Mormon pedo ring gets smacked down by God?

One, yes, the FLDS are a branch of Mormonism.

No, they are not. Not any more than Lutherans are “a branch of” Catholicism.

Blaylock, email your church's assistant historian and recorder for the proper use of the name "Mormon" to identify all those folks who follow Joseph Smith as its founders.

I should think that an official site, run by the church itself, would be a credible enough source.

Style Guide — The Name of the Church

When referring to people or organizations that practice polygamy, the terms "Mormons," "Mormon fundamentalist," "Mormon dissidents," etc. are incorrect. The Associated Press Stylebook notes: "The term Mormon is not properly applied to the other … churches that resulted from the split after [Joseph] Smith's death."

That is the official position of the Mormon church, regarding the use of the word “Mormon”. In those countries that have allowed it, the church has trademarked the name. Where the trademark is recognized, it is actually illegal to use the word “Mormon” to refer to other churches.

Many Mormons outside the LDS church still live the doctrine.

There are no Mormons outside the church. By definition, only someone who is a member of the church is a Mormon. Anyone outside the church is not a Mormon.
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It is important to note that these people are part of the FLDS cult, these are not the Mormons you are familiar with. They are a fringe, nut job group. And, NO, I am not a Mormon. I just have the ability to read...

I am a Mormon (that is to say, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), and in fact, I have at least one known ancestor who practiced polygamy back when Mormons practiced it. The FLDS are not Mormons, and they have nothing to do with us other than a distant historical schism. They split off from us a very long time ago, and went off in some very bizarre directions.
One, yes, the FLDS are a branch of Mormonism.

Two, the FLDS are not associated with the LDS.

Blaylock, email your church's assistant historian and recorder for the proper use of the name "Mormon" to identify all those folks who follow Joseph Smith as its founders.
I can't tell if you just like instigating arguments or if you are actually trying to make a point? I would argue the first based on the fact that your post has nothing to do with the OP and is entirely argumentative. Let's assume that Bob Blaylock reads your post and "comes to grips with how wrong he was about his own faith", what have you accomplished? First of all, there is nothing wrong with Bob's faith. I know and have known many Mormons and they are wonderful human beings and fantastic Christians. Second, you are taking a practice that was widely contested and lasted about 30 years, 120 years ago and applying it (incorrectly) to a religion. It would be like taking a group that follows the Pope but believes in White Supremacy and identifying them as Catholics instead of fringe nut jobs.

FYI, if you're going to ban any religion that has ever endorsed polygamy you are in for a long ride. The Old Testament endorsed the practice. Gideon, Jacob, Abraham and Samuel are all recognized in Christian teachings and all were polygamists. None of whom were denounced by Christ. Jew, Islam, Hindu and even certain Christians have practiced polygamy at one time in history. That represents roughly 85% of the worlds population today (6.2B vs. 7.3B total). By your logic everyone who believes in the same origin gets grouped together.

True story. Here is proof of what Ravi alleges:

"Bodies recovered Tuesday were found as far as several miles away in the sister towns of Hildale, Utah, and Colorado City, Arizona — the home base of Warren Jeffs' polygamous sect.

Hildale Mayor Philip Barlow said the three women who died were sisters: Josephine Jessop, Naomi Jessop and Della Black. Josephine Jessop and Naomi Jessop were also sister wives, both married to Joseph N. Jessop. It's not uncommon in the polygamous sect for relatives to marry the same man."

Zion National Park Floods Trapped 7 People in Narrow Canyon
I agree with you but I did not condemn the LDS church in correcting Blaylock's misdefinition of Mormons can only be LDS. I know and have known many Mormons and they are wonderful human beings and fantastic Christians.

I did not apply polygamy to the current LDS church. I pointed out above that it ended it officially in 1890 and 1904 and that it is still rooting out plygs.

False equivalency by you. It would be like taking a group that follows the Pope but believes in White Supremacy and identifying them as Catholics instead of fringe nut jobs.

I did not say we should ban religions that endorse polygamous marriage. I said there are real problems with those who practice it. FYI, if you're going to ban any religion that has ever endorsed polygamy you are in for a long ride. The Old Testament endorsed the practice. Gideon, Jacob, Abraham and Samuel are all recognized in Christian teachings and all were polygamists. None of whom were denounced by Christ. Jew, Islam, Hindu and even certain Christians have practiced polygamy at one time in history. That represents roughly 85% of the worlds population today (6.2B vs. 7.3B total).

Your logic is rather faulty, for I never said anything of the sort. By your logic everyone who believes in the same origin gets grouped together.

You are either a poor reader, mentally feeble, ignorant, malignantly motivated or a combination of any or all of the above.

I will correct you every time you mischaracterize what I have written.
False Equivalency. No, they are not. Not any more than Lutherans are “a branch of” Catholicism.

The LDS church is not a definitive source for excluding other Mormons. I should think that an official site, run by the church itself, would be a credible enough source.

"In some countries, "Mormon" and some phrases including the term are registered trademarks owned by IRI.[3]

In 2002, the LDS Church applied for a trademark in the United States on "Mormon" as applied to religious services; however, the United States Patent and Trademark Office rejected the application, stating that the term "Mormon" was too generic, and is popularly understood as referring to a particular kind of church, similar to "Presbyterian" or "Methodist", rather than a service mark.[4] The application was abandoned as of August 22, 2007 Intellectual Reserve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"

By definition, anyone who follows Joseph Smith is a Mormon.
BTW, this OP is extra stupid b/c it was women and children who died. Maybe, Ravi's god smites the victims and not the perpetrators, I dunno. But for those of us living in reality.....

For those who missed it. Ravi certainly didn't have the vag to reply.
I did answer it. What better way for God to punish evil doers than kill their loved ones.

True story. Here is proof of what Ravi alleges:

"Bodies recovered Tuesday were found as far as several miles away in the sister towns of Hildale, Utah, and Colorado City, Arizona — the home base of Warren Jeffs' polygamous sect.

Hildale Mayor Philip Barlow said the three women who died were sisters: Josephine Jessop, Naomi Jessop and Della Black. Josephine Jessop and Naomi Jessop were also sister wives, both married to Joseph N. Jessop. It's not uncommon in the polygamous sect for relatives to marry the same man."

Zion National Park Floods Trapped 7 People in Narrow Canyon
This is getting old! The OP states PEDO (Pedophilia) and Mormons. The article says nothing about that. While they may have been polygamists and FLDS members neither of those equate to pedophilia and/or Mormons.
This is getting old! The OP states PEDO (Pedophilia) and Mormons. The article says nothing about that. While they may have been polygamists and FLDS members neither of those equate to pedophilia and/or Mormons.
Yes, the title is misleading. No, pedophilia is a problem in the FLDS group
Typical Liberal antics, post a comment out of context and use the BS to support your incorrect opinion. Here is the WHOLE sentence from the article: "Bodies recovered Tuesday were found as far as several miles away in the sister towns of Hildale, Utah and Colorado City, Arizona — the home base of Warren Jeffs' polygamous sect. Officials have not released the identities of the dead."

It is important to note that these people are part of the FLDS cult, these are not the Mormons you are familiar with. They are a fringe, nut job group. And, NO, I am not a Mormon. I just have the ability to read...

You said it didn't mention morms or pedos and then quoted the part that does indeed mention morms and pedos.

So he drowned everyone for the actions of how many?

IOW, it was a temper tantrum to wreak vengeance.

A huge complaint I have about christians is the belief that, if not sprinkled with magic water, children are guilty of sin. But, if that's what you believe, you're welcome to it. I would never ever ever worship a "god" who harms the innocent. But that's just me.
You are inferring Mormons and Pedophiles. The quote I posted simply stated the bodies were washed a great distance away. How the hell do you function on a daily basis? This is a basic ability to understand written word. You are the reason crosswalks have pictures instead of words.

Yoiu're kidding, right?

Do you know who Warren Jeffs is and what his morm cult did and does?

They ARE morms and they ARE pedos.

Google is your friend.

The article says they were washed down to Warren Jeff's sect.
It does not say they came from his sect.
Bodies recovered Tuesday were found as far as several miles away in the sister towns of Hildale, Utah and Colorado City, Arizona — the home base of Warren Jeffs' polygamous sect.

This thread is just plain bizarre. You and Jake and other thumpers are sounding very desperate and VERY apologetic about this horrific pedo cult. Little children died and all you can do is defend monsters.

I hope you can find it in your heart to put the victims first, before the morm sect.

“We’re greatly humbled by this, but we realize that this is an act of God, and this is something we can’t control,” said Barlow, a Jeffs follower. “We have to take what we receive and do the best we can.”

The search effort temporarily eased the tension between Jeffs followers and others who no longer belong to the sect but still live there. That split between loyalists who still believe Jeffs is a victim of religious persecution and defectors who are embracing government efforts to pull the town into modern society has sharpened in the four years since Jeffs was sentenced to life in prison for sexually assaulting underage girls he considered brides.

“We were all coming together for a common cause, without any bad feelings,” he said.


I notice no one has commented on this ^^^

How difficult it must be to leave the Jeffs cult and then be contact with those who are still in it - but they rose above it.

I feel sorry for these women and children in their every day lives but to lose these children bust be all but unbearable.

OR - is it like the guy said - '...this is an act of god ...we have to take what we receive and do the best we can...'

True story. Here is proof of what Ravi alleges:

"Bodies recovered Tuesday were found as far as several miles away in the sister towns of Hildale, Utah, and Colorado City, Arizona — the home base of Warren Jeffs' polygamous sect.

Hildale Mayor Philip Barlow said the three women who died were sisters: Josephine Jessop, Naomi Jessop and Della Black. Josephine Jessop and Naomi Jessop were also sister wives, both married to Joseph N. Jessop. It's not uncommon in the polygamous sect for relatives to marry the same man."

Zion National Park Floods Trapped 7 People in Narrow Canyon
This is getting old! The OP states PEDO (Pedophilia) and Mormons. The article says nothing about that. While they may have been polygamists and FLDS members neither of those equate to pedophilia and/or Mormons.

The OP article clearly states 'home base for jeffs' poly sect ... followers of jeff or have times to polygamy'.

Is there anyone one who does not know that Jeffs is mormon and serving time for pedophilia?

The article I posted is also very clear.
This is getting old! The OP states PEDO (Pedophilia) and Mormons. The article says nothing about that. While they may have been polygamists and FLDS members neither of those equate to pedophilia and/or Mormons.
Yes, the title is misleading. No, pedophilia is a problem in the FLDS group

Yes it is getting very old.
This was about bashing God, Christians and baiting to see who was for the loss of lives of innocent children and never was about the all the others who lost their lives while hiking.
This is getting old! The OP states PEDO (Pedophilia) and Mormons. The article says nothing about that. While they may have been polygamists and FLDS members neither of those equate to pedophilia and/or Mormons.
Yes, the title is misleading. No, pedophilia is a problem in the FLDS group

Yes it is getting very old.
This was about bashing God, Christians and baiting to see who was for the loss of lives of innocent children and never was about the all the others who lost their lives while hiking.

And it only took you to post #196 to notice that god drowned innocent children - again.
I agree with you but I did not condemn the LDS church in correcting Blaylock's misdefinition of Mormons can only be LDS. I know and have known many Mormons and they are wonderful human beings and fantastic Christians.

I did not apply polygamy to the current LDS church. I pointed out above that it ended it officially in 1890 and 1904 and that it is still rooting out plygs.

False equivalency by you. It would be like taking a group that follows the Pope but believes in White Supremacy and identifying them as Catholics instead of fringe nut jobs.

I did not say we should ban religions that endorse polygamous marriage. I said there are real problems with those who practice it. FYI, if you're going to ban any religion that has ever endorsed polygamy you are in for a long ride. The Old Testament endorsed the practice. Gideon, Jacob, Abraham and Samuel are all recognized in Christian teachings and all were polygamists. None of whom were denounced by Christ. Jew, Islam, Hindu and even certain Christians have practiced polygamy at one time in history. That represents roughly 85% of the worlds population today (6.2B vs. 7.3B total).

Your logic is rather faulty, for I never said anything of the sort. By your logic everyone who believes in the same origin gets grouped together.

You are either a poor reader, mentally feeble, ignorant, malignantly motivated or a combination of any or all of the above.

I will correct you every time you mischaracterize what I have written.

"One, yes, the FLDS are a branch of Mormonism. Branch - (n.)a division or office of a large business or organization, operating locally or having a particular function. - This implies a functional relation. As the LDS church believes that the prophet speaks the word of God, when the prophet denounced polygamy there is no functional relation to the LDS church by the FLDS cult/sect. This relates to my second assertion that you call a "false equivalency". If a sect of Catholics (for instance) believe in theologically based white supremacy while the main branch denounces it, to characterize the sect as "Catholic" rather than simply White Supremacist is intellectually unfair. You grouped them together when you (incorrectly) characterized them as a "branch"

Two, the FLDS are not associated with the LDS.

Blaylock, email your church's assistant historian and recorder for the proper use of the name "Mormon" to identify all those folks who follow Joseph Smith as its founders."

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