More than 20 dead after shooting at Sutherland Springs church

Ah, here you all are. The original thread was moved to and buried in the rubber room. LOL
It's Texas, they have some of the loosest gun laws in the country, and I think it is up to the churches on whether they allow their people to carry in church. I just saw on the news the pastor wasn't there today, but his daughter was.
----------------------------- CONCEALED CARRY , if done properly no one knows Who is carrying a gun Lew .

What does that have to do with my post PISSMOE? Texas has the loosest gun laws yet this guy was able to kill 25 people and injure 10+ more and only got killed by the police later.

So many people said that if Las Vegas had looser gun laws the Vegas shooter wouldn't had been able to kill so many, today proved that argument is wrong.

Here's what's wrong with your post: It implies a causality that is FAKE and manipulative.

We know NOTHING about the shooter - but you immediately jump on the anti-gun bandwagon.

You're a hack, BIGLY SAD!

I never said any casualty is fake. I'm not totally anti-gun, but I do think the argument that we should have looser gun laws is wrong, and today proved those looser gun laws aren't the answer.

Here's REALITY: no law will prevent an evil person from harming others.

Bringing up Gun Laws is a pile of b'loney.

Yeah I'm sure it would have been much easier for the guy to run his truck through the church and kill all the innocent people... or I'm sure he could have killed 25 people and wounded 10+ more with a knife without getting stopped.
Perhaps the most telling that every time this happens..everybody jerks their knee..goes straight to their pre-prepared positions..and comes out firing.

This sort of thing is happening so often now..that most don't give it a gram of original thought..they just trot out the talking points. The racists bait..the gun advocates come out firing....the anti-gun folk wring their's this absurd kabuki theater that means nothing..because nothing is going to change. And we all know it.

What does that have to do with my post PISSMOE? Texas has the loosest gun laws yet this guy was able to kill 25 people and injure 10+ more and only got killed by the police later.

So many people said that if Las Vegas had looser gun laws the Vegas shooter wouldn't had been able to kill so many, today proved that argument is wrong.

Sounds like there were no armed citizens in the church. Unlike the church I occasionally go too


Glad to see at least one gun nutjob on this forum let's the point go over their head.

Many gun nutjobs argues the simple idea that a person has no idea who is carrying is a deterrent for mass shootings to occur. That was proven wrong today.

How so? You have info that some of the worshipers were armed?

Do tell


It is Texas. The shooter no doubt assumed several would be armed and yet he did it just the same.

He had a death wish


As do they all, hence why it does nothing to stop them.
'Never let a tragedy go to waste.'
- Rhambo Emanuel

Congrats to liberals so far for showing restraint ... so far...

The church I go to at times had many armed worshipers. Just for this reason when there are continued attacks on Christianity

Go away, nasty hater.

It is a fact.

It's Texas, they have some of the loosest gun laws in the country, and I think it is up to the churches on whether they allow their people to carry in church. I just saw on the news the pastor wasn't there today, but his daughter was.
----------------------------- CONCEALED CARRY , if done properly no one knows Who is carrying a gun Lew .

What does that have to do with my post PISSMOE? Texas has the loosest gun laws yet this guy was able to kill 25 people and injure 10+ more and only got killed by the police later.

So many people said that if Las Vegas had looser gun laws the Vegas shooter wouldn't had been able to kill so many, today proved that argument is wrong.
Yes and Illinois has the toughest and that many die in Chicago every week. Stop acting stupidly.

Over 3,500 shootings in Chicago last year.
If this doesn't take hate of you....I guess it does not or the killer would not killed.
What does that have to do with my post PISSMOE? Texas has the loosest gun laws yet this guy was able to kill 25 people and injure 10+ more and only got killed by the police later.

So many people said that if Las Vegas had looser gun laws the Vegas shooter wouldn't had been able to kill so many, today proved that argument is wrong.

Sounds like there were no armed citizens in the church. Unlike the church I occasionally go too


Glad to see at least one gun nutjob on this forum let's the point go over their head.

Many gun nutjobs argues the simple idea that a person has no idea who is carrying is a deterrent for mass shootings to occur. That was proven wrong today.
Clackamas Town Center shooting - Wikipedia
Interesting, great reason to limit magazine capacity:
Having attempted to reload his weapon and dropping three magazines,

Not at all. This type of thing is acceptable risk to live in America


Yes you want the crazies as well armed as possible, I get it. Thanks for all the dead.
It is a fact.

It's Texas, they have some of the loosest gun laws in the country, and I think it is up to the churches on whether they allow their people to carry in church. I just saw on the news the pastor wasn't there today, but his daughter was.
----------------------------- CONCEALED CARRY , if done properly no one knows Who is carrying a gun Lew .

What does that have to do with my post PISSMOE? Texas has the loosest gun laws yet this guy was able to kill 25 people and injure 10+ more and only got killed by the police later.

So many people said that if Las Vegas had looser gun laws the Vegas shooter wouldn't had been able to kill so many, today proved that argument is wrong.
Yes and Illinois has the toughest and that many die in Chicago every week. Stop acting stupidly.

Over 3,500 shootings in Chicago last year.


25 killed in Texas today by one guy.
----------------------------- CONCEALED CARRY , if done properly no one knows Who is carrying a gun Lew .

What does that have to do with my post PISSMOE? Texas has the loosest gun laws yet this guy was able to kill 25 people and injure 10+ more and only got killed by the police later.

So many people said that if Las Vegas had looser gun laws the Vegas shooter wouldn't had been able to kill so many, today proved that argument is wrong.

Here's what's wrong with your post: It implies a causality that is FAKE and manipulative.

We know NOTHING about the shooter - but you immediately jump on the anti-gun bandwagon.

You're a hack, BIGLY SAD!

I never said any casualty is fake. I'm not totally anti-gun, but I do think the argument that we should have looser gun laws is wrong, and today proved those looser gun laws aren't the answer.

Here's REALITY: no law will prevent an evil person from harming others.

Bringing up Gun Laws is a pile of b'loney.

And yet these things don't happen regularly where there is good gun control. Go figure.

You are myopic and ignorant, hardly a surprise there.

You want to look at a real body counts? Try grokking Stalin or Mao's? Totalitarian governments, which favor the gun control you crave, are the deadliest murders in history.

----------------------------- CONCEALED CARRY , if done properly no one knows Who is carrying a gun Lew .

What does that have to do with my post PISSMOE? Texas has the loosest gun laws yet this guy was able to kill 25 people and injure 10+ more and only got killed by the police later.

So many people said that if Las Vegas had looser gun laws the Vegas shooter wouldn't had been able to kill so many, today proved that argument is wrong.

Sounds like there were no armed citizens in the church. Unlike the church I occasionally go too


Glad to see at least one gun nutjob on this forum let's the point go over their head.

Many gun nutjobs argues the simple idea that a person has no idea who is carrying is a deterrent for mass shootings to occur. That was proven wrong today.
Clackamas Town Center shooting - Wikipedia
Interesting, great reason to limit magazine capacity:
Having attempted to reload his weapon and dropping three magazines,
Anyone familiar with weapons can reload quick enough to get around the magazine limit but I do agree it does give enough of a pause to attack if he fumbles.
The Orange Idiot was quick with the 'Animal!' and 'Death Penalty!' tweets when that Muzzy mowed down 8 cyclists.
He obviously too busy playing golf?
Sounds like there were no armed citizens in the church. Unlike the church I occasionally go too


Glad to see at least one gun nutjob on this forum let's the point go over their head.

Many gun nutjobs argues the simple idea that a person has no idea who is carrying is a deterrent for mass shootings to occur. That was proven wrong today.

How so? You have info that some of the worshipers were armed?

Do tell


It is Texas. The shooter no doubt assumed several would be armed and yet he did it just the same.

He had a death wish


As do they all, hence why it does nothing to stop them.

That's the way it goes. Acceptable risk to live in this great country

----------------------------- CONCEALED CARRY , if done properly no one knows Who is carrying a gun Lew .

What does that have to do with my post PISSMOE? Texas has the loosest gun laws yet this guy was able to kill 25 people and injure 10+ more and only got killed by the police later.

So many people said that if Las Vegas had looser gun laws the Vegas shooter wouldn't had been able to kill so many, today proved that argument is wrong.

Here's what's wrong with your post: It implies a causality that is FAKE and manipulative.

We know NOTHING about the shooter - but you immediately jump on the anti-gun bandwagon.

You're a hack, BIGLY SAD!

I never said any casualty is fake. I'm not totally anti-gun, but I do think the argument that we should have looser gun laws is wrong, and today proved those looser gun laws aren't the answer.

Here's REALITY: no law will prevent an evil person from harming others.

Bringing up Gun Laws is a pile of b'loney.

Yeah I'm sure it would have been much easier for the guy to run his truck through the church and kill all the innocent people... or I'm sure he could have killed 25 people and wounded 10+ more with a knife without getting stopped.

Bombs and fire are pretty deadly, bub.
What does that have to do with my post PISSMOE? Texas has the loosest gun laws yet this guy was able to kill 25 people and injure 10+ more and only got killed by the police later.

So many people said that if Las Vegas had looser gun laws the Vegas shooter wouldn't had been able to kill so many, today proved that argument is wrong.

Here's what's wrong with your post: It implies a causality that is FAKE and manipulative.

We know NOTHING about the shooter - but you immediately jump on the anti-gun bandwagon.

You're a hack, BIGLY SAD!

I never said any casualty is fake. I'm not totally anti-gun, but I do think the argument that we should have looser gun laws is wrong, and today proved those looser gun laws aren't the answer.

Here's REALITY: no law will prevent an evil person from harming others.

Bringing up Gun Laws is a pile of b'loney.

And yet these things don't happen regularly where there is good gun control. Go figure.

You are myopic and ignorant, hardly a surprise there.

You want to look at a real body counts? Try grokking Stalin or Mao's? Totalitarian governments, which favor the gun control you crave, are the deadliest murders in history.


Yes people are getting slaughtered in Denmark and the UK as we speak.
Where was the outrage when DEMOCRATS did not wait 24hrs after the Vegas terrorist attack to callously push gun control?
None of them have done that in this thread, sh*thead.

Can't you give it a rest for at least a moment?

Start a new thread on Democrat responses pushing gun control if you insist.

I agree. It would be crazy to think any gungrabbing leftardz would let an opportunity to use ANY shooting for political gain go to waste.

Sorry. But consider what the reasoning is for this expectation.

Has the left even once failed to use a mass shooting to push for more restrictions on law abiding citizens to make themselves feel like they are fighting crime?

I don't think so.
Sounds like there were no armed citizens in the church. Unlike the church I occasionally go too


Glad to see at least one gun nutjob on this forum let's the point go over their head.

Many gun nutjobs argues the simple idea that a person has no idea who is carrying is a deterrent for mass shootings to occur. That was proven wrong today.
Clackamas Town Center shooting - Wikipedia
Interesting, great reason to limit magazine capacity:
Having attempted to reload his weapon and dropping three magazines,

Not at all. This type of thing is acceptable risk to live in America


Yes you want the crazies as well armed as possible, I get it. Thanks for all the dead.

99% of American gun owners are law abiding and never commit a crime with their weapons

What does that have to do with my post PISSMOE? Texas has the loosest gun laws yet this guy was able to kill 25 people and injure 10+ more and only got killed by the police later.

So many people said that if Las Vegas had looser gun laws the Vegas shooter wouldn't had been able to kill so many, today proved that argument is wrong.

Sounds like there were no armed citizens in the church. Unlike the church I occasionally go too


Glad to see at least one gun nutjob on this forum let's the point go over their head.

Many gun nutjobs argues the simple idea that a person has no idea who is carrying is a deterrent for mass shootings to occur. That was proven wrong today.
Clackamas Town Center shooting - Wikipedia
Interesting, great reason to limit magazine capacity:
Having attempted to reload his weapon and dropping three magazines,

Not at all. This type of thing is acceptable risk to live in America

No actually its not.
'Never let a tragedy go to waste.'
- Rhambo Emanuel

Congrats to liberals so far for showing restraint ... so far...
Why don't you stop sticking your political finger in their face?

You are trying to get the reaction you claim to want to avoid.
It's Texas, they have some of the loosest gun laws in the country, and I think it is up to the churches on whether they allow their people to carry in church. I just saw on the news the pastor wasn't there today, but his daughter was.
----------------------------- CONCEALED CARRY , if done properly no one knows Who is carrying a gun Lew .

What does that have to do with my post PISSMOE? Texas has the loosest gun laws yet this guy was able to kill 25 people and injure 10+ more and only got killed by the police later.

So many people said that if Las Vegas had looser gun laws the Vegas shooter wouldn't had been able to kill so many, today proved that argument is wrong.
Yes and Illinois has the toughest and that many die in Chicago every week. Stop acting stupidly.

Over 3,500 shootings in Chicago last year.


25 killed in Texas today by one guy.

Thank you for proving my point. This was done by one evil guy, not gun laws.

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