More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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And how do they do that assuming I have little or none.
And there's the problem right there. The denial of racism is essential to it's maintenance
There you go again, ASSuming someone is racist because they are white.YOU tend to stereotype white people.
I never said he (Third Party) was racist. Matter of fact I very rarely call a white person racist because as true as it might be, I will never win that conversation.

Because it deals with motive and intentions, which are largely a matter of guesswork on my part, instead of words and actions, which are not.

Racists know this and derail conversations about their words and actions into those about their inner state, which they know you can never win.

So me calling Third Party racist lets him off easy.

Most whites claim they're not racist. Pretty much every black person has experienced racism. Now I don't think that the millions of blk ppl round the world are making this up.

But yet when you talk about racism to whites, you can never find one.

As I say - The denial of racism is essential to it's maintenance
Thank you for letting me off easy. Here's the deal-I can't even say whether you or I are racist. More importantly, I don't care, I just take things as they come. Times have changed as well as attitudes-and will continue to do so.
No. I admit that I am racist. I'm honest about that.

I dont hate white ppl, the same way I don't hate tigers. But I understand a Tigers nature. So I dont want blk ppl to hate white ppl. I just want blk ppl to stop loving them.
And how do they do that assuming I have little or none.
And there's the problem right there. The denial of racism is essential to it's maintenance
There you go again, ASSuming someone is racist because they are white.YOU tend to stereotype white people.
I never said he (Third Party) was racist. Matter of fact I very rarely call a white person racist because as true as it might be, I will never win that conversation.

Because it deals with motive and intentions, which are largely a matter of guesswork on my part, instead of words and actions, which are not.

Racists know this and derail conversations about their words and actions into those about their inner state, which they know you can never win.

So me calling Third Party racist lets him off easy.

Most whites claim they're not racist. Pretty much every black person has experienced racism. Now I don't think that the millions of blk ppl round the world are making this up.

But yet when you talk about racism to whites, you can never find one.

As I say - The denial of racism is essential to it's maintenance
Thank you for letting me off easy. Here's the deal-I can't even say whether you or I are racist. More importantly, I don't care, I just take things as they come. Times have changed as well as attitudes-and will continue to do so.
No. I admit that I am racist. I'm honest about that. That does not mean i want to do white ppl. What white ppl delight in doing to blk ppl. God just did not make us that way. He just didnt give us that heart.

I dont hate white ppl, the same way I don't hate tigers. But I understand a Tigers. Nor do I want blk ppl to hate hate ppl. I just want blk ppl to stop fking loving them.

What's your position on "Cooning"?
1) The US supreme court is making it even easier for the cops to kill black people. That's all these laws about. Now sure, they don't mind a few white people getting caught in the crossfire, but essentially these laws are about killing or harming black people

2) What would have happened if he was black ?

A white man points gun at Cops. They Ask Him to Stand Down. He Shoots at them. They ask him to stand Down again. He refuses again and fights With Cops. But he is taken alive

What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


3) You know how white supremacist love to lie about "Were helping black people. Look at all this aid we give"

Yeah a bag of rice for a bag of diamonds.

This is an old mafia trick. The mafia used to kill a wife's husband then a week later, show up at her house with a envelope of money telling her "What a great guy he was". White supremacists acts of aggression are always followed by white supremacist acts of compassion. You must keep the victims confused.

But this is what the Red cross is doing haiti. Child Sex rings etc. They've found 21 cases of sexual misconduct in last three years but of course keep digging and the real number is in the thousands. Not that the money was ever meant to go to Haiti.

Once again. White supremacists have history.


This is happening to black/African ppl globally. British soldiers that were forcing the poverty stricken African women and underage girls to have sex with them in exchange for food and clean water.

3) Screen writer of the original Planet of The Apes says the film was about about Black people


Now watch how quickly this post will get locked.

To the mods black people talking about racism on a section of a forum that's dedicated to racism is race baiting.


Because in USMB if you talk about racism then you must focus on how screwed up, violent or dumb black people supposedly are anything else is race baiting.
Hey man, I'm an old white guy from the north east and I'm with you on this. I can point to numerous times in my long life when I was the beneficiary of white privilege -although I was not always aware of it at the time. Racism is alive and well in the USA
1) The US supreme court is making it even easier for the cops to kill black people. That's all these laws about. Now sure, they don't mind a few white people getting caught in the crossfire, but essentially these laws are about killing or harming black people

2) What would have happened if he was black ?

A white man points gun at Cops. They Ask Him to Stand Down. He Shoots at them. They ask him to stand Down again. He refuses again and fights With Cops. But he is taken alive

What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


3) You know how white supremacist love to lie about "Were helping black people. Look at all this aid we give"

Yeah a bag of rice for a bag of diamonds.

This is an old mafia trick. The mafia used to kill a wife's husband then a week later, show up at her house with a envelope of money telling her "What a great guy he was". White supremacists acts of aggression are always followed by white supremacist acts of compassion. You must keep the victims confused.

But this is what the Red cross is doing haiti. Child Sex rings etc. They've found 21 cases of sexual misconduct in last three years but of course keep digging and the real number is in the thousands. Not that the money was ever meant to go to Haiti.

Once again. White supremacists have history.


This is happening to black/African ppl globally. British soldiers that were forcing the poverty stricken African women and underage girls to have sex with them in exchange for food and clean water.

3) Screen writer of the original Planet of The Apes says the film was about about Black people


Now watch how quickly this post will get locked.

To the mods black people talking about racism on a section of a forum that's dedicated to racism is race baiting.


Because in USMB if you talk about racism then you must focus on how screwed up, violent or dumb black people supposedly are anything else is race baiting.
Hey man, I'm an old white guy from the north east and I'm with you on this. I can point to numerous times in my long life when I was the beneficiary of white privilege -although I was not always aware of it at the time. Racism is alive and well in the USA

Hey man, suspend your white privilege and tell us if you have a position on "Cooning"?
And how do they do that assuming I have little or none.
And there's the problem right there. The denial of racism is essential to it's maintenance
There you go again, ASSuming someone is racist because they are white.YOU tend to stereotype white people.
I never said he (Third Party) was racist. Matter of fact I very rarely call a white person racist because as true as it might be, I will never win that conversation.

Because it deals with motive and intentions, which are largely a matter of guesswork on my part, instead of words and actions, which are not.

Racists know this and derail conversations about their words and actions into those about their inner state, which they know you can never win.

So me calling Third Party racist lets him off easy.

Most whites claim they're not racist. Pretty much every black person has experienced racism. Now I don't think that the millions of blk ppl round the world are making this up.

But yet when you talk about racism to whites, you can never find one.

As I say - The denial of racism is essential to it's maintenance
Thank you for letting me off easy. Here's the deal-I can't even say whether you or I are racist. More importantly, I don't care, I just take things as they come. Times have changed as well as attitudes-and will continue to do so.
No. I admit that I am racist. I'm honest about that.

I dont hate white ppl, the same way I don't hate tigers. But I understand a Tigers nature. So I dont want blk ppl to hate white ppl. I just want blk ppl to stop loving them.
I am glad to read an honest, rational post after the hair on fire crazies I just argued with. I must ask, what do you mean by "I just want black people to stop loving them"?
And there's the problem right there. The denial of racism is essential to it's maintenance
There you go again, ASSuming someone is racist because they are white.YOU tend to stereotype white people.
I never said he (Third Party) was racist. Matter of fact I very rarely call a white person racist because as true as it might be, I will never win that conversation.

Because it deals with motive and intentions, which are largely a matter of guesswork on my part, instead of words and actions, which are not.

Racists know this and derail conversations about their words and actions into those about their inner state, which they know you can never win.

So me calling Third Party racist lets him off easy.

Most whites claim they're not racist. Pretty much every black person has experienced racism. Now I don't think that the millions of blk ppl round the world are making this up.

But yet when you talk about racism to whites, you can never find one.

As I say - The denial of racism is essential to it's maintenance
Thank you for letting me off easy. Here's the deal-I can't even say whether you or I are racist. More importantly, I don't care, I just take things as they come. Times have changed as well as attitudes-and will continue to do so.
No. I admit that I am racist. I'm honest about that. That does not mean i want to do white ppl. What white ppl delight in doing to blk ppl. God just did not make us that way. He just didnt give us that heart.

I dont hate white ppl, the same way I don't hate tigers. But I understand a Tigers. Nor do I want blk ppl to hate hate ppl. I just want blk ppl to stop fking loving them.

What's your position on "Cooning"?
The last time I heard that, I told the group to stop talking that way around me. Crap like that is why IM2 hates whites-and I can't blame him.
And how do they do that assuming I have little or none.
And there's the problem right there. The denial of racism is essential to it's maintenance
There you go again, ASSuming someone is racist because they are white.YOU tend to stereotype white people.
I never said he (Third Party) was racist. Matter of fact I very rarely call a white person racist because as true as it might be, I will never win that conversation.

Because it deals with motive and intentions, which are largely a matter of guesswork on my part, instead of words and actions, which are not.

Racists know this and derail conversations about their words and actions into those about their inner state, which they know you can never win.

So me calling Third Party racist lets him off easy.

Most whites claim they're not racist. Pretty much every black person has experienced racism. Now I don't think that the millions of blk ppl round the world are making this up.

But yet when you talk about racism to whites, you can never find one.

As I say - The denial of racism is essential to it's maintenance
Thank you for letting me off easy. Here's the deal-I can't even say whether you or I are racist. More importantly, I don't care, I just take things as they come. Times have changed as well as attitudes-and will continue to do so.
No. I admit that I am racist. I'm honest about that.

I dont hate white ppl, the same way I don't hate tigers. But I understand a Tigers nature. So I dont want blk ppl to hate white ppl. I just want blk ppl to stop loving them.
Even if someone deserves love? IM2 and others have said blacks cannot be racists. You proved him and others wrong.
And there's the problem right there. The denial of racism is essential to it's maintenance
There you go again, ASSuming someone is racist because they are white.YOU tend to stereotype white people.
I never said he (Third Party) was racist. Matter of fact I very rarely call a white person racist because as true as it might be, I will never win that conversation.

Because it deals with motive and intentions, which are largely a matter of guesswork on my part, instead of words and actions, which are not.

Racists know this and derail conversations about their words and actions into those about their inner state, which they know you can never win.

So me calling Third Party racist lets him off easy.

Most whites claim they're not racist. Pretty much every black person has experienced racism. Now I don't think that the millions of blk ppl round the world are making this up.

But yet when you talk about racism to whites, you can never find one.

As I say - The denial of racism is essential to it's maintenance
Thank you for letting me off easy. Here's the deal-I can't even say whether you or I are racist. More importantly, I don't care, I just take things as they come. Times have changed as well as attitudes-and will continue to do so.
No. I admit that I am racist. I'm honest about that.

I dont hate white ppl, the same way I don't hate tigers. But I understand a Tigers nature. So I dont want blk ppl to hate white ppl. I just want blk ppl to stop loving them.
Even if someone deserves love? IM2 and others have said blacks cannot be racists. You proved him and others wrong.
If you’re looking to understand why discussions between blacks and whites about racism are often so difficult its bcoz whites and blacks are often not talking about the same thing.

To white folks, racism is seen mostly as individual as with saying n insult.

For blacks, it is that too, but racism is a system. It is the experience of systematized discrimination in housing, employment, schools or the justice system.

It is the knowledge that one’s entire group is under suspicion, at risk of being treated negatively because of stereotypes held by persons with the power to act on the basis beliefs.

So yes, if u see racism as a personal thing, then yes blk ppl can b racist. But lets face it a blk person a white person "honky" or "cracka" is easy for you to brush off bcoz you know blk ppl dont have a system to bk those words up.

But if you see racist as a system then blk ppl can't b racist.
There you go again, ASSuming someone is racist because they are white.YOU tend to stereotype white people.
I never said he (Third Party) was racist. Matter of fact I very rarely call a white person racist because as true as it might be, I will never win that conversation.

Because it deals with motive and intentions, which are largely a matter of guesswork on my part, instead of words and actions, which are not.

Racists know this and derail conversations about their words and actions into those about their inner state, which they know you can never win.

So me calling Third Party racist lets him off easy.

Most whites claim they're not racist. Pretty much every black person has experienced racism. Now I don't think that the millions of blk ppl round the world are making this up.

But yet when you talk about racism to whites, you can never find one.

As I say - The denial of racism is essential to it's maintenance
Thank you for letting me off easy. Here's the deal-I can't even say whether you or I are racist. More importantly, I don't care, I just take things as they come. Times have changed as well as attitudes-and will continue to do so.
No. I admit that I am racist. I'm honest about that.

I dont hate white ppl, the same way I don't hate tigers. But I understand a Tigers nature. So I dont want blk ppl to hate white ppl. I just want blk ppl to stop loving them.
Even if someone deserves love? IM2 and others have said blacks cannot be racists. You proved him and others wrong.
If you’re looking to understand why discussions between blacks and whites about racism are often so difficult its bcoz whites and blacks are often not talking about the same thing.

To white folks, racism is seen mostly as individual as with saying n insult.

For blacks, it is that too, but racism is a system. It is the experience of systematized discrimination in housing, employment, schools or the justice system.

It is the knowledge that one’s entire group is under suspicion, at risk of being treated negatively because of stereotypes held by persons with the power to act on the basis beliefs.

So yes, if u see racism as a personal thing, then yes blk ppl can b racist. But lets face it a blk person a white person "honky" or "cracka" is easy for you to brush off bcoz you know blk ppl dont have a system to bk those words up.

But if you see racist as a system then blk ppl can't b racist.
You may or may not know racism extends to ethnicity and gender and language as well as color. My father could not get a professor ship at a college(systems) because he had a Slavic last name. My mother could not train as a pilot because she was a woman-each denied a career they excelled at because of system racism. I was denied work due to no military background in one instance and because of affirmative action in another. How about being excluded at work and possible promotion because I did not speak Spanish? We all have run into unfair practices for some reason.
There you go again, ASSuming someone is racist because they are white.YOU tend to stereotype white people.
I never said he (Third Party) was racist. Matter of fact I very rarely call a white person racist because as true as it might be, I will never win that conversation.

Because it deals with motive and intentions, which are largely a matter of guesswork on my part, instead of words and actions, which are not.

Racists know this and derail conversations about their words and actions into those about their inner state, which they know you can never win.

So me calling Third Party racist lets him off easy.

Most whites claim they're not racist. Pretty much every black person has experienced racism. Now I don't think that the millions of blk ppl round the world are making this up.

But yet when you talk about racism to whites, you can never find one.

As I say - The denial of racism is essential to it's maintenance
Thank you for letting me off easy. Here's the deal-I can't even say whether you or I are racist. More importantly, I don't care, I just take things as they come. Times have changed as well as attitudes-and will continue to do so.
No. I admit that I am racist. I'm honest about that.

I dont hate white ppl, the same way I don't hate tigers. But I understand a Tigers nature. So I dont want blk ppl to hate white ppl. I just want blk ppl to stop loving them.
Even if someone deserves love? IM2 and others have said blacks cannot be racists. You proved him and others wrong.
If you’re looking to understand why discussions between blacks and whites about racism are often so difficult its bcoz whites and blacks are often not talking about the same thing.

To white folks, racism is seen mostly as individual as with saying n insult.

For blacks, it is that too, but racism is a system. It is the experience of systematized discrimination in housing, employment, schools or the justice system.

It is the knowledge that one’s entire group is under suspicion, at risk of being treated negatively because of stereotypes held by persons with the power to act on the basis beliefs.

So yes, if u see racism as a personal thing, then yes blk ppl can b racist. But lets face it a blk person a white person "honky" or "cracka" is easy for you to brush off bcoz you know blk ppl dont have a system to bk those words up.

But if you see racist as a system then blk ppl can't b racist.
considering that so many white people are not in a position of power and that so many white people do not treat blacks as unequals, calling whites racist is wrong. Which system exactly is responsible for this racism you speak of? Do you think all blacks should get a free ride because they are black? You speak as if no blacks should be turned down for anything, even though so many whites are also denied.
There you go again, ASSuming someone is racist because they are white.YOU tend to stereotype white people.
I never said he (Third Party) was racist. Matter of fact I very rarely call a white person racist because as true as it might be, I will never win that conversation.

Because it deals with motive and intentions, which are largely a matter of guesswork on my part, instead of words and actions, which are not.

Racists know this and derail conversations about their words and actions into those about their inner state, which they know you can never win.

So me calling Third Party racist lets him off easy.

Most whites claim they're not racist. Pretty much every black person has experienced racism. Now I don't think that the millions of blk ppl round the world are making this up.

But yet when you talk about racism to whites, you can never find one.

As I say - The denial of racism is essential to it's maintenance
Thank you for letting me off easy. Here's the deal-I can't even say whether you or I are racist. More importantly, I don't care, I just take things as they come. Times have changed as well as attitudes-and will continue to do so.
No. I admit that I am racist. I'm honest about that. That does not mean i want to do white ppl. What white ppl delight in doing to blk ppl. God just did not make us that way. He just didnt give us that heart.

I dont hate white ppl, the same way I don't hate tigers. But I understand a Tigers. Nor do I want blk ppl to hate hate ppl. I just want blk ppl to stop fking loving them.

What's your position on "Cooning"?
The last time I heard that, I told the group to stop talking that way around me. Crap like that is why IM2 hates whites-and I can't blame him.
A white Progressive accused Candace Owens of "cooning"

So far, not a peep from them
You may or may not know racism extends to ethnicity and gender and language as well as color.
I have no idea what this sentence means.

My father could not get a professor ship at a college(systems) because he had a Slavic last name.
That's what your father told you, and that's what your telling me what your father told you.

I was not at the interview. I don't know who he was up against. I don't know what was going in the minds of the people who were thinking of hiring your fathers.

But at the end of the day your father was still white.

Sure he was distant European immigrant (But aren't all white Americans ?) but getting white ppl to acknowledge the humanity of a group of white people (however much this group may differ from most of them religiously and culture wise) is a far cry from convincing them of the equal value of black immigrants, who don’t look like them, who might not speak the same language, and who are seen as taking white jobs and soaking up welfare dollars.

Your father still had a similar skin tone which allowed other whites of their common bond with him because I'm pretty sure your father didn't stay out of work too long. But racism is different because racism prioritizes certain outward characteristics as paramount to categorization so makes bonding more difficult.
My mother could not train as a pilot because she was a woman-each denied a career they excelled at because of system racism.
It doesn't matter whatever system you throw at me. They will have white supremacy running through it so thick you can cut it with a knife. You may say it's a capitalist system, all that means is the white capitalist is on top and black capitalist is on the bottom. You may say your mother was discriminated against because she was a woman but she was still white. T
he white feminists movements have had a history anti black hatred




Susan B Anthony and Magaret Sanger fought for women's rights but that had no effect on their racism towards black people.

It's also a derailing argument because you have a conscious desire to deflect focus back to yourself and your family because you can’t actually bear to understand someone else’s experience.
I was denied work due to no military background in one instance and because of affirmative action in another.
How about being excluded at work and possible promotion because I did not speak Spanish? .
I'm pretty sure you know that white person with a criminal record is more likely to get the job than a black person with out one

I'm pretty sure you know this.

But I've heard many white dudes (and women) complain about being the victims of reverse discrimination.

So I ask the person a few obvious questions :

What was the company or government agency, or contractor to which you had applied for a position or contract, which you believe discriminated against you?

When did you apply for this job or contract?

Who was hired or given the contract ahead of you, and what evidence do you have that they were less qualified, objectively than you for the position?

Three simple questions, and yet none of them (and certainly never the last one) is ever answered by those to whom I put the challenge.

They forget the details, usually retreating to the tried but true argument that they were “told” how much more qualified they were, but how, unfortunately, the employer was being “forced” to hire a minority.

Employers will often tell rejected white applicants such a thing, even though no federal or state law requires, encourages or even allows such a practice. Indeed, hiring someone solely because they are a person of color is illegal, and that is not how much maligned affirmative action programs operate, or have ever operated.

Real evidence of anti-white bias in the workplace is extraordinarily rare.

.We all have run into unfair practices for some reason
I’m guessing you are a person who doesn’t understand that “privilege” (in the sense of White privilege) can be understood as the absence of negative consequences (because you’re White) just as easily as people frame it as advantages you get (because you’re White).

1. Police harrassment/brutality
2. Assumptions of incompetence, regardless of how shiny your resume and thus not getting the job
3. Assumptions that you are prone to rape (esp. Black males)
4. Assumptions that anything you say is racist is just your own “sensitivity”
5. Decreased chances of garnering employment, higher education, or the most current health treatment, from the get go
6. etc., etc., etc.

All of the above things can happen to you (or any person), but they won’t happen to you backed by the institutional power of Whiteness.

A black cop can pull you over and harrass you, but the law enforcement system (a White institution) is not designed to disproportionately assume your guilt because you are White.

It’s almost too obvious (and redundant) to type out that any [insert negative action] can happen to anybody. The difference between it happening to someone who has White privilege and someone who doesn’t is that the issue of whether it happens solely because of skin color (on a systemic level) does not have to be taken into account by a White person.

Snap judgments made about whites (as a group) by blacks don’t have the same amount of the power as the reverse situation. Saying “We all have run into unfair practices for some reason” is one of those kumbayah platitudes because it assumes that there’s some kind of tug-of-war going on in which the opposing sides are tugging on ropes of equal quality.

The reality is that one side of the rope is strong, while the other is often threadbare.

You’re operating on a Racism 101 level here–step your game up.
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But the white feminists movements hates black people

Hi, Paul. In my opinion, many feminists of all flavors are HATERS, who sadly, are raising their children to embrace hate.

'Feminist Camille Paglia - Mentally Imbalanced, Neurotic, Hateful Women Poisoning American Culture'

My friend, what is your opinion of apparent emotionally troubled PRO BLACK minded American citizens embracing HATE & ANTI-AMERICAN values while attempting to PREVENT responsible black American citizens from pursuing, as well as enjoying their inalienable right to L, L, (Love) & Happiness?

PRO BLACK Mental Health, tiffany cross.png _BLANK DEMOCRAT Survival, Kanye West Candace Owens, Vicki Dillard, Mechee X.png

You may or may not know racism extends to ethnicity and gender and language as well as color.
I have no idea what this sentence means.

My father could not get a professor ship at a college(systems) because he had a Slavic last name.
That's what your father told you, and that's what your telling me what your father told you.

I was not at the interview. I don't know who he was up against. I don't know what was going in the minds of the people who were thinking of hiring your fathers.

But at the end of the day your father was still white.

Sure he was distant European immigrant (But aren't all white Americans ?) but getting white ppl to acknowledge the humanity of a group of white people (however much this group may differ from most of them religiously and culture wise) is a far cry from convincing them of the equal value of black immigrants, who don’t look like them, who might not speak the same language, and who are seen as taking white jobs and soaking up welfare dollars.

Your father still had a similar skin tone which allowed other whites of their common bond with him because I'm pretty sure your father didn't stay out of work too long. But racism is different because racism prioritizes certain outward characteristics as paramount to categorization so makes bonding more difficult.
My mother could not train as a pilot because she was a woman-each denied a career they excelled at because of system racism.
It doesn't matter whatever system you throw at me. They will have white supremacy running through it so thick you can cut it with a knife. You may say it's a capitalist system, all that means is the white capitalist is on top and black capitalist is on the bottom. You may say your mother was discriminated against because she was a woman but she was still white. T
he white feminists movements have had a history anti black hatred




Susan B Anthony and Magaret Sanger fought for women's rights but that had no effect on their racism towards black people.

It's also a derailing argument because you have a conscious desire to deflect focus back to yourself and your family because you can’t actually bear to understand someone else’s experience.
I was denied work due to no military background in one instance and because of affirmative action in another.
How about being excluded at work and possible promotion because I did not speak Spanish? .
I'm pretty sure you know that white person with a criminal record is more likely to get the job than a black person with out one

I'm pretty sure you know this.

But I've heard many white dudes (and women) complain about being the victims of reverse discrimination.

So I ask the person a few obvious questions :

What was the company or government agency, or contractor to which you had applied for a position or contract, which you believe discriminated against you?

When did you apply for this job or contract?

Who was hired or given the contract ahead of you, and what evidence do you have that they were less qualified, objectively than you for the position?

Three simple questions, and yet none of them (and certainly never the last one) is ever answered by those to whom I put the challenge.

They forget the details, usually retreating to the tried but true argument that they were “told” how much more qualified they were, but how, unfortunately, the employer was being “forced” to hire a minority.

Employers will often tell rejected white applicants such a thing, even though no federal or state law requires, encourages or even allows such a practice. Indeed, hiring someone solely because they are a person of color is illegal, and that is not how much maligned affirmative action programs operate, or have ever operated.

Real evidence of anti-white bias in the workplace is extraordinarily rare.

.We all have run into unfair practices for some reason
I’m guessing you are a person who doesn’t understand that “privilege” (in the sense of White privilege) can be understood as the absence of negative consequences (because you’re White) just as easily as people frame it as advantages you get (because you’re White).

1. Police harrassment/brutality
2. Assumptions of incompetence, regardless of how shiny your resume and thus not getting the job
3. Assumptions that you are prone to rape (esp. Black males)
4. Assumptions that anything you say is racist is just your own “sensitivity”
5. Decreased chances of garnering employment, higher education, or the most current health treatment, from the get go
6. etc., etc., etc.

All of the above things can happen to you (or any person), but they won’t happen to you backed by the institutional power of Whiteness.

A black cop can pull you over and harrass you, but the law enforcement system (a White institution) is not designed to disproportionately assume your guilt because you are White.

It’s almost too obvious (and redundant) to type out that any [insert negative action] can happen to anybody. The difference between it happening to someone who has White privilege and someone who doesn’t is that the issue of whether it happens solely because of skin color (on a systemic level) does not have to be taken into account by a White person.

Snap judgments made about whites (as a group) by blacks don’t have the same amount of the power as the reverse situation. Saying “We all have run into unfair practices for some reason” is one of those kumbayah platitudes because it assumes that there’s some kind of tug-of-war going on in which the opposing sides are tugging on ropes of equal quality.

The reality is that one side of the rope is strong, while the other is often threadbare.

You’re operating on a Racism 101 level here–step your game up.
You must feel better after all that poor me and my people diatribe. You don't like or want to hear my story-don't expect anyone to bother hearing yours. As long as you see things thru black colored glasses, you'll never see anything. Congratulations on making it to victim, I'm sure you will bury yourself in the part.
and that so many white people do not treat blacks as unequals, calling whites racist is wrong.
OK. So quick question - Why would you be so confident of white treatment of black ppl when you are not black yourself ?
Which system exactly is responsible for this racism you speak of?
The system of white supremacy.
Do you think all blacks should get a free ride because they are black?
Free ride ? Since when have black people ever had a free ride ?

Here’s the reality. Black people in America can expect to have a hard time finding a job, and be paid less for it when we do get it. We can expect to have a harder time getting a loan, and pay a higher price when we do. We can expect to have a harder time finding an apartment or a house, which may make it more likely that we end up in certain neighborhood which in turn can increase the risk of our children becoming involved with gangs, reduce our access to investment, reduce the quality of our children’s education.

We can expect to be viewed and treated as dangerous criminals when we enter a stores, hail a taxi, or even move into a neighborhood. We can expect to have a hard time getting accepted to college, struggle to make the same grades and receive the same treatment from professors and once we’re there, and have a harder time graduating. We can expect to be regularly pulled over or stopped while walking down the street, for no reason whatsoever and when we do, we can reasonably fear that an officer with an attitude problem or a quota to fill might arrest us on bogus charges or maybe even plant evidence on us.

We can expect police officers to operate under the assumption that we are guilty, and we can expect to be railroaded by the justice system, even to the point of being forced to take guilty pleas when we are innocent. If we were born in poverty, as a much larger percentage of them are than whites, we can reasonably expect to remain in poverty for our entire lives.

And that’s when we’re doing do everything right.

God forbid we should make a mistake ? If we do, we can expect to pay for it in ways that white people don’t.

We can expect to be arrested, charged, convicted, and imprisoned for offenses that a large percentage of whites consider part of “being a teenager” or a college student.They can expect stiffer charges, higher conviction rates, and longer sentences.
You speak as if no blacks should be turned down for anything, even though so many whites are also denied.

Try reading my words instead of trying to read my mind. I never said that.

White privilege at its most basic level is the privilege of having one less thing to worry about in one’s daily life.

Don’t get it twisted: everyone has challenges in life. But for white ppl, in spite of your personal problems in life (which of course black people have to), dealing with racism is not an issue.
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You must feel better after all that poor me and my people diatribe.
This is another tactic many whites use. They try to play your ego "Stop being baby" "Poor me" Playing to my ego won't work. I am a victim of white supremacy.

You seem to think I am in the business of telling sob stories to appeal to the pity of whites. As I have said many times ......most whites have hearts of stone when it comes to blacks.

You think I'm trying persuade you. I'm not. You understand ?

That's were your fking up.

To persuade people. You need three things:

  • Gain the reader’s trust.
  • Appeal to the head.
  • Appeal to the heart.
Hitler said you just need the last.

In any case, my style of writing in regard to whites lacks the first and the last. So I know it will not persuade most of them.

Persuading whites to give up the benefits of racism is way, way beyond my powers.

I write about white people and racism for my own understanding.

For some reason you expect me to write to white point of view with concern for their tender feelings.

As if there are not enough people doing that already.
You don't like or want to hear my story-don't expect anyone to bother hearing yours.
It's grotesque and monumentally repugnant of white ppl who want to own victim-hood whilst being FUCKING steeped in white privilege and patronizingly conflate their specific white ethnic problems within white dominance and project that onto black people and foist upon the very people (Black people) who have absolutely nothing to do with their (Irish) past oppression,

Get the fuck out my face.

And THEN you try to equate your history as similar to that of black history, thereby relinquishing any culpability emanating from THEIR OWN oppression/racism of black people all the while enjoying the ill-gotten fruits of white superiority.

Genius !! (lol)

Why don't you direct your complaints of ‘slavic oppression’ to you fellow white Anglo-Saxon brethren ? Why to Black people?

Black people have never enslaved or oppressed slavic people.

You have the fucking nerve to sit there trying to garner sympathy whilst exonerating yourself of racism, from the very people (Black people) whom whites oppress and continue to do so.

Everyone hears white people stories and if you don't ?


You have trump in office the most pro-white president ever.

  • Less than 22% of the world is white.
  • Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
  • Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.
Yet they run the BBC, CNN, the New York Times, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge, Twitter, Facebook, Insta. Whites write most of the Hollywood films and Wikipedia articles. They even own BET.

White dudes own and run nearly all the main bits of the global Talking Machine.

Trust me - I know white people's POV and stories we hear it everyday.
You may or may not know racism extends to ethnicity and gender and language as well as color.
I have no idea what this sentence means.

My father could not get a professor ship at a college(systems) because he had a Slavic last name.
That's what your father told you, and that's what your telling me what your father told you.

I was not at the interview. I don't know who he was up against. I don't know what was going in the minds of the people who were thinking of hiring your fathers.

But at the end of the day your father was still white.

Sure he was distant European immigrant (But aren't all white Americans ?) but getting white ppl to acknowledge the humanity of a group of white people (however much this group may differ from most of them religiously and culture wise) is a far cry from convincing them of the equal value of black immigrants, who don’t look like them, who might not speak the same language, and who are seen as taking white jobs and soaking up welfare dollars.

Your father still had a similar skin tone which allowed other whites of their common bond with him because I'm pretty sure your father didn't stay out of work too long. But racism is different because racism prioritizes certain outward characteristics as paramount to categorization so makes bonding more difficult.
My mother could not train as a pilot because she was a woman-each denied a career they excelled at because of system racism.
It doesn't matter whatever system you throw at me. They will have white supremacy running through it so thick you can cut it with a knife. You may say it's a capitalist system, all that means is the white capitalist is on top and black capitalist is on the bottom. You may say your mother was discriminated against because she was a woman but she was still white. T
he white feminists movements have had a history anti black hatred




Susan B Anthony and Magaret Sanger fought for women's rights but that had no effect on their racism towards black people.

It's also a derailing argument because you have a conscious desire to deflect focus back to yourself and your family because you can’t actually bear to understand someone else’s experience.
I was denied work due to no military background in one instance and because of affirmative action in another.
How about being excluded at work and possible promotion because I did not speak Spanish? .
I'm pretty sure you know that white person with a criminal record is more likely to get the job than a black person with out one

I'm pretty sure you know this.

But I've heard many white dudes (and women) complain about being the victims of reverse discrimination.

So I ask the person a few obvious questions :

What was the company or government agency, or contractor to which you had applied for a position or contract, which you believe discriminated against you?

When did you apply for this job or contract?

Who was hired or given the contract ahead of you, and what evidence do you have that they were less qualified, objectively than you for the position?

Three simple questions, and yet none of them (and certainly never the last one) is ever answered by those to whom I put the challenge.

They forget the details, usually retreating to the tried but true argument that they were “told” how much more qualified they were, but how, unfortunately, the employer was being “forced” to hire a minority.

Employers will often tell rejected white applicants such a thing, even though no federal or state law requires, encourages or even allows such a practice. Indeed, hiring someone solely because they are a person of color is illegal, and that is not how much maligned affirmative action programs operate, or have ever operated.

Real evidence of anti-white bias in the workplace is extraordinarily rare.

.We all have run into unfair practices for some reason
I’m guessing you are a person who doesn’t understand that “privilege” (in the sense of White privilege) can be understood as the absence of negative consequences (because you’re White) just as easily as people frame it as advantages you get (because you’re White).

1. Police harrassment/brutality
2. Assumptions of incompetence, regardless of how shiny your resume and thus not getting the job
3. Assumptions that you are prone to rape (esp. Black males)
4. Assumptions that anything you say is racist is just your own “sensitivity”
5. Decreased chances of garnering employment, higher education, or the most current health treatment, from the get go
6. etc., etc., etc.

All of the above things can happen to you (or any person), but they won’t happen to you backed by the institutional power of Whiteness.

A black cop can pull you over and harrass you, but the law enforcement system (a White institution) is not designed to disproportionately assume your guilt because you are White.

It’s almost too obvious (and redundant) to type out that any [insert negative action] can happen to anybody. The difference between it happening to someone who has White privilege and someone who doesn’t is that the issue of whether it happens solely because of skin color (on a systemic level) does not have to be taken into account by a White person.

Snap judgments made about whites (as a group) by blacks don’t have the same amount of the power as the reverse situation. Saying “We all have run into unfair practices for some reason” is one of those kumbayah platitudes because it assumes that there’s some kind of tug-of-war going on in which the opposing sides are tugging on ropes of equal quality.

The reality is that one side of the rope is strong, while the other is often threadbare.

You’re operating on a Racism 101 level here–step your game up.
Yet blacks overwhelmingly voted for Hillary

and that so many white people do not treat blacks as unequals, calling whites racist is wrong.
OK. So quick question - Why would you be so confident of white treatment of black ppl when you are not black yourself ?
Which system exactly is responsible for this racism you speak of?
The system of white supremacy.
Do you think all blacks should get a free ride because they are black?
Free ride ? Since when have black people ever had a free ride ?

Here’s the reality. Black people in America can expect to have a hard time finding a job, and be paid less for it when we do get it. We can expect to have a harder time getting a loan, and pay a higher price when we do. We can expect to have a harder time finding an apartment or a house, which may make it more likely that we end up in certain neighborhood which in turn can increase the risk of our children becoming involved with gangs, reduce our access to investment, reduce the quality of our children’s education.

We can expect to be viewed and treated as dangerous criminals when we enter a stores, hail a taxi, or even move into a neighborhood. We can expect to have a hard time getting accepted to college, struggle to make the same grades and receive the same treatment from professors and once we’re there, and have a harder time graduating. We can expect to be regularly pulled over or stopped while walking down the street, for no reason whatsoever and when we do, we can reasonably fear that an officer with an attitude problem or a quota to fill might arrest us on bogus charges or maybe even plant evidence on us.

We can expect police officers to operate under the assumption that we are guilty, and we can expect to be railroaded by the justice system, even to the point of being forced to take guilty pleas when we are innocent. If we were born in poverty, as a much larger percentage of them are than whites, we can reasonably expect to remain in poverty for our entire lives.

And that’s when we’re doing do everything right.

God forbid we should make a mistake ? If we do, we can expect to pay for it in ways that white people don’t.

We can expect to be arrested, charged, convicted, and imprisoned for offenses that a large percentage of whites consider part of “being a teenager” or a college student.They can expect stiffer charges, higher conviction rates, and longer sentences.
You speak as if no blacks should be turned down for anything, even though so many whites are also denied.

Try reading my words instead of trying to read my mind. I never said that.

White privilege at its most basic level is the privilege of having one less thing to worry about in one’s daily life.

Don’t get it twisted: everyone has challenges in life. But for white ppl, in spite of your personal problems in life (which of course black people have to), dealing with racism is not an issue.
I don’t deny racism exist. Not all woes that blacks call racism is true. I have seen this firsthand. Blacks were fired for lying on their job applications, getting speeding tickets in company vehicles, not showing up to work. They claimed it was because they were black. Whites were fired for the same thing, all of them. Nobody got a pass.
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