Mormon pedo ring gets smacked down by God?

A van and SUV carrying three women and 13 children sat near the widening stream, waiting for the water to recede so they could cross back to their homes in a small, polygamous town on the Utah-Arizona border.

But in an instant, flood waters engulfed them and the two vehicles were sucked downstream, bobbing in the turbulent water before they tumbled over an embankment. Only three children survived. Twelve of the 16 are dead. One is missing.

Flood Waters Trap Hikers, Carry Away Cars in Utah; 16 Die

Look at Rati cheering the death of 12 children. What a putrid pile of shit you are, or in other words, a democrat.

You realize that polygamy means several wives, not child molestation - right stupid?

Rati, you're dumb as a dog turd, but a lot less useful.

Warren Jeffs IS a pedo and his cult is as well.

If that were so, then many more would have been arrested also not just Jeffs.
A van and SUV carrying three women and 13 children sat near the widening stream, waiting for the water to recede so they could cross back to their homes in a small, polygamous town on the Utah-Arizona border.

But in an instant, flood waters engulfed them and the two vehicles were sucked downstream, bobbing in the turbulent water before they tumbled over an embankment. Only three children survived. Twelve of the 16 are dead. One is missing.

Flood Waters Trap Hikers, Carry Away Cars in Utah; 16 Die

Look at Rati cheering the death of 12 children. What a putrid pile of shit you are, or in other words, a democrat.

You realize that polygamy means several wives, not child molestation - right stupid?

Rati, you're dumb as a dog turd, but a lot less useful.

Warren Jeffs IS a pedo and his cult is as well.

If that were so, then many more would have been arrested also not just Jeffs.

I just got a chill run up my spine.

You really are defending a pedo cult.

Peach, I have disagreed with you before but you have never said anything like this. Honestly, I am truly shocked and disheartened. You really are one of them.
Warren Jeffs IS a pedo and his cult is as well.

He may or may not be, but that has nothing to do with this story.

Rati is cheering the death of 12 children, and you're cheering her on.

He is in prison for being a pedo.

If you read the thread, you will see you are wrong but I don't expect you to have the balls to admit it.

They were washed several miles down towards his sect.
It never said they were from his sect.
A van and SUV carrying three women and 13 children sat near the widening stream, waiting for the water to recede so they could cross back to their homes in a small, polygamous town on the Utah-Arizona border.

But in an instant, flood waters engulfed them and the two vehicles were sucked downstream, bobbing in the turbulent water before they tumbled over an embankment. Only three children survived. Twelve of the 16 are dead. One is missing.

Flood Waters Trap Hikers, Carry Away Cars in Utah; 16 Die

Look at Rati cheering the death of 12 children. What a putrid pile of shit you are, or in other words, a democrat.

You realize that polygamy means several wives, not child molestation - right stupid?

Rati, you're dumb as a dog turd, but a lot less useful.

Warren Jeffs IS a pedo and his cult is as well.

If that were so, then many more would have been arrested also not just Jeffs.

I just got a chill run up my spine.

You really are defending a pedo cult.

Peach, I have disagreed with you before but you have never said anything like this. Honestly, I am truly shocked and disheartened. You really are one of them.

I am one of them?
That's why I worked for Child Abuse for 8 years. Geez!!!!!!!!

You have still not addressed that the group that was drowned and was washed up near his sect is actually from his sect.
It does not say that anywhere in the article like you are referring to.
A van and SUV carrying three women and 13 children sat near the widening stream, waiting for the water to recede so they could cross back to their homes in a small, polygamous town on the Utah-Arizona border.

But in an instant, flood waters engulfed them and the two vehicles were sucked downstream, bobbing in the turbulent water before they tumbled over an embankment. Only three children survived. Twelve of the 16 are dead. One is missing.

Flood Waters Trap Hikers, Carry Away Cars in Utah; 16 Die

Look at Rati cheering the death of 12 children. What a putrid pile of shit you are, or in other words, a democrat.

You realize that polygamy means several wives, not child molestation - right stupid?

Rati, you're dumb as a dog turd, but a lot less useful.

Warren Jeffs IS a pedo and his cult is as well.

If that were so, then many more would have been arrested also not just Jeffs.

I just got a chill run up my spine.

You really are defending a pedo cult.

Peach, I have disagreed with you before but you have never said anything like this. Honestly, I am truly shocked and disheartened. You really are one of them.

but they call themselves christians so it doesn't matter if they're pedos. doncha know?
A van and SUV carrying three women and 13 children sat near the widening stream, waiting for the water to recede so they could cross back to their homes in a small, polygamous town on the Utah-Arizona border.

But in an instant, flood waters engulfed them and the two vehicles were sucked downstream, bobbing in the turbulent water before they tumbled over an embankment. Only three children survived. Twelve of the 16 are dead. One is missing.

Flood Waters Trap Hikers, Carry Away Cars in Utah; 16 Die

Look at Rati cheering the death of 12 children. What a putrid pile of shit you are, or in other words, a democrat.

You realize that polygamy means several wives, not child molestation - right stupid?

Rati, you're dumb as a dog turd, but a lot less useful.

Warren Jeffs IS a pedo and his cult is as well.

If that were so, then many more would have been arrested also not just Jeffs.

I just got a chill run up my spine.

You really are defending a pedo cult.

Peach, I have disagreed with you before but you have never said anything like this. Honestly, I am truly shocked and disheartened. You really are one of them.

I am one of them?
That's why I worked for Child Abuse for 8 years. Geez!!!!!!!!

You have still not addressed that the group that was drowned and was washed up near his sect is actually from his sect.
It does not say that anywhere in the article like you are referring to.

A child advocate does not defend Warren Jeffs or Josh Duggar - as you have done.

You defend the indefensible.

No more. I've had enough of the likes of you.
A van and SUV carrying three women and 13 children sat near the widening stream, waiting for the water to recede so they could cross back to their homes in a small, polygamous town on the Utah-Arizona border.

But in an instant, flood waters engulfed them and the two vehicles were sucked downstream, bobbing in the turbulent water before they tumbled over an embankment. Only three children survived. Twelve of the 16 are dead. One is missing.

Flood Waters Trap Hikers, Carry Away Cars in Utah; 16 Die

Look at Rati cheering the death of 12 children. What a putrid pile of shit you are, or in other words, a democrat.

You realize that polygamy means several wives, not child molestation - right stupid?

Rati, you're dumb as a dog turd, but a lot less useful.

Warren Jeffs IS a pedo and his cult is as well.

If that were so, then many more would have been arrested also not just Jeffs.

I just got a chill run up my spine.

You really are defending a pedo cult.

Peach, I have disagreed with you before but you have never said anything like this. Honestly, I am truly shocked and disheartened. You really are one of them.

but they call themselves christians so it doesn't matter if they're pedos. doncha know?


After all those women and children went through, WHO would defend Jeffs' cult with this???

"If that were so, then many more would have been arrested also not just Jeffs."

And then deny what the links so clearly state?

And read the other apologists.

Sick sick sick.
Look at Rati cheering the death of 12 children. What a putrid pile of shit you are, or in other words, a democrat.

You realize that polygamy means several wives, not child molestation - right stupid?

Rati, you're dumb as a dog turd, but a lot less useful.

Warren Jeffs IS a pedo and his cult is as well.

If that were so, then many more would have been arrested also not just Jeffs.

I just got a chill run up my spine.

You really are defending a pedo cult.

Peach, I have disagreed with you before but you have never said anything like this. Honestly, I am truly shocked and disheartened. You really are one of them.

but they call themselves christians so it doesn't matter if they're pedos. doncha know?


After all those women and children went through, WHO would defend Jeffs' cult with this???

"If that were so, then many more would have been arrested also not just Jeffs."

And then deny what the links so clearly state?

And read the other apologists.

Sick sick sick.

they defend all the freaks who abuse others in the name of religion....

well, as long as the religion is christianity.
Luddley, you were out, and now you are doubling down on stupid.

Move along.
It is important to note that these people are part of the FLDS cult, these are not the Mormons you are familiar with. They are a fringe, nut job group. And, NO, I am not a Mormon. I just have the ability to read...

I am a Mormon (that is to say, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), and in fact, I have at least one known ancestor who practiced polygamy back when Mormons practiced it. The FLDS are not Mormons, and they have nothing to do with us other than a distant historical schism. They split off from us a very long time ago, and went off in some very bizarre directions.
A van and SUV carrying three women and 13 children sat near the widening stream, waiting for the water to recede so they could cross back to their homes in a small, polygamous town on the Utah-Arizona border.

But in an instant, flood waters engulfed them and the two vehicles were sucked downstream, bobbing in the turbulent water before they tumbled over an embankment. Only three children survived. Twelve of the 16 are dead. One is missing.

Flood Waters Trap Hikers, Carry Away Cars in Utah; 16 Die

Look at Rati cheering the death of 12 children. What a putrid pile of shit you are, or in other words, a democrat.

You realize that polygamy means several wives, not child molestation - right stupid?

Rati, you're dumb as a dog turd, but a lot less useful.

Warren Jeffs IS a pedo and his cult is as well.

If that were so, then many more would have been arrested also not just Jeffs.

I just got a chill run up my spine.

You really are defending a pedo cult.

Peach, I have disagreed with you before but you have never said anything like this. Honestly, I am truly shocked and disheartened. You really are one of them.

but they call themselves christians so it doesn't matter if they're pedos. doncha know?

Warren Jeffs is defiantly a pedo and that is why he is in jail right now.
But this article has nothing to do with him.
I think that most sane people agree that:

1. Jeff is a pedophile
2. jeff was, and still is, the leader of a cult

Now, I don't know if the other members are pedophiles or not, but I do know that he had the support of virtually everyone in his community, and still has the support of at least half of them. Considering the closeness of this community, (and it is small. I've been there) supporting a cult leader who is a pedophiole is every bit as damning as being a pedophile oneself. There are no secrets in a community of this size. The same was true of the Branch Davidians.
I think that most sane people agree that:

1. Jeff is a pedophile
2. jeff was, and still is, the leader of a cult

Now, I don't know if the other members are pedophiles or not, but I do know that he had the support of virtually everyone in his community, and still has the support of at least half of them. Considering the closeness of this community, (and it is small. I've been there) supporting a cult leader who is a pedophiole is every bit as damning as being a pedophile oneself. There are no secrets in a community of this size.
..and none of that is relevant to children drowning in a flood...
BTW, this OP is extra stupid b/c it was women and children who died. Maybe, Ravi's god smites the victims and not the perpetrators, I dunno. But for those of us living in reality.....

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