More Violence in Portland

Here is the video...

Fuck you to the people in this thread excusing this.

Look at the mother fuckers going through the couple's stuff looking for stuff to steal while the man lays there unconscious and his wife is screaming.
FUCK YOU Democrats who excuse this outrageous acts by cowards.

I have not watched the video... I know what's in it... and I know that if I watch it, it will just make my blood boil.

It is MY belief, that when something like this happens, the coward animals beating this man and his wife in a MOB, should all be SHOT, IMMEDIATELY, ON THE SPOT, PERIOD, END OF STORY... THEY, SHOULD, BE, SHOT. The world should be RID of BLACK ANIMALS like this, and give the REST of the VIOLENT JUNGLE APES something to THINK about. Pull shit like this, you will get SHOT, IMMEDIATELY, and WATCH HOW FAST IT STOPS!!

I just can't believe they're NOT shot. How much MORE of this SHIT needs to happen before it STOPS?

If I was a young man like him and this happened to me, every one of those people would be mysteriously disappearing like I was one of the Clintons. That's what needs to start happening to these people.

The only reason this hasn't happened yet is because they are only doing this shit in liberal strongholds.
Liberals priority one is virtue signaling. They simply cannot do or say anything that doesn't go along with the narrative. They will absolutely say and do nothing about what these punks are doing because to do so goes against the narrative.
We have several examples to see where these punks went to conservative areas and they were beat down to a pulp.

Sturgis was a good example of idiots-r-us getting thier asses kick after the police tried to lead them away and keep the peace. The fools went back and got their asses handed to them..

Hopefully a video comes out of this... so in Portland cops were arresting a young female punk rioter... and a male officer was patting her down before putting her in a car. She objects and whines about why isn't a female cop doing the patting.... WAIT FOR IT.... the cop answers... "How do you know I don't identify as female??"............... BWAHAHAHAH!!!
Now THAT is the officer of the year right there!!
Mooney is a troll. Best to not take them seriously.

To the topic at hand, of course this is atrocious and should be roundly admonished by everyone.

Dims should denounce ANTIFA AND BLM. They are communists and terrorists. Period.
Well, if I know for a fact that violence is occurring on a certain street, I'm sure not gonna take my car down said street where a bunch of hooligans are, putting myself in danger, which is what this kid did. Seriously, this crap has been going on for weeks, and it should have been nipped in the bud long ago. They crossed the line from "peaceful protest " to rioting and vandalism, weeks back, with almost no repercussions. It is terrible no one stepped in to help the guy, but no one around there has any logical, compassionate mindset. Just a bunch of sociopaths...animals....ape mentality...sickening...
Supporting Trump is being pro-criminal since he has a proven track record of breaking the law.
Can you be more specific?
Supporting Trump is being pro-criminal since he has a proven track record of breaking the law.

dude. mayors are ordering cops to stand down, so the mobs can attack the citizens.

trump is not the problem here.
With those that have been arrested, their charges are being dropped.

A significant portion of the 500-plus people charged with misdemeanors or felonies during violent clashes with law enforcement amid Portland, Oregon, Black Lives Matter protests won’t be prosecuted, Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt announced Tuesday, a move the police bureau is concerned publicly condones violence.
Well, if I know for a fact that violence is occurring on a certain street, I'm sure not gonna take my car down said street where a bunch of hooligans are, putting myself in danger, which is what this kid did.

What makes you so sure of that.

I'm thinking, again, of Reginald Denny, who had no idea that the Rodney “Piñata” King riots were taking place, until he drove into an area overrun by the subhuman pieces of shit who were rioting.
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Portland: Man left with serious injuries after being kicked in head by protester
So.........why are you defending people who drug a man out of his truck and beat the shit out of him because he was white..........

That whole dang group needs to be road kill...............they gonna keep pushing til it gets pushed back.
Portland: Man left with serious injuries after being kicked in head by protester

The man's a vegetable now.

What's the difference between the MSM spin of "serious injury" and actual braindeath and actual death?

He urinated and defecated his pants when kicked into a coma. You can even see it on the video.

Molon Labe faggot.
Portland: Man left with serious injuries after being kicked in head by protester

The man's a vegetable now.

What's the difference between the MSM spin of "serious injury" and actual braindeath and actual death?

He urinated and defecated his pants when kicked into a coma. You can even see it on the video.

Molon Labe faggot.
He was a Molon Labe faggot/ Well..that explains it, right?

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