More Violence in Portland

No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is full of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

mistaken a man kicked in the head and put into a coma, with a man kicked in the head and killed,

is hardly 'full of shit".

indeed, that you are more upset by the fact that the man is alive, instead of the fact that the police have been ordered to stand down, so the mob can beat people to death,

says more about you, than it does about the op.

LOL..not upset at all..just revealing the usual lies that your ilk lives for. I'm glad he is alive and that the narrative being pushed by you idiots is false.

What this says about me is that I prefer fiction. Nothing more.


as a society, as we allow the mobs to run rampant in the streets, we are choosing to let people get hurt and sooner or later die.

Not sure where hyou live..but I see no mobs running rampant..except in a few cities..and yeah..I'd favor a crackdown...but this unrest is not going away...until it burns itself out.

I get the horror..but i think many on the right are faking it...for effect. If the rioters were all white...and gunning down black folks in the ghetto...the same people who are aghast now...would be telling me how the blacks had it coming..the filthy commie animals that they are, right?

1. if it were one city, it would be one city too many, imo.

2. actual black racist mobs nearly murdering white people in the streets and your concern is hypothetical white wacists? you fucking serious?

not my concern at all..your reading comprehension is slipping. My point, which you so adroitly that your hypocritical ilk would be OK..if the violence was directed at what they see as the correct targets.

the fact that you liberals are such soulless monsters that you support the use of mob violence against your political enemies,

in no way implies that we conservatives are the same.

my point stands. actual mob violence and actual support of it, is far more weighty than your fantasy that we conservatives are as evil as you liberals.
No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is fill of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

Care to tell us the real narrative?

Here's the full video, including the coma inducing roundhouse kick at time = 5:40-45

latest real news has no mention of a coma..and no murder of any sort...i do not for a moment condone this action..but lying and misrepresenting the facts is typical for the OP and his ilk---So tell the whole story..or STFU!

Watch the damned video and STFU

How can you watch that and not go I'd like to piss on those animals graves.........DNC pushing this shit.......people are getting hurt........police are getting killed...........The DNC are Traitors to this country now.

Fuck you and your video..i prefer to get my news from the reputable sources.....and linking this atrocity with the DNC is the act of an idiot.

BTW..where exactly is the Death in the title...and where is the assault on a woman? Appears to me that he was alone?

The assault on the woman occurs in the first 60 seconds, obvious you didn't watch the video.

I did watch it...that woman did not come out of the i discounted it..I note that it was another white woman who assaulted her....still someone needs to go to jail.

Hold my beer, let me give you the timestamp:

Time = start of video, 0:06 and time = 2:10

No more beer for you..she did not get out of the car..afaik. the door hits her on the ass and propels her into the crowd..she looks to be running and some bitch jumps her.

What does the car have to do with it?

Was a woman assaulted by BLM or not? to the political affiliation of the white woman who assaults her. many people come out during times of unrest..her motives are unknown. You assume BLM..because you WANT to assume BLM.
No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is full of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

mistaken a man kicked in the head and put into a coma, with a man kicked in the head and killed,

is hardly 'full of shit".

indeed, that you are more upset by the fact that the man is alive, instead of the fact that the police have been ordered to stand down, so the mob can beat people to death,

says more about you, than it does about the op.

LOL..not upset at all..just revealing the usual lies that your ilk lives for. I'm glad he is alive and that the narrative being pushed by you idiots is false.

What this says about me is that I prefer fiction. Nothing more.


as a society, as we allow the mobs to run rampant in the streets, we are choosing to let people get hurt and sooner or later die.

Not sure where hyou live..but I see no mobs running rampant..except in a few cities..and yeah..I'd favor a crackdown...but this unrest is not going away...until it burns itself out.

I get the horror..but i think many on the right are faking it...for effect. If the rioters were all white...and gunning down black folks in the ghetto...the same people who are aghast now...would be telling me how the blacks had it coming..the filthy commie animals that they are, right?

1. if it were one city, it would be one city too many, imo.

2. actual black racist mobs nearly murdering white people in the streets and your concern is hypothetical white wacists? you fucking serious?

not my concern at all..your reading comprehension is slipping. My point, which you so adroitly that your hypocritical ilk would be OK..if the violence was directed at what they see as the correct targets.

the fact that you liberals are such soulless monsters that you support the use of mob violence against your political enemies,

in no way implies that we conservatives are the same.

my point stands. actual mob violence and actual support of it, is far more weighty than your fantasy that we conservatives are as evil as you liberals. of your more stupid days I see. I've not defended violence..not once. I'm all about accuracy and factual reportage...and the lying OP...was offensive to me. that is not a defense of is a cry for accuracy--but that..does not fit YOUR agenda, now does it? Now that the mods have fixed it for you..and him...I've no real beef with the story.

I hope all concerned go to jail...and that the victims are OK..simple as that.
No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is full of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

mistaken a man kicked in the head and put into a coma, with a man kicked in the head and killed,

is hardly 'full of shit".

indeed, that you are more upset by the fact that the man is alive, instead of the fact that the police have been ordered to stand down, so the mob can beat people to death,

says more about you, than it does about the op.

LOL..not upset at all..just revealing the usual lies that your ilk lives for. I'm glad he is alive and that the narrative being pushed by you idiots is false.

What this says about me is that I prefer fiction. Nothing more.


as a society, as we allow the mobs to run rampant in the streets, we are choosing to let people get hurt and sooner or later die.

Not sure where hyou live..but I see no mobs running rampant..except in a few cities..and yeah..I'd favor a crackdown...but this unrest is not going away...until it burns itself out.

I get the horror..but i think many on the right are faking it...for effect. If the rioters were all white...and gunning down black folks in the ghetto...the same people who are aghast now...would be telling me how the blacks had it coming..the filthy commie animals that they are, right?

1. if it were one city, it would be one city too many, imo.

2. actual black racist mobs nearly murdering white people in the streets and your concern is hypothetical white wacists? you fucking serious?

not my concern at all..your reading comprehension is slipping. My point, which you so adroitly that your hypocritical ilk would be OK..if the violence was directed at what they see as the correct targets.

the fact that you liberals are such soulless monsters that you support the use of mob violence against your political enemies,

in no way implies that we conservatives are the same.

my point stands. actual mob violence and actual support of it, is far more weighty than your fantasy that we conservatives are as evil as you liberals.

Oh..and i don't think either Libs or Cons are evil..due to their political views..or their cultural imperatives. I think evil is an individual choice..not an ideological one--for the most part.
No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is fill of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

Care to tell us the real narrative?

Here's the full video, including the coma inducing roundhouse kick at time = 5:40-45

latest real news has no mention of a coma..and no murder of any sort...i do not for a moment condone this action..but lying and misrepresenting the facts is typical for the OP and his ilk---So tell the whole story..or STFU!

Watch the damned video and STFU

How can you watch that and not go I'd like to piss on those animals graves.........DNC pushing this shit.......people are getting hurt........police are getting killed...........The DNC are Traitors to this country now.

Fuck you and your video..i prefer to get my news from the reputable sources.....and linking this atrocity with the DNC is the act of an idiot.

BTW..where exactly is the Death in the title...and where is the assault on a woman? Appears to me that he was alone?

The assault on the woman occurs in the first 60 seconds, obvious you didn't watch the video.

I did watch it...that woman did not come out of the i discounted it..I note that it was another white woman who assaulted her....still someone needs to go to jail.

Hold my beer, let me give you the timestamp:

Time = start of video, 0:06 and time = 2:10

No more beer for you..she did not get out of the car..afaik. the door hits her on the ass and propels her into the crowd..she looks to be running and some bitch jumps her.

What does the car have to do with it?

Was a woman assaulted by BLM or not? to the political affiliation of the white woman who assaults her. many people come out during times of unrest..her motives are unknown. You assume BLM..because you WANT to assume BLM.

No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is full of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

mistaken a man kicked in the head and put into a coma, with a man kicked in the head and killed,

is hardly 'full of shit".

indeed, that you are more upset by the fact that the man is alive, instead of the fact that the police have been ordered to stand down, so the mob can beat people to death,

says more about you, than it does about the op.

LOL..not upset at all..just revealing the usual lies that your ilk lives for. I'm glad he is alive and that the narrative being pushed by you idiots is false.

What this says about me is that I prefer fiction. Nothing more.


as a society, as we allow the mobs to run rampant in the streets, we are choosing to let people get hurt and sooner or later die.

Not sure where hyou live..but I see no mobs running rampant..except in a few cities..and yeah..I'd favor a crackdown...but this unrest is not going away...until it burns itself out.

I get the horror..but i think many on the right are faking it...for effect. If the rioters were all white...and gunning down black folks in the ghetto...the same people who are aghast now...would be telling me how the blacks had it coming..the filthy commie animals that they are, right?

1. if it were one city, it would be one city too many, imo.

2. actual black racist mobs nearly murdering white people in the streets and your concern is hypothetical white wacists? you fucking serious?

not my concern at all..your reading comprehension is slipping. My point, which you so adroitly that your hypocritical ilk would be OK..if the violence was directed at what they see as the correct targets.

the fact that you liberals are such soulless monsters that you support the use of mob violence against your political enemies,

in no way implies that we conservatives are the same.

my point stands. actual mob violence and actual support of it, is far more weighty than your fantasy that we conservatives are as evil as you liberals. of your more stupid days I see. I've not defended violence..not once. I'm all about accuracy and factual reportage...and the lying OP...was offensive to me. that is not a defense of is a cry for accuracy--but that..does not fit YOUR agenda, now does it? Now that the mods have fixed it for you..and him...I've no real beef with the story.

I hope all concerned go to jail...and that the victims are OK..simple as that.

This attack happened on May 30 in Portland, Ore., at the intersection of SW 4th Street and SW Salmon Street, where journalists photographed protests against police brutality around 8 p.m.

Based on a review of images and videos tweeted and shared by journalists, it appears that the victim seen lying on the ground in these photos was involved in a skirmish immediately prior to what we see in this Facebook post. And videos also show that after these pictures were taken, he was able to stand and speak to others who came to his aid.

In a video posted by a journalist from the Oregonian newspaper, a large crowd is seen attacking a man with a flag. Twenty-eight seconds in, we see the man in the blue shirt and light blue jeans run into the melee and become involved in the conflict with his arms swinging. In a separate video of the same incident captured by another Oregonian journalist from a different angle, it looks like the man is punching and pushing someone before exiting the crowd again.

-----------------------------------and it wasn't antifa. If happened after 4 days of the cop who snuffed out George Floyd.
You can read about it here, he was picked up and even shows a picture of the man who kicked him in the head.

It might be a separate incident though, but I doubt it.
The leaders of these ppl will be speaking at the democratic national convention the Hate Convention!
We all know antifa are the Democrats.

If you are dumb enough to walk into a fire expect to get burned.

Typical troll. How refreshing. You support Burn Loot Murder violence.

Thanks for making that crystal clear.
The leaders of these ppl will be speaking at the democratic national convention the Hate Convention!
We all know antifa are the Democrats.

If you are dumb enough to walk into a fire expect to get burned.
In other words... " NEVER TRY AND HELP SOMEONE."

That's a real nice world you live in there, moony.

He's an asshole. What do you expect? He never decries the violence from the left. Ever.
The leaders of these ppl will be speaking at the democratic national convention the Hate Convention!
We all know antifa are the Democrats.
What time do they speak at the convention?
Their leaders? Not sure when bernie comes on but he won’t tell them to stop. Ayanna Pressley said we need more
No, you said these people will be speaking at the DNC convention, evidently you were not telling the truth.
Yes bernie is speaking
And I should be feeling what exactly at this moment since I don't care.

If you don't care then stop trolling.
They will have to be stopped.

He first put this up:

and we all know who Turning Point is and how they have a reputation.
No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is full of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

mistaken a man kicked in the head and put into a coma, with a man kicked in the head and killed,

is hardly 'full of shit".

indeed, that you are more upset by the fact that the man is alive, instead of the fact that the police have been ordered to stand down, so the mob can beat people to death,

says more about you, than it does about the op.

LOL..not upset at all..just revealing the usual lies that your ilk lives for. I'm glad he is alive and that the narrative being pushed by you idiots is false.

What this says about me is that I prefer fiction. Nothing more.


as a society, as we allow the mobs to run rampant in the streets, we are choosing to let people get hurt and sooner or later die.

Not sure where hyou live..but I see no mobs running rampant..except in a few cities..and yeah..I'd favor a crackdown...but this unrest is not going away...until it burns itself out.

I get the horror..but i think many on the right are faking it...for effect. If the rioters were all white...and gunning down black folks in the ghetto...the same people who are aghast now...would be telling me how the blacks had it coming..the filthy commie animals that they are, right?

1. if it were one city, it would be one city too many, imo.

2. actual black racist mobs nearly murdering white people in the streets and your concern is hypothetical white wacists? you fucking serious?

not my concern at all..your reading comprehension is slipping. My point, which you so adroitly that your hypocritical ilk would be OK..if the violence was directed at what they see as the correct targets.

the fact that you liberals are such soulless monsters that you support the use of mob violence against your political enemies,

in no way implies that we conservatives are the same.

my point stands. actual mob violence and actual support of it, is far more weighty than your fantasy that we conservatives are as evil as you liberals.

Oh..and i don't think either Libs or Cons are evil..due to their political views..or their cultural imperatives. I think evil is an individual choice..not an ideological one--for the most part.

Is that what you think? Democrats are the solders of Satan. Can you tell me one time where they stood up for the good and against evil? They stick up for evil in any controversial matter.

Police vs criminals. Democrats side with criminals.
US military vs overseas enemies. Democrats side with enemies.
Armed law abiding citizens vs armed criminals. Democrats side with armed criminals.
Allowing babies to be born, or killing them before. Democrats side with killing babies before birth.
Death penalty for violent murderers vs no death penalty. Democrats side with letting them live.

It's not political views, it is ideology.
No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is full of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

mistaken a man kicked in the head and put into a coma, with a man kicked in the head and killed,

is hardly 'full of shit".

indeed, that you are more upset by the fact that the man is alive, instead of the fact that the police have been ordered to stand down, so the mob can beat people to death,

says more about you, than it does about the op.

LOL..not upset at all..just revealing the usual lies that your ilk lives for. I'm glad he is alive and that the narrative being pushed by you idiots is false.

What this says about me is that I prefer fiction. Nothing more.


as a society, as we allow the mobs to run rampant in the streets, we are choosing to let people get hurt and sooner or later die.

Not sure where hyou live..but I see no mobs running rampant..except in a few cities..and yeah..I'd favor a crackdown...but this unrest is not going away...until it burns itself out.

I get the horror..but i think many on the right are faking it...for effect. If the rioters were all white...and gunning down black folks in the ghetto...the same people who are aghast now...would be telling me how the blacks had it coming..the filthy commie animals that they are, right?

1. if it were one city, it would be one city too many, imo.

2. actual black racist mobs nearly murdering white people in the streets and your concern is hypothetical white wacists? you fucking serious?

not my concern at all..your reading comprehension is slipping. My point, which you so adroitly that your hypocritical ilk would be OK..if the violence was directed at what they see as the correct targets.

the fact that you liberals are such soulless monsters that you support the use of mob violence against your political enemies,

in no way implies that we conservatives are the same.

my point stands. actual mob violence and actual support of it, is far more weighty than your fantasy that we conservatives are as evil as you liberals. of your more stupid days I see. I've not defended violence..not once. I'm all about accuracy and factual reportage...and the lying OP...was offensive to me. that is not a defense of is a cry for accuracy--but that..does not fit YOUR agenda, now does it? Now that the mods have fixed it for you..and him...I've no real beef with the story.

I hope all concerned go to jail...and that the victims are OK..simple as that.

This attack happened on May 30 in Portland, Ore., at the intersection of SW 4th Street and SW Salmon Street, where journalists photographed protests against police brutality around 8 p.m.

Based on a review of images and videos tweeted and shared by journalists, it appears that the victim seen lying on the ground in these photos was involved in a skirmish immediately prior to what we see in this Facebook post. And videos also show that after these pictures were taken, he was able to stand and speak to others who came to his aid.

In a video posted by a journalist from the Oregonian newspaper, a large crowd is seen attacking a man with a flag. Twenty-eight seconds in, we see the man in the blue shirt and light blue jeans run into the melee and become involved in the conflict with his arms swinging. In a separate video of the same incident captured by another Oregonian journalist from a different angle, it looks like the man is punching and pushing someone before exiting the crowd again.

-----------------------------------and it wasn't antifa. If happened after 4 days of the cop who snuffed out George Floyd.

No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is full of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

mistaken a man kicked in the head and put into a coma, with a man kicked in the head and killed,

is hardly 'full of shit".

indeed, that you are more upset by the fact that the man is alive, instead of the fact that the police have been ordered to stand down, so the mob can beat people to death,

says more about you, than it does about the op.

LOL..not upset at all..just revealing the usual lies that your ilk lives for. I'm glad he is alive and that the narrative being pushed by you idiots is false.

What this says about me is that I prefer fiction. Nothing more.


as a society, as we allow the mobs to run rampant in the streets, we are choosing to let people get hurt and sooner or later die.

Not sure where hyou live..but I see no mobs running rampant..except in a few cities..and yeah..I'd favor a crackdown...but this unrest is not going away...until it burns itself out.

I get the horror..but i think many on the right are faking it...for effect. If the rioters were all white...and gunning down black folks in the ghetto...the same people who are aghast now...would be telling me how the blacks had it coming..the filthy commie animals that they are, right?

1. if it were one city, it would be one city too many, imo.

2. actual black racist mobs nearly murdering white people in the streets and your concern is hypothetical white wacists? you fucking serious?

not my concern at all..your reading comprehension is slipping. My point, which you so adroitly that your hypocritical ilk would be OK..if the violence was directed at what they see as the correct targets.

the fact that you liberals are such soulless monsters that you support the use of mob violence against your political enemies,

in no way implies that we conservatives are the same.

my point stands. actual mob violence and actual support of it, is far more weighty than your fantasy that we conservatives are as evil as you liberals.

Oh..and i don't think either Libs or Cons are evil..due to their political views..or their cultural imperatives. I think evil is an individual choice..not an ideological one--for the most part.

Is that what you think? Democrats are the solders of Satan. Can you tell me one time where they stood up for the good and against evil? They stick up for evil in any controversial matter.

Police vs criminals. Democrats side with criminals.
US military vs overseas enemies. Democrats side with enemies.
Armed law abiding citizens vs armed criminals. Democrats side with armed criminals.
Allowing babies to be born, or killing them before. Democrats side with killing babies before birth.
Death penalty for violent murderers vs no death penalty. Democrats side with letting them live.

It's not political views, it is ideology.

You don't get to slur the democrats/republicans in the military and the veterans who served their nation honorably. I understand you think you need to hate people you have no idea about but, your are misguided and wrong.
No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is full of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

mistaken a man kicked in the head and put into a coma, with a man kicked in the head and killed,

is hardly 'full of shit".

indeed, that you are more upset by the fact that the man is alive, instead of the fact that the police have been ordered to stand down, so the mob can beat people to death,

says more about you, than it does about the op.

LOL..not upset at all..just revealing the usual lies that your ilk lives for. I'm glad he is alive and that the narrative being pushed by you idiots is false.

What this says about me is that I prefer fiction. Nothing more.


as a society, as we allow the mobs to run rampant in the streets, we are choosing to let people get hurt and sooner or later die.

Not sure where hyou live..but I see no mobs running rampant..except in a few cities..and yeah..I'd favor a crackdown...but this unrest is not going away...until it burns itself out.

I get the horror..but i think many on the right are faking it...for effect. If the rioters were all white...and gunning down black folks in the ghetto...the same people who are aghast now...would be telling me how the blacks had it coming..the filthy commie animals that they are, right?

1. if it were one city, it would be one city too many, imo.

2. actual black racist mobs nearly murdering white people in the streets and your concern is hypothetical white wacists? you fucking serious?

not my concern at all..your reading comprehension is slipping. My point, which you so adroitly that your hypocritical ilk would be OK..if the violence was directed at what they see as the correct targets.

the fact that you liberals are such soulless monsters that you support the use of mob violence against your political enemies,

in no way implies that we conservatives are the same.

my point stands. actual mob violence and actual support of it, is far more weighty than your fantasy that we conservatives are as evil as you liberals.

Oh..and i don't think either Libs or Cons are evil..due to their political views..or their cultural imperatives. I think evil is an individual choice..not an ideological one--for the most part.

Is that what you think? Democrats are the solders of Satan. Can you tell me one time where they stood up for the good and against evil? They stick up for evil in any controversial matter.

Police vs criminals. Democrats side with criminals.
US military vs overseas enemies. Democrats side with enemies.
Armed law abiding citizens vs armed criminals. Democrats side with armed criminals.
Allowing babies to be born, or killing them before. Democrats side with killing babies before birth.
Death penalty for violent murderers vs no death penalty. Democrats side with letting them live.

It's not political views, it is ideology.

You don't get to slur the democrats/republicans in the military and the veterans who served their nation honorably. I understand you think you need to hate people you have no idea about but, your are misguided and wrong.

No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is full of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

mistaken a man kicked in the head and put into a coma, with a man kicked in the head and killed,

is hardly 'full of shit".

indeed, that you are more upset by the fact that the man is alive, instead of the fact that the police have been ordered to stand down, so the mob can beat people to death,

says more about you, than it does about the op.

LOL..not upset at all..just revealing the usual lies that your ilk lives for. I'm glad he is alive and that the narrative being pushed by you idiots is false.

What this says about me is that I prefer fiction. Nothing more.


as a society, as we allow the mobs to run rampant in the streets, we are choosing to let people get hurt and sooner or later die.

Not sure where hyou live..but I see no mobs running rampant..except in a few cities..and yeah..I'd favor a crackdown...but this unrest is not going away...until it burns itself out.

I get the horror..but i think many on the right are faking it...for effect. If the rioters were all white...and gunning down black folks in the ghetto...the same people who are aghast now...would be telling me how the blacks had it coming..the filthy commie animals that they are, right?

1. if it were one city, it would be one city too many, imo.

2. actual black racist mobs nearly murdering white people in the streets and your concern is hypothetical white wacists? you fucking serious?

not my concern at all..your reading comprehension is slipping. My point, which you so adroitly that your hypocritical ilk would be OK..if the violence was directed at what they see as the correct targets.

the fact that you liberals are such soulless monsters that you support the use of mob violence against your political enemies,

in no way implies that we conservatives are the same.

my point stands. actual mob violence and actual support of it, is far more weighty than your fantasy that we conservatives are as evil as you liberals.

Oh..and i don't think either Libs or Cons are evil..due to their political views..or their cultural imperatives. I think evil is an individual choice..not an ideological one--for the most part.

Is that what you think? Democrats are the solders of Satan. Can you tell me one time where they stood up for the good and against evil? They stick up for evil in any controversial matter.

Police vs criminals. Democrats side with criminals.
US military vs overseas enemies. Democrats side with enemies.
Armed law abiding citizens vs armed criminals. Democrats side with armed criminals.
Allowing babies to be born, or killing them before. Democrats side with killing babies before birth.
Death penalty for violent murderers vs no death penalty. Democrats side with letting them live.

It's not political views, it is ideology.

You don't get to slur the democrats/republicans in the military and the veterans who served their nation honorably. I understand you think you need to hate people you have no idea about but, your are misguided and wrong.

Where am I wrong? Who is against military funding and constantly demanding we weaken our military? Who was out there protesting during the Iraq war, Republicans? Who was it spitting on our solders landing back to the USA during Vietnam, the Republicans? Who was it that named General Petraus General Betray us?

Sorry, it wasn't Republicans.

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