More than 20 dead after shooting at Sutherland Springs church

Coming soon---to a neighborhood near you:

Here's REALITY: no law will prevent an evil person from harming others.

Bringing up Gun Laws is a pile of b'loney.

And yet these things don't happen regularly where there is good gun control. Go figure.

You are myopic and ignorant, hardly a surprise there.

You want to look at a real body counts? Try grokking Stalin or Mao's? Totalitarian governments, which favor the gun control you crave, are the deadliest murders in history.


Yes people are getting slaughtered in Denmark and the UK as we speak.

I you were smart, you would move there since you find the risk to live here in America to high


i'll keep trying to save lives here.

Appreciate that. Hope you are working as hard to stop abortions

There are only three versions who was the shooter:

1. A Muslim
2. A Libtard
3. A False Flag Action of the Deep State

Soon we will know it exactly but obviously the shooter hated white Christian church going Bible - Believers
Will witnesses here quickly die like in LA Mass Murder? Gonna libtards to abolish the Second Amendment?
Sutherland Springs Shooter confirmed dead, 27 dead, at least 30 innocent people hurt. Not information yet on the shooter. And NPR is fixated on gay suffrage, ironically given Harvey Milk was SHOT, but they chose to ignore breaking topics. Which is why I first responded.
WTF indeed, I was listening to NPR for over an hour after this outrage occurred. Not a peep out of them. Only reason I knew ABOUT any of this was because of breaking news posters on the USMB. KUDOS.

NPR not mentioning the shooting is a tell that the victims are white.
Nobody has of yet confirmed any details about the shooter, either. Motives, race or politics, Yet to be determined.
Not at all. This type of thing is acceptable risk to live in America


Yes you want the crazies as well armed as possible, I get it. Thanks for all the dead.

99% of American gun owners are law abiding and never commit a crime with their weapons


That didn't help today. Or in Vegas. Or Orlando....
But it helped in the 12 cases I posted a link to above which you found funny


Those have been proven to be mostly bull. And nobody gets shot when there is no gun.

Yep, and nobody dies when there is no cancer, heart attacks, lightning etc, etc

And yet these things don't happen regularly where there is good gun control. Go figure.

You are myopic and ignorant, hardly a surprise there.

You want to look at a real body counts? Try grokking Stalin or Mao's? Totalitarian governments, which favor the gun control you crave, are the deadliest murders in history.


Yes people are getting slaughtered in Denmark and the UK as we speak.

I you were smart, you would move there since you find the risk to live here in America to high


i'll keep trying to save lives here.

Appreciate that. Hope you are working as hard to stop abortions


I'll keep trying.
Yes you want the crazies as well armed as possible, I get it. Thanks for all the dead.

99% of American gun owners are law abiding and never commit a crime with their weapons


That didn't help today. Or in Vegas. Or Orlando....
But it helped in the 12 cases I posted a link to above which you found funny


Those have been proven to be mostly bull. And nobody gets shot when there is no gun.

Yep, and nobody dies when there is no cancer, heart attacks, lightning etc, etc


There is a cure for guns.
There are only three versions who was the shooter:

1. A Muslim
2. A Libtard
3. A False Flag Action of the Deep State

Soon we will know it exactly but obviously the shooter hated white Christian church going Bible - Believers
Will witnesses here quickly die like in LA Mass Murder? Gonna libtards to abolish the Second Amendment?

99% of American gun owners are law abiding and never commit a crime with their weapons


That didn't help today. Or in Vegas. Or Orlando....
But it helped in the 12 cases I posted a link to above which you found funny


Those have been proven to be mostly bull. And nobody gets shot when there is no gun.

Yep, and nobody dies when there is no cancer, heart attacks, lightning etc, etc


There is a cure for guns.
Not here in America. You have to move as I mentioned if you want that to happen

That didn't help today. Or in Vegas. Or Orlando....
But it helped in the 12 cases I posted a link to above which you found funny


Those have been proven to be mostly bull. And nobody gets shot when there is no gun.

Yep, and nobody dies when there is no cancer, heart attacks, lightning etc, etc


There is a cure for guns.
Not here in America. You have to move as I mentioned if you want that to happen


We moved in the right direction when Clinton was president, it can happen again.
Perhaps the most telling that every time this happens..everybody jerks their knee..goes straight to their pre-prepared positions..and comes out firing.

This sort of thing is happening so often now..that most don't give it a gram of original thought..they just trot out the talking points. The racists bait..the gun advocates come out firing....the anti-gun folk wring their's this absurd kabuki theater that means nothing..because nothing is going to change. And we all know it.


Yep! It's American ShowTime every day it seems.

Those have been proven to be mostly bull. And nobody gets shot when there is no gun.
Would you like to repeat that utterly stupid statement back to yourself?

"...nobody gets shot when there is no gun.."

Holy crap! At a complete and total loss for words here. Nobody would have been shot had the killer decided against walking into a church to kill the entire congregation. You can kill with many other things besides a gun.

Like I just got through saying, "The gun doesn't shoot itself, nor does the sword unsheathe itself from the scabbard"

You don't need a gun to kill people. Cain killed Abel with a rock (yeah, I stole that one).
Here's REALITY: no law will prevent an evil person from harming others.

Bringing up Gun Laws is a pile of b'loney.

And yet these things don't happen regularly where there is good gun control. Go figure.

You are myopic and ignorant, hardly a surprise there.

You want to look at a real body counts? Try grokking Stalin or Mao's? Totalitarian governments, which favor the gun control you crave, are the deadliest murders in history.


Yes people are getting slaughtered in Denmark and the UK as we speak.

I you were smart, you would move there since you find the risk to live here in America to high


i'll keep trying to save lives here.
By doing what exactly? Blaming every mass shooting on the gun and not the gunman?
There are only three versions who was the shooter:

1. A Muslim
2. A Libtard
3. A False Flag Action of the Deep State

Soon we will know it exactly but obviously the shooter hated white Christian church going Bible - Believers
Will witnesses here quickly die like in LA Mass Murder? Gonna libtards to abolish the Second Amendment?

I agree. ^^^ :thup:

Like I said in post #87

"..........If authorities are holding information was either Antifa, an Islamic attack, somebody on the Left, that sort of thing."
More than 20 dead after shooting at Sutherland Springs church

"More than 20 people are dead after a man walked into First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs in Wilson County Sunday morning and opened fire.

"I would say it's up there around 20-plus, I'm not sure," Wilson County Commissioner Paul Pheil said of the number of deceased.

Twenty more were wounded, Pheil told

Wilson County Sheriff Joe Tackitt told The Wilson County News that the shooter has been killed.

Another local official who wished to remain anonymous said there are at least 25 dead and 15 wounded. Eight of the wounded were transported to Brooke Army Medical Center and and seven others to area hospitals.

Wilson County Commissioner Larry Wiley told the shooter was a man. Wiley did not know if he was a member of the church. He also said that 24-27 people are dead.

"I am hearing 24-27 are, in fact, dead and I have not heard from anyone the exact number of injured," he said.

At least 10 victims were transported to Connally Memorial Medical Center in Floresville, said spokeswoman Megan Posey. She could not speak to their age or gender, but said there are multiple victims with gunshot wounds, and some have had to be taken by helicopter to a different treatment center."

I'm thinking when you undermine religious faith, patriotism, morality and replace those with gray areas of no right or wrong you end up here.
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And yet these things don't happen regularly where there is good gun control. Go figure.

You are myopic and ignorant, hardly a surprise there.

You want to look at a real body counts? Try grokking Stalin or Mao's? Totalitarian governments, which favor the gun control you crave, are the deadliest murders in history.


Yes people are getting slaughtered in Denmark and the UK as we speak.

I you were smart, you would move there since you find the risk to live here in America to high


i'll keep trying to save lives here.
By doing what exactly? Blaming every mass shooting on the gun and not the gunman?

Mass shootings are not a huge problem with gun control.
Those have been proven to be mostly bull. And nobody gets shot when there is no gun.
Would you like to repeat that utterly stupid statement back to yourself?

"...nobody gets shot when there is no gun.."

Holy crap! At a complete and total loss for words here. Nobody would have been shot had the killer decided against walking into a church to kill the entire congregation. You can kill with many other things besides a gun.

Like I just got through saying, "The gun doesn't shoot itself, nor does the sword unsheathe itself from the scabbard"

You don't need a gun to kill people. Cain killed Abel with a rock (yeah, I stole that one).

When was the last mass rock killing?

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