Mormon pedo ring gets smacked down by God?

A van and SUV carrying three women and 13 children sat near the widening stream, waiting for the water to recede so they could cross back to their homes in a small, polygamous town on the Utah-Arizona border.

But in an instant, flood waters engulfed them and the two vehicles were sucked downstream, bobbing in the turbulent water before they tumbled over an embankment. Only three children survived. Twelve of the 16 are dead. One is missing.

Flood Waters Trap Hikers, Carry Away Cars in Utah; 16 Die

You realize these aren't the real "Mormons"? Or does that put a damper on your propaganda. And where's all your threads against Islamic pedos? Do you even have one?

And later in the flame zone, when I reference bitch slaps this; come back to this post, bitch.
Not real Mormons? Says who? Or are you also going to say that Muslim pedos aren't real Muslims?

LDS and RLDS are vastly different. Putting them in the same boat is ignorant.
The LDS are not the same as the FLDS down in Hildale and Colorado City. And the Community of Christ (formerly the RLDS), hdqrtrd in Independence, MO, is almost a form of moderate Protestantism.

The FLDS are rabid dogs compared to the CoC and the LDS denominations.

Luddly, tell the truth all you want about the FLDS, just don't accuse the rest of us supporting pedos.
Flash floods are dangerous, people are often killed when caught in them. This news report appears to have been posted for no reason other than as an excuse to say something ugly about Mormons.

The story doesn't even have anything to do with Mormons.
That kinda makes the post headline even more ugly, don't you think?

Being so delighted over the deaths of innocents is pretty ugly. On that scale, I'm not sure that throwing in a gratuitous slur against a religion that has nothing to do with the story really amounts to a significant difference in ugliness.
The thread is nothing more than a disguised cheap shot at religionists.

Its about the very sad deaths of a group of children who also happened to be from a nearby cult.
No its not, you fucking liar, its about making fun of the death of a Moromon family. Even if thee were religous freaks, the children are innocent. look at the Thread title
Mormon pedo ring gets smacked down by God?

What part of the thread title is wrong?

It is a morm pedo ring and god has a past record of drowning children.

And, like it or not, it IS a very sad tragedy.
Hey numb nuts, the whole purpose of tis thread was to insult religion, god damn you are thick.

Children died and all you RWs care about is that someone dared to tell the truth about Warren Jeffs' cult.
Keep on lying...I could givve a shit about that cult, I dont like seeing you people making light about the death of children to make a an attack on religion...And I am not religous. You are a bunch of sick fuckers.
The thread is nothing more than a disguised cheap shot at religionists.

Its about the very sad deaths of a group of children who also happened to be from a nearby cult.
No its not, you fucking liar, its about making fun of the death of a Moromon family. Even if thee were religous freaks, the children are innocent. look at the Thread title
Mormon pedo ring gets smacked down by God?

What part of the thread title is wrong?

It is a morm pedo ring and god has a past record of drowning children.

And, like it or not, it IS a very sad tragedy.
Hey numb nuts, the whole purpose of tis thread was to insult religion, god damn you are thick.

Children died and all you RWs care about is that someone dared to tell the truth about Warren Jeffs' cult.

And all you care about is bashing right wingers.

They might be better off dead that suffering a lifetime of rape and exploitation.

Warren Jeffs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the whole thing is of course very sad...

many fundamentalist religions actually teach that gay children would be better of dead.


Ever hear of Westboro?

One very small group, far from many.

Fundies are a growing minority of crazies and morms are part of that. They believe "better off dead" about a lot of things.

Mormon Truth!!: Mormons Teach That You Are Better Off "DEAD" Than To Have Any Degree Of Sexual Relations Before Marriage!!

And morms put more than $8million dollars into fighting Prop 8 in CA.

That is an outright lie.
That link is hate site blog against Mormons.
There are thousands of Mormons who live in and around the area where I live and I have many Mormon, friends none of them teach or even say anything like that.
Don't believe that everything out there on the net is the truth.
Nine or ten children.

My heart hurts.

Yeah, it took until post #77 for you to get around to it.

All the rest of your posts, as well as posts by other "christians", has been to defend and/or apologize for morms/other religions.

I wonder if any of the other "christians" will finally do the same.
Nine or ten children.

My heart hurts.

Yeah, it took until post #77 for you to get around to it.

All the rest of your posts, as well as posts by other "christians", has been to defend and/or apologize for morms/other religions.

I wonder if any of the other "christians" will finally do the same.

I repeat STFU, all you've done is bash religion and rightwingers in this thread. Guess you don't care about kids either, since you haven't posted so.

Flash floods are dangerous, people are often killed when caught in them. This news report appears to have been posted for no reason other than as an excuse to say something ugly about Mormons.

The story doesn't even have anything to do with Mormons.
That kinda makes the post headline even more ugly, don't you think?

Being so delighted over the deaths of innocents is pretty ugly. On that scale, I'm not sure that throwing in a gratuitous slur against a religion that has nothing to do with the story really amounts to a significant difference in ugliness.
Well. If all we are arguing about is the relative degree of ugliness here, I'm thinking there's nothing worth debating.
The LDS are not the same as the FLDS down in Hildale and Colorado City. And the Community of Christ (formerly the RLDS), hdqrtrd in Independence, MO, is almost a form of moderate Protestantism.

The FLDS are rabid dogs compared to the CoC and the LDS denominations.

And only the LDS—The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—are “Mormons”. It is no more valid to describe the CoC or the FLDS or any of the other offshoots, by that name than it is to call Lutherans or Methodists or Episcopalians “Catholic”.
Horse shit, Blaylock.

All who follow Joseph Smith are Mormons, whether Brighamites, Josephites, junior Josephites, Strangites, Wightites, Hendrickites, or Blaylockites or whateverites. If the follow JS Jr., they be Mormons out there.

The LDS historians do not agree with you. Go talk to your Family History Center person, who will set you straight.
They might be better off dead that suffering a lifetime of rape and exploitation.

Warren Jeffs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the whole thing is of course very sad...

many fundamentalist religions actually teach that gay children would be better of dead.

Christians teach love the sinner not the sin.

not always...i have seen literature endorsed by 'Christians' which taught exactly that.

i'll find a link when i get a chance but here is an example which relates directly to the spirit of the OP:

Falwell Suggests Gays to Blame for 911 Attacks

"The pagans and the abortionists and the feminists and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way — all of them who have tried to secularize America," Falwell continued, "I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'"

"Well, I totally concur," responded Robertson.

Falwell Suggests Gays to Blame for Attacks

That is not what they said and it is totally twisted to fit their hate against Christians.
And many of you are falling for it like blind little robots that refuse to think.
Three are mentioned even before gays yet it goes right to gays rather than the complete list of what they were talking about.
Nine or ten children.

My heart hurts.

Yeah, it took until post #77 for you to get around to it.

All the rest of your posts, as well as posts by other "christians", has been to defend and/or apologize for morms/other religions.

I wonder if any of the other "christians" will finally do the same.

I repeat STFU, all you've done is bash religion and rightwingers in this thread. Guess you don't care about kids either, since you haven't posted so.


How many of your posts have been about the DROWNED CHILDREN?

Same number you always post.

Luddly, we are posting about your hate, which befouls the death of the children.

This is about your hate, nothing more.

You hate yourself, and I am sad for that, but you won't be allowed to take it out on others.
Nine or ten children.

My heart hurts.

Yeah, it took until post #77 for you to get around to it.

All the rest of your posts, as well as posts by other "christians", has been to defend and/or apologize for morms/other religions.

I wonder if any of the other "christians" will finally do the same.

I repeat STFU, all you've done is bash religion and rightwingers in this thread. Guess you don't care about kids either, since you haven't posted so.


How many of your posts have been about the DROWNED CHILDREN?

Same number you always post.


Okay, let me be clear. I don't care who's children they were, I don't care why they died, my heart breaks at the thought of children being abused or hurt in anyway, regardless of who's kids they are, and I refuse to use their deaths as a weapon against someone.

You are a complete and utter waste of every resource you consume.
Nine or ten children.

My heart hurts.

Yeah, it took until post #77 for you to get around to it.

All the rest of your posts, as well as posts by other "christians", has been to defend and/or apologize for morms/other religions.

I wonder if any of the other "christians" will finally do the same.

We weren't the ones who started the hate against God and Christians and used innocent children's deaths to do it.
You can use me as an excuse if you want but the posts speak for themselves.

Not to mention every other thread that concerns kids.

Real Christians are good decent people who not only care about children but actually work to improve their lot.

Have the integrity to own up to your own posts as well as the RW position when it comes to children.

If you say so. The worst punishment God could mete out would be to destroy someone's loved ones. I am curious to know if Jeffs and his followers believe their own preaching and will wise up to reality or continue to live their disgusting, hypocritical lives.

valid question, rav... thanks for having the gumption to shine a light on religious hypocrisy.

the response to your thread is not a surprise, of course...

the sanctimonious hypotwits among us are always so desperate to feel righteous about something...

they're so often wrong about so many things, they must cling to dishonest emotional appeals to make up for what they lack.
Nine or ten children.

My heart hurts.

Yeah, it took until post #77 for you to get around to it.

All the rest of your posts, as well as posts by other "christians", has been to defend and/or apologize for morms/other religions.

I wonder if any of the other "christians" will finally do the same.

We weren't the ones who started the hate against God and Christians and used innocent children's deaths to do it.
What? Do you LOVE God for doing this?
You can use me as an excuse if you want but the posts speak for themselves.

Not to mention every other thread that concerns kids.

Real Christians are good decent people who not only care about children but actually work to improve their lot.

Have the integrity to own up to your own posts as well as the RW position when it comes to children.


We are really getting sick of the lies that you believe.
Why don't you start to look at the truth for a change.
Republicans are the ones who are doing something about getting kids out of the ghetto schools and wanting to keep them in school and going on to college.
Government is not the only answer to helping kids out of poverty.
Christians all around the country help needy children all of the time.

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