More Violence in Portland

No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is fill of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

Care to tell us the real narrative?

Here's the full video, including the coma inducing roundhouse kick at time = 5:40-45

latest real news has no mention of a coma..and no murder of any sort...i do not for a moment condone this action..but lying and misrepresenting the facts is typical for the OP and his ilk---So tell the whole story..or STFU!

Watch the damned video and STFU

How can you watch that and not go I'd like to piss on those animals graves.........DNC pushing this shit.......people are getting hurt........police are getting killed...........The DNC are Traitors to this country now.

Fuck you and your video..i prefer to get my news from the reputable sources.....and linking this atrocity with the DNC is the act of an idiot.

BTW..where exactly is the Death in the title...and where is the assault on a woman? Appears to me that he was alone?

The fucking DNC has been paying rioters for decades.......throwing gas on the fire and say we didn't do anything afterwards...........DNC are damned Traitors now...........they hyped this shit..........and then say NO FOUL when people get hurt and killed.


How much do they pay people to riot? I need some Christmas money...Are the dems paying the rightist to protest also?
No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is full of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

mistaken a man kicked in the head and put into a coma, with a man kicked in the head and killed,

is hardly 'full of shit".

indeed, that you are more upset by the fact that the man is alive, instead of the fact that the police have been ordered to stand down, so the mob can beat people to death,

says more about you, than it does about the op.

Who died?

lol!! you keep ordering the cops to stand down, so that "security" can kick people in the head, it won't be long before one of them dies.

Please show me where I told anyone to "stand down" is it important to lie so much? I have no control what goes on I am over a thousand miles from Portland, why do you falsely accuse innocent people?

you show up in a thread about a vicious attack,and you attack the op for mistakenly concluding the badly hurt man was dead, instead of attacking the vicious animals who attacked and nearly killed him for no reason.

you are taking sides, and it is clear which side you are on.

Yes, if the man is dead he is dead , yet that is not the case and pointing it out is not attacking anyone. The TOS has been violated by the header and the story not matching I am in before the lock.

Then report it and be a good little rat...........doesn't matter to me............the video shows animals behaving like animals and you can't help but come in here and defend that shit.

I have not defended any of those that have or will assault anyone needlessly and you have no proof that I have . This thread topic is not about me stay on topic. This guy evidently is going to avoid the protest in the future I bet.
No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is fill of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

Care to tell us the real narrative?

Here's the full video, including the coma inducing roundhouse kick at time = 5:40-45

latest real news has no mention of a coma..and no murder of any sort...i do not for a moment condone this action..but lying and misrepresenting the facts is typical for the OP and his ilk---So tell the whole story..or STFU!

Watch the damned video and STFU

How can you watch that and not go I'd like to piss on those animals graves.........DNC pushing this shit.......people are getting hurt........police are getting killed...........The DNC are Traitors to this country now.

Fuck you and your video..i prefer to get my news from the reputable sources.....and linking this atrocity with the DNC is the act of an idiot.

BTW..where exactly is the Death in the title...and where is the assault on a woman? Appears to me that he was alone?

The fucking DNC has been paying rioters for decades.......throwing gas on the fire and say we didn't do anything afterwards...........DNC are damned Traitors now...........they hyped this shit..........and then say NO FOUL when people get hurt and killed.


How much do they pay people to riot? I need some Christmas money...Are the dems paying the rightist to protest also?

Call media matters........maybe they need someone to moon for them.
No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is fill of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

Care to tell us the real narrative?

Here's the full video, including the coma inducing roundhouse kick at time = 5:40-45

latest real news has no mention of a coma..and no murder of any sort...i do not for a moment condone this action..but lying and misrepresenting the facts is typical for the OP and his ilk---So tell the whole story..or STFU!

Watch the damned video and STFU

How can you watch that and not go I'd like to piss on those animals graves.........DNC pushing this shit.......people are getting hurt........police are getting killed...........The DNC are Traitors to this country now.

Fuck you and your video..i prefer to get my news from the reputable sources.....and linking this atrocity with the DNC is the act of an idiot.

BTW..where exactly is the Death in the title...and where is the assault on a woman? Appears to me that he was alone?

The assault on the woman occurs in the first 60 seconds, obvious you didn't watch the video.
No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is full of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

mistaken a man kicked in the head and put into a coma, with a man kicked in the head and killed,

is hardly 'full of shit".

indeed, that you are more upset by the fact that the man is alive, instead of the fact that the police have been ordered to stand down, so the mob can beat people to death,

says more about you, than it does about the op.

LOL..not upset at all..just revealing the usual lies that your ilk lives for. I'm glad he is alive and that the narrative being pushed by you idiots is false.

What this says about me is that I prefer fiction. Nothing more.


as a society, as we allow the mobs to run rampant in the streets, we are choosing to let people get hurt and sooner or later die.

Not sure where you live..but I see no mobs running rampant..except in a few cities..and yeah..I'd favor a crackdown...but this unrest is not going away...until it burns itself out.

I get the horror..but i think many on the right are faking it...for effect. If the rioters were all white...and gunning down black folks in the ghetto...the same people who are aghast now...would be telling me how the blacks had it coming..the filthy commie animals that they are, right?
No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is full of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

mistaken a man kicked in the head and put into a coma, with a man kicked in the head and killed,

is hardly 'full of shit".

indeed, that you are more upset by the fact that the man is alive, instead of the fact that the police have been ordered to stand down, so the mob can beat people to death,

says more about you, than it does about the op.

Who died?

lol!! you keep ordering the cops to stand down, so that "security" can kick people in the head, it won't be long before one of them dies.

Please show me where I told anyone to "stand down" is it important to lie so much? I have no control what goes on I am over a thousand miles from Portland, why do you falsely accuse innocent people?

you show up in a thread about a vicious attack,and you attack the op for mistakenly concluding the badly hurt man was dead, instead of attacking the vicious animals who attacked and nearly killed him for no reason.

you are taking sides, and it is clear which side you are on.

Yes, if the man is dead he is dead , yet that is not the case and pointing it out is not attacking anyone. The TOS has been violated by the header and the story not matching I am in before the lock.

Then report it and be a good little rat...........doesn't matter to me............the video shows animals behaving like animals and you can't help but come in here and defend that shit.

I have not defended any of those that have or will assault anyone needlessly and you have no proof that I have . This thread topic is not about me stay on topic. This guy evidently is going to avoid the protest in the future I bet.

This topic is about animals behaving like animals..........PERIOD.......they are doing this all over.........and in the middle of it DNC politicians are shutting down the police and allowing this to continue.........IT IS BS.

You defend these scumbags for what damned reason......don't tell me you are defending the Murdered versus beaten into the ground BS.
No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is fill of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

Care to tell us the real narrative?

Here's the full video, including the coma inducing roundhouse kick at time = 5:40-45

latest real news has no mention of a coma..and no murder of any sort...i do not for a moment condone this action..but lying and misrepresenting the facts is typical for the OP and his ilk---So tell the whole story..or STFU!

Watch the damned video and STFU

How can you watch that and not go I'd like to piss on those animals graves.........DNC pushing this shit.......people are getting hurt........police are getting killed...........The DNC are Traitors to this country now.

Fuck you and your video..i prefer to get my news from the reputable sources.....and linking this atrocity with the DNC is the act of an idiot.

BTW..where exactly is the Death in the title...and where is the assault on a woman? Appears to me that he was alone?

The fucking DNC has been paying rioters for decades.......throwing gas on the fire and say we didn't do anything afterwards...........DNC are damned Traitors now...........they hyped this shit..........and then say NO FOUL when people get hurt and killed.


ROTFLMAO! Not cretin.
No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is full of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

mistaken a man kicked in the head and put into a coma, with a man kicked in the head and killed,

is hardly 'full of shit".

indeed, that you are more upset by the fact that the man is alive, instead of the fact that the police have been ordered to stand down, so the mob can beat people to death,

says more about you, than it does about the op.

LOL..not upset at all..just revealing the usual lies that your ilk lives for. I'm glad he is alive and that the narrative being pushed by you idiots is false.

What this says about me is that I prefer fiction. Nothing more.


as a society, as we allow the mobs to run rampant in the streets, we are choosing to let people get hurt and sooner or later die.

Not sure where you live..but I see no mobs running rampant..except in a few cities..and yeah..I'd favor a crackdown...but this unrest is not going away...until it burns itself out.

I get the horror..but i think many on the right are faking it...for effect. If the rioters were all white...and gunning down black folks in the ghetto...the same people who are aghast now...would be telling me how the blacks had it coming..the filthy commie animals that they are, right?

Shoe fits wear it.............they behave like animals............then they are animals.....that is what I saw there.......

This shit needs to end by whatever means.
No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is fill of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

Care to tell us the real narrative?

Here's the full video, including the coma inducing roundhouse kick at time = 5:40-45

latest real news has no mention of a coma..and no murder of any sort...i do not for a moment condone this action..but lying and misrepresenting the facts is typical for the OP and his ilk---So tell the whole story..or STFU!

Watch the damned video and STFU

How can you watch that and not go I'd like to piss on those animals graves.........DNC pushing this shit.......people are getting hurt........police are getting killed...........The DNC are Traitors to this country now.

Fuck you and your video..i prefer to get my news from the reputable sources.....and linking this atrocity with the DNC is the act of an idiot.

BTW..where exactly is the Death in the title...and where is the assault on a woman? Appears to me that he was alone?

The fucking DNC has been paying rioters for decades.......throwing gas on the fire and say we didn't do anything afterwards...........DNC are damned Traitors now...........they hyped this shit..........and then say NO FOUL when people get hurt and killed.


ROTFLMAO! Not cretin.

I'm not from Crete bitch.

That means I'm not an x cretion.
No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is fill of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

Care to tell us the real narrative?

Here's the full video, including the coma inducing roundhouse kick at time = 5:40-45

latest real news has no mention of a coma..and no murder of any sort...i do not for a moment condone this action..but lying and misrepresenting the facts is typical for the OP and his ilk---So tell the whole story..or STFU!

Watch the damned video and STFU

How can you watch that and not go I'd like to piss on those animals graves.........DNC pushing this shit.......people are getting hurt........police are getting killed...........The DNC are Traitors to this country now.

Fuck you and your video..i prefer to get my news from the reputable sources.....and linking this atrocity with the DNC is the act of an idiot.

BTW..where exactly is the Death in the title...and where is the assault on a woman? Appears to me that he was alone?

The assault on the woman occurs in the first 60 seconds, obvious you didn't watch the video.

I did watch it...that woman did not come out of the i discounted it..I note that it was another white woman who assaulted her....still someone needs to go to jail.
No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is full of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

mistaken a man kicked in the head and put into a coma, with a man kicked in the head and killed,

is hardly 'full of shit".

indeed, that you are more upset by the fact that the man is alive, instead of the fact that the police have been ordered to stand down, so the mob can beat people to death,

says more about you, than it does about the op.

LOL..not upset at all..just revealing the usual lies that your ilk lives for. I'm glad he is alive and that the narrative being pushed by you idiots is false.

What this says about me is that I prefer fiction. Nothing more.


as a society, as we allow the mobs to run rampant in the streets, we are choosing to let people get hurt and sooner or later die.

Not sure where you live..but I see no mobs running rampant..except in a few cities..and yeah..I'd favor a crackdown...but this unrest is not going away...until it burns itself out.

I get the horror..but i think many on the right are faking it...for effect. If the rioters were all white...and gunning down black folks in the ghetto...the same people who are aghast now...would be telling me how the blacks had it coming..the filthy commie animals that they are, right?

Shoe fits wear it.............they behave like animals............then they are animals.....that is what I saw there.......

This shit needs to end by whatever means.

LOL..well...that is exactly what the protestors whatever means ....have you considered that your losing?
No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is full of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

mistaken a man kicked in the head and put into a coma, with a man kicked in the head and killed,

is hardly 'full of shit".

indeed, that you are more upset by the fact that the man is alive, instead of the fact that the police have been ordered to stand down, so the mob can beat people to death,

says more about you, than it does about the op.

LOL..not upset at all..just revealing the usual lies that your ilk lives for. I'm glad he is alive and that the narrative being pushed by you idiots is false.

What this says about me is that I prefer fiction. Nothing more.


as a society, as we allow the mobs to run rampant in the streets, we are choosing to let people get hurt and sooner or later die.

Not sure where hyou live..but I see no mobs running rampant..except in a few cities..and yeah..I'd favor a crackdown...but this unrest is not going away...until it burns itself out.

I get the horror..but i think many on the right are faking it...for effect. If the rioters were all white...and gunning down black folks in the ghetto...the same people who are aghast now...would be telling me how the blacks had it coming..the filthy commie animals that they are, right?

1. if it were one city, it would be one city too many, imo.

2. actual black racist mobs nearly murdering white people in the streets and your concern is hypothetical white wacists? you fucking serious?
I think it's past time to use military force on the BLM insurgents. Trump needs to start treating them like the terrorist enemies of the USA that they are.

Trump has unlimited authority to use deadly force against them.
marshal law would have to be declared.
"Marshal" law?

What's that?

The best kind of law ...

View attachment 376268

He kisses the horses and rides the saloon gals.
That's right slicked back hair, pornstash and a woman who's hair is styled from the 1950's...Marshals are really hired by the state and not hired by the mayor so they can do stuff a police chief can't...
I see... that's what Marshal law is... and that's what you believe we need to declare before the military can be used... ooooooo k.
No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is full of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

mistaken a man kicked in the head and put into a coma, with a man kicked in the head and killed,

is hardly 'full of shit".

indeed, that you are more upset by the fact that the man is alive, instead of the fact that the police have been ordered to stand down, so the mob can beat people to death,

says more about you, than it does about the op.

LOL..not upset at all..just revealing the usual lies that your ilk lives for. I'm glad he is alive and that the narrative being pushed by you idiots is false.

What this says about me is that I prefer fiction. Nothing more.


as a society, as we allow the mobs to run rampant in the streets, we are choosing to let people get hurt and sooner or later die.

Not sure where you live..but I see no mobs running rampant..except in a few cities..and yeah..I'd favor a crackdown...but this unrest is not going away...until it burns itself out.

I get the horror..but i think many on the right are faking it...for effect. If the rioters were all white...and gunning down black folks in the ghetto...the same people who are aghast now...would be telling me how the blacks had it coming..the filthy commie animals that they are, right?

Shoe fits wear it.............they behave like animals............then they are animals.....that is what I saw there.......

This shit needs to end by whatever means.

LOL..well...that is exactly what the protestors whatever means ....have you considered that your losing?

Have we..............we shall see if they want to push this in places that don't back down..........They only do this animal BS in their dang safe places..............where they are zoo animals.
No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is full of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

mistaken a man kicked in the head and put into a coma, with a man kicked in the head and killed,

is hardly 'full of shit".

indeed, that you are more upset by the fact that the man is alive, instead of the fact that the police have been ordered to stand down, so the mob can beat people to death,

says more about you, than it does about the op.

LOL..not upset at all..just revealing the usual lies that your ilk lives for. I'm glad he is alive and that the narrative being pushed by you idiots is false.

What this says about me is that I prefer fiction. Nothing more.


as a society, as we allow the mobs to run rampant in the streets, we are choosing to let people get hurt and sooner or later die.

Not sure where hyou live..but I see no mobs running rampant..except in a few cities..and yeah..I'd favor a crackdown...but this unrest is not going away...until it burns itself out.

I get the horror..but i think many on the right are faking it...for effect. If the rioters were all white...and gunning down black folks in the ghetto...the same people who are aghast now...would be telling me how the blacks had it coming..the filthy commie animals that they are, right?

1. if it were one city, it would be one city too many, imo.

2. actual black racist mobs nearly murdering white people in the streets and your concern is hypothetical white wacists? you fucking serious?

not my concern at all..your reading comprehension is slipping. My point, which you so adroitly that your hypocritical ilk would be OK..if the violence was directed at what they see as the correct targets.
No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is fill of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

Care to tell us the real narrative?

Here's the full video, including the coma inducing roundhouse kick at time = 5:40-45

latest real news has no mention of a coma..and no murder of any sort...i do not for a moment condone this action..but lying and misrepresenting the facts is typical for the OP and his ilk---So tell the whole story..or STFU!

Watch the damned video and STFU

How can you watch that and not go I'd like to piss on those animals graves.........DNC pushing this shit.......people are getting hurt........police are getting killed...........The DNC are Traitors to this country now.

Fuck you and your video..i prefer to get my news from the reputable sources.....and linking this atrocity with the DNC is the act of an idiot.

BTW..where exactly is the Death in the title...and where is the assault on a woman? Appears to me that he was alone?

The assault on the woman occurs in the first 60 seconds, obvious you didn't watch the video.

I did watch it...that woman did not come out of the i discounted it..I note that it was another white woman who assaulted her....still someone needs to go to jail.

Hold my beer, let me give you the timestamp:

Time = start of video, 0:06 and time = 2:10

A homeless white man living out of his truck murdered.

Patriots, unite!

Full 10 minute video of the BLM beatdown!

And yet The NBA will still leave the terrorist org's promo on their blood stain basketball court.
What's a few deaths to them, when they overlook the China concetration camps.
No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is fill of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

Care to tell us the real narrative?

Here's the full video, including the coma inducing roundhouse kick at time = 5:40-45

latest real news has no mention of a coma..and no murder of any sort...i do not for a moment condone this action..but lying and misrepresenting the facts is typical for the OP and his ilk---So tell the whole story..or STFU!

Watch the damned video and STFU

How can you watch that and not go I'd like to piss on those animals graves.........DNC pushing this shit.......people are getting hurt........police are getting killed...........The DNC are Traitors to this country now.

Fuck you and your video..i prefer to get my news from the reputable sources.....and linking this atrocity with the DNC is the act of an idiot.

BTW..where exactly is the Death in the title...and where is the assault on a woman? Appears to me that he was alone?

The assault on the woman occurs in the first 60 seconds, obvious you didn't watch the video.

I did watch it...that woman did not come out of the i discounted it..I note that it was another white woman who assaulted her....still someone needs to go to jail.

Hold my beer, let me give you the timestamp:

Time = start of video, 0:06 and time = 2:10

No more beer for you..she did not get out of the car..afaik. the door hits her on the ass and propels her into the crowd..she looks to be running and some bitch jumps her.
No where in the video or the story does it mention he is murdered..
Moonbat comes to the defense of animals again...........

Or....the OP is fill of shit and propagating a false and incomplete narrative?

Care to tell us the real narrative?

Here's the full video, including the coma inducing roundhouse kick at time = 5:40-45

latest real news has no mention of a coma..and no murder of any sort...i do not for a moment condone this action..but lying and misrepresenting the facts is typical for the OP and his ilk---So tell the whole story..or STFU!

Watch the damned video and STFU

How can you watch that and not go I'd like to piss on those animals graves.........DNC pushing this shit.......people are getting hurt........police are getting killed...........The DNC are Traitors to this country now.

Fuck you and your video..i prefer to get my news from the reputable sources.....and linking this atrocity with the DNC is the act of an idiot.

BTW..where exactly is the Death in the title...and where is the assault on a woman? Appears to me that he was alone?

The assault on the woman occurs in the first 60 seconds, obvious you didn't watch the video.

I did watch it...that woman did not come out of the i discounted it..I note that it was another white woman who assaulted her....still someone needs to go to jail.

Hold my beer, let me give you the timestamp:

Time = start of video, 0:06 and time = 2:10

No more beer for you..she did not get out of the car..afaik. the door hits her on the ass and propels her into the crowd..she looks to be running and some bitch jumps her.

What does the car have to do with it?

Was a woman assaulted by BLM or not?

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