Mormon pedo ring gets smacked down by God?

Typical Liberal antics, post a comment out of context and use the BS to support your incorrect opinion. Here is the WHOLE sentence from the article: "Bodies recovered Tuesday were found as far as several miles away in the sister towns of Hildale, Utah and Colorado City, Arizona — the home base of Warren Jeffs' polygamous sect. Officials have not released the identities of the dead."

It is important to note that these people are part of the FLDS cult, these are not the Mormons you are familiar with. They are a fringe, nut job group. And, NO, I am not a Mormon. I just have the ability to read...
maybe it was karma that came back and kicked that pedophile in the ass...

By killing 12 kids?

how many kids were killed in that act of divine retribution known as The Great Flood?

If it really ever happened- millions.

Still wondering why you think 'karma' would kill 12 kids because of the actions of some pedophile.

Perhaps we have different concepts of 'karma'

I can't answer for anyone else but don't the believers say their 'god is a vengeful god'? If so, what does that mean?

Wasn't the great flood an act of temper and vengeance?[/QUOTE]

No. it was because of wickedness and evil that mankind did.
Genesis 6:5King James Version (KJV)
5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
A van and SUV carrying three women and 13 children sat near the widening stream, waiting for the water to recede so they could cross back to their homes in a small, polygamous town on the Utah-Arizona border.

But in an instant, flood waters engulfed them and the two vehicles were sucked downstream, bobbing in the turbulent water before they tumbled over an embankment. Only three children survived. Twelve of the 16 are dead. One is missing.

Flood Waters Trap Hikers, Carry Away Cars in Utah; 16 Die
You are an idiot. The posted article says nothing about Mormons or pedophilia. You're a joke!

Yes it does.

I quoted it earlier in the thread - or - you could just read the article.
I have read the article at least 3 times. Maybe I am missing it... Please post the quote you are referring to. Your previous quote was not from the referenced article.
Typical Liberal antics, post a comment out of context and use the BS to support your incorrect opinion. Here is the WHOLE sentence from the article: "Bodies recovered Tuesday were found as far as several miles away in the sister towns of Hildale, Utah and Colorado City, Arizona — the home base of Warren Jeffs' polygamous sect. Officials have not released the identities of the dead."

It is important to note that these people are part of the FLDS cult, these are not the Mormons you are familiar with. They are a fringe, nut job group. And, NO, I am not a Mormon. I just have the ability to read...

You said it didn't mention morms or pedos and then quoted the part that does indeed mention morms and pedos.

maybe it was karma that came back and kicked that pedophile in the ass...

By killing 12 kids?

how many kids were killed in that act of divine retribution known as The Great Flood?

If it really ever happened- millions.

Still wondering why you think 'karma' would kill 12 kids because of the actions of some pedophile.

Perhaps we have different concepts of 'karma'

I can't answer for anyone else but don't the believers say their 'god is a vengeful god'? If so, what does that mean?

Wasn't the great flood an act of temper and vengeance?[/QUOTE]

No. it was because of wickedness and evil that mankind did.
Genesis 6:5King James Version (KJV)
5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

So he drowned everyone for the actions of how many?

IOW, it was a temper tantrum to wreak vengeance.

A huge complaint I have about christians is the belief that, if not sprinkled with magic water, children are guilty of sin. But, if that's what you believe, you're welcome to it. I would never ever ever worship a "god" who harms the innocent. But that's just me.
Typical Liberal antics, post a comment out of context and use the BS to support your incorrect opinion. Here is the WHOLE sentence from the article: "Bodies recovered Tuesday were found as far as several miles away in the sister towns of Hildale, Utah and Colorado City, Arizona — the home base of Warren Jeffs' polygamous sect. Officials have not released the identities of the dead."

It is important to note that these people are part of the FLDS cult, these are not the Mormons you are familiar with. They are a fringe, nut job group. And, NO, I am not a Mormon. I just have the ability to read...

You said it didn't mention morms or pedos and then quoted the part that does indeed mention morms and pedos.

By killing 12 kids?

how many kids were killed in that act of divine retribution known as The Great Flood?

If it really ever happened- millions.

Still wondering why you think 'karma' would kill 12 kids because of the actions of some pedophile.

Perhaps we have different concepts of 'karma'

I can't answer for anyone else but don't the believers say their 'god is a vengeful god'? If so, what does that mean?

Wasn't the great flood an act of temper and vengeance?[/QUOTE]

No. it was because of wickedness and evil that mankind did.
Genesis 6:5King James Version (KJV)
5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

So he drowned everyone for the actions of how many?

IOW, it was a temper tantrum to wreak vengeance.

A huge complaint I have about christians is the belief that, if not sprinkled with magic water, children are guilty of sin. But, if that's what you believe, you're welcome to it. I would never ever ever worship a "god" who harms the innocent. But that's just me.
You are inferring Mormons and Pedophiles. The quote I posted simply stated the bodies were washed a great distance away. How the hell do you function on a daily basis? This is a basic ability to understand written word. You are the reason crosswalks have pictures instead of words.
I don't hate Catholics; you will find nothing of the sort in my postings.

I don't hate Protestants; you will find nothing of the sort in my postings.

I don't hate religionists; you will find nothing of the sort in my postings.

I don't hate atheists; but I expect them to be polite as I try to be to them.

I do not tolerate anti-Godists, like Luddly and Guno, and thump them roundly as required.
Typical Liberal antics, post a comment out of context and use the BS to support your incorrect opinion. Here is the WHOLE sentence from the article: "Bodies recovered Tuesday were found as far as several miles away in the sister towns of Hildale, Utah and Colorado City, Arizona — the home base of Warren Jeffs' polygamous sect. Officials have not released the identities of the dead."

It is important to note that these people are part of the FLDS cult, these are not the Mormons you are familiar with. They are a fringe, nut job group. And, NO, I am not a Mormon. I just have the ability to read...

You said it didn't mention morms or pedos and then quoted the part that does indeed mention morms and pedos.

how many kids were killed in that act of divine retribution known as The Great Flood?

If it really ever happened- millions.

Still wondering why you think 'karma' would kill 12 kids because of the actions of some pedophile.

Perhaps we have different concepts of 'karma'

I can't answer for anyone else but don't the believers say their 'god is a vengeful god'? If so, what does that mean?

Wasn't the great flood an act of temper and vengeance?[/QUOTE]

No. it was because of wickedness and evil that mankind did.
Genesis 6:5King James Version (KJV)
5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

So he drowned everyone for the actions of how many?

IOW, it was a temper tantrum to wreak vengeance.

A huge complaint I have about christians is the belief that, if not sprinkled with magic water, children are guilty of sin. But, if that's what you believe, you're welcome to it. I would never ever ever worship a "god" who harms the innocent. But that's just me.
You are inferring Mormons and Pedophiles. The quote I posted simply stated the bodies were washed a great distance away. How the hell do you function on a daily basis? This is a basic ability to understand written word. You are the reason crosswalks have pictures instead of words.

Yoiu're kidding, right?

Do you know who Warren Jeffs is and what his morm cult did and does?

They ARE morms and they ARE pedos.

Google is your friend.
There are anti-Godists and there are pedos.

Oh, my. Luddley, grow the fuck up.
Luddly, do be careful how far you carry your tantrums.

You and Jeremiah 's threats.

WHY would would you think you're scaring me with your silly Big Man On The InterWebs threats?

For a long time, I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. I even PM'd you with an olive branch. But more and more, you are showing yourself to be as bad, if not worse than the very people you criticize.

Typical Liberal antics, post a comment out of context and use the BS to support your incorrect opinion. Here is the WHOLE sentence from the article: "Bodies recovered Tuesday were found as far as several miles away in the sister towns of Hildale, Utah and Colorado City, Arizona — the home base of Warren Jeffs' polygamous sect. Officials have not released the identities of the dead."

It is important to note that these people are part of the FLDS cult, these are not the Mormons you are familiar with. They are a fringe, nut job group. And, NO, I am not a Mormon. I just have the ability to read...

You said it didn't mention morms or pedos and then quoted the part that does indeed mention morms and pedos.

how many kids were killed in that act of divine retribution known as The Great Flood?

If it really ever happened- millions.

Still wondering why you think 'karma' would kill 12 kids because of the actions of some pedophile.

Perhaps we have different concepts of 'karma'

I can't answer for anyone else but don't the believers say their 'god is a vengeful god'? If so, what does that mean?

Wasn't the great flood an act of temper and vengeance?[/QUOTE]

No. it was because of wickedness and evil that mankind did.
Genesis 6:5King James Version (KJV)
5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

So he drowned everyone for the actions of how many?

IOW, it was a temper tantrum to wreak vengeance.

A huge complaint I have about christians is the belief that, if not sprinkled with magic water, children are guilty of sin. But, if that's what you believe, you're welcome to it. I would never ever ever worship a "god" who harms the innocent. But that's just me.
You are inferring Mormons and Pedophiles. The quote I posted simply stated the bodies were washed a great distance away. How the hell do you function on a daily basis? This is a basic ability to understand written word. You are the reason crosswalks have pictures instead of words.

Insults don't change what the article said.
A van and SUV carrying three women and 13 children sat near the widening stream, waiting for the water to recede so they could cross back to their homes in a small, polygamous town on the Utah-Arizona border.

But in an instant, flood waters engulfed them and the two vehicles were sucked downstream, bobbing in the turbulent water before they tumbled over an embankment. Only three children survived. Twelve of the 16 are dead. One is missing.

Flood Waters Trap Hikers, Carry Away Cars in Utah; 16 Die

Look at Rati cheering the death of 12 children. What a putrid pile of shit you are, or in other words, a democrat.

You realize that polygamy means several wives, not child molestation - right stupid?

Rati, you're dumb as a dog turd, but a lot less useful.
Typical Liberal antics, post a comment out of context and use the BS to support your incorrect opinion. Here is the WHOLE sentence from the article: "Bodies recovered Tuesday were found as far as several miles away in the sister towns of Hildale, Utah and Colorado City, Arizona — the home base of Warren Jeffs' polygamous sect. Officials have not released the identities of the dead."

It is important to note that these people are part of the FLDS cult, these are not the Mormons you are familiar with. They are a fringe, nut job group. And, NO, I am not a Mormon. I just have the ability to read...

You said it didn't mention morms or pedos and then quoted the part that does indeed mention morms and pedos.

If it really ever happened- millions.

Still wondering why you think 'karma' would kill 12 kids because of the actions of some pedophile.

Perhaps we have different concepts of 'karma'

I can't answer for anyone else but don't the believers say their 'god is a vengeful god'? If so, what does that mean?

Wasn't the great flood an act of temper and vengeance?[/QUOTE]

No. it was because of wickedness and evil that mankind did.
Genesis 6:5King James Version (KJV)
5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

So he drowned everyone for the actions of how many?

IOW, it was a temper tantrum to wreak vengeance.

A huge complaint I have about christians is the belief that, if not sprinkled with magic water, children are guilty of sin. But, if that's what you believe, you're welcome to it. I would never ever ever worship a "god" who harms the innocent. But that's just me.
You are inferring Mormons and Pedophiles. The quote I posted simply stated the bodies were washed a great distance away. How the hell do you function on a daily basis? This is a basic ability to understand written word. You are the reason crosswalks have pictures instead of words.

Yoiu're kidding, right?

Do you know who Warren Jeffs is and what his morm cult did and does?

They ARE morms and they ARE pedos.

Google is your friend.

The article says they were washed down to Warren Jeff's sect.
It does not say they came from his sect.
Bodies recovered Tuesday were found as far as several miles away in the sister towns of Hildale, Utah and Colorado City, Arizona — the home base of Warren Jeffs' polygamous sect.
A van and SUV carrying three women and 13 children sat near the widening stream, waiting for the water to recede so they could cross back to their homes in a small, polygamous town on the Utah-Arizona border.

But in an instant, flood waters engulfed them and the two vehicles were sucked downstream, bobbing in the turbulent water before they tumbled over an embankment. Only three children survived. Twelve of the 16 are dead. One is missing.

Flood Waters Trap Hikers, Carry Away Cars in Utah; 16 Die

Look at Rati cheering the death of 12 children. What a putrid pile of shit you are, or in other words, a democrat.

You realize that polygamy means several wives, not child molestation - right stupid?

Rati, you're dumb as a dog turd, but a lot less useful.

Warren Jeffs IS a pedo and his cult is as well.
Typical Liberal antics, post a comment out of context and use the BS to support your incorrect opinion. Here is the WHOLE sentence from the article: "Bodies recovered Tuesday were found as far as several miles away in the sister towns of Hildale, Utah and Colorado City, Arizona — the home base of Warren Jeffs' polygamous sect. Officials have not released the identities of the dead."

It is important to note that these people are part of the FLDS cult, these are not the Mormons you are familiar with. They are a fringe, nut job group. And, NO, I am not a Mormon. I just have the ability to read...

You said it didn't mention morms or pedos and then quoted the part that does indeed mention morms and pedos.

I can't answer for anyone else but don't the believers say their 'god is a vengeful god'? If so, what does that mean?

Wasn't the great flood an act of temper and vengeance?[/QUOTE]

No. it was because of wickedness and evil that mankind did.
Genesis 6:5King James Version (KJV)
5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

So he drowned everyone for the actions of how many?

IOW, it was a temper tantrum to wreak vengeance.

A huge complaint I have about christians is the belief that, if not sprinkled with magic water, children are guilty of sin. But, if that's what you believe, you're welcome to it. I would never ever ever worship a "god" who harms the innocent. But that's just me.
You are inferring Mormons and Pedophiles. The quote I posted simply stated the bodies were washed a great distance away. How the hell do you function on a daily basis? This is a basic ability to understand written word. You are the reason crosswalks have pictures instead of words.

Yoiu're kidding, right?

Do you know who Warren Jeffs is and what his morm cult did and does?

They ARE morms and they ARE pedos.

Google is your friend.

The article says they were washed down to Warren Jeff's sect.
It does not say they came from his sect.
Bodies recovered Tuesday were found as far as several miles away in the sister towns of Hildale, Utah and Colorado City, Arizona — the home base of Warren Jeffs' polygamous sect.

This thread is just plain bizarre. You and Jake and other thumpers are sounding very desperate and VERY apologetic about this horrific pedo cult. Little children died and all you can do is defend monsters.

I hope you can find it in your heart to put the victims first, before the morm sect.

“We’re greatly humbled by this, but we realize that this is an act of God, and this is something we can’t control,” said Barlow, a Jeffs follower. “We have to take what we receive and do the best we can.”

The search effort temporarily eased the tension between Jeffs followers and others who no longer belong to the sect but still live there. That split between loyalists who still believe Jeffs is a victim of religious persecution and defectors who are embracing government efforts to pull the town into modern society has sharpened in the four years since Jeffs was sentenced to life in prison for sexually assaulting underage girls he considered brides.

“We were all coming together for a common cause, without any bad feelings,” he said.


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