More than 1 in 4 Americans are immigrants or children of immigrants!

Except for Native Americans - all are immigrants!

Fool. They came from Asia.

You can't comprehend the thousands and thousands it took?

It took for what? The time line of years for the original immigrants that came from Central Asia? Or from Siberian Highlands?

The time line was to short

View attachment 109888

They were hunters and gathers.. Yet they said to themselves.. Let's stop here instead of Chicago and build this

View attachment 109889

The damn time line is to short..

First they have to drag along women from thousand miles away. And go thousands of miles to stop and say I am bored?

To do this
You don't really think some people just set off from Southern Siberia and kept walking until - "Hey look, North America!" do you?

That's what the dang history books want us to believe..

No they don't.

So where's eve in America?

Where's her bones? the answer to all of American indians?

Are you kidding?

You're trying to [sic] hard..

Is that a yes or a no?
Fool. They came from Asia.

You can't comprehend the thousands and thousands it took?

It took for what? The time line of years for the original immigrants that came from Central Asia? Or from Siberian Highlands?

The time line was to short

View attachment 109888

They were hunters and gathers.. Yet they said to themselves.. Let's stop here instead of Chicago and build this

View attachment 109889

The damn time line is to short..

First they have to drag along women from thousand miles away. ....

Holy crap.....

You can't comprehend the thousands and thousands it took?

It took for what? The time line of years for the original immigrants that came from Central Asia? Or from Siberian Highlands?

The time line was to short

View attachment 109888

They were hunters and gathers.. Yet they said to themselves.. Let's stop here instead of Chicago and build this

View attachment 109889

The damn time line is to short..

First they have to drag along women from thousand miles away. ....

Holy crap.....


It's not my problem you are to not question it.. The time line is to short..
So where's eve in America?

Where's her bones? the answer to all of American indians?

Are you kidding?

You're trying to [sic] hard..

Is that a yes or a no?

You're going to think about this one for years.....

You're going to sober up in hours...

No I put this in your mind.. It will keep you up for years.

Again who was eve to the American Indian?

Find the answer and report back.

So now all you right-wing loons have decided everybody is an immigrant why do you give a shit about immigrants - or more importantly what gives you the right to stop others arriving?
Unless you are native American you are decedents of immigrants
Dufus thinks American Indians evolved from plankton in America.

^ Dumbass thinks native Americans emigrated to America after the nation was founded.
Cherokee's immigrated into the Cherokee nation afterwards? Damn them.

There must be a nation to immigrate to as immigration is a legal construct. Immigration in no way applies to NATIVE or INDIGENOUS peoples.


  1. originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.
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Unless you are native American you are decedents of immigrants

This is a continuously reoccurring fallacy, repeated by ignorant politically correct liberal mouth pieces.

The so-called native Americans are descendants of immigrants as well, since humanity - according to latest science - originated in Africa, so even they had to immigrate here sometime.

Immigration is a legal construct and requires the establishment of a nation. Indigenous peoples by definition predate the state, dope.
There are no "Native Americans". All humans on this continent came from other continents.

After the first 15,000 years or so you can claim "native" status.

Not based on the definition of native.

Pull the stick out, champ.

Native has to do with the location or circumstances of a person's birth. Nothing in that definition has anything to do with how long someone's been there. I'm native to the U.S. because I was born here.

Seems you're the one with the stick up your ass. I'm going by the definition and you're making up things that simply aren't true.

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