More than 1,000 weapons stashed at biker shooting scene

These bikers must have come from single-parent families, I suppose; we can blame their "absent fathers." LOL

Actually you are right...I know you libs want to make this a race issue but it isn't...these guys come from homes with criminals, or homes without fathers, and long histories of social pathologies......just like inner city gangs....
One of them was an ex Policeman ..its the white culture of lawless violence we are seeing
9 thugs dead, 170 in jail with one million dollar bonds. Likely gonna be in jail for a long time. Sounds like the fight was a success.
something has to be done about white culture that produces such violent delinquents.

Yes...two parent families need to be encouraged, staying in school needs to be encouraged, taxes need to be lowered to encourage job growth.....lots of things can be done....
9 thugs dead, 170 in jail with one million dollar bonds. Likely gonna be in jail for a long time. Sounds like the fight was a success.
something has to be done about white culture that produces such violent delinquents.
Agree, but black culture produces more violence. We got 9 off the street for good the other day.
The white culture produced the Iraq slaughter that you support

9 thugs dead, 170 in jail with one million dollar bonds. Likely gonna be in jail for a long time. Sounds like the fight was a success.
something has to be done about white culture that produces such violent delinquents.

Yes...two parent families need to be encouraged, staying in school needs to be encouraged, taxes need to be lowered to encourage job growth.....lots of things can be done....
A man and woman families. Sucks you have to identify it now.
9 thugs dead, 170 in jail with one million dollar bonds. Likely gonna be in jail for a long time. Sounds like the fight was a success.
something has to be done about white culture that produces such violent delinquents.
Agree, but black culture produces more violence. We got 9 off the street for good the other day.
The white culture produced the Iraq slaughter that you support

Until the white community has chicago style killings every weekend. You may have a clue.
You use the term "weapons." How many were actual firearms, and how many were things like chains, shiv's, bats, crowbars, etc?

All 9 dead bikers were shot. How many do I need to make the point?

Mostly by police firearms, from what we are hearing, Disarm the police?

Since the autopsy reports haven't been released, you are obviously making that up. Since this is make up shit Thursday, I'll excuse you this once.

This was from two days ago, maybe mostly is a stretch, but for the ones shot, lets see how many were shot by other or shot by cops.

Waco police Some bikers may have been shot by officers

I don't think I was suggesting that no police officers fired any shots. It is clear to me who were the aggressors and in particular, who obviously had the most firepower. One of those guns was an AK-47.
There is your right to bear arms at work:

More than 1 000 weapons stashed at biker shooting scene National News - WLKY Home

WACO, Texas (CNN) —A gun stuffed inside a bag of tortilla chips. Weapons wedged between bags of flour. A handgun left in a toilet.

Days after a massive shootout left nine bikers dead, police are finding more evidence and clues about what happened at a Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco, Texas.

Among them: More than 1,000 weapons left behind. And some bikers may have stashed away even more, police said.

"These were vicious criminals that knew that they were in trouble, and they were trying to dispose of evidence," Waco Police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton said.

With 170 suspects in custody, authorities have a complex investigation on their hands. All of the suspects face charges of engaging in organized crime, and each one has bail set at $1 million.

So far, only one person has made bail. Jeff Battey, 40, bonded out of the McLennan County jail on Wednesday, a law enforcement source with knowledge of the investigation said.

More at the link.

Actually, this is your stupid gun laws at work......background checks did not stop them did they....these guys are all felons and couldn't pass a background check....

All the more reason to tighten them up significantly.
9 thugs dead, 170 in jail with one million dollar bonds. Likely gonna be in jail for a long time. Sounds like the fight was a success.
something has to be done about white culture that produces such violent delinquents.
Agree, but black culture produces more violence. We got 9 off the street for good the other day.
The white culture produced the Iraq slaughter that you support

Bush liberated a country, Obama cut and ran in Iraq. So it's the black man in the Whitehouse violence. Just like he flamed the fires in Baltimore and Ferguson. Dang more black violence.
You saw the white conservatives glorifying scoff law moron Cliven Bundy and his methamphetamine addicted son...all of them armed to the teeth and confronting law enforcement but because they are white they got away with it...let a Black band of armed men hole up in a ranch defying court orders and they would have napalm dropped on them...
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Bush liberated a country, Obama cut and ran in Iraq. So it's the black man in the Whitehouse violence. Just like he flamed the fires in Baltimore and Ferguson. Dang more black violence.
Bush destroyed a country with lies ...he liberated nothing..Bush is a scumbag and a criminal
9 thugs dead, 170 in jail with one million dollar bonds. Likely gonna be in jail for a long time. Sounds like the fight was a success.
something has to be done about white culture that produces such violent delinquents.
Agree, but black culture produces more violence. We got 9 off the street for good the other day.
The white culture produced the Iraq slaughter that you support
Bush liberated a country, Obama cut and ran in Iraq. So it's the black man in the Whitehouse violence. Just like he flamed the fires in Baltimore and Ferguson. Dang more black violence.

I'm surprised it took as many as 34 posts for someone to blame Obama. That has to be a record.
Bill O Reilly had the former leader of one of the gangs on there and did Bill scream? Yell? Call him a criminal?

No, the guy actually said shit like "60% of us are just normal joes with jobs", "not all members are bad" and Bill sat there listening to the former leader of one of the notorious biker gangs like he was the head of the friggin U.N.

You know what Bill said....meekly "but that means 40% are criminals and thats, yanno...a lot"

9 thugs dead, 170 in jail with one million dollar bonds. Likely gonna be in jail for a long time. Sounds like the fight was a success.
something has to be done about white culture that produces such violent delinquents.
Agree, but black culture produces more violence. We got 9 off the street for good the other day.
The white culture produced the Iraq slaughter that you support
Bush liberated a country, Obama cut and ran in Iraq. So it's the black man in the Whitehouse violence. Just like he flamed the fires in Baltimore and Ferguson. Dang more black violence.

I'm surprised it took as many as 34 posts for someone to blame Obama. That has to be a record.
For the violence in Iraq today? Yes, he is responsible. Violence in Waco, no I don't blame him. Learn to comprehend what you read. It won't make you look like an idiot in the future.

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