More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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When I was in first grade in Chicago back in the 50s three Black boys beat me up and stole my rain coat. Why did they do that? They must have been racist, huh.

Stop talking sh*t. The blk boy was his own and he kicked your ass, bcoz you were talking sh*t but you've made this story up about three blk boys attacking you to save face.

But how old are you ? You must be in your late 60s
It's a true story. Walking home after school minding my own business. Why would you say I made it up? I'm 72. You must be one of those people without common sense that have a difficult time accepting the truth that Black people can be just as racist as White people.

You forget your history because this is how your European ancestors came to the USA.


The winners never get on the boat. The winners stay put, probably because of that winning.

The people who are living well in Haiti, Sierra Leone, Albania or Liberia aren't risking life and limb to transport themselves to a country 1000s of miles away.

It's always the losers who leave.

And there is no shame in that.

Thats an act of resilience, willingness to risk everything for a new beginning.

But just as there was no shame when you're European ancestors who came to the USA did it. So too must there be no shame when people from other lands do it.

Also the reasons why some poor blk people come to the USA and Europe is a function of the very inequalities guys like you demand be kept in place.

The solution is very simple but you're not going to like it.

A massive investment in opportunities for black people for schooling and jobs, globally.

But of course, guys like you will never call for wealthy nations to invest more in expanding opportunities for black people, even though this would “solve” your stupid migration fears.

Likewise, you would never support a more equitable distribution of global resources to poorer nations, even though doing so would slow the migration patterns to so-called white countries, which are a function of global economic inequalities
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BS Filter
True story. Walking home after school minding my own business. Why would you say I made it up? I'm 72

I just don't believe your story. Blk kids in the early 60s, late 50s, would for no reason attack a fellow white kid for his bat ?

No. I don't believe you. Even 2020 blk ppl are well aware that we will be severely punished for harming a white person in the early 1960s you could've multiplied that by 10.

You're not telling me the whole story and the blk kids are not hear to defend themselves.

You forget your history because this is how your European ancestors came to the USA.

View attachment 434779

The winners never get on the boat. The winners stay put, probably because of that winning.

The people who are living well in Haiti, Sierra Leone, Albania or Liberia aren't risking life and limb to transport themselves to a country 1000s of miles away.

It's always the losers who leave.

And there is no shame in that.

Thats an act of resilience, willingness to risk everything for a new beginning.

But just as there was no shame when you're European ancestors who came to the USA did it. So too must there be no shame when people from other lands do it.

Also the reasons why some poor blk people come to the USA and Europe is a function of the very inequalities guys like you demand be kept in place.

The solution is very simple but you're not going to like it.

A massive investment in opportunities for black people for schooling and jobs, globally.

But of course, guys like you will never call for wealthy nations to invest more in expanding opportunities for black people, even though this would “solve” your stupid migration fears.

Likewise, you would never support a more equitable distribution of global resources to poorer nations, even though doing so would slow the migration patterns to so-called white countries, which are a function of global economic inequalities

You see how you pwned yourself perfectly, right?

Sure, we came to the USA like in the picture, but we succeeded here! No massive investments, just hard work and smarts
BS Filter
True story. Walking home after school minding my own business. Why would you say I made it up? I'm 72

I just don't believe your story. Blk kids in the early 60s, late 50s, would for no reason attack a fellow white kid for his bat ?

No. I don't believe you. Even 2020 blk ppl are well aware that we will be severely punished for harming a white person in the early 1960s you could've multiplied that by 10.

You're not telling me the whole story and the blk kids are not hear to defend themselves.
They took my raincoat, not a bat. True story. I was in first grade and we had just moved to a black area of Chicago. We got our white asses out of there quick. Went to Minneapolis. It wasn't as ruined by Black trash yet. We had a house in the suburbs within a year. Nice neighborhood to grow up in. No jigaboos.
BS Filter
They took my raincoat, not a bat. True story. I was in first grade and we had just moved to a black area of Chicago.

Stop it. Ok ? White people make sure they live as far away from blk ppl as possible, that's true in 2020, multiply that by 10 in the 1960s.
You see how you pwned yourself perfectly, right? Sure, we came to the USA like in the picture, but we succeeded here! No massive investments, just hard work and smarts

White immigrants needed a system of racism to do anything.

White immigrants could vote by the 1860s, not the 1960s – because they were White.

They easily qualified for the Homestead Act, the G.I. Bill and FHA loans – because they were White.

They could live in nice neighbourhoods and go to nice schools – because they were White.

Without a system of white supremacy. Most white immigrants would not have made it
BS Filter
They took my raincoat, not a bat. True story. I was in first grade and we had just moved to a black area of Chicago.

Stop it. Ok ? White people make sure they live as far away from blk ppl as possible, that's true in 2020, multiply that by 10 in the 1960s.
I used to hang out in north Minneapolis playing music in the 70s. Why are Black neighborhoods always full of litter? Don't you jigs know what a trash can is for?
BS Filter
I used to hang out in north Minneapolis playing music in the 70s.

I don't care. Why are you telling me this ?

BS Filter
Why are Black neighborhoods always full of litter? Don't you jigs know what a trash can is for?

If you want areas where blk ppl live improve across the board then you need to campaign against the policies of your own people.

White people control the policing, the resources, house prices, trash pick-up, ambulance service, street repair, drugs, liqour, investment...everything
BS Filter
I used to hang out in north Minneapolis playing music in the 70s.

I don't care. Why are you telling me this ?

BS Filter
Why are Black neighborhoods always full of litter? Don't you jigs know what a trash can is for?

If you want areas where blk ppl live improve across the board then you need to campaign against the policies of your own people.

White people control the policing, the resources, house prices, trash pick-up, ambulance service, street repair, drugs, liqour, investment...everything
BS Filter
I used to hang out in north Minneapolis playing music in the 70s.

I don't care. Why are you telling me this ?

BS Filter
Why are Black neighborhoods always full of litter? Don't you jigs know what a trash can is for?

If you want areas where blk ppl live improve across the board then you need to campaign against the policies of your own people.

White people control the policing, the resources, house prices, trash pick-up, ambulance service, street repair, drugs, liqour, investment...everything
LOL BS. In the hood police are often majority black and whitey doesn't control any of that which is why Kebabs and Punjabs are able to open all kinds of businesses in the hood.

You forget your history because this is how your European ancestors came to the USA.

View attachment 434779

The winners never get on the boat. The winners stay put, probably because of that winning.

The people who are living well in Haiti, Sierra Leone, Albania or Liberia aren't risking life and limb to transport themselves to a country 1000s of miles away.

It's always the losers who leave.

And there is no shame in that.

Thats an act of resilience, willingness to risk everything for a new beginning.

But just as there was no shame when you're European ancestors who came to the USA did it. So too must there be no shame when people from other lands do it.

Also the reasons why some poor blk people come to the USA and Europe is a function of the very inequalities guys like you demand be kept in place.

The solution is very simple but you're not going to like it.

A massive investment in opportunities for black people for schooling and jobs, globally.

But of course, guys like you will never call for wealthy nations to invest more in expanding opportunities for black people, even though this would “solve” your stupid migration fears.

Likewise, you would never support a more equitable distribution of global resources to poorer nations, even though doing so would slow the migration patterns to so-called white countries, which are a function of global economic inequalities
Nope, impossible for other governments to "invest" in schooling/jobs in chithole countries because people running those countries are too corrupt. Resources? There are lot of natural resources in poor African countries and governments there sign deals with foreign operators who run and pay those governments lots of money and the corrupt leaders there never invest that income back into their countries or for universal free K-12. And when the heat gets too hot those African presidents just take off to Europe with billions they stole. Same deal with Martelly in Haiti. He stole a billion or 2 from the gas fund and split to the USA or Canada.

Ask yourself why American manufacturers (not including in Mexico) go all the way to E. Asia and build facilities when Africa is so much closer. Because African governments won't invest enough in and properly maintain infrastructure. They are being colonized by China anyways.
You see how you pwned yourself perfectly, right? Sure, we came to the USA like in the picture, but we succeeded here! No massive investments, just hard work and smarts

White immigrants needed a system of racism to do anything.

White immigrants could vote by the 1860s, not the 1960s – because they were White.

They easily qualified for the Homestead Act, the G.I. Bill and FHA loans – because they were White.

They could live in nice neighbourhoods and go to nice schools – because they were White.

Without a system of white supremacy. Most white immigrants would not have made it

One of the people who was trampled to death while attending the white supremacist Capitol riot was a woman named Roseanne Boyland, who had a criminal history of heroin possession.

1) The US supreme court is making it even easier for the cops to kill black people. That's all these laws about. Now sure, they don't mind a few white people getting caught in the crossfire, but essentially these laws are about killing or harming black people

2) What would have happened if he was black ?

A white man points gun at Cops. They Ask Him to Stand Down. He Shoots at them. They ask him to stand Down again. He refuses again and fights With Cops. But he is taken alive

What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


3) You know how white supremacist love to lie about "Were helping black people. Look at all this aid we give"

Yeah a bag of rice for a bag of diamonds.

This is an old mafia trick. The mafia used to kill a wife's husband then a week later, show up at her house with a envelope of money telling her "What a great guy he was". White supremacists acts of aggression are always followed by white supremacist acts of compassion. You must keep the victims confused.

But this is what the Red cross is doing haiti. Child Sex rings etc. They've found 21 cases of sexual misconduct in last three years but of course keep digging and the real number is in the thousands. Not that the money was ever meant to go to Haiti.

Once again. White supremacists have history.


This is happening to black/African ppl globally. British soldiers that were forcing the poverty stricken African women and underage girls to have sex with them in exchange for food and clean water.

3) Screen writer of the original Planet of The Apes says the film was about about Black people


Now watch how quickly this post will get locked.

To the mods black people talking about racism on a section of a forum that's dedicated to racism is race baiting.


Because in USMB if you talk about racism then you must focus on how screwed up, violent or dumb black people supposedly are anything else is race baiting.
There is no such thing as "white privilege". There is only NON-white privilege (ex. Affirmative Action) As for white supremacy, it is relatively small and most impotent in America, but leftists like to blow it up as being a big deal, just like the keep showing old black & white film footage of 1950s & 60s civil rights skirmashes, to try to keep up the victim idea in black people's heads (while they jump to the front of the lines from Affirmative Action).
1) The US supreme court is making it even easier for the cops to kill black people. That's all these laws about. Now sure, they don't mind a few white people getting caught in the crossfire, but essentially these laws are about killing or harming black people

2) What would have happened if he was black ?

A white man points gun at Cops. They Ask Him to Stand Down. He Shoots at them. They ask him to stand Down again. He refuses again and fights With Cops. But he is taken alive

What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


3) You know how white supremacist love to lie about "Were helping black people. Look at all this aid we give"

Yeah a bag of rice for a bag of diamonds.

This is an old mafia trick. The mafia used to kill a wife's husband then a week later, show up at her house with a envelope of money telling her "What a great guy he was". White supremacists acts of aggression are always followed by white supremacist acts of compassion. You must keep the victims confused.

But this is what the Red cross is doing haiti. Child Sex rings etc. They've found 21 cases of sexual misconduct in last three years but of course keep digging and the real number is in the thousands. Not that the money was ever meant to go to Haiti.

Once again. White supremacists have history.


This is happening to black/African ppl globally. British soldiers that were forcing the poverty stricken African women and underage girls to have sex with them in exchange for food and clean water.

3) Screen writer of the original Planet of The Apes says the film was about about Black people


Now watch how quickly this post will get locked.

To the mods black people talking about racism on a section of a forum that's dedicated to racism is race baiting.


Because in USMB if you talk about racism then you must focus on how screwed up, violent or dumb black people supposedly are anything else is race baiting.
There is no such thing as "white privilege". There is only NON-white privilege (ex. Affirmative Action) As for white supremacy, it is relatively small and most impotent in America, but leftists like to blow it up as being a big deal, just like the keep showing old black & white film footage of 1950s & 60s civil rights skirmashes, to try to keep up the victim idea in black people's heads (while they jump to the front of the lines from Affirmative Action).
Without victims to exploit, Democrats have no purpose.

These Capitol hill attacks are about who gets to control, harm and kill black people.

That's all they're about.

The Democrats want to be covert about how they will control, harm and kill black people. So they use vaccines, chemical in foods, pesticides in blk areas, economic strangulation, prison.

The white supremacist MAGA ? Look. There is a reason why they keep those slave plantation houses in good condition in the south.


They don't demolish them. They maintain them to the max. They want it to be "Welcome bk. We've missed you"

Covid is biting there ass. By 2040, whites will be a minority in the USA and that worries all white ppl and white latinos and many Asians.

Now lets be clear these MAGAS and white supremacists are bunch of cowardly punks, that's why from the 17th to the 20th of this month.


Arm yourselves. Weapons. Weapons. Weapons. Weapons. Redstone's fireman's in LA. It's a black owned gun shop. They can get you it shipped in days. Get pepper spray.

Stock up on amo. You also need to get batteries and flashlight bcoz they may try to destroy communication outlets.

Remember a lot of these white supremacists are fireman n electricians. So they know how to short circuit power grids.

You need to have long range walky talkies just in case you need to communicate with folks. You need to have dried food.

You need to have backup from people in your neighbourhood. If you know any blk ppl in the medical field who can come thru n help out.

Minimize the places you go out. Because white supremacists will look for soft targets, like black women or blk kids or elderly to harm or kill. They aint brave enough to step blk men. So they will go 4 easy targets.

You need to get some gasoline. Just in case their are shortages and just in case you need a weapon n they show up, you get bottle, fill it with gas, light n throw it. Practice it. Learn how to do. Better have them ready.

Communication. Black ppl who work in hotels n air BnBs and you see these white supremacists check in ? Feed that information to as many blk ppl as poss. And let blk ppl know were these bastards are staying, the room number, n they will be handled.

There is a reason why those white supremacists didn't go to the blk areas in DC. They tried to park n post up but they got told "GTFOH !"

Another thing blk ppl who work at these rental car places, let as many ppl know who is renting these Van's. A lot of these whites supremacists are going to renting blk vans n use them to kidnap blk women n kids. They used these vans all over, especially in Chicago n then blame it on blk ppl.

Get ready. The purge is going down.


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These Capitol hill attacks are about who gets to control, harm and kill black people.

That's all they're about.

The Democrats want to be covert about how they will control, harm and kill black people. So they use vaccines, chemical in foods, pesticides in blk areas, economic strangulation, prison.

The white supremacist MAGA ? Look. There is a reason why they keep those slave plantation houses in good condition in the south.

View attachment 442830

They don't demolish them. They maintain them to the max. They want it to be "Welcome bk. We've missed you"

Covid is biting there ass. By 2040, whites will be a minority in the USA and that worries all white ppl and white latinos and many Asians.

Now lets be clear these MAGAS and white supremacists are bunch of cowardly punks, that's why from the 17th to the 20th of this month.


Arm yourselves. Weapons. Weapons. Weapons. Weapons. Redstone's fireman's in LA. It's a black owned gun shop. They can get you it shipped in days. Get pepper spray.

Stock up on amo. You also need to get batteries and flashlight bcoz they may try to destroy communication outlets.

Remember a lot of these white supremacists are fireman n electricians. So they know how to short circuit power grids.

You need to have long range walky talkies just in case you need to communicate with folks. You need to have dried food.

You need to have backup from people in your neighbourhood. If you know any blk ppl in the medical field who can come thru n help out.

Minimize the places you go out. Because white supremacists will look for soft targets, like black women or blk kids or elderly to harm or kill. They aint brave enough to step blk men. So they will go 4 easy targets.

You need to get some gasoline. Just in case their are shortages and just in case you need a weapon n they show up, you get bottle, fill it with gas, light n throw it. Practice it. Learn how to do. Better have them ready.

Communication. Black ppl who work in hotels n air BnBs and you see these white supremacists check in ? Feed that information to as many blk ppl as poss. And let blk ppl know were these bastards are staying, the room number, n they will be handled.

There is a reason why those white supremacists didn't go to the blk areas in DC. They tried to park n post up but they got told "GTFOH !"

Another thing blk ppl who work at these rental car places, let as many ppl know who is renting these Van's. A lot of these whites supremacists are going to renting blk vans n use them to kidnap blk women n kids. They used these vans all over, especially in Chicago n then blame it on blk ppl.

Get ready. The purge is going down.
E. Asians and many Latinos are "white". Even Mestizos marry out and lighten up. Oh and we are to gentrify everything. Have fun with Black CIA ops LOL.

These Capitol hill attacks are about who gets to control, harm and kill black people.

That's all they're about.

The Democrats want to be covert about how they will control, harm and kill black people. So they use vaccines, chemical in foods, pesticides in blk areas, economic strangulation, prison.

The white supremacist MAGA ? Look. There is a reason why they keep those slave plantation houses in good condition in the south.

View attachment 442830

They don't demolish them. They maintain them to the max. They want it to be "Welcome bk. We've missed you"

Covid is biting there ass. By 2040, whites will be a minority in the USA and that worries all white ppl and white latinos and many Asians.

Now lets be clear these MAGAS and white supremacists are bunch of cowardly punks, that's why from the 17th to the 20th of this month.


Arm yourselves. Weapons. Weapons. Weapons. Weapons. Redstone's fireman's in LA. It's a black owned gun shop. They can get you it shipped in days. Get pepper spray.

Stock up on amo. You also need to get batteries and flashlight bcoz they may try to destroy communication outlets.

Remember a lot of these white supremacists are fireman n electricians. So they know how to short circuit power grids.

You need to have long range walky talkies just in case you need to communicate with folks. You need to have dried food.

You need to have backup from people in your neighbourhood. If you know any blk ppl in the medical field who can come thru n help out.

Minimize the places you go out. Because white supremacists will look for soft targets, like black women or blk kids or elderly to harm or kill. They aint brave enough to step blk men. So they will go 4 easy targets.

You need to get some gasoline. Just in case their are shortages and just in case you need a weapon n they show up, you get bottle, fill it with gas, light n throw it. Practice it. Learn how to do. Better have them ready.

Communication. Black ppl who work in hotels n air BnBs and you see these white supremacists check in ? Feed that information to as many blk ppl as poss. And let blk ppl know were these bastards are staying, the room number, n they will be handled.

There is a reason why those white supremacists didn't go to the blk areas in DC. They tried to park n post up but they got told "GTFOH !"

Another thing blk ppl who work at these rental car places, let as many ppl know who is renting these Van's. A lot of these whites supremacists are going to renting blk vans n use them to kidnap blk women n kids. They used these vans all over, especially in Chicago n then blame it on blk ppl.

Get ready. The purge is going down.
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