More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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Read American history.
I have and Blacks have had several generations to get their act together.
The acceptance of public assistance was too tempting.

European immigrants immediately received assistance that was denied to black citizens when FDR introduced social security. So even as new arrivals, Europeans walked in the door with an advantage over blacks who were already here.

Race, Immigration, and the American Welfare State | Scholars Strategy Network
50 years of welfare.
You can’t handle the truth.

There is some truth" in the above link. You just refuse to acknowledge it.
50 years of welfare.

Welfare has existed for 85 years. The first 2 decades of it exclusively for the white population.
Considering whites have gotten 242 years of welfare so far, it might be wise that you not use that lline.
Elaborate on this welfare...

Read American history.
I have and Blacks have had several generations to get their act together.
The acceptance of public assistance was too tempting.

European immigrants immediately received assistance that was denied to black citizens when FDR introduced social security. So even as new arrivals, Europeans walked in the door with an advantage over blacks who were already here.

Race, Immigration, and the American Welfare State | Scholars Strategy Network
50 years of welfare.
You can’t handle the truth.

242 years of welfare for whites.
You can’t handle the truth.
Site Wide Rules And Guidelines:

The following Rules Apply Everywhere unless otherwise stated on USMB, including Posts, Chat Box, Private Messages, Visitor Messages, and Signatures:

No Direct or implied threats of violence/harm towards another member, or members family and/or threats with the intent of interfering in or disrupting a member's life. Moderation may act on obvious Stalking and Harassment of members on the forums.

Why do whites here keep getting allowed to openly threaten and advocate race war?
Considering whites have gotten 242 years of welfare so far, it might be wise that you not use that lline.
Elaborate on this welfare...

Read American history.
I have and Blacks have had several generations to get their act together.
The acceptance of public assistance was too tempting.

European immigrants immediately received assistance that was denied to black citizens when FDR introduced social security. So even as new arrivals, Europeans walked in the door with an advantage over blacks who were already here.

Race, Immigration, and the American Welfare State | Scholars Strategy Network
50 years of welfare.
You can’t handle the truth.

Doesn't even mean 'fatherless'. You can be born out of wedlock, and have two stable parents living in the same house.

Fatherless, doesn't mean born out of wedlock. You can have parents that had a baby, and then the father disappears.

What's why I was baffled by him even posting that completely irrelevant graph. It had nothing to do with anything on this thread.
Because here's thing your not gonna switch the debate. All your talk about black fatherless is just a cheap attempt to change the subject to draw attention away from what whites do.

I mean : A white person give lectures to black people about sexual misconduct ? Are you fkcing serious ? Are you serious ?

Even Elvis spent much of his adult life pursuing sexual encounters with 14 year old girls (who he called "cherries"). The book "Baby Lets Play House" goes into meticulous details about harems of 14 year old girls Elvis would have in his bedroom


Also this white guy

Or this white guy. A cop no less.

And you want to talk about black people being irresponsible sexually ?

Nah, you are full of crap. I didn't switch the debate, you did. I didn't bring up something completely off topic. You did. I haven't been posting irreleveant graphs, and bringing up some sort of Jeopardy style pop quiz of unrelated factoids that have nothing to do with the discussion. You have been the source of all of this.

And being the trash that you are, you can't even own it.

Was I the first to bring up someone ditching a black child? No, I did not. You did.

Now you are too childish to even own the discussion that you started.

Which goes back to my point, that your community has a lack of adult responsible male figures, and you right here, right now is my clear cut proof.

You have been pathetic and childish this entire thread. You make my whole point.

If MLK was alive today, he'd be disgusted seeing what black people have turned into, by looking at your example.
As I said before.

You try move the argument is moved from what white people to what you think black people do

And you are being dis-honest when you do this for two reason

1) You don't give crap. What ? You think Richard Spencer and other white supremacist think the way they do because some black man in Atlanta is not paying child support for his son ? Or some black guy in Washington ran out on his baby mother and never met his kid ? Is that you think ?

2) Long before there there was bogus stats complied about crime black people had to deal with white people's racism. Long before there was bogus stats absent black fathers black people had to deal with white people's racism.

As I said before your's is just a cheap attempt to change the subject to draw attention away from what whites do.

But at a deeper level it is also a moral argument directed not at black people but at white people themselves.

Whites know they live in an unequal society where whites benefit and blacks get screwed. Since whites want to believe they are good people they either fight against that inequality – or make up excuses.

Making up excuses is way easier.

If whites can blame blacks, then they have no reason to feel guilty at all. Then they can still see themselves as good people. Case closed!

Racism is vastly more common among whites than crime or fatherless-ness is among among blacks. Most whites are racist. It is more than just the Klan, but most whites do not see that because racism has been normalized among them.
If MLK was alive today, he'd be disgusted seeing what black people have turned into, by looking at your example

Most white people hated MLK. He was seen as this loud mouth, uppity, rabble-rousing, trouble-making, southern baptist Negro preacher who obviously didn’t know his place and that's why they unleashed dogs, billy clubs, water hoses, jails and J Edgar Hoover’s dirty tricks on his non-violent movement to attempt to contain his activism.

Plus Martin Luther King said Black ppl are supposed to get reparations


But it's typical tactic that whites use to claim that MLK was an peaceful dove (and harmless) where as Malcolm X was a terrorist and a nut job. When one actually reads what these guys said and did and preached, anyone can see that they were much more closer than all the white american claims say they were. They were not on the opposite ends of a spectrum but rather side by side.


And if you look at who were their most dangerous enemies on the white side you notice something funny: yes, both the FBI AND the white organised crime had their sights on these two. Not because MLK was such an softy and X was a raging maniac, but because they were both fighting the same system. Side by side. Or like all boxers do, with BOTH hands. Dr. King’s legacy has been corrupted by some of our so-called civil-rights leaders and whites as well. They portray him as soft, the opposite of Malcolm X

Last edited:
This is the last thing I remember about MLK.


Whites killed him.

So I don't listen to whites tell me shit about what King would think.
Racism was a thing, back when democrats ruled the South.

We elected a black guy, albeit one born in Kenya, as President. You have to dig deep to find examples of racism
Racism was a thing, back when democrats ruled the South.

We elected a black guy, albeit one born in Kenya, as President. You have to dig deep to find examples of racism

Racism is a thing now. And we don't have to dig deep to find examples of racism. All we need to do is log in at USMB.

The very essence of trying to shrink our numbers IS genocide therefore YES we are being erased slowly but surely. We don't need the government at all actually,we have our guns and our brotherhood that's ALL we need. I can't wait for a race war because its coming sooner or later and I am itching to have some action. You must not remember my race is the race of vikings and explorers and the Christians who fought in the Crusades and tamed the world. We LIVE for war if it must come and we are ready. We stay ready.
Racism was a thing, back when democrats ruled the South.

We elected a black guy, albeit one born in Kenya, as President. You have to dig deep to find examples of racism

Racism is a thing now. And we don't have to dig deep to find examples of racism. All we need to do is log in at USMB.

The very essence of trying to shrink our numbers IS genocide therefore YES we are being erased slowly but surely. We don't need the government at all actually,we have our guns and our brotherhood that's ALL we need. I can't wait for a race war because its coming sooner or later and I am itching to have some action. You must not remember my race is the race of vikings and explorers and the Christians who fought in the Crusades and tamed the world. We LIVE for war if it must come and we are ready. We stay ready.

You and your black doppelgangers are the boards biggest rasists
Racism was a thing, back when democrats ruled the South.

We elected a black guy, albeit one born in Kenya, as President. You have to dig deep to find examples of racism

Racism is a thing now. And we don't have to dig deep to find examples of racism. All we need to do is log in at USMB.

The very essence of trying to shrink our numbers IS genocide therefore YES we are being erased slowly but surely. We don't need the government at all actually,we have our guns and our brotherhood that's ALL we need. I can't wait for a race war because its coming sooner or later and I am itching to have some action. You must not remember my race is the race of vikings and explorers and the Christians who fought in the Crusades and tamed the world. We LIVE for war if it must come and we are ready. We stay ready.

You and your black doppelgangers are the boards biggest rasists

You don't get make up what racism is just because you're white and get butthurt when we blacks tell you about your racism.

"There’s two reasons why Whites call people of colour (especially Black people) “racist.” First of all, it comes from a lack of understanding of the term (through ignorance or willful ignorance and hatred), its history and its consequences. As long as “racism” is viewed solely as “one person being mean to another person because of their race” or basically solely as an individual and arbitrary instance of prejudice with equal social capital between the individuals, Whites can obscure or ignore the ramifications of the historical (whether implied, microaggressions or overt racism), institutional, structural and systemic manifestations of White supremacy (which does NOT require extremism to exist) and racism.

A Black person being insulted based on slurs that facilitate(d)(s) oppression and genocide for centuries and that same sentiment behind that slur facilitates the denial of a plethora of opportunities as well as supports a plethora of types of discrimination and punishment represents a different magnitude and scope of an insult versus a Black person “hurting” a White person’s feelings"

Gradient Lair - Why Whites Call People Of Colour “Racist”
I have and Blacks have had several generations to get their act together.
The acceptance of public assistance was too tempting.

European immigrants immediately received assistance that was denied to black citizens when FDR introduced social security. So even as new arrivals, Europeans walked in the door with an advantage over blacks who were already here.

Race, Immigration, and the American Welfare State | Scholars Strategy Network
50 years of welfare.
You can’t handle the truth.

There is some truth" in the above link. You just refuse to acknowledge it.
50 years of welfare.

Welfare has existed for 85 years. The first 2 decades of it exclusively for the white population.
All it takes for success is allowing the law to do it’s job, go to school and study and start a career or business and stop making out of wedlock babies.
Elaborate on this welfare...

Read American history.
I have and Blacks have had several generations to get their act together.
The acceptance of public assistance was too tempting.

European immigrants immediately received assistance that was denied to black citizens when FDR introduced social security. So even as new arrivals, Europeans walked in the door with an advantage over blacks who were already here.

Race, Immigration, and the American Welfare State | Scholars Strategy Network
50 years of welfare.
You can’t handle the truth.

Doesn't even mean 'fatherless'. You can be born out of wedlock, and have two stable parents living in the same house.

Fatherless, doesn't mean born out of wedlock. You can have parents that had a baby, and then the father disappears.

What's why I was baffled by him even posting that completely irrelevant graph. It had nothing to do with anything on this thread.
Because here's thing your not gonna switch the debate. All your talk about black fatherless is just a cheap attempt to change the subject to draw attention away from what whites do.

I mean : A white person give lectures to black people about sexual misconduct ? Are you fkcing serious ? Are you serious ?

Even Elvis spent much of his adult life pursuing sexual encounters with 14 year old girls (who he called "cherries"). The book "Baby Lets Play House" goes into meticulous details about harems of 14 year old girls Elvis would have in his bedroom


Also this white guy

Or this white guy. A cop no less.

And you want to talk about black people being irresponsible sexually ?

Nah, you are full of crap. I didn't switch the debate, you did. I didn't bring up something completely off topic. You did. I haven't been posting irreleveant graphs, and bringing up some sort of Jeopardy style pop quiz of unrelated factoids that have nothing to do with the discussion. You have been the source of all of this.

And being the trash that you are, you can't even own it.

Was I the first to bring up someone ditching a black child? No, I did not. You did.

Now you are too childish to even own the discussion that you started.

Which goes back to my point, that your community has a lack of adult responsible male figures, and you right here, right now is my clear cut proof.

You have been pathetic and childish this entire thread. You make my whole point.

If MLK was alive today, he'd be disgusted seeing what black people have turned into, by looking at your example.
As I said before.

You try move the argument is moved from what white people to what you think black people do

And you are being dis-honest when you do this for two reason

1) You don't give crap. What ? You think Richard Spencer and other white supremacist think the way they do because some black man in Atlanta is not paying child support for his son ? Or some black guy in Washington ran out on his baby mother and never met his kid ? Is that you think ?

2) Long before there there was bogus stats complied about crime black people had to deal with white people's racism. Long before there was bogus stats absent black fathers black people had to deal with white people's racism.

As I said before your's is just a cheap attempt to change the subject to draw attention away from what whites do.

But at a deeper level it is also a moral argument directed not at black people but at white people themselves.

Whites know they live in an unequal society where whites benefit and blacks get screwed. Since whites want to believe they are good people they either fight against that inequality – or make up excuses.

Making up excuses is way easier.

If whites can blame blacks, then they have no reason to feel guilty at all. Then they can still see themselves as good people. Case closed!

Racism is vastly more common among whites than crime or fatherless-ness is among among blacks. Most whites are racist. It is more than just the Klan, but most whites do not see that because racism has been normalized among them.
If MLK was alive today, he'd be disgusted seeing what black people have turned into, by looking at your example

Most white people hated MLK. He was seen as this loud mouth, uppity, rabble-rousing, trouble-making, southern baptist Negro preacher who obviously didn’t know his place and that's why they unleashed dogs, billy clubs, water hoses, jails and J Edgar Hoover’s dirty tricks on his non-violent movement to attempt to contain his activism.

Plus Martin Luther King said Black ppl are supposed to get reparations


But it's typical tactic that whites use to claim that MLK was an peaceful dove (and harmless) where as Malcolm X was a terrorist and a nut job. When one actually reads what these guys said and did and preached, anyone can see that they were much more closer than all the white american claims say they were. They were not on the opposite ends of a spectrum but rather side by side.


And if you look at who were their most dangerous enemies on the white side you notice something funny: yes, both the FBI AND the white organised crime had their sights on these two. Not because MLK was such an softy and X was a raging maniac, but because they were both fighting the same system. Side by side. Or like all boxers do, with BOTH hands. Dr. King’s legacy has been corrupted by some of our so-called civil-rights leaders and whites as well. They portray him as soft, the opposite of Malcolm X


Too long...too many excuses.
I know several Black areas and they don’t take education seriously enough.
Read American history.
I have and Blacks have had several generations to get their act together.
The acceptance of public assistance was too tempting.

European immigrants immediately received assistance that was denied to black citizens when FDR introduced social security. So even as new arrivals, Europeans walked in the door with an advantage over blacks who were already here.

Race, Immigration, and the American Welfare State | Scholars Strategy Network
50 years of welfare.
You can’t handle the truth.

Doesn't even mean 'fatherless'. You can be born out of wedlock, and have two stable parents living in the same house.

Fatherless, doesn't mean born out of wedlock. You can have parents that had a baby, and then the father disappears.

What's why I was baffled by him even posting that completely irrelevant graph. It had nothing to do with anything on this thread.
Because here's thing your not gonna switch the debate. All your talk about black fatherless is just a cheap attempt to change the subject to draw attention away from what whites do.

I mean : A white person give lectures to black people about sexual misconduct ? Are you fkcing serious ? Are you serious ?

Even Elvis spent much of his adult life pursuing sexual encounters with 14 year old girls (who he called "cherries"). The book "Baby Lets Play House" goes into meticulous details about harems of 14 year old girls Elvis would have in his bedroom


Also this white guy

Or this white guy. A cop no less.

And you want to talk about black people being irresponsible sexually ?

Nah, you are full of crap. I didn't switch the debate, you did. I didn't bring up something completely off topic. You did. I haven't been posting irreleveant graphs, and bringing up some sort of Jeopardy style pop quiz of unrelated factoids that have nothing to do with the discussion. You have been the source of all of this.

And being the trash that you are, you can't even own it.

Was I the first to bring up someone ditching a black child? No, I did not. You did.

Now you are too childish to even own the discussion that you started.

Which goes back to my point, that your community has a lack of adult responsible male figures, and you right here, right now is my clear cut proof.

You have been pathetic and childish this entire thread. You make my whole point.

If MLK was alive today, he'd be disgusted seeing what black people have turned into, by looking at your example.
As I said before.

You try move the argument is moved from what white people to what you think black people do

And you are being dis-honest when you do this for two reason

1) You don't give crap. What ? You think Richard Spencer and other white supremacist think the way they do because some black man in Atlanta is not paying child support for his son ? Or some black guy in Washington ran out on his baby mother and never met his kid ? Is that you think ?

2) Long before there there was bogus stats complied about crime black people had to deal with white people's racism. Long before there was bogus stats absent black fathers black people had to deal with white people's racism.

As I said before your's is just a cheap attempt to change the subject to draw attention away from what whites do.

But at a deeper level it is also a moral argument directed not at black people but at white people themselves.

Whites know they live in an unequal society where whites benefit and blacks get screwed. Since whites want to believe they are good people they either fight against that inequality – or make up excuses.

Making up excuses is way easier.

If whites can blame blacks, then they have no reason to feel guilty at all. Then they can still see themselves as good people. Case closed!

Racism is vastly more common among whites than crime or fatherless-ness is among among blacks. Most whites are racist. It is more than just the Klan, but most whites do not see that because racism has been normalized among them.
If MLK was alive today, he'd be disgusted seeing what black people have turned into, by looking at your example

Most white people hated MLK. He was seen as this loud mouth, uppity, rabble-rousing, trouble-making, southern baptist Negro preacher who obviously didn’t know his place and that's why they unleashed dogs, billy clubs, water hoses, jails and J Edgar Hoover’s dirty tricks on his non-violent movement to attempt to contain his activism.

Plus Martin Luther King said Black ppl are supposed to get reparations


But it's typical tactic that whites use to claim that MLK was an peaceful dove (and harmless) where as Malcolm X was a terrorist and a nut job. When one actually reads what these guys said and did and preached, anyone can see that they were much more closer than all the white american claims say they were. They were not on the opposite ends of a spectrum but rather side by side.


And if you look at who were their most dangerous enemies on the white side you notice something funny: yes, both the FBI AND the white organised crime had their sights on these two. Not because MLK was such an softy and X was a raging maniac, but because they were both fighting the same system. Side by side. Or like all boxers do, with BOTH hands. Dr. King’s legacy has been corrupted by some of our so-called civil-rights leaders and whites as well. They portray him as soft, the opposite of Malcolm X


Too long...too many excuses.
I know several Black areas and they don’t take education seriously enough.

Yes 242 years is too long. And you make too many excuses.
European immigrants immediately received assistance that was denied to black citizens when FDR introduced social security. So even as new arrivals, Europeans walked in the door with an advantage over blacks who were already here.

Race, Immigration, and the American Welfare State | Scholars Strategy Network
50 years of welfare.
You can’t handle the truth.

There is some truth" in the above link. You just refuse to acknowledge it.
50 years of welfare.

Welfare has existed for 85 years. The first 2 decades of it exclusively for the white population.
All it takes for success is allowing the law to do it’s job, go to school and study and start a career or business and stop making out of wedlock babies.

Tell that to white people.
I have and Blacks have had several generations to get their act together.
The acceptance of public assistance was too tempting.

European immigrants immediately received assistance that was denied to black citizens when FDR introduced social security. So even as new arrivals, Europeans walked in the door with an advantage over blacks who were already here.

Race, Immigration, and the American Welfare State | Scholars Strategy Network
50 years of welfare.
You can’t handle the truth.

Doesn't even mean 'fatherless'. You can be born out of wedlock, and have two stable parents living in the same house.

Fatherless, doesn't mean born out of wedlock. You can have parents that had a baby, and then the father disappears.

What's why I was baffled by him even posting that completely irrelevant graph. It had nothing to do with anything on this thread.
Because here's thing your not gonna switch the debate. All your talk about black fatherless is just a cheap attempt to change the subject to draw attention away from what whites do.

I mean : A white person give lectures to black people about sexual misconduct ? Are you fkcing serious ? Are you serious ?

Even Elvis spent much of his adult life pursuing sexual encounters with 14 year old girls (who he called "cherries"). The book "Baby Lets Play House" goes into meticulous details about harems of 14 year old girls Elvis would have in his bedroom


Also this white guy

Or this white guy. A cop no less.

And you want to talk about black people being irresponsible sexually ?

Nah, you are full of crap. I didn't switch the debate, you did. I didn't bring up something completely off topic. You did. I haven't been posting irreleveant graphs, and bringing up some sort of Jeopardy style pop quiz of unrelated factoids that have nothing to do with the discussion. You have been the source of all of this.

And being the trash that you are, you can't even own it.

Was I the first to bring up someone ditching a black child? No, I did not. You did.

Now you are too childish to even own the discussion that you started.

Which goes back to my point, that your community has a lack of adult responsible male figures, and you right here, right now is my clear cut proof.

You have been pathetic and childish this entire thread. You make my whole point.

If MLK was alive today, he'd be disgusted seeing what black people have turned into, by looking at your example.
As I said before.

You try move the argument is moved from what white people to what you think black people do

And you are being dis-honest when you do this for two reason

1) You don't give crap. What ? You think Richard Spencer and other white supremacist think the way they do because some black man in Atlanta is not paying child support for his son ? Or some black guy in Washington ran out on his baby mother and never met his kid ? Is that you think ?

2) Long before there there was bogus stats complied about crime black people had to deal with white people's racism. Long before there was bogus stats absent black fathers black people had to deal with white people's racism.

As I said before your's is just a cheap attempt to change the subject to draw attention away from what whites do.

But at a deeper level it is also a moral argument directed not at black people but at white people themselves.

Whites know they live in an unequal society where whites benefit and blacks get screwed. Since whites want to believe they are good people they either fight against that inequality – or make up excuses.

Making up excuses is way easier.

If whites can blame blacks, then they have no reason to feel guilty at all. Then they can still see themselves as good people. Case closed!

Racism is vastly more common among whites than crime or fatherless-ness is among among blacks. Most whites are racist. It is more than just the Klan, but most whites do not see that because racism has been normalized among them.
If MLK was alive today, he'd be disgusted seeing what black people have turned into, by looking at your example

Most white people hated MLK. He was seen as this loud mouth, uppity, rabble-rousing, trouble-making, southern baptist Negro preacher who obviously didn’t know his place and that's why they unleashed dogs, billy clubs, water hoses, jails and J Edgar Hoover’s dirty tricks on his non-violent movement to attempt to contain his activism.

Plus Martin Luther King said Black ppl are supposed to get reparations


But it's typical tactic that whites use to claim that MLK was an peaceful dove (and harmless) where as Malcolm X was a terrorist and a nut job. When one actually reads what these guys said and did and preached, anyone can see that they were much more closer than all the white american claims say they were. They were not on the opposite ends of a spectrum but rather side by side.


And if you look at who were their most dangerous enemies on the white side you notice something funny: yes, both the FBI AND the white organised crime had their sights on these two. Not because MLK was such an softy and X was a raging maniac, but because they were both fighting the same system. Side by side. Or like all boxers do, with BOTH hands. Dr. King’s legacy has been corrupted by some of our so-called civil-rights leaders and whites as well. They portray him as soft, the opposite of Malcolm X


Too long...too many excuses.
I know several Black areas and they don’t take education seriously enough.

Yes 242 years is too long. And you make too many excuses.

So you’re saying a person cannot achieve anything unless they have parents, grandparents and great grandparents to help them.
Your degree must be worth the fecal matter it can wipe.
50 years of welfare.
You can’t handle the truth.

There is some truth" in the above link. You just refuse to acknowledge it.
50 years of welfare.

Welfare has existed for 85 years. The first 2 decades of it exclusively for the white population.
All it takes for success is allowing the law to do it’s job, go to school and study and start a career or business and stop making out of wedlock babies.

Tell that to white people.
White people burn down neighborhoods?
There is some truth" in the above link. You just refuse to acknowledge it.
50 years of welfare.

Welfare has existed for 85 years. The first 2 decades of it exclusively for the white population.
All it takes for success is allowing the law to do it’s job, go to school and study and start a career or business and stop making out of wedlock babies.

Tell that to white people.
White people burn down neighborhoods?

Yep. And they commit mass shootings too.
Racism was a thing, back when democrats ruled the South.

We elected a black guy, albeit one born in Kenya, as President. You have to dig deep to find examples of racism

Racism is a thing now. And we don't have to dig deep to find examples of racism. All we need to do is log in at USMB.

The very essence of trying to shrink our numbers IS genocide therefore YES we are being erased slowly but surely. We don't need the government at all actually,we have our guns and our brotherhood that's ALL we need. I can't wait for a race war because its coming sooner or later and I am itching to have some action. You must not remember my race is the race of vikings and explorers and the Christians who fought in the Crusades and tamed the world. We LIVE for war if it must come and we are ready. We stay ready.

You and your black doppelgangers are the boards biggest rasists

You don't get make up what racism is just because you're white and get butthurt when we blacks tell you about your racism.

"There’s two reasons why Whites call people of colour (especially Black people) “racist.” First of all, it comes from a lack of understanding of the term (through ignorance or willful ignorance and hatred), its history and its consequences. As long as “racism” is viewed solely as “one person being mean to another person because of their race” or basically solely as an individual and arbitrary instance of prejudice with equal social capital between the individuals, Whites can obscure or ignore the ramifications of the historical (whether implied, microaggressions or overt racism), institutional, structural and systemic manifestations of White supremacy (which does NOT require extremism to exist) and racism.

A Black person being insulted based on slurs that facilitate(d)(s) oppression and genocide for centuries and that same sentiment behind that slur facilitates the denial of a plethora of opportunities as well as supports a plethora of types of discrimination and punishment represents a different magnitude and scope of an insult versus a Black person “hurting” a White person’s feelings"

Gradient Lair - Why Whites Call People Of Colour “Racist”
Sorry, but you dont get to redefine words to support your racist agenda. Words have meanings. Use a dictionary if youre that confused.
50 years of welfare.

Welfare has existed for 85 years. The first 2 decades of it exclusively for the white population.
All it takes for success is allowing the law to do it’s job, go to school and study and start a career or business and stop making out of wedlock babies.

Tell that to white people.
White people burn down neighborhoods?

Yep. And they commit mass shootings too.
Yeah, I read all the time about White Gangs in NYC, Detroit and LA.
All the time...
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