More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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Black Hitler.
I have had the “pleasure”’of viewing his unedited speeches.
The media edits out how much he hates Whites and Christians.
He’s a piece of feces.
  • You still get the job
  • You still get the loan
  • You still get the car
  • You still get the house
  • You kids don't get their brains blown out
  • Your areas don't get gentrified
  • You can pretty much go anywhere in the world, set up shop and no-one would have a problem
So tell me how is Farrakhan or the NOI making your life hard again ?
The Jewish community needs to address their anti-black racism towards black people.
What’s your take on Farakahn?
I think Farrakhan is an important voice in black America and he's someone whose community work with black men has been constructive where many other efforts to reach them have failed.
Being a Black Hitler is good for Blacks...
When was the last time you had to worry about whether or not Farrakhan or those the NOI was going to discriminate against u ?

Members of the Nation Of Islam or black folks in general, have a much greater likelihood of being the victims of discrimination at white hands. Farrakhan never led a nation into war on false pretense. Farrakhan never bombed a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan (responsible for making almost all of the drugs needed to fight major illness in that poor nation) on the false claim that it was a lab for chemical weapons.

Farrakhan never overthrew any foreign governments that had been elected by their people. Farrakhan didn’t bomb the home of a foreign leader, killing his daughter in the process, or arm a rebel group in Nicaragua responsible for the deaths of over 30,000 civilians, or give guns to governments in El Salvador and Guatemala that regularly tortured and executed their people.

Black Hitler ? Yeah right

Saying that someone who doesn't have the power to do extremely terrible things, means he's good, is a false argument.

Yeah, Farrakhan hasn't done any of those things.... only because he can't. A large number of statements Farrakhan has made, indicate that he would do all of those terrible things, if he had the power to do so.

And we've seen this before. People who said a bunch of bad stuff, and never did it before... once in power they do those terrible things.

Regardless, are you suggesting that Bill Clinton was racists? While I would agree that the bombing of the Sudan Aspirin factory was based on really crappy evidence, and in retrospect was a terrible move. The only good side to this, was that it exposed the utterly biased nature of the mass media. If Trump or Bush had conducted such an action on such utterly worthless evidence, the media would have strung them both up. We know this because Bush had tons of evidence for his action, and the media strung him up.

But to suggest that this had anything to do with racism, is a little ridiculous.
Where did I say I was evil ?
(one line later)
I am racist. I already know

There you go, you admitted that you were evil in the very post you asked where you said you were evil.

  1. It goes in the opposite direction in that I favour blacks, not whites
  2. I'm honest about being racist.
Which changes nothing. You are still admitting openly that you are in fact a entirely evil person.
You don't have to be evil to be racist.

I've known white people married to black people who were hardcore racists.

A racists is by definition, evil. If you think more of someone, or less of someone, without any merit or evidence based reason... that is in itself evil.

You are an evil person. You are a racists.

Except we have about 400 years of merit and evidence we use when we talk about whites.
50 years of welfare certainly haven’t done Blacks any good.

Considering whites have gotten 242 years of welfare so far, it might be wise that you not use that lline.
Elaborate on this welfare...
Black Hitler.
I have had the “pleasure”’of viewing his unedited speeches.
The media edits out how much he hates Whites and Christians.
He’s a piece of feces.
  • You still get the job
  • You still get the loan
  • You still get the car
  • You still get the house
  • You kids don't get their brains blown out
  • Your areas don't get gentrified
  • You can pretty much go anywhere in the world, set up shop and no-one would have a problem
So tell me how is Farrakhan or the NOI making your life hard again ?
The Black blue Collar workers in Uniondale and Roosevelt get the above because they’re Black.

They default and consolidate every 2 or 3 years.
Maybe you need to move.
Black Hitler.
I have had the “pleasure”’of viewing his unedited speeches.
The media edits out how much he hates Whites and Christians.
He’s a piece of feces.
  • You still get the job
  • You still get the loan
  • You still get the car
  • You still get the house
  • You kids don't get their brains blown out
  • Your areas don't get gentrified
  • You can pretty much go anywhere in the world, set up shop and no-one would have a problem
So tell me how is Farrakhan or the NOI making your life hard again ?

Your kids get their brains blown out because you failed to raise them right.

White kids that walk into trouble, get their brains blown out too. Has nothing to do with skin color. Has to do with your incompetence as a parent.

We had a parents at a church nearby, have their kids going crazy. They shipped their kid off to a boarding school, where they had a military boot camp style training to whip them into shape. The kid recovered from his stupidity.

Had a pastor of a church tell his teenage son, that if he didn't cut it out, he was going to disown him, and toss him to the street. His kid snapped out of his idiocy, and started working a job.

Don't blame society, on your incompetence as a parent. Good parents, both black and white, put the hammer down on their kids, and teach them how to live as a responsible adult. If you don't, and your kid hangs with a bunch of delinquents.... that's on you.

Black people get jobs all the time.

One of the contractors that setup the networks in my fortune 1000 company, is a black guy that knows his business. He's paid a heck of a lot more than me.

"Do you believe that race plays a part in wealth distribution?"

"Today? No. You and I... we're proof."

You still get the loan too.

Debt in the black community is not significantly lower than in the rest of society.

You still get the car

Show me the black guy with $20,000 in cash, who can't get the car.

You don't want gentrified?

So you don't want gentrification? You want to live in a decaying, dilapidated, crime infested, impoverished area for eternity?
That's funny. You want to keep your people in misery? You make some of the dumbest arguments I have ever seen. You see a bunch of black people living in squalor, misery, filth, poverty, crime, and decay.... and then complain if it changes? You really are an idiot.

What that statement proves to me is that the people who are keeping black people down the most, are other black people. You should be the biggest supporter of gentrification on this forum. Turning black impoverished communities into rich black communities, should be your highest goal. Not keeping them impoverished.

Anyone willing to adapt, can pretty much go anywhere in the world, set up shop and no-one would have a problem.

Whose fault is that?

You want to know why Asians make more money, and have a higher standard of living, than any immigrant group, and even better than whites? It's really simple. The Asian mindset is to adapt.

We had an Asian immigrant from Laos. She changed her name to "Jessica". Her real name is terribly difficult to say. She came here without knowing English. She and her Husband both, not only learned English, but also learned CNC machining. Then they both got jobs, and now earn $100K a year combined.

People who adapt, succeed. People who demand you call them Shequila, and demand you respect their different culture, and complain about Christmas, and demand you talk about Kwanzaa and other idiotic, non-American non-holidays.... do not succeed much.

And that is true universally. Any country on the face of the Earth, that you go there, and then try and impose the culture of the country you left, on the culture of the country you are going to.... you will end up having a difficult time, and you have no one to blame but yourself.

That's on you. You make choices, you reap the consequences for those choices.

90% of your complaints against whites, is simply you complaining about the natural results of your choices.

Had a roommate that would go and randomly buy chocolate cakes. They were way overweight. A year later, they were crying because they got diabetes. The only difference between that person, and people like you, is that you would start complaining it is because of the white man that you got diabetes.

But the reality is, 90% of where you are, and the situation you are in, is due to the choices you have made.
If the inventions are proof of the intelligence of whites, then slavery and genocide are proof of the great evil of whites.

No, it isn't. Because everyone, everywhere had slaves, including the black people who owned black slaves, and sold them to white merchants.

You just condemned your own people, with your statement.
Saying that someone who doesn't have the power to do extremely terrible things, means he's good, is a false argument.
So what extremely terrible things has Farrakhan said he would do ?
Yeah, Farrakhan hasn't done any of those things.... only because he can't.
Exactly. So we agree. He has not done a thing.
A large number of statements Farrakhan has made, indicate that he would do all of those terrible things, if he had the power to do so.
Like what ? What has he said he would do ? And why are bothered about what could happen and not what has happened and what is happening ?
And we've seen this before. People who said a bunch of bad stuff, and never did it before... once in power they do those terrible things.
When Farrakhan and members of the NOI begin chaining, lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back in every imaginable way and HATING WHITE PEOPLE en mass via de jure and de facto racism for HUNDREDS of years, then and only then can calling Farrakhan and members of the Nation of Islam racists or hateful make sense.
Regardless, are you suggesting that Bill Clinton was racists?
The Clintons are hard core white supremacists.


No wonder Hilary Clinton was so close the Former KKK leader Robert Byrd



He was Hillary Clinton's mentor.


Also Bill Clinton fathered a biracial child that he conceived with a black prostitute named Bobbi.


To this day Clinton does not acknowledge his half-black son and owes back child support for 18 years constituting millions of dollars in arrears.
Bill Clinton and created a police state against black people. His wife HRC call blacks super predator. She supported the welfare reform thanks to Bill Clinton. Put millions of black children into poverty. At the same time he was locking up their parents.

Not to mention how the Clinton foundation screwed over Haiti


While I would agree that the bombing of the Sudan Aspirin factory was based on really crappy evidence, and in retrospect was a terrible move. The only good side to this, was that it exposed the utterly biased nature of the mass media. If Trump or Bush had conducted such an action on such utterly worthless evidence, the media would have strung them both up. We know this because Bush had tons of evidence for his action, and the media strung him up.
O right. Yeah there is always a good side to black people to a white supremacist.

See here's thing dude

Stop trying to go logical. You can't logically justify white supremacy because you'll just go round in circles
Last edited:
You don't have to be evil to be racist.

I've known white people married to black people who were hardcore racists.

A racists is by definition, evil. If you think more of someone, or less of someone, without any merit or evidence based reason... that is in itself evil.

You are an evil person. You are a racists.

Except we have about 400 years of merit and evidence we use when we talk about whites.
50 years of welfare certainly haven’t done Blacks any good.

Considering whites have gotten 242 years of welfare so far, it might be wise that you not use that lline.
Elaborate on this welfare...

Read American history.
White kids that walk into trouble, get their brains blown out too.
OK. Let's stop right here and tackle this point first

Show me examples of unarmed white kids getting their brains blown out.
Has nothing to do with skin color. Has to do with your incompetence as a parent.
Show me examples of unarmed white kids getting their brains blown out.
Black Hitler.
I have had the “pleasure”’of viewing his unedited speeches.
The media edits out how much he hates Whites and Christians.
He’s a piece of feces.
  • You still get the job
  • You still get the loan
  • You still get the car
  • You still get the house
  • You kids don't get their brains blown out
  • Your areas don't get gentrified
  • You can pretty much go anywhere in the world, set up shop and no-one would have a problem
So tell me how is Farrakhan or the NOI making your life hard again ?

Your kids get their brains blown out because you failed to raise them right.

White kids that walk into trouble, get their brains blown out too. Has nothing to do with skin color. Has to do with your incompetence as a parent.

We had a parents at a church nearby, have their kids going crazy. They shipped their kid off to a boarding school, where they had a military boot camp style training to whip them into shape. The kid recovered from his stupidity.

Had a pastor of a church tell his teenage son, that if he didn't cut it out, he was going to disown him, and toss him to the street. His kid snapped out of his idiocy, and started working a job.

Don't blame society, on your incompetence as a parent. Good parents, both black and white, put the hammer down on their kids, and teach them how to live as a responsible adult. If you don't, and your kid hangs with a bunch of delinquents.... that's on you.

Black people get jobs all the time.

One of the contractors that setup the networks in my fortune 1000 company, is a black guy that knows his business. He's paid a heck of a lot more than me.

"Do you believe that race plays a part in wealth distribution?"

"Today? No. You and I... we're proof."

You still get the loan too.

Debt in the black community is not significantly lower than in the rest of society.

You still get the car

Show me the black guy with $20,000 in cash, who can't get the car.

You don't want gentrified?

So you don't want gentrification? You want to live in a decaying, dilapidated, crime infested, impoverished area for eternity?
That's funny. You want to keep your people in misery? You make some of the dumbest arguments I have ever seen. You see a bunch of black people living in squalor, misery, filth, poverty, crime, and decay.... and then complain if it changes? You really are an idiot.

What that statement proves to me is that the people who are keeping black people down the most, are other black people. You should be the biggest supporter of gentrification on this forum. Turning black impoverished communities into rich black communities, should be your highest goal. Not keeping them impoverished.

Anyone willing to adapt, can pretty much go anywhere in the world, set up shop and no-one would have a problem.

Whose fault is that?

You want to know why Asians make more money, and have a higher standard of living, than any immigrant group, and even better than whites? It's really simple. The Asian mindset is to adapt.

We had an Asian immigrant from Laos. She changed her name to "Jessica". Her real name is terribly difficult to say. She came here without knowing English. She and her Husband both, not only learned English, but also learned CNC machining. Then they both got jobs, and now earn $100K a year combined.

People who adapt, succeed. People who demand you call them Shequila, and demand you respect their different culture, and complain about Christmas, and demand you talk about Kwanzaa and other idiotic, non-American non-holidays.... do not succeed much.

And that is true universally. Any country on the face of the Earth, that you go there, and then try and impose the culture of the country you left, on the culture of the country you are going to.... you will end up having a difficult time, and you have no one to blame but yourself.

That's on you. You make choices, you reap the consequences for those choices.

90% of your complaints against whites, is simply you complaining about the natural results of your choices.

Had a roommate that would go and randomly buy chocolate cakes. They were way overweight. A year later, they were crying because they got diabetes. The only difference between that person, and people like you, is that you would start complaining it is because of the white man that you got diabetes.

But the reality is, 90% of where you are, and the situation you are in, is due to the choices you have made.


All these words that end up saying nothing.
A racists is by definition, evil. If you think more of someone, or less of someone, without any merit or evidence based reason... that is in itself evil.

You are an evil person. You are a racists.

Except we have about 400 years of merit and evidence we use when we talk about whites.
50 years of welfare certainly haven’t done Blacks any good.

Considering whites have gotten 242 years of welfare so far, it might be wise that you not use that lline.
Elaborate on this welfare...

Read American history.
I have and Blacks have had several generations to get their act together.
The acceptance of public assistance was too tempting.
Saying that someone who doesn't have the power to do extremely terrible things, means he's good, is a false argument.
So what extremely terrible things has Farrakhan said he would do ?
Yeah, Farrakhan hasn't done any of those things.... only because he can't.
Exactly. So we agree. He has not done a thing.
A large number of statements Farrakhan has made, indicate that he would do all of those terrible things, if he had the power to do so.
Like what ? What has he said he would do ? And why are bothered about what could happen and not what has happened and what is happening ?
And we've seen this before. People who said a bunch of bad stuff, and never did it before... once in power they do those terrible things.
When Farrakhan and members of the NOI begin chaining, lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back in every imaginable way and HATING WHITE PEOPLE en mass via de jure and de facto racism for HUNDREDS of years, then and only then can calling Farrakhan and members of the Nation of Islam racists or hateful make sense.
Regardless, are you suggesting that Bill Clinton was racists?
The Clintons are hard core white supremacists.


No wonder Hilary Clinton was so close the Former KKK leader Robert Byrd



He was Hillary Clinton's mentor.


Also Bill Clinton fathered a biracial child that he conceived with a black prostitute named Bobbi.


To this day Clinton does not acknowledge his half-black son and owes back child support for 18 years constituting millions of dollars in arrears.
Bill Clinton and created a police state against black people. His wife HRC call blacks super predator. She supported the welfare reform thanks to Bill Clinton. Put millions of black children into poverty. At the same time he was locking up their parents.

Not to mention how the Clinton foundation screwed over Haiti


While I would agree that the bombing of the Sudan Aspirin factory was based on really crappy evidence, and in retrospect was a terrible move. The only good side to this, was that it exposed the utterly biased nature of the mass media. If Trump or Bush had conducted such an action on such utterly worthless evidence, the media would have strung them both up. We know this because Bush had tons of evidence for his action, and the media strung him up.
O right. Yeah there is always a good side to black people to a white supremacist.

See here's thing dude

Stop trying to go logical. See once a white person tries to go logical about white supremacy with me. It's over. Because for one I know your mind works. I know how you think. I know what your gonna say before you say it.

See here's thing dude

Stop trying to go logical. See once a white person tries to go logical about white supremacy with me. It's over. Because for one I know your mind works. I know how you think. I know what your gonna say before you say it.

You know what I'm going to say before I say it? Arrogant much? lol

Your response was to not respond to a single thing, and then tell me not be logical.

You really want a discussion without logic.

That actually makes sense, now that I think about it, because you have been completely illogical in most of this thread.

Now if you a have a problem with a specific person like Bill Clinton..... that's fine... but how about you deal with the vast numbers of black men that are not taking care of their black babies? How about you teach your women virtue, so they don't get used by men, whether white or black?

See every time you attack this person over here, for doing X.... you have no credibility when your own people are not owning X.

It just makes you a hypocrite, and we already know you are an evil person.

As for that lunatic you keep supporting....
“Qadaffi’s a revolutionary, he’s my friend, he’s my brother. And I would never deny him because you don’t like him… I love him.”

“You see everybody always talk about Hitler exterminating six million Jews. That’s right. But don’t nobody ever ask what did they do to Hitler.”

He is a terrible and evil person. The only reason he has not done anything like Qadaffi and Hitler, is because he hasn't had the power to do so. He would if he could. The only reason you can say "he hasn't done that" is because he has not been able to yet.
Except we have about 400 years of merit and evidence we use when we talk about whites.
50 years of welfare certainly haven’t done Blacks any good.

Considering whites have gotten 242 years of welfare so far, it might be wise that you not use that lline.
Elaborate on this welfare...

Read American history.
I have and Blacks have had several generations to get their act together.
The acceptance of public assistance was too tempting.

We have had 53 years. whites 242.....


The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White | Breaking Brown
The biggest beneficiaries of the government safety net: Working-class whites

…..And you still get welfare.

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?
Welfare Statistics: Government Spends More on Corporate Welfare Than..
The Real Welfare Problem: Government Giveaways to the Corporate 1%

You whites get every form of welfare that exists.

"Considering whites have gotten 242 years of welfare so far, it might be wise that you not use that line."

Learn that when I say something you better act like I'm EF Hutton.

50 years of welfare certainly haven’t done Blacks any good.

Considering whites have gotten 242 years of welfare so far, it might be wise that you not use that lline.
Elaborate on this welfare...

Read American history.
I have and Blacks have had several generations to get their act together.
The acceptance of public assistance was too tempting.

We have had 53 years. whites 242.....


The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White | Breaking Brown
The biggest beneficiaries of the government safety net: Working-class whites

…..And you still get welfare.

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?
Welfare Statistics: Government Spends More on Corporate Welfare Than..
The Real Welfare Problem: Government Giveaways to the Corporate 1%

You whites get every form of welfare that exists.

"Considering whites have gotten 242 years of welfare so far, it might be wise that you not use that line."

Learn that when I say something you better act like I'm EF Hutton.

Jews have had since 1952 and started their own businesses, went to school instead of the bar and didn’t get welfare.
The Irish and Italians made it without welfare.
Now if you a have a problem with a specific person like Bill Clinton..... that's fine... but how about you deal with the vast numbers of black men that are not taking care of their black babies? How about you teach your women virtue, so they don't get used by men, whether white or black?
You're getting desperate now

Your just throwing a load of mud at the wall and hoping one sticks. You go from Clinton, to Black adoption, now you want to go the black fatherless-ness.

Can you explain to me why Iceland (One of the whitest countries you can find) a place where there no black people has the highest rates for father-lesness ?


Why would a white person want to talk about black illegitimacy ? You don't care. Because if you were truly concerned about illegitimacy, you'd also be just as concerned about white illegitimacy too.
Now if you a have a problem with a specific person like Bill Clinton..... that's fine... but how about you deal with the vast numbers of black men that are not taking care of their black babies? How about you teach your women virtue, so they don't get used by men, whether white or black?
You're getting desperate now

Your just throwing a load of mud at the wall and hoping one sticks. You go from Clinton, to Black adoption, now you want to go the black fatherless-ness.

Can you explain to me why Iceland (One of the whitest countries you can find) a place where there no black people has the highest rates for father-lesness ?


Why would a white person want to talk about black illegitimacy ? You don't care. Because if you were truly concerned about illegitimacy, you'd also be just as concerned about white illegitimacy too.
Where’s the White Al Sharpton?
Now if you a have a problem with a specific person like Bill Clinton..... that's fine... but how about you deal with the vast numbers of black men that are not taking care of their black babies? How about you teach your women virtue, so they don't get used by men, whether white or black?
You're getting desperate now

Your just throwing a load of mud at the wall and hoping one sticks. You go from Clinton, to Black adoption, now you want to go the black fatherless-ness.

Can you explain to me why Iceland (One of the whitest countries you can find) a place where there no black people has the highest rates for father-lesness ?


Why would a white person want to talk about black illegitimacy ? You don't care. Because if you were truly concerned about illegitimacy, you'd also be just as concerned about white illegitimacy too.

Why do I care about Iceland? You are right, I don't care about Iceland. I never suggested I cared. What does Iceland have to do with anything?

The only reason I'm even talking about illegitimate children, is because you brought it up. Why are you getting defensive, when you are the one the brought up the topic?

You bring up something.... then I smack it back in your face.... then you get all defensive. If you can't handle this sparky, then don't bring it up.

And how did you jump on illegitimacy numbers, when we were talking about deadbeat fathers?

Then you complain about me talking about black problems, when I'm white. Then shouldn't you stop talk about white problems, when you are black?

Do you ever practice anything you preach all over this forum? Or is this just a "do as I say, not as I do, because am an evil racists black man" thing?
Considering whites have gotten 242 years of welfare so far, it might be wise that you not use that lline.
Elaborate on this welfare...

Read American history.
I have and Blacks have had several generations to get their act together.
The acceptance of public assistance was too tempting.

We have had 53 years. whites 242.....


The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White | Breaking Brown
The biggest beneficiaries of the government safety net: Working-class whites

…..And you still get welfare.

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?
Welfare Statistics: Government Spends More on Corporate Welfare Than..
The Real Welfare Problem: Government Giveaways to the Corporate 1%

You whites get every form of welfare that exists.

"Considering whites have gotten 242 years of welfare so far, it might be wise that you not use that line."

Learn that when I say something you better act like I'm EF Hutton.

Jews have had since 1952 and started their own businesses, went to school instead of the bar and didn’t get welfare.
The Irish and Italians made it without welfare.

White Jews owned slaves in the 1700's. The Irish and Italians are white.

So what lie are you going to try next?

The model minority?

Why do I care about Iceland? You are right, I don't care about Iceland. I never suggested I cared. What does Iceland have to do with anything?
Because Iceland is white and you are white. So how can white people talk about black fatherless-ness when whites top the list in fatherless-ness ?
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