Mormon pedo ring gets smacked down by God?

I think that most sane people agree that:

1. Jeff is a pedophile
2. jeff was, and still is, the leader of a cult

Now, I don't know if the other members are pedophiles or not, but I do know that he had the support of virtually everyone in his community, and still has the support of at least half of them. Considering the closeness of this community, (and it is small. I've been there) supporting a cult leader who is a pedophiole is every bit as damning as being a pedophile oneself. There are no secrets in a community of this size.
..and none of that is relevant to children drowning in a flood...

Granted, I have only read the last couple of pages of this, but I feel compelled to respond to a post doubting that Jeff's cult is a cult of pedophiles.
Typical Liberal antics, post a comment out of context and use the BS to support your incorrect opinion. Here is the WHOLE sentence from the article: "Bodies recovered Tuesday were found as far as several miles away in the sister towns of Hildale, Utah and Colorado City, Arizona — the home base of Warren Jeffs' polygamous sect. Officials have not released the identities of the dead."

It is important to note that these people are part of the FLDS cult, these are not the Mormons you are familiar with. They are a fringe, nut job group. And, NO, I am not a Mormon. I just have the ability to read...

You said it didn't mention morms or pedos and then quoted the part that does indeed mention morms and pedos.

If it really ever happened- millions.

Still wondering why you think 'karma' would kill 12 kids because of the actions of some pedophile.

Perhaps we have different concepts of 'karma'

I can't answer for anyone else but don't the believers say their 'god is a vengeful god'? If so, what does that mean?

Wasn't the great flood an act of temper and vengeance?[/QUOTE]

No. it was because of wickedness and evil that mankind did.
Genesis 6:5King James Version (KJV)
5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

So he drowned everyone for the actions of how many?

IOW, it was a temper tantrum to wreak vengeance.

A huge complaint I have about christians is the belief that, if not sprinkled with magic water, children are guilty of sin. But, if that's what you believe, you're welcome to it. I would never ever ever worship a "god" who harms the innocent. But that's just me.
You are inferring Mormons and Pedophiles. The quote I posted simply stated the bodies were washed a great distance away. How the hell do you function on a daily basis? This is a basic ability to understand written word. You are the reason crosswalks have pictures instead of words.

Yoiu're kidding, right?

Do you know who Warren Jeffs is and what his morm cult did and does?

They ARE morms and they ARE pedos.

Google is your friend.
You are either the dumbest person on the planet or a troll. Either way, have a great life!
but they call themselves christians so it doesn't matter if they're pedos. doncha know?

So, you are ALSO cheering the death of 12 children?

Is your only regret that you couldn't abort them when they were younger?

You Communists are some disgusting vermin.


no. no one is cheering. but you wackos need to stop making excuses for pedophiles just because they hide behind the cloak of christianity.

and you probably should go back to basic economics and political science since i'm not a communist or even a socialist.

and you can stamp your widdle feet and keep repeating that and it's still something the voices in your head are telling you.

p.s. next time try to stay on topic before you start frothing at the mouth.
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Look at Rati cheering the death of 12 children. What a putrid pile of shit you are, or in other words, a democrat.

You realize that polygamy means several wives, not child molestation - right stupid?

Rati, you're dumb as a dog turd, but a lot less useful.

Warren Jeffs IS a pedo and his cult is as well.

If that were so, then many more would have been arrested also not just Jeffs.

I just got a chill run up my spine.

You really are defending a pedo cult.

Peach, I have disagreed with you before but you have never said anything like this. Honestly, I am truly shocked and disheartened. You really are one of them.

but they call themselves christians so it doesn't matter if they're pedos. doncha know?

Warren Jeffs is defiantly a pedo and that is why he is in jail right now.
But this article has nothing to do with him.

So am I a pedo because me great grand dad had 3 wives?

How about the other 4 that were drowned over at zions (the narrows) that were from California
were they pedofiles too.
maybe they were struck down just because they were stinkin californians LOL
The LDS are not the same as the FLDS down in Hildale and Colorado City. And the Community of Christ (formerly the RLDS), hdqrtrd in Independence, MO, is almost a form of moderate Protestantism.

The FLDS are rabid dogs compared to the CoC and the LDS denominations.

Luddly, tell the truth all you want about the FLDS, just don't accuse the rest of us supporting pedos.

i never accused you of that but i noticed yet another of my posts missing from this thread, where i tried to explain the motivation of the op.

i merely said something to the effect of "orrr she is pointing out the hypocrisy of the religious pedo"

i notice it's okay to accuse people of some terrible things but not others. ^ i wonder why that is.

you accuse people of celebrating dead kids because they dare to point out the hypocrisy of a religious pedo.

in return you were accused of defending the religious pedo because you'd rather attack and defend religion blindly.

you turn a blind eye to the true motivation of the op and just pile-on with lies and personal attacks...

the true motivation of the op has to do with how she feels about this religious pedo. you had NO regard for how the religious pedo treated those dead kids and why people like ravi would be upset about it enough to make a thread questioning the pedos religious hypocrisy as it relates to his belief in divine retribution.

you attack, lie and cry foul over and over like a champion weakling...
I know some of my fellow Mormon apologists say that the LDS church doesn't practice polygamy so therefore they are not associated with these groups
The one problem though is if Joseph Smith and Brigham Young didn't practice polygamy these other groups wouldn't be around
maybe it was karma that came back and kicked that pedophile in the ass...

By killing 12 kids?

how many kids were killed in that act of divine retribution known as The Great Flood?

If it really ever happened- millions.

Still wondering why you think 'karma' would kill 12 kids because of the actions of some pedophile.

Perhaps we have different concepts of 'karma'

I can't answer for anyone else but don't the believers say their 'god is a vengeful god'? If so, what does that mean?

Wasn't the great flood an act of temper and vengeance?

Since i don't believe in the flying Spaghetti Monster or any other aspect of Karma- I don't accept any of that as real.

Still not not seeing how killing 12 kids would by any sense be 'karma' because of the actions of any pedophile.

To me- karma would be the pedophile being killed- or perhaps even more appropriately having his testicles ripped off and eaten before his eyes.

Killing 12 little kids?

If anyone thinks that their God kills little kids because Daddy is pedophile- well I feel sorry for them.
I know some of my fellow Mormon apologists say that the LDS church doesn't practice polygamy so therefore they are not associated with these groups
The one problem though is if Joseph Smith and Brigham Young didn't practice polygamy these other groups wouldn't be around
Mormons did practice polygamy, but ended the practice in the late 19th century. My great-great grandfather Edwin Rushton, had four wives.
maybe it was karma that came back and kicked that pedophile in the ass...

By killing 12 kids?

how many kids were killed in that act of divine retribution known as The Great Flood?

If it really ever happened- millions.

Still wondering why you think 'karma' would kill 12 kids because of the actions of some pedophile.

Perhaps we have different concepts of 'karma'

I can't answer for anyone else but don't the believers say their 'god is a vengeful god'? If so, what does that mean?

Wasn't the great flood an act of temper and vengeance?

Since i don't believe in the flying Spaghetti Monster or any other aspect of Karma- I don't accept any of that as real.

Still not not seeing how killing 12 kids would by any sense be 'karma' because of the actions of any pedophile.

To me- karma would be the pedophile being killed- or perhaps even more appropriately having his testicles ripped off and eaten before his eyes.

Killing 12 little kids?

If anyone thinks that their God kills little kids because Daddy is pedophile- well I feel sorry for them.

Anytime you live next to a river, any river, you don't know what is going to happen
There were floods all over different areas down there
In fact my wife and I will be hiking that same canyon at zion where the californians died
in the middle of October
I know some of my fellow Mormon apologists say that the LDS church doesn't practice polygamy so therefore they are not associated with these groups
The one problem though is if Joseph Smith and Brigham Young didn't practice polygamy these other groups wouldn't be around
Mormons did practice polygamy, but ended the practice in the late 19th century. My great-great grandfather Edwin Rushton, had four wives.
my dad would say a lot of the old polygamist were still around when he was a kid
The LDS are not the same as the FLDS down in Hildale and Colorado City. And the Community of Christ (formerly the RLDS), hdqrtrd in Independence, MO, is almost a form of moderate Protestantism.

The FLDS are rabid dogs compared to the CoC and the LDS denominations.

Luddly, tell the truth all you want about the FLDS, just don't accuse the rest of us supporting pedos.

i never accused you of that but i noticed yet another of my posts missing from this thread, where i tried to explain the motivation of the op.

i merely said something to the effect of "orrr she is pointing out the hypocrisy of the religious pedo"

i notice it's okay to accuse people of some terrible things but not others. ^ i wonder why that is.

you accuse people of celebrating dead kids because they dare to point out the hypocrisy of a religious pedo.

in return you were accused of defending the religious pedo because you'd rather attack and defend religion blindly.

you turn a blind eye to the true motivation of the op and just pile-on with lies and personal attacks...

the true motivation of the op has to do with how she feels about this religious pedo. you had NO regard for how the religious pedo treated those dead kids and why people like ravi would be upset about it enough to make a thread questioning the pedos religious hypocrisy as it relates to his belief in divine retribution.

you attack, lie and cry foul over and over like a champion weakling...
Val, you are engaged in whining and self justification. Your charges are baseless. And you seem unfocused. And, yes, I will call out anybody who accused or insinuates others are pedos or supports pedos. And I have condemned the FLDS several times above.
I know some of my fellow Mormon apologists say that the LDS church doesn't practice polygamy so therefore they are not associated with these groups
The one problem though is if Joseph Smith and Brigham Young didn't practice polygamy these other groups wouldn't be around
I know two and suspect three more LDS families who practice polygamy.
It is important to note that these people are part of the FLDS cult, these are not the Mormons you are familiar with. They are a fringe, nut job group. And, NO, I am not a Mormon. I just have the ability to read...

I am a Mormon (that is to say, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), and in fact, I have at least one known ancestor who practiced polygamy back when Mormons practiced it. The FLDS are not Mormons, and they have nothing to do with us other than a distant historical schism. They split off from us a very long time ago, and went off in some very bizarre directions.
One, yes, the FLDS are a branch of Mormonism.

Two, the FLDS are not associated with the LDS.

Blaylock, email your church's assistant historian and recorder for the proper use of the name "Mormon" to identify all those folks who follow Joseph Smith as its founders.
Jillian, "you wackos need to stop making excuses for pedophiles just because they hide behind the cloak of christianity" is a gross mischaracterization of this discussion. No one is making excuses for the sick community's sexual practices.

This OP is an attack on belief in God.
I know some of my fellow Mormon apologists say that the LDS church doesn't practice polygamy so therefore they are not associated with these groups
The one problem though is if Joseph Smith and Brigham Young didn't practice polygamy these other groups wouldn't be around
Mormons did practice polygamy, but ended the practice in the late 19th century. My great-great grandfather Edwin Rushton, had four wives.
The LDS church officially ended the practice in 1890, the General Authorities violated the policy like crazy, had to end it officially in 1904 again, and has been excommunicating plygs within its ranks for more than 100 year. Many Mormons outside the LDS church still live the doctrine.
Jillian, "you wackos need to stop making excuses for pedophiles just because they hide behind the cloak of christianity" is a gross mischaracterization of this discussion. No one is making excuses for the sick community's sexual practices.

This OP is an attack on belief in God.
No it isn't.

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