More than 99.9% of peer reviewed studies show that humans are the primary cause of global warming

"Peer Review" with these Environmental Wackos means all the scammers are in agreement on how to scam the public.
"Peer Review" with these Environmental Wackos means all the scammers are in agreement on how to scam the public.
Climate scientists report that in order to be peer reviewed, only those who are lock step with the alarmists can get peer reviewed. There are many examples of scientists saying do not be alarmed, being rejected due to that claim.
This is similar to how Hitler worked. Damn the truth only let politics stumble over and massacre the truth.
Climate scientists report that in order to be peer reviewed, only those who are lock step with the alarmists can get peer reviewed. There are many examples of scientists saying do not be alarmed, being rejected due to that claim.
This is similar to how Hitler worked. Damn the truth only let politics stumble over and massacre the truth.
"Climate Scientists" nowadays have about the same level of credibility to the American people as Used Car Salesmen, maybe even worse.

They lost their credibility when the first Climategate emails were exposed where they admitted they were creating fraudulent data but were doing it for "the good of Mankind". They have never recovered their credibility because year after year we hear more revelations of their dishonesty.
Climate scientists report that in order to be peer reviewed, only those who are lock step with the alarmists can get peer reviewed. There are many examples of scientists saying do not be alarmed, being rejected due to that claim.
This is similar to how Hitler worked. Damn the truth only let politics stumble over and massacre the truth.
Hitler came to power by controlling peer review? When was that?
Climate scientists report that in order to be peer reviewed, only those who are lock step with the alarmists can get peer reviewed. There are many examples of scientists saying do not be alarmed, being rejected due to that claim.
This is similar to how Hitler worked. Damn the truth only let politics stumble over and massacre the truth.
and the left never ever criticize the biggest polluter on earth by far ...their good pals communist China ..

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