More Violence in Portland

Dumb fucks who vote for Biden are voting for BLM and ANTIFA.

They are voting for riots and looting and beatings and COMMUNISM.

If you vote for Biden, you are a communist. Congratulations.
I agree and a vote for Trump is a vote for fascism. Enjoy the election while you can it will soon be over.
Who wants to mandate face masks nation wide?
Its very ironic how these cuck cowards from BLM and ANTIFA want to abolish police, but get police protection while protesting.

Such pieces of trash.
This is why I carry a gun, everywhere I go, every single day. Sooner or later these monkeyfucks are going to come to town, and they're going to try to pull their shit on people they think won't try to defend themselves...

We had one day of riots here in Cleveland too. But nobody to my knowledge was ever pulled out of their car and beaten to near death. That's because in this state, breaking into my car is no different than breaking into my home. As a CCW holder, I have the right to use deadly force because our Castle Doctrine applies to your automobile in this state.

A little of the problem lies with the police. A larger portion lies with the protesters and rioters. The biggest problem lies with the politicians in these commie cities and states who give criminals more protection than the victims.
Dumb fucks who vote for Biden are voting for BLM and ANTIFA.

They are voting for riots and looting and beatings and COMMUNISM.

If you vote for Biden, you are a communist. Congratulations.
I agree and a vote for Trump is a vote for fascism. Enjoy the election while you can it will soon be over.
Who wants to mandate face masks nation wide?
Yes indeed that sucks like the seat belt mandate or anyandate that both repubs and dems support.
Watched the video...

The guy ran his car into a crowd of people.

The took him out and detained him. Citizens arrest situation. They can hold him for 48 hours until the Police come...

They took better care of him than the Police did of George Floyd...
Dumb fucks who vote for Biden are voting for BLM and ANTIFA.

They are voting for riots and looting and beatings and COMMUNISM.

If you vote for Biden, you are a communist. Congratulations.
I agree and a vote for Trump is a vote for fascism. Enjoy the election while you can it will soon be over.
Who wants to mandate face masks nation wide?
Yes indeed that sucks like the seat belt mandate or anyandate that both repubs and dems support.
Lol ok fascist,, it’s ok for your fascism that you agree with, you disabled bum
Watched the video...

The guy ran his car into a crowd of people.

The took him out and detained him. Citizens arrest situation. They can hold him for 48 hours until the Police come...

They took better care of him than the Police did of George Floyd...
He was high on enough fentinal to kill him and had a heart attack? And resisted arrestv
Don't feel much sympathy after all the citizen voted in that knucklheaded mayor and Governor. You get what you vote for.
I predict Soon the shootings are going to start

A mob of Portland Black Lives Matter and Antifa militants forced a white man to crash his truck, then punched and kicked him unconscious, disturbing footage shows.

A series of clips on social media shows the victim being surrounded in his white truck at 10:30 p.m. Sunday as others attacked his wife, who was punched and even tackled to the ground during the violent melee.

“He didn’t do nothing!” someone could be heard calling as others punched the driver as he sat in his truck, which was also repeatedly kicked.

The unidentified driver eventually sped off, with the mob chasing him — with some heard loudly laughing when he crashed into a light pole, according to the clips.

He was dragged from the truck and tackled to the ground — getting repeatedly punched as he tried to call his wife while also pleading with his attackers as he sat on the ground, the videos show.

“I ain’t tryna hurt no one,” he told them, with the only unexplained accusation heard in the clips being that “COVID is real.”

“I was trying to get out the way,” he insisted of crashing his truck, as several of the group punched him in the face and repeatedly called the white driver the N-word.

I predict Soon the shootings are going to start

A mob of Portland Black Lives Matter and Antifa militants forced a white man to crash his truck, then punched and kicked him unconscious, disturbing footage shows.

A series of clips on social media shows the victim being surrounded in his white truck at 10:30 p.m. Sunday as others attacked his wife, who was punched and even tackled to the ground during the violent melee.

“He didn’t do nothing!” someone could be heard calling as others punched the driver as he sat in his truck, which was also repeatedly kicked.

The unidentified driver eventually sped off, with the mob chasing him — with some heard loudly laughing when he crashed into a light pole, according to the clips.

He was dragged from the truck and tackled to the ground — getting repeatedly punched as he tried to call his wife while also pleading with his attackers as he sat on the ground, the videos show.

“I ain’t tryna hurt no one,” he told them, with the only unexplained accusation heard in the clips being that “COVID is real.”

“I was trying to get out the way,” he insisted of crashing his truck, as several of the group punched him in the face and repeatedly called the white driver the N-word.

Listen to the video where the mobsters are calling him a “nigg*r”

that says a lot about the black lies matter mentality
Here is the video...

Fuck you to the people in this thread excusing this.

Look at the mother fuckers going through the couple's stuff looking for stuff to steal while the man lays there unconscious and his wife is screaming.
FUCK YOU Democrats who excuse this outrageous acts by cowards.

Here is the video...

Fuck you to the people in this thread excusing this.

Look at the mother fuckers going through the couple's stuff looking for stuff to steal while the man lays there unconscious and his wife is screaming.
FUCK YOU Democrats who excuse this outrageous acts by cowards.

Thanks for the video. THIS shows what savages these a**holes are. They deserve to be in prison, safely away from decent, law-abiding citizens. These ANIMALS are despicable, in every sense of the word.

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