“More Women become Only Fans stars than Teachers”


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
I’ve watched about 43 minutes of this very interesting interview of the YouTuber Pearl Davis. Of course, the knee-jerk reaction of the far left to people like Pearl is to use personal attacks. They see thread titles like this, or videos like this, and they are almost always incapable capable of holding a conversation. Perhaps that’s why we have so many problems in America today.

Pearl brings of the fact that most divorces are initiated by women. Almost always when it comes to divorce the man has to pay the most money. The hardest jobs on the planet are worked by men like construction jobs, trucking that kind of thing …almost exclusively is done by men.

Pearl is a conservative woman who believes things like women should be banned from voting, divorce should be banned. She believes that women have ruined industries across the west. She thinks that human resources departments should be wiped out when it comes to corporate America. Pearl talked about how modern-day feminism has destroyed society. How as the thread title says, there are more women on only fans, then there are female teachers.

Pearl thinks that birth control should be banned. She talks about how in the 1900s the feminist movement made up propaganda in other words fake news about “back alley abortions” having to be performed. About how all sorts of propaganda was used to stir up support for the more radical type of the feminist movement.

Personally, I think women should be able to vote. And I think that there’s many strong minded, conservative woman who are CEOs of companies.

I don’t agree with everything she says, but she make some interesting points one point that is completely undeniable. We have more single-parent households in America now than ever. The stats show us that a child growing up in a single parent household is more likely to go to prison.

Ultimately, the United States is going to have to make changes. Because the current status quo of our society is unworkable. It is brutal, most especially for children in single parent households. We have to figure things out and we have to go back to how things were in the 1950s in many ways. Not in every way, but in many ways that will be the remedy to our issues.
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No. You tell em why they would be better off dealing with an asshole
You paint anomalies with a broad brush. Your take is irresponsible and childish.
Your boss could be an asshole but you likely need the job for your family.
Marriage exists to help children and consequently the society as a whole.
Yes. But if you ban divorce few to none would take the chance of being locked into an intolerable marriage. They just wouldnt marry at all.
Um, why?

So I shouldn’t vote cause I rent? Am I not a taxpaying citizen? Never been on welfare once.
I said not exclusively real estate.

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