Mormon pedo ring gets smacked down by God?

The OP didn't say anything that all the evangelical preachers on tv say about various events re 'its god's wrath'.

Google Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell to see many similar claims. Except when kristians make the claim it is against some group they hate.
This is getting old! The OP states PEDO (Pedophilia) and Mormons. The article says nothing about that. While they may have been polygamists and FLDS members neither of those equate to pedophilia and/or Mormons.
Yes, the title is misleading. No, pedophilia is a problem in the FLDS group

Yes it is getting very old.
This was about bashing God, Christians and baiting to see who was for the loss of lives of innocent children and never was about the all the others who lost their lives while hiking.

And it only took you to post #196 to notice that god drowned innocent children - again.

I never said that.
God did not drown them.
The OP is poorly titled.

The below is a great book that explains the various branches (like branches of a tree, folks) of Mormonism.


Scattering Of The Saints: Schism Within Mormonism Paperback – September 10, 2007

It is difficult to understand why so many Mormons that come from the Salt Lake (LDS) branch simply don't recognize or even understand the hundreds of additional branches within Mormonism.

This book is a must read for any Mormon that is unaware of the different divisions in their religion.
I agree with you but I did not condemn the LDS church in correcting Blaylock's misdefinition of Mormons can only be LDS. I know and have known many Mormons and they are wonderful human beings and fantastic Christians.

I did not apply polygamy to the current LDS church. I pointed out above that it ended it officially in 1890 and 1904 and that it is still rooting out plygs.

False equivalency by you. It would be like taking a group that follows the Pope but believes in White Supremacy and identifying them as Catholics instead of fringe nut jobs.

I did not say we should ban religions that endorse polygamous marriage. I said there are real problems with those who practice it. FYI, if you're going to ban any religion that has ever endorsed polygamy you are in for a long ride. The Old Testament endorsed the practice. Gideon, Jacob, Abraham and Samuel are all recognized in Christian teachings and all were polygamists. None of whom were denounced by Christ. Jew, Islam, Hindu and even certain Christians have practiced polygamy at one time in history. That represents roughly 85% of the worlds population today (6.2B vs. 7.3B total).

Your logic is rather faulty, for I never said anything of the sort. By your logic everyone who believes in the same origin gets grouped together.

You are either a poor reader, mentally feeble, ignorant, malignantly motivated or a combination of any or all of the above.

I will correct you every time you mischaracterize what I have written.

"One, yes, the FLDS are a branch of Mormonism. Branch - (n.)a division or office of a large business or organization, operating locally or having a particular function. - This implies a functional relation. As the LDS church believes that the prophet speaks the word of God, when the prophet denounced polygamy there is no functional relation to the LDS church by the FLDS cult/sect. This relates to my second assertion that you call a "false equivalency". If a sect of Catholics (for instance) believe in theologically based white supremacy while the main branch denounces it, to characterize the sect as "Catholic" rather than simply White Supremacist is intellectually unfair. You grouped them together when you (incorrectly) characterized them as a "branch"

Two, the FLDS are not associated with the LDS.

Blaylock, email your church's assistant historian and recorder for the proper use of the name "Mormon" to identify all those folks who follow Joseph Smith as its founders."
The FDLS is actually the true Mormon religion. The LDS is an offshoot that rejected some of Smith's teachings.
I agree with you but I did not condemn the LDS church in correcting Blaylock's misdefinition of Mormons can only be LDS. I know and have known many Mormons and they are wonderful human beings and fantastic Christians.

I did not apply polygamy to the current LDS church. I pointed out above that it ended it officially in 1890 and 1904 and that it is still rooting out plygs.

False equivalency by you. It would be like taking a group that follows the Pope but believes in White Supremacy and identifying them as Catholics instead of fringe nut jobs.

I did not say we should ban religions that endorse polygamous marriage. I said there are real problems with those who practice it. FYI, if you're going to ban any religion that has ever endorsed polygamy you are in for a long ride. The Old Testament endorsed the practice. Gideon, Jacob, Abraham and Samuel are all recognized in Christian teachings and all were polygamists. None of whom were denounced by Christ. Jew, Islam, Hindu and even certain Christians have practiced polygamy at one time in history. That represents roughly 85% of the worlds population today (6.2B vs. 7.3B total).

Your logic is rather faulty, for I never said anything of the sort. By your logic everyone who believes in the same origin gets grouped together.

You are either a poor reader, mentally feeble, ignorant, malignantly motivated or a combination of any or all of the above.

I will correct you every time you mischaracterize what I have written.

"One, yes, the FLDS are a branch of Mormonism. Branch - (n.)a division or office of a large business or organization, operating locally or having a particular function. - This implies a functional relation. As the LDS church believes that the prophet speaks the word of God, when the prophet denounced polygamy there is no functional relation to the LDS church by the FLDS cult/sect. This relates to my second assertion that you call a "false equivalency". If a sect of Catholics (for instance) believe in theologically based white supremacy while the main branch denounces it, to characterize the sect as "Catholic" rather than simply White Supremacist is intellectually unfair. You grouped them together when you (incorrectly) characterized them as a "branch"

Two, the FLDS are not associated with the LDS.

Blaylock, email your church's assistant historian and recorder for the proper use of the name "Mormon" to identify all those folks who follow Joseph Smith as its founders."
The FDLS is actually the true Mormon religion. The LDS is an offshoot that rejected some of Smith's teachings.

Weren't they forced to change because the US passed a law against polygamy?

Mitt Romney's own father was a Mexican citizen because he was born there (like the US, Mexico has a birthright citizenship). The Romney's were among the morms who left the US rather than abide by the law.
I agree with you but I did not condemn the LDS church in correcting Blaylock's misdefinition of Mormons can only be LDS. I know and have known many Mormons and they are wonderful human beings and fantastic Christians.

I did not apply polygamy to the current LDS church. I pointed out above that it ended it officially in 1890 and 1904 and that it is still rooting out plygs.

False equivalency by you. It would be like taking a group that follows the Pope but believes in White Supremacy and identifying them as Catholics instead of fringe nut jobs.

I did not say we should ban religions that endorse polygamous marriage. I said there are real problems with those who practice it. FYI, if you're going to ban any religion that has ever endorsed polygamy you are in for a long ride. The Old Testament endorsed the practice. Gideon, Jacob, Abraham and Samuel are all recognized in Christian teachings and all were polygamists. None of whom were denounced by Christ. Jew, Islam, Hindu and even certain Christians have practiced polygamy at one time in history. That represents roughly 85% of the worlds population today (6.2B vs. 7.3B total).

Your logic is rather faulty, for I never said anything of the sort. By your logic everyone who believes in the same origin gets grouped together.

You are either a poor reader, mentally feeble, ignorant, malignantly motivated or a combination of any or all of the above.

I will correct you every time you mischaracterize what I have written.

"One, yes, the FLDS are a branch of Mormonism. Branch - (n.)a division or office of a large business or organization, operating locally or having a particular function. - This implies a functional relation. As the LDS church believes that the prophet speaks the word of God, when the prophet denounced polygamy there is no functional relation to the LDS church by the FLDS cult/sect. This relates to my second assertion that you call a "false equivalency". If a sect of Catholics (for instance) believe in theologically based white supremacy while the main branch denounces it, to characterize the sect as "Catholic" rather than simply White Supremacist is intellectually unfair. You grouped them together when you (incorrectly) characterized them as a "branch"

Two, the FLDS are not associated with the LDS.

Blaylock, email your church's assistant historian and recorder for the proper use of the name "Mormon" to identify all those folks who follow Joseph Smith as its founders."
The FDLS is actually the true Mormon religion. The LDS is an offshoot that rejected some of Smith's teachings.
The FLDS will certainly agree with you.
I agree with you but I did not condemn the LDS church in correcting Blaylock's misdefinition of Mormons can only be LDS. I know and have known many Mormons and they are wonderful human beings and fantastic Christians.

I did not apply polygamy to the current LDS church. I pointed out above that it ended it officially in 1890 and 1904 and that it is still rooting out plygs.

False equivalency by you. It would be like taking a group that follows the Pope but believes in White Supremacy and identifying them as Catholics instead of fringe nut jobs.

I did not say we should ban religions that endorse polygamous marriage. I said there are real problems with those who practice it. FYI, if you're going to ban any religion that has ever endorsed polygamy you are in for a long ride. The Old Testament endorsed the practice. Gideon, Jacob, Abraham and Samuel are all recognized in Christian teachings and all were polygamists. None of whom were denounced by Christ. Jew, Islam, Hindu and even certain Christians have practiced polygamy at one time in history. That represents roughly 85% of the worlds population today (6.2B vs. 7.3B total).

Your logic is rather faulty, for I never said anything of the sort. By your logic everyone who believes in the same origin gets grouped together.

You are either a poor reader, mentally feeble, ignorant, malignantly motivated or a combination of any or all of the above.

I will correct you every time you mischaracterize what I have written.

"One, yes, the FLDS are a branch of Mormonism. Branch - (n.)a division or office of a large business or organization, operating locally or having a particular function. - This implies a functional relation. As the LDS church believes that the prophet speaks the word of God, when the prophet denounced polygamy there is no functional relation to the LDS church by the FLDS cult/sect. This relates to my second assertion that you call a "false equivalency". If a sect of Catholics (for instance) believe in theologically based white supremacy while the main branch denounces it, to characterize the sect as "Catholic" rather than simply White Supremacist is intellectually unfair. You grouped them together when you (incorrectly) characterized them as a "branch"

Two, the FLDS are not associated with the LDS.

Blaylock, email your church's assistant historian and recorder for the proper use of the name "Mormon" to identify all those folks who follow Joseph Smith as its founders."
The FDLS is actually the true Mormon religion. The LDS is an offshoot that rejected some of Smith's teachings.

Weren't they forced to change because the US passed a law against polygamy?

Mitt Romney's own father was a Mexican citizen because he was born there (like the US, Mexico has a birthright citizenship). The Romney's were among the morms who left the US rather than abide by the law.
IIRC, there was a split in the church before the law was passed. Joseph Smith took many wives, many of them underage. The FDLS is just living his dream.
no. no one is cheering. but you wackos need to stop making excuses for pedophiles just because they hide behind the cloak of christianity.

Really? You might reread the OP by Rati. This is absolutely glee over the death of children.

You jumped right in cheering dead kids.

and you probably should go back to basic economics and political science since i'm not a communist or even a socialist.

and you can stamp your widdle feet and keep repeating that and it's still something the voices in your head are telling you.

p.s. next time try to stay on topic before you start frothing at the mouth.

Say Jilly, when Iran sets off an ObamaaNuke in Tel Aviv, will you cheer?

I should be ashamed for calling a pedo cult pedos?

You're a psychopath. You should be ashamed of cheering the death of 12 children, but you lack the basic human conscience that drives such thoughts and emotions.

You didn't even grasp that starting a thread where you dance and cheer the death of children might be a tad inappropriate.
Posting some history is projection? OK. :lol:

Oh, there is an Ignored damned posting that I can't see. Carry on.
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