More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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That is not what assimilation is. It started from Englamd but it has changed. Anyway you are think like checkers with the white man. You need to think like chess with the yellow man. He will be your boss soon enough.

That is assimilation and I don't listen to white men telling me how I should think. For some reason everybody else is going to be our boss according to saltine logic. Mexicans, asians, whites. How about we become the boss? But whites like you are scared of that. This is why you have compensated all races here you have done wrong but blacks. Because if you do that, whites lose all trade with African nations and blacks control the American and world economy. You don't want to play chess white boy.
I had a black boss-he liked me and I liked him. I was boss to blacks-I liked them and they liked me. You are the only one who does not like me.

You are a classic example of modern racism.
Care to explain that-if you CAN?
You're a racist but you come with the minimizing story of but I have black friends. It's a prime example of modern racism or as described by Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, colorblind racism.
So now racism is color blind? There goes white racism! The blacks I supervised were not friends-couldn't be-but we appreciated each other.
YOU care and you feel guilt. That's what drives your defense of white racism. And you are scared of blacks deciding to do to you what was done to us. Your every word drips with that fear.

You don't know anything about being black. We are educated in a white controlled educational system. You miss this reality in your white racist forever attempt to try turning things around while you try to gaslight.
What an idiot you are! If you don't know me, how do you know what I care about or dislike? Or is it the blacks read white minds so you know everything? You are just a second rate guesser-you don't know anything because your mind is closed. Fear? The day I fear you is the day dogs marry cats-do you know what niggardly originally meant? Cowardly. Deal with that.
I don't give a damn what that word meant and you know I am right about every word I said. You're low IQ racist white trash. We grow up having to learn the white mans laws, philosophy, mores and standards. That's what assimilation is you dumb SOB. Deal with that.
So now you will avoid words-ok, I see why you would. And do you really think I would agree you are right? Not until you ever are. And apparently you have a lot left to learn from the white man.

I am not avoiding anything. Not caring isn't avoiding. You're just pissy because some black people told your white ass that you don't know anything about black people. You don't. Then you got even more pissy because a sister dissected your bullshit by correctly teaching you how blacks have learned to survive and rise in a white dominated system. You want to pretend that you can assess sameness to the experiences/beliefs of blacks and whites when our experiences/beliefs have been different and that just because your ass is white that we must accept your fiction to be the norm. We don't.
But you know everything about white people. There are many different groups of them from many different parts of the world and this nation. And you know all of the white people and what they are about. With the media/entertainers telling you what to think and do I guess you know it all.

Don't bring that bullshit here son. You whites here argue with us daily about black people. You dispute every word we say, even as we are black like your fucked up racist white views of blacks worldwide are the authoritative and only view. We have been the recipient of 400 years of a white racist belief that has been applied worldwide. We have gone to schools and learned history as recorded by whites and the philosophy of whites which led to the modern ideas of today. Yet after learning these thing we are not supposed to understand how whites think. So tell me something about an African philosopher during the same time as Kant, or Hume, or Rousseau , Thoreau, Locke, John Stuart Mill, Adam Smith, any of the founders, De Tocqueville, etc.

We blacks had to learn all that while nobody white knows anything about great African minds. You ignorantly believe blacks were running around stupid until whitey showed up and any attempt by us to show different one of you\ c------s come off with that we wuz kangs and shit dindu nuffin white boy bullshit.

So maybe you just fall back, because this shit whites like you try with me every time you get told how you know nothing about blacks has gone way past my last nerve.
YOU care and you feel guilt. That's what drives your defense of white racism. And you are scared of blacks deciding to do to you what was done to us. Your every word drips with that fear.

You don't know anything about being black. We are educated in a white controlled educational system. You miss this reality in your white racist forever attempt to try turning things around while you try to gaslight.
What an idiot you are! If you don't know me, how do you know what I care about or dislike? Or is it the blacks read white minds so you know everything? You are just a second rate guesser-you don't know anything because your mind is closed. Fear? The day I fear you is the day dogs marry cats-do you know what niggardly originally meant? Cowardly. Deal with that.
I don't give a damn what that word meant and you know I am right about every word I said. You're low IQ racist white trash. We grow up having to learn the white mans laws, philosophy, mores and standards. That's what assimilation is you dumb SOB. Deal with that.
So now you will avoid words-ok, I see why you would. And do you really think I would agree you are right? Not until you ever are. And apparently you have a lot left to learn from the white man.

I am not avoiding anything. Not caring isn't avoiding. You're just pissy because some black people told your white ass that you don't know anything about black people. You don't. Then you got even more pissy because a sister dissected your bullshit by correctly teaching you how blacks have learned to survive and rise in a white dominated system. You want to pretend that you can assess sameness to the experiences/beliefs of blacks and whites when our experiences/beliefs have been different and that just because your ass is white that we must accept your fiction to be the norm. We don't.
Pissy-did you learn a new word-and they said you people could not be taught. A sister dissected-I sent her packing and have not heard from her since-can you say "avoidance"? Surviving involves breathing-not a skill set to be bragging about. I don't pretend-I instruct-you don't know anything about whiteness-let me know if you want to learn.
Newsvine chewed you up and she's not the one to continue arguing with an idiot. I know more about whites than you do about blacks and there is nothing you can teach me.
That is assimilation and I don't listen to white men telling me how I should think. For some reason everybody else is going to be our boss according to saltine logic. Mexicans, asians, whites. How about we become the boss? But whites like you are scared of that. This is why you have compensated all races here you have done wrong but blacks. Because if you do that, whites lose all trade with African nations and blacks control the American and world economy. You don't want to play chess white boy.
I had a black boss-he liked me and I liked him. I was boss to blacks-I liked them and they liked me. You are the only one who does not like me.

You are a classic example of modern racism.
Care to explain that-if you CAN?
You're a racist but you come with the minimizing story of but I have black friends. It's a prime example of modern racism or as described by Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, colorblind racism.
So now racism is color blind? There goes white racism! The blacks I supervised were not friends-couldn't be-but we appreciated each other.

Well it is apparent that you are ignorant. So go type the words colorblind racism in a search engine then do some reading.
What an idiot you are! If you don't know me, how do you know what I care about or dislike? Or is it the blacks read white minds so you know everything? You are just a second rate guesser-you don't know anything because your mind is closed. Fear? The day I fear you is the day dogs marry cats-do you know what niggardly originally meant? Cowardly. Deal with that.
I don't give a damn what that word meant and you know I am right about every word I said. You're low IQ racist white trash. We grow up having to learn the white mans laws, philosophy, mores and standards. That's what assimilation is you dumb SOB. Deal with that.
So now you will avoid words-ok, I see why you would. And do you really think I would agree you are right? Not until you ever are. And apparently you have a lot left to learn from the white man.

I am not avoiding anything. Not caring isn't avoiding. You're just pissy because some black people told your white ass that you don't know anything about black people. You don't. Then you got even more pissy because a sister dissected your bullshit by correctly teaching you how blacks have learned to survive and rise in a white dominated system. You want to pretend that you can assess sameness to the experiences/beliefs of blacks and whites when our experiences/beliefs have been different and that just because your ass is white that we must accept your fiction to be the norm. We don't.
But you know everything about white people. There are many different groups of them from many different parts of the world and this nation. And you know all of the white people and what they are about. With the media/entertainers telling you what to think and do I guess you know it all.

Don't bring that bullshit here son. You whites here argue with us daily about black people. You dispute every word we say, even as we are black like your fucked up racist white views of blacks worldwide are the authoritative and only view. We have been the recipient of 400 years of a white racist belief that has been applied worldwide. We have gone to schools and learned history as recorded by whites and the philosophy of whites which led to the modern ideas of today. Yet after learning these thing we are not supposed to understand how whites think. So tell me something about an African philosopher during the same time as Kant, or Hume, or Rousseau , Thoreau, Locke, John Stuart Mill, Adam Smith, any of the founders, De Tocqueville, etc.

We blacks had to learn all that while nobody white knows anything about great African minds. You ignorantly believe blacks were running around stupid until whitey showed up and any attempt by us to show different one of you\ c------s come off with that we wuz kangs and shit dindu nuffin white boy bullshit.

So maybe you just fall back, because this shit whites like you try with me every time you get told how you know nothing about blacks has gone way past my last nerve.
First, you have no nerve-you resort to name calling when losing an argument-ALL of them. You said great African minds-that is an oxymoron. And whites did help blacks learn things and civilize themselves somewhat-I don't know why you aren't more grateful. And I now believe, thanks to you, that whites DO know more about blacks than blacks do about whites.
What an idiot you are! If you don't know me, how do you know what I care about or dislike? Or is it the blacks read white minds so you know everything? You are just a second rate guesser-you don't know anything because your mind is closed. Fear? The day I fear you is the day dogs marry cats-do you know what niggardly originally meant? Cowardly. Deal with that.
I don't give a damn what that word meant and you know I am right about every word I said. You're low IQ racist white trash. We grow up having to learn the white mans laws, philosophy, mores and standards. That's what assimilation is you dumb SOB. Deal with that.
So now you will avoid words-ok, I see why you would. And do you really think I would agree you are right? Not until you ever are. And apparently you have a lot left to learn from the white man.

I am not avoiding anything. Not caring isn't avoiding. You're just pissy because some black people told your white ass that you don't know anything about black people. You don't. Then you got even more pissy because a sister dissected your bullshit by correctly teaching you how blacks have learned to survive and rise in a white dominated system. You want to pretend that you can assess sameness to the experiences/beliefs of blacks and whites when our experiences/beliefs have been different and that just because your ass is white that we must accept your fiction to be the norm. We don't.
Pissy-did you learn a new word-and they said you people could not be taught. A sister dissected-I sent her packing and have not heard from her since-can you say "avoidance"? Surviving involves breathing-not a skill set to be bragging about. I don't pretend-I instruct-you don't know anything about whiteness-let me know if you want to learn.
Newsvine chewed you up and she's not the one to continue arguing with an idiot. I know more about whites than you do about blacks and there is nothing you can teach me.
Nobody CAN teach you anything because you are unwilling to learn. Newsvine-did not know her name-thank you.
I had a black boss-he liked me and I liked him. I was boss to blacks-I liked them and they liked me. You are the only one who does not like me.

You are a classic example of modern racism.
Care to explain that-if you CAN?
You're a racist but you come with the minimizing story of but I have black friends. It's a prime example of modern racism or as described by Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, colorblind racism.
So now racism is color blind? There goes white racism! The blacks I supervised were not friends-couldn't be-but we appreciated each other.

Well it is apparent that you are ignorant. So go type the words colorblind racism in a search engine then do some reading.
Color blind racism is self defining-no color involved. Racism would then refer to Poles and Russians, or Dominicans and Puerto Ricans or Apache and Seminole. And I have seen racism in each.
Neither understands the other, and therein lies the problem.
This is a false statement if for no oher reason than this. Black people, if they want to accomplish certain things in life, are required to learn how to navigate white society. In order to do so you have to understand things like 1) what makes white people VERY uncomfortable and how to avoid those things, 2) how to deal with social/economic envy, 3) how not to alienate others who may be afraid and/or intimidated by you, also whe to just throw in the towel, how to protect your legal rights etc.

White people on the other hand, NEVER EVER have to deal with black people in any way, shape form or fashion if they so choose. They can live in white neighborhoods, they can attend white or mostly white schools, they can do business with other whites, essentially they can avoid black people all together if that's what floats their boat. They are not dependent upon African Americans for their jobs, their education, services, etc. Even whites who do interact with black people by "allowing" them to serve them don't have to understand anything about Black people to receive these services which in some instances reinforces the stereotyope of white supremacy and black servitude. For the longest time the only jobs blacks could obtain were in the service industries - as maids, cooks, bellhops, etc.

Black people understand white people and white society much better than the majority of whites could ever begin to understand us. The fact that the white racists on this website can only parrot erroneous statistic but never engage in conversation on where those numbers came from, how they were compiled but even more importantly what they mean is that racists buy into the media stereotypes that reinforce their racist beliefs. It's a vicious self-fulfilling circle. They won't change, they don't want to change because this is what makes them feel superior, in the case of a few here, being white appears to be the only thing they can claim.
BS You don't know what you don't know. neither understands the other. Your last paragraph proves you are guessing because it is only 25% correct.
It is obvious that I know more about it than you if for no other reason than even if my last paragraph was 75% incorrect, the first two paragraphs are accurate and can be verified although that is not how the veracity of statements made are measured.
You don't what I know or where I've been. Try asking questions-you will learn and know even more.
I'm not interested in knowing you.
What an idiot you are! If you don't know me, how do you know what I care about or dislike? Or is it the blacks read white minds so you know everything? You are just a second rate guesser-you don't know anything because your mind is closed. Fear? The day I fear you is the day dogs marry cats-do you know what niggardly originally meant? Cowardly. Deal with that.
Why is it that the people who are the most ignorant of a particular subject are the ones screaming the loudest and making false accusations and projecting their own short-comings and fears onto others?

No one has to be a mind reader to be able to sum up what you are (or more accurately aren't) about. There are industry standards and best practices for accessing and evaluating situations and individuals such as yourself. If you had any professional knowledge you'd know that is not "guessing".

Lastly, what exactly is a "guesser"? I can infer from the manner in which you're using the term what you probably intend it to mean, but your comments here have indicated that if anyone here is a "guesser" that would be you since your postings have "amateur" written all over them.
So you consider yourself an elitest poster with your pontifications about others-way to stereotype! What you post are guesses because they CAN'T be factually backed up. Industry standards and best practices? You sound like one of those useless mandatory company learning sessions we had at work-much ado about nothing.
What I consider myself are things that I actually am. Not just because I say so, but because I've met the standards and requirements set by others which qualify me as an "expert" of sorts on particular topics. That is not elitest, that is fact and this is just one example of one of those areas in which black people have had to learn to navigate white society if we want to accomplish certain things.

The fact that you don't understand this to the point that you feel comfortable trying to denigrate strangers on the internet whom you know nothing about other than we are members of a race you obviously consider inferior (otherwise you wouldn't be arguing the side of this argument that you are) says plenty about you.

Yep industry standards and best practices to achieve the desired results. Don't tell me you don't understand even that?
I don't give a damn what that word meant and you know I am right about every word I said. You're low IQ racist white trash. We grow up having to learn the white mans laws, philosophy, mores and standards. That's what assimilation is you dumb SOB. Deal with that.
That is not what assimilation is. It started from Englamd but it has changed. Anyway you are think like checkers with the white man. You need to think like chess with the yellow man. He will be your boss soon enough.

That is assimilation and I don't listen to white men telling me how I should think. For some reason everybody else is going to be our boss according to saltine logic. Mexicans, asians, whites. How about we become the boss? But whites like you are scared of that. This is why you have compensated all races here you have done wrong but blacks. Because if you do that, whites lose all trade with African nations and blacks control the American and world economy. You don't want to play chess white boy.
Your anger is last century. You are not thinking next century. And I am not telling you what to do. Part of what keeps us all living a better life is our keeping technically proficient. We are losing that. However we have many tech ideas from the past that has not been used or slowly being released. You see though our issues with at least several military, science and private corporation issues today. We have a new class 15 billion dollar aircraft carrier that has been circling the waters with a skeleton crew for a few years which has many technical problems and we are building more just like it as one example. You are looking at relations and things as white and black. I am looking at this as fiefdoms of power. And black people are part of it. I want some cities obliterated. I want an area I lived in obliterated. And yes, the yellow man is telling you....Who's your daddy!! Because those big tough NBA men bent over to the Chinese. And they is you

White racism exists in this century. I don't play in the NBA and our nation bent to the Chinese when they started borrowing from them.
Those NBA players are role models to many African Americans. So are entertainers. Those yellow people you may call racists when they take over. But they won't allow you to type your views of them on forums like this when it happens.

Those NBA players and entertainers are role models to people of all races. You know nothing about black people. Stop trying to tell a black man what is and isn't for blacks.
What an idiot you are! If you don't know me, how do you know what I care about or dislike? Or is it the blacks read white minds so you know everything? You are just a second rate guesser-you don't know anything because your mind is closed. Fear? The day I fear you is the day dogs marry cats-do you know what niggardly originally meant? Cowardly. Deal with that.
I don't give a damn what that word meant and you know I am right about every word I said. You're low IQ racist white trash. We grow up having to learn the white mans laws, philosophy, mores and standards. That's what assimilation is you dumb SOB. Deal with that.
So now you will avoid words-ok, I see why you would. And do you really think I would agree you are right? Not until you ever are. And apparently you have a lot left to learn from the white man.

I am not avoiding anything. Not caring isn't avoiding. You're just pissy because some black people told your white ass that you don't know anything about black people. You don't. Then you got even more pissy because a sister dissected your bullshit by correctly teaching you how blacks have learned to survive and rise in a white dominated system. You want to pretend that you can assess sameness to the experiences/beliefs of blacks and whites when our experiences/beliefs have been different and that just because your ass is white that we must accept your fiction to be the norm. We don't.
But you know everything about white people. There are many different groups of them from many different parts of the world and this nation. And you know all of the white people and what they are about. With the media/entertainers telling you what to think and do I guess you know it all.

Don't bring that bullshit here son. You whites here argue with us daily about black people. You dispute every word we say, even as we are black like your fucked up racist white views of blacks worldwide are the authoritative and only view. We have been the recipient of 400 years of a white racist belief that has been applied worldwide. We have gone to schools and learned history as recorded by whites and the philosophy of whites which led to the modern ideas of today. Yet after learning these thing we are not supposed to understand how whites think. So tell me something about an African philosopher during the same time as Kant, or Hume, or Rousseau , Thoreau, Locke, John Stuart Mill, Adam Smith, any of the founders, De Tocqueville, etc.

We blacks had to learn all that while nobody white knows anything about great African minds. You ignorantly believe blacks were running around stupid until whitey showed up and any attempt by us to show different one of you\ c------s come off with that we wuz kangs and shit dindu nuffin white boy bullshit.

So maybe you just fall back, because this shit whites like you try with me every time you get told how you know nothing about blacks has gone way past my last nerve.
All of those white women on TV are telling you what to do. Irish ones....Jewish ones....Hispanic ones...All of them. Wait, the white female entertainers also! You may be macho but you are deballed macho!
I don't give a damn what that word meant and you know I am right about every word I said. You're low IQ racist white trash. We grow up having to learn the white mans laws, philosophy, mores and standards. That's what assimilation is you dumb SOB. Deal with that.
So now you will avoid words-ok, I see why you would. And do you really think I would agree you are right? Not until you ever are. And apparently you have a lot left to learn from the white man.

I am not avoiding anything. Not caring isn't avoiding. You're just pissy because some black people told your white ass that you don't know anything about black people. You don't. Then you got even more pissy because a sister dissected your bullshit by correctly teaching you how blacks have learned to survive and rise in a white dominated system. You want to pretend that you can assess sameness to the experiences/beliefs of blacks and whites when our experiences/beliefs have been different and that just because your ass is white that we must accept your fiction to be the norm. We don't.
But you know everything about white people. There are many different groups of them from many different parts of the world and this nation. And you know all of the white people and what they are about. With the media/entertainers telling you what to think and do I guess you know it all.

Don't bring that bullshit here son. You whites here argue with us daily about black people. You dispute every word we say, even as we are black like your fucked up racist white views of blacks worldwide are the authoritative and only view. We have been the recipient of 400 years of a white racist belief that has been applied worldwide. We have gone to schools and learned history as recorded by whites and the philosophy of whites which led to the modern ideas of today. Yet after learning these thing we are not supposed to understand how whites think. So tell me something about an African philosopher during the same time as Kant, or Hume, or Rousseau , Thoreau, Locke, John Stuart Mill, Adam Smith, any of the founders, De Tocqueville, etc.

We blacks had to learn all that while nobody white knows anything about great African minds. You ignorantly believe blacks were running around stupid until whitey showed up and any attempt by us to show different one of you\ c------s come off with that we wuz kangs and shit dindu nuffin white boy bullshit.

So maybe you just fall back, because this shit whites like you try with me every time you get told how you know nothing about blacks has gone way past my last nerve.
All of those white women on TV are telling you what to do. Irish ones....Jewish ones....Hispanic ones...All of them. Wait, the white female entertainers also! You may be macho but you are deballed macho!

No they aren't. Don't concern yourself with my balls junior.
Neither understands the other, and therein lies the problem.
This is a false statement if for no oher reason than this. Black people, if they want to accomplish certain things in life, are required to learn how to navigate white society. In order to do so you have to understand things like 1) what makes white people VERY uncomfortable and how to avoid those things, 2) how to deal with social/economic envy, 3) how not to alienate others who may be afraid and/or intimidated by you, also whe to just throw in the towel, how to protect your legal rights etc.

White people on the other hand, NEVER EVER have to deal with black people in any way, shape form or fashion if they so choose. They can live in white neighborhoods, they can attend white or mostly white schools, they can do business with other whites, essentially they can avoid black people all together if that's what floats their boat. They are not dependent upon African Americans for their jobs, their education, services, etc. Even whites who do interact with black people by "allowing" them to serve them don't have to understand anything about Black people to receive these services which in some instances reinforces the stereotyope of white supremacy and black servitude. For the longest time the only jobs blacks could obtain were in the service industries - as maids, cooks, bellhops, etc.

Black people understand white people and white society much better than the majority of whites could ever begin to understand us. The fact that the white racists on this website can only parrot erroneous statistic but never engage in conversation on where those numbers came from, how they were compiled but even more importantly what they mean is that racists buy into the media stereotypes that reinforce their racist beliefs. It's a vicious self-fulfilling circle. They won't change, they don't want to change because this is what makes them feel superior, in the case of a few here, being white appears to be the only thing they can claim.
BS You don't know what you don't know. neither understands the other. Your last paragraph proves you are guessing because it is only 25% correct.
It is obvious that I know more about it than you if for no other reason than even if my last paragraph was 75% incorrect, the first two paragraphs are accurate and can be verified although that is not how the veracity of statements made are measured.
You don't what I know or where I've been. Try asking questions-you will learn and know even more.
I'm not interested in knowing you.
Don't worry-your're not old enough and if IM2 is your mentor, you are in bad shape.
So now you will avoid words-ok, I see why you would. And do you really think I would agree you are right? Not until you ever are. And apparently you have a lot left to learn from the white man.

I am not avoiding anything. Not caring isn't avoiding. You're just pissy because some black people told your white ass that you don't know anything about black people. You don't. Then you got even more pissy because a sister dissected your bullshit by correctly teaching you how blacks have learned to survive and rise in a white dominated system. You want to pretend that you can assess sameness to the experiences/beliefs of blacks and whites when our experiences/beliefs have been different and that just because your ass is white that we must accept your fiction to be the norm. We don't.
But you know everything about white people. There are many different groups of them from many different parts of the world and this nation. And you know all of the white people and what they are about. With the media/entertainers telling you what to think and do I guess you know it all.

Don't bring that bullshit here son. You whites here argue with us daily about black people. You dispute every word we say, even as we are black like your fucked up racist white views of blacks worldwide are the authoritative and only view. We have been the recipient of 400 years of a white racist belief that has been applied worldwide. We have gone to schools and learned history as recorded by whites and the philosophy of whites which led to the modern ideas of today. Yet after learning these thing we are not supposed to understand how whites think. So tell me something about an African philosopher during the same time as Kant, or Hume, or Rousseau , Thoreau, Locke, John Stuart Mill, Adam Smith, any of the founders, De Tocqueville, etc.

We blacks had to learn all that while nobody white knows anything about great African minds. You ignorantly believe blacks were running around stupid until whitey showed up and any attempt by us to show different one of you\ c------s come off with that we wuz kangs and shit dindu nuffin white boy bullshit.

So maybe you just fall back, because this shit whites like you try with me every time you get told how you know nothing about blacks has gone way past my last nerve.
All of those white women on TV are telling you what to do. Irish ones....Jewish ones....Hispanic ones...All of them. Wait, the white female entertainers also! You may be macho but you are deballed macho!

No they aren't. Don't concern yourself with my balls junior.
They are your masters. Now go lick their boots. White boys know their balls have been removed. You just don't realize it. They use you as muscle. While they stay way in the back where it is safe. Saul Alinsky knew what he was doing.
What an idiot you are! If you don't know me, how do you know what I care about or dislike? Or is it the blacks read white minds so you know everything? You are just a second rate guesser-you don't know anything because your mind is closed. Fear? The day I fear you is the day dogs marry cats-do you know what niggardly originally meant? Cowardly. Deal with that.
Why is it that the people who are the most ignorant of a particular subject are the ones screaming the loudest and making false accusations and projecting their own short-comings and fears onto others?

No one has to be a mind reader to be able to sum up what you are (or more accurately aren't) about. There are industry standards and best practices for accessing and evaluating situations and individuals such as yourself. If you had any professional knowledge you'd know that is not "guessing".

Lastly, what exactly is a "guesser"? I can infer from the manner in which you're using the term what you probably intend it to mean, but your comments here have indicated that if anyone here is a "guesser" that would be you since your postings have "amateur" written all over them.
So you consider yourself an elitest poster with your pontifications about others-way to stereotype! What you post are guesses because they CAN'T be factually backed up. Industry standards and best practices? You sound like one of those useless mandatory company learning sessions we had at work-much ado about nothing.
What I consider myself are things that I actually am. Not just because I say so, but because I've met the standards and requirements set by others which qualify me as an "expert" of sorts on particular topics. That is not elitest, that is fact and this is just one example of one of those areas in which black people have had to learn to navigate white society if we want to accomplish certain things.

The fact that you don't understand this to the point that you feel comfortable trying to denigrate strangers on the internet whom you know nothing about other than we are members of a race you obviously consider inferior (otherwise you wouldn't be arguing the side of this argument that you are) says plenty about you.

Yep industry standards and best practices to achieve the desired results. Don't tell me you don't understand even that?
Those are inadequate tools for dealing in message boards. Experience and poise are better. And I do understand your attempt to live up to expectations, but throwing out workplace buzz words won't cut it.
This is a false statement if for no oher reason than this. Black people, if they want to accomplish certain things in life, are required to learn how to navigate white society. In order to do so you have to understand things like 1) what makes white people VERY uncomfortable and how to avoid those things, 2) how to deal with social/economic envy, 3) how not to alienate others who may be afraid and/or intimidated by you, also whe to just throw in the towel, how to protect your legal rights etc.

White people on the other hand, NEVER EVER have to deal with black people in any way, shape form or fashion if they so choose. They can live in white neighborhoods, they can attend white or mostly white schools, they can do business with other whites, essentially they can avoid black people all together if that's what floats their boat. They are not dependent upon African Americans for their jobs, their education, services, etc. Even whites who do interact with black people by "allowing" them to serve them don't have to understand anything about Black people to receive these services which in some instances reinforces the stereotyope of white supremacy and black servitude. For the longest time the only jobs blacks could obtain were in the service industries - as maids, cooks, bellhops, etc.

Black people understand white people and white society much better than the majority of whites could ever begin to understand us. The fact that the white racists on this website can only parrot erroneous statistic but never engage in conversation on where those numbers came from, how they were compiled but even more importantly what they mean is that racists buy into the media stereotypes that reinforce their racist beliefs. It's a vicious self-fulfilling circle. They won't change, they don't want to change because this is what makes them feel superior, in the case of a few here, being white appears to be the only thing they can claim.
BS You don't know what you don't know. neither understands the other. Your last paragraph proves you are guessing because it is only 25% correct.
It is obvious that I know more about it than you if for no other reason than even if my last paragraph was 75% incorrect, the first two paragraphs are accurate and can be verified although that is not how the veracity of statements made are measured.
You don't what I know or where I've been. Try asking questions-you will learn and know even more.
I'm not interested in knowing you.
Don't worry-your're not old enough and if IM2 is your mentor, you are in bad shape.
Have you ever heard the expression that it's better to be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt?
What an idiot you are! If you don't know me, how do you know what I care about or dislike? Or is it the blacks read white minds so you know everything? You are just a second rate guesser-you don't know anything because your mind is closed. Fear? The day I fear you is the day dogs marry cats-do you know what niggardly originally meant? Cowardly. Deal with that.
Why is it that the people who are the most ignorant of a particular subject are the ones screaming the loudest and making false accusations and projecting their own short-comings and fears onto others?

No one has to be a mind reader to be able to sum up what you are (or more accurately aren't) about. There are industry standards and best practices for accessing and evaluating situations and individuals such as yourself. If you had any professional knowledge you'd know that is not "guessing".

Lastly, what exactly is a "guesser"? I can infer from the manner in which you're using the term what you probably intend it to mean, but your comments here have indicated that if anyone here is a "guesser" that would be you since your postings have "amateur" written all over them.
So you consider yourself an elitest poster with your pontifications about others-way to stereotype! What you post are guesses because they CAN'T be factually backed up. Industry standards and best practices? You sound like one of those useless mandatory company learning sessions we had at work-much ado about nothing.
What I consider myself are things that I actually am. Not just because I say so, but because I've met the standards and requirements set by others which qualify me as an "expert" of sorts on particular topics. That is not elitest, that is fact and this is just one example of one of those areas in which black people have had to learn to navigate white society if we want to accomplish certain things.

The fact that you don't understand this to the point that you feel comfortable trying to denigrate strangers on the internet whom you know nothing about other than we are members of a race you obviously consider inferior (otherwise you wouldn't be arguing the side of this argument that you are) says plenty about you.

Yep industry standards and best practices to achieve the desired results. Don't tell me you don't understand even that?
Those are inadequate tools for dealing in message boards. Experience and poise are better. And I do understand your attempt to live up to expectations, but throwing out workplace buzz words won't cut it.
Well that's what makes me a professional and you, well something else. More like a useful tool.
BS You don't know what you don't know. neither understands the other. Your last paragraph proves you are guessing because it is only 25% correct.
It is obvious that I know more about it than you if for no other reason than even if my last paragraph was 75% incorrect, the first two paragraphs are accurate and can be verified although that is not how the veracity of statements made are measured.
You don't what I know or where I've been. Try asking questions-you will learn and know even more.
I'm not interested in knowing you.
Don't worry-your're not old enough and if IM2 is your mentor, you are in bad shape.
Have you ever heard the expression that it's better to be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt?
Heard it-but like most things, it is relative.
What an idiot you are! If you don't know me, how do you know what I care about or dislike? Or is it the blacks read white minds so you know everything? You are just a second rate guesser-you don't know anything because your mind is closed. Fear? The day I fear you is the day dogs marry cats-do you know what niggardly originally meant? Cowardly. Deal with that.
Why is it that the people who are the most ignorant of a particular subject are the ones screaming the loudest and making false accusations and projecting their own short-comings and fears onto others?

No one has to be a mind reader to be able to sum up what you are (or more accurately aren't) about. There are industry standards and best practices for accessing and evaluating situations and individuals such as yourself. If you had any professional knowledge you'd know that is not "guessing".

Lastly, what exactly is a "guesser"? I can infer from the manner in which you're using the term what you probably intend it to mean, but your comments here have indicated that if anyone here is a "guesser" that would be you since your postings have "amateur" written all over them.
So you consider yourself an elitest poster with your pontifications about others-way to stereotype! What you post are guesses because they CAN'T be factually backed up. Industry standards and best practices? You sound like one of those useless mandatory company learning sessions we had at work-much ado about nothing.
What I consider myself are things that I actually am. Not just because I say so, but because I've met the standards and requirements set by others which qualify me as an "expert" of sorts on particular topics. That is not elitest, that is fact and this is just one example of one of those areas in which black people have had to learn to navigate white society if we want to accomplish certain things.

The fact that you don't understand this to the point that you feel comfortable trying to denigrate strangers on the internet whom you know nothing about other than we are members of a race you obviously consider inferior (otherwise you wouldn't be arguing the side of this argument that you are) says plenty about you.

Yep industry standards and best practices to achieve the desired results. Don't tell me you don't understand even that?
Those are inadequate tools for dealing in message boards. Experience and poise are better. And I do understand your attempt to live up to expectations, but throwing out workplace buzz words won't cut it.
Well that's what makes me a professional and you, well something else. More like a useful tool.
Anyone who works and gets paid is a professional. Do you clean toilets?
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