longer be any chairs in the warehouse. Problem is we had some women who did inventory work on computers. They removed their chairs. We had women, on their knees.... on the floor... at their desks.... to do their job.

We had a lady come in that had applied to rent an apartment, and the land lord wanted proof she had a job. The lady gave the land lord the managers Email address to ask for evidence she was employed there. All the manager had to do, was hit reply, and say "Yes she works here".

He refused to do it. She couldn't rent the apartment. She had to contact the HR department at the Company HQ, and they contacted the manager, and he refused to do it for them either. Finally the HR Department contacted the land lord and said she had a job. 2 weeks to get a "Yes she has a job" sent to the land lord for an apartment rental.

And the guy was a prolific liar. He lied about absolutely everything.

We had a lady that was sick with the flu (this was 2 years ago). She was absolutely incoherent. Couldn't work. Snot rolling down her nose. Tears from her red eyes. She did absolutely nothing all day. I asked in bewilderment "Why are you here?!?".

She said this manager told her you can't use sick days for the first 90 days of employment. She said she was going to contact the HR Department. The manager said, 'you can do that, but I'm in charge, and it will just come back to me, and I'll know what you have said'. Clearly a threat. She contacted HR anyway, sure enough he came got her, and started chewing her out, for wanting to use a sick day when she was clearly sick and the employee handbook itself says you can use sick time from the start of employment.

This is a tiny tiny fraction of what all this guy did. This black man was a holy terror, and the least competent manager I have ever dealt with in my life, and I can't even begin to list everything he did while he was there.

So why was he able to keep his job for at least 4 years, while being a problem for the HR department the entire time, and having dozens of people quit the job, leaving notes all saying this one guy was the specific reason they quit?

He as black. Diversity is important. That's why.

White privileged? I don't buy it. Even if.... and that is a massive huge *IF*.... Even if there is such a thing as white privilege... diversity is not a solution. Diversity is only an excuse to hire and pay for absolutely incompetent people.

Now I'm agreeing with you. Far too many women are getting jobs that should be going to better qualified men.

Let's see if MizMolly agrees now that it's women we are talking about not blacks.
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