More Violence in Portland

Here is the video...

Fuck you to the people in this thread excusing this.

Look at the mother fuckers going through the couple's stuff looking for stuff to steal while the man lays there unconscious and his wife is screaming.
FUCK YOU Democrats who excuse this outrageous acts by cowards.

Which is why everybody should carry a gun at this time in our country. Kill them all, and the others will run away to safety.

The reason libs hate concealed carry is because it allows non criminals to legally defend themselves from leftwing thugs
Exactly what I said before.
Democrats own this.

This mess is their monster. All of the young punks out burning/destroying/harassing and beating passerbys/looting. - They are protected/encouraged and financed by Democrat politicians and liberal companies.
No, WE own this. Independents, dems, even republicans that claim they are patriotic and oh-lookhow-awful-this-is. People who don't do a damn thing, not even the cowardly citizens of Portland who stand by with their phones taking pics, and not one person stepping up, much less two or three. ANY city with citizens that stay hidden in their homes instead of at least TRYING to regain what was once theirs, are cowards. This will not stay in business areas. They are already spreading out to residentials. What then? Still hide under their beds?

Other cities where they have tried that shit, grouped together and ran them out of town. Has Portland? Nope.

And it also is some blame on Trump who SWORE he would protect civilians from FOREIGN and DOMESTIC enemies. He hasn't. He CAN override the governors and mayors allowing this to happen with executive orders but he hasn't. It's anarchy and nobody is doing a damn thing about it. Would I if I could? Yes. If that was MY city, I would be there armed and ready to start shooting ANYONE attacking someone for no reason..ESPECIALLY if they are BLM because BLM are nothing but terrorists hiding behind a name that should appeal to everyone. Once, it did. At the beginning. But then the thugs took over and now its just shit. Plain old shit. And they are getting stronger because Amazon and Walmart and Celebs and banks and sports team owners are all giving them MILLIONS of dollars. Where is that money going? To bail out the thugs. To get bricks. To buy bats. To plot and plan and organize their thugs. THATS where its going. And where are they getting that much to donate? FROM US. Every time we shop, every movie we see, every song we buy all goes to the businesses and celebs PAYING these assholes.

Until people STOP financing such companies and people, they will continue to be paid to hurt, maim, terrorize.
These thugs are lucky the guy in the truck didn't have a canceled weapon otherwise there would be blood on the streets. To think people were standing around as the punk kicked the guy in the head is beyond disgusting. Wow Portland one very sick city.
Supporting Trump is being pro-criminal since he has a proven track record of breaking the law.

dude. mayors are ordering cops to stand down, so the mobs can attack the citizens.

trump is not the problem here.
Here is the video...

Fuck you to the people in this thread excusing this.

Look at the mother fuckers going through the couple's stuff looking for stuff to steal while the man lays there unconscious and his wife is screaming.
FUCK YOU Democrats who excuse this outrageous acts by cowards.

Which is why everybody should carry a gun at this time in our country. Kill them all, and the others will run away to safety.

The reason libs hate concealed carry is because it allows non criminals to legally defend themselves from leftwing thugs

I don't have conceal carry. Too hard to get in Cali. But I carry anyway. Fuck 'em.

And no 007 don't watch the vid. I was there on twitter last night when it all started to go down. I saw it all, thanks to people who knew people who took pics for their 15 minutes of fame. I was also there when 4Chan posted who the frizzy kinky man bun haired asshole kicked the guy in the head like it was a football. He RAN and kicked sideways..just like a football. Turns out the thug works for Portlan Airport as a baggage handler. Scrawny fuck, who probably steals from luggage. He is also a DJ at night. 4Chan found out his name...Reese Love or some such stupid thing.

Still waiting to see when he will be arrested for attempted murder, then of course bailed out IMMEDIATELY WITHOUT CHARGES so he can go do it again tonight.

Until Trump takes control..this will not stop. The sheep in Portland are too afraid to do it themselves.
Mooney is a troll. Best to not take them seriously.

To the topic at hand, of course this is atrocious and should be roundly admonished by everyone.

Dims should denounce ANTIFA AND BLM. They are communists and terrorists. Period.
They won't. Have not seen it yet.
You got the NFL and NBA and MLB endorsing the commies. This will not go well for them. There may be opportunity for new American ball leagues.
If they think Americans endorse communism like they do, they better think again..they'll see when this season is over and they have to renegotiate everything.
And blacks wonder why people cross the street when they see a group of them walking behind or towards them...or why cities empty of businesses and whites when there is no protection from thugs.

BLM did a mighty fine job of pushing back any progress the past 100 years. Congrats, assholes. I hope you all die soon.
BTW...last night was "beat up white women" night as well. Of course it was filmed and nobody did a damn thing about it. Oh. Wait. One black guy tried to stop it but he was told white #unts need their asses kicked and to back off. Dude had no choice but to do that. He was surrounded.
The leaders of these ppl will be speaking at the democratic national convention the Hate Convention!
We all know antifa are the Democrats.
Its time to start shooting these people... No one is safe as long as they exist...
This is what will happen. Trump will NOT use EO to do it. The governors and mayors and DA's keep releasing them with no bail or charges. We are on our own.
Exactly what I said before.
Democrats own this.

This mess is their monster. All of the young punks out burning/destroying/harassing and beating passerbys/looting. - They are protected/encouraged and financed by Democrat politicians and liberal companies.
No, WE own this. Independents, dems, even republicans that claim they are patriotic and oh-lookhow-awful-this-is. People who don't do a damn thing, not even the cowardly citizens of Portland who stand by with their phones taking pics, and not one person stepping up, much less two or three. ANY city with citizens that stay hidden in their homes instead of at least TRYING to regain what was once theirs, are cowards. This will not stay in business areas. They are already spreading out to residentials. What then? Still hide under their beds?

Other cities where they have tried that shit, grouped together and ran them out of town. Has Portland? Nope.

And it also is some blame on Trump who SWORE he would protect civilians from FOREIGN and DOMESTIC enemies. He hasn't. He CAN override the governors and mayors allowing this to happen with executive orders but he hasn't. It's anarchy and nobody is doing a damn thing about it. Would I if I could? Yes. If that was MY city, I would be there armed and ready to start shooting ANYONE attacking someone for no reason..ESPECIALLY if they are BLM because BLM are nothing but terrorists hiding behind a name that should appeal to everyone. Once, it did. At the beginning. But then the thugs took over and now its just shit. Plain old shit. And they are getting stronger because Amazon and Walmart and Celebs and banks and sports team owners are all giving them MILLIONS of dollars. Where is that money going? To bail out the thugs. To get bricks. To buy bats. To plot and plan and organize their thugs. THATS where its going. And where are they getting that much to donate? FROM US. Every time we shop, every movie we see, every song we buy all goes to the businesses and celebs PAYING these assholes.

Until people STOP financing such companies and people, they will continue to be paid to hurt, maim, terrorize.
Gonna disagree with that Gracie.
In 2016 the Alt-Right made numerous attempts to gain acceptance and increase members. The Republican party and conservatives ROUNDLY rejected them. Over and over. To this day the Alt-Right is still a small band of idiots with absolutely no influence or voice within the Republican Party.
Today, the BLM is the Democratoc Parties "Alt-Right."
BLM is equally racist and 5,000 times more violent and destructive. And liberals all over the country QUICKLY adopted and supported BLM simply because of their name without a single second to find out what they actually are.

Conservatives rejected our fringe.
Liberals embraced and financially support their fringe, and here we are.
These thugs are lucky the guy in the truck didn't have a canceled weapon otherwise there would be blood on the streets. To think people were standing around as the punk kicked the guy in the head is beyond disgusting. Wow Portland one very sick city.

If he did have a gun and shot somebody, he would probably end up in prison in such a commie town and state. A gun is only as good as the laws that protect the victim, which in commie states, is very little to none at all. They focus their protection on the criminals.
Here is the video...

Fuck you to the people in this thread excusing this.

Look at the mother fuckers going through the couple's stuff looking for stuff to steal while the man lays there unconscious and his wife is screaming.
FUCK YOU Democrats who excuse this outrageous acts by cowards.

I have not watched the video... I know what's in it... and I know that if I watch it, it will just make my blood boil.

It is MY belief, that when something like this happens, the coward animals beating this man and his wife in a MOB, should all be SHOT, IMMEDIATELY, ON THE SPOT, PERIOD, END OF STORY... THEY, SHOULD, BE, SHOT. The world should be RID of BLACK ANIMALS like this, and give the REST of the VIOLENT JUNGLE APES something to THINK about. Pull shit like this, you will get SHOT, IMMEDIATELY, and WATCH HOW FAST IT STOPS!!

I just can't believe they're NOT shot. How much MORE of this SHIT needs to happen before it STOPS?

If I was a young man like him and this happened to me, every one of those people would be mysteriously disappearing like I was one of the Clintons. That's what needs to start happening to these people.
Here is the video...

Fuck you to the people in this thread excusing this.

Look at the mother fuckers going through the couple's stuff looking for stuff to steal while the man lays there unconscious and his wife is screaming.
FUCK YOU Democrats who excuse this outrageous acts by cowards.

I have not watched the video... I know what's in it... and I know that if I watch it, it will just make my blood boil.

It is MY belief, that when something like this happens, the coward animals beating this man and his wife in a MOB, should all be SHOT, IMMEDIATELY, ON THE SPOT, PERIOD, END OF STORY... THEY, SHOULD, BE, SHOT. The world should be RID of BLACK ANIMALS like this, and give the REST of the VIOLENT JUNGLE APES something to THINK about. Pull shit like this, you will get SHOT, IMMEDIATELY, and WATCH HOW FAST IT STOPS!!

I just can't believe they're NOT shot. How much MORE of this SHIT needs to happen before it STOPS?

If I was a young man like him and this happened to me, every one of those people would be mysteriously disappearing like I was one of the Clintons. That's what needs to start happening to these people.

The only reason this hasn't happened yet is because they are only doing this shit in liberal strongholds.
Liberals priority one is virtue signaling. They simply cannot do or say anything that doesn't go along with the narrative. They will absolutely say and do nothing about what these punks are doing because to do so goes against the narrative.
We have several examples to see where these punks went to conservative areas and they were beat down to a pulp.

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