Mortgage Lenders Bad, Student Loans Good

Frank, why do you think spiraling college costs and the associated crippling student loans are good? All the liberals are saying just the opposite.

Are they? I havent heard any liberal say that. Quite the opposite, they refuse to look at the spiraling administrative salaries at universities.
High school diplomas are worthless because the left has destroyed public education.

Really? Who were the ones who insisted on expunging all references to Evolution from the science books?

Right wingers.

Who insisted on cutting funding to education?

Right wingers.

There's plenty of blame to go around.

Who insisted on medicating the shit out of kids with Ritalin?


Public education is NOT about educating. It is about racketeering...government protects teachers unions and in turn the D party gets tons of campaign donations. Win/win.

again, if you ever got any education, it was a wasted effort.

There are a lot of problems with education. Part of it is because with the parents working four jobs, no one is making sure that kids are doing their homework.
When my children were born, I vowed that they would NEVER walks the halls of a p-school. They never did.

I did not want them turning out like you. A statist loving dunce.

I've got my daughter in private school and I've vowed that she'll never step into a public school.
I guess I am just not going to understand.

Most of the articles I read blame the increase in tuition to a drop in state subsidies. OK then. If the state is kicking in X amount and the Student kicks in Y amount then the cost of the education is X + Y. It would seem to me that if the X amount goes down then the Y amount has to make up the difference if the tuition stays the same. Yes, a bigger cost to the student but that does not, in my opinion, translate to a higher tuition. The only reason anything in a normal world does increase is either by supply and demand or spending increases.

So I guess what the whole discussion is about is who pays for the tuition increases that far exceed the inflation rate. I want to know why they exceed the inflation rate and cost shifting isn't a reason.
High school diplomas are worthless because the left has destroyed public education.

Really? Who were the ones who insisted on expunging all references to Evolution from the science books?

Right wingers.

Who insisted on cutting funding to education?

Right wingers.

There's plenty of blame to go around.

Who insisted on medicating the shit out of kids with Ritalin?


Public education is NOT about educating. It is about racketeering...government protects teachers unions and in turn the D party gets tons of campaign donations. Win/win.

again, if you ever got any education, it was a wasted effort.

There are a lot of problems with education. Part of it is because with the parents working four jobs, no one is making sure that kids are doing their homework.
When my children were born, I vowed that they would NEVER walks the halls of a p-school. They never did.

I did not want them turning out like you. A statist loving dunce.

I've got my daughter in private school and I've vowed that she'll never step into a public school.

I mean no offense but what does this have to do with the increase in college tuition?
High school diplomas are worthless because the left has destroyed public education.

Really? Who were the ones who insisted on expunging all references to Evolution from the science books?

Right wingers.

Who insisted on cutting funding to education?

Right wingers.

There's plenty of blame to go around.

Who insisted on medicating the shit out of kids with Ritalin?


Public education is NOT about educating. It is about racketeering...government protects teachers unions and in turn the D party gets tons of campaign donations. Win/win.

again, if you ever got any education, it was a wasted effort.

There are a lot of problems with education. Part of it is because with the parents working four jobs, no one is making sure that kids are doing their homework.
When my children were born, I vowed that they would NEVER walks the halls of a p-school. They never did.

I did not want them turning out like you. A statist loving dunce.

I've got my daughter in private school and I've vowed that she'll never step into a public school.

I mean no offense but what does this have to do with the increase in college tuition?

It doesn't. It was a response to gipper.
Frank, why do you think spiraling college costs and the associated crippling student loans are good? All the liberals are saying just the opposite.
They say that but then they tell people to take out government guaranteed student loans

You do know that the government charges far more interest on student loans they guarantee than the lenders themselves did don't you?

Did you know that even if you file personal bankruptcy that student loans owed to the government are exempt from the filing?

The government is making a shit load of dough off student loans which is why they keep pushing them on people instead of maybe telling people to go to college part time and pay as they go
High school diplomas are worthless because the left has destroyed public education.

Really? Who were the ones who insisted on expunging all references to Evolution from the science books?

Right wingers.

Who insisted on cutting funding to education?

Right wingers.

There's plenty of blame to go around.

Who insisted on medicating the shit out of kids with Ritalin?


Public education is NOT about educating. It is about racketeering...government protects teachers unions and in turn the D party gets tons of campaign donations. Win/win.

again, if you ever got any education, it was a wasted effort.

There are a lot of problems with education. Part of it is because with the parents working four jobs, no one is making sure that kids are doing their homework.
When my children were born, I vowed that they would NEVER walks the halls of a p-school. They never did.

I did not want them turning out like you. A statist loving dunce.

I've got my daughter in private school and I've vowed that she'll never step into a public school.

I mean no offense but what does this have to do with the increase in college tuition?

Loaning people money so they can go to college means more people will go to college (whether they graduate or learn anything useful is another argument) therefore prices will go up
Take the following example. How does a decrease in state support cause tuition to increase?


Report says administrative bloat, construction booms not largely responsible for tuition increases
High school diplomas are worthless because the left has destroyed public education.

Really? Who were the ones who insisted on expunging all references to Evolution from the science books?

Right wingers.

Who insisted on cutting funding to education?

Right wingers.

There's plenty of blame to go around.

Who insisted on medicating the shit out of kids with Ritalin?


Public education is NOT about educating. It is about racketeering...government protects teachers unions and in turn the D party gets tons of campaign donations. Win/win.

again, if you ever got any education, it was a wasted effort.

There are a lot of problems with education. Part of it is because with the parents working four jobs, no one is making sure that kids are doing their homework.
When my children were born, I vowed that they would NEVER walks the halls of a p-school. They never did.

I did not want them turning out like you. A statist loving dunce.

I've got my daughter in private school and I've vowed that she'll never step into a public school.

I mean no offense but what does this have to do with the increase in college tuition?

Loaning people money so they can go to college means more people will go to college (whether they graduate or learn anything useful is another argument) therefore prices will go up

Since there are lines of people still trying to get into college I don't see how demand increases should drive price.
Really? Who were the ones who insisted on expunging all references to Evolution from the science books?

Right wingers.

Who insisted on cutting funding to education?

Right wingers.

There's plenty of blame to go around.

Who insisted on medicating the shit out of kids with Ritalin?


again, if you ever got any education, it was a wasted effort.

There are a lot of problems with education. Part of it is because with the parents working four jobs, no one is making sure that kids are doing their homework.
When my children were born, I vowed that they would NEVER walks the halls of a p-school. They never did.

I did not want them turning out like you. A statist loving dunce.

I've got my daughter in private school and I've vowed that she'll never step into a public school.

I mean no offense but what does this have to do with the increase in college tuition?

Loaning people money so they can go to college means more people will go to college (whether they graduate or learn anything useful is another argument) therefore prices will go up

Since there are lines of people still trying to get into college I don't see how demand increases should drive price.
Demand increases always drive price
Take the following example. How does a decrease in state support cause tuition to increase?


Report says administrative bloat, construction booms not largely responsible for tuition increases

There is state support then there is federal aid and federally backed loans which do you think is the larger?

I have no idea. I separate things into two columns. One is the cost of the education, the other is the funding to pay for that education. I am not sure why it is any more complicated than that.
Take the following example. How does a decrease in state support cause tuition to increase?


Report says administrative bloat, construction booms not largely responsible for tuition increases

There is state support then there is federal aid and federally backed loans which do you think is the larger?

I have no idea. I separate things into two columns. One is the cost of the education, the other is the funding to pay for that education. I am not sure why it is any more complicated than that.
Then why did you only include state support and not the much larger federal aid and loans available?
Why in the world are you trying to make this political? If you want to go there, liberals have been fighting against rising college costs for years, and that's one of the central themes of Bernie Sanders campaign,
Skyrocketing college costs is a moral issue, not a political one.

That is interesting. How have the liberals been fighting against rising college costs? I see nothing that is even close to trying to restrict college tuition increases. Even in a bad economy the cost just keeps escalating way above inflation.

No, what I see is that the liberal left is trying to not restrain cost increases but to get someone else to pay for those increases.j

Free ain't free and if they make college education free without restraint I don't think we will be able to afford it.

You should recall the argument:

"It ain't working because there isn't enough tax payer funding" - the regressive answer to every question in life.


I have seen very little posted that actually explains where that money is going. Subsidizes certainly are driving the price increase as I posted.

Happy to help you with that:

Federal Education Spending, Fiscal Year 2015 ($ billions)
Dept. of Education: Appropriation: 67.1
Dept. of Education: Mandatory (excludes student loans): 9.9
School Nutrition Programs: 16.5
Head Start Programs: 8.6
Education Tax Expenditures for Individuals: 21.2
American Opportunity Tax Credit (Refundable): 5.9
Student Loan Subsidies (Newly Disbursed Loans): 8
Veterans and Servicemembers Education Benefits: 16.4

Total 153.6

By far the biggest role they play is guaranteeing the loans (not in the chart, as that is not spending).

What I am looking for is why the increases or at least why the colleges justify the increases.

For example, administrative costs. Which is what I think is driving the price increases.

The cost increases are primarily demand driven. Mostly it's a combination of almost scammish behavior by the institutions, and extremely low interest rates. The government programs compound the problem.

Because of the added demand the educational institutions are engaging in wasteful activities, focusing on almost everything but education. They are selling the experience rather than an actual education. From this position it's not that far of a stretch to start offering complete bullshit degrees. And obviously those would have to be full of regressive left wing ideology, after all that is the message that "feels" the nicest. And the democrat vote plantation owners are applauding.

To be frank the government spending on education has stayed stagnant relative to GDP for many years now(amazing enough - but the spending is high at 5%). The loans have increased (1.2 trillion now), and certainly contribute, but I doubt this is the primary driver. The government itself still plays a major role as the government spends more on education than the private sector itself - and this is why - you say no to socialized education.
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That is interesting. How have the liberals been fighting against rising college costs? I see nothing that is even close to trying to restrict college tuition increases. Even in a bad economy the cost just keeps escalating way above inflation.

No, what I see is that the liberal left is trying to not restrain cost increases but to get someone else to pay for those increases.j

Free ain't free and if they make college education free without restraint I don't think we will be able to afford it.

You should recall the argument:

"It ain't working because there isn't enough tax payer funding" - the regressive answer to every question in life.


I have seen very little posted that actually explains where that money is going. Subsidizes certainly are driving the price increase as I posted.

Happy to help you with that:

Federal Education Spending, Fiscal Year 2015 ($ billions)
Dept. of Education: Appropriation: 67.1
Dept. of Education: Mandatory (excludes student loans): 9.9
School Nutrition Programs: 16.5
Head Start Programs: 8.6
Education Tax Expenditures for Individuals: 21.2
American Opportunity Tax Credit (Refundable): 5.9
Student Loan Subsidies (Newly Disbursed Loans): 8
Veterans and Servicemembers Education Benefits: 16.4

Total 153.6

By far the biggest role they play is guaranteeing the loans (not in the chart, as that is not spending).

What I am looking for is why the increases or at least why the colleges justify the increases.

For example, administrative costs. Which is what I think is driving the price increases.

The cost increases are primarily demand driven. Mostly it's a combination of almost scammish behavior by the institutions, and extremely low interest rates. The government programs compound the problem.

Because of the added demand the educational institutions are engaging in wasteful activities, focusing on almost everything but education. They are selling the experience rather than an actual education.

To be frank the government spending on education has stayed stagnant relative to GDP for many years now(amazing enough). The loans have increased (1.2 trillion now), and certainly contribute, but I doubt this is the primary driver.

In my opinion, even though it is widely stated, the funding to pay for the education can only drive the price higher if the Colleges are greedy. What would drive a non-profit college to increase their costs just like any other college?
Take the following example. How does a decrease in state support cause tuition to increase?


Report says administrative bloat, construction booms not largely responsible for tuition increases

There is state support then there is federal aid and federally backed loans which do you think is the larger?

I have no idea. I separate things into two columns. One is the cost of the education, the other is the funding to pay for that education. I am not sure why it is any more complicated than that.
Then why did you only include state support and not the much larger federal aid and loans available?

Because the articles I have been reading only have addressed state support, as does the pie chart I supplied.

That said, iI don't see how the funding to pay for college causes increases in cost except for the greed of the colleges.

I don't think we saw such increases when there wasn't so much free money. (free as in available)
You should recall the argument:

"It ain't working because there isn't enough tax payer funding" - the regressive answer to every question in life.


I have seen very little posted that actually explains where that money is going. Subsidizes certainly are driving the price increase as I posted.

Happy to help you with that:

Federal Education Spending, Fiscal Year 2015 ($ billions)
Dept. of Education: Appropriation: 67.1
Dept. of Education: Mandatory (excludes student loans): 9.9
School Nutrition Programs: 16.5
Head Start Programs: 8.6
Education Tax Expenditures for Individuals: 21.2
American Opportunity Tax Credit (Refundable): 5.9
Student Loan Subsidies (Newly Disbursed Loans): 8
Veterans and Servicemembers Education Benefits: 16.4

Total 153.6

By far the biggest role they play is guaranteeing the loans (not in the chart, as that is not spending).

What I am looking for is why the increases or at least why the colleges justify the increases.

For example, administrative costs. Which is what I think is driving the price increases.

The cost increases are primarily demand driven. Mostly it's a combination of almost scammish behavior by the institutions, and extremely low interest rates. The government programs compound the problem.

Because of the added demand the educational institutions are engaging in wasteful activities, focusing on almost everything but education. They are selling the experience rather than an actual education.

To be frank the government spending on education has stayed stagnant relative to GDP for many years now(amazing enough). The loans have increased (1.2 trillion now), and certainly contribute, but I doubt this is the primary driver.

In my opinion, even though it is widely stated, the funding to pay for the education can only drive the price higher if the Colleges are greedy. What would drive a non-profit college to increase their costs just like any other college?

And why wouldn't be the individuals working at these colleges not be greedy? Have you seen what personality types the people have? Their ideology can be summarized in one word "me". They want all the extravagant things in the colleges, which have nothing to do with education. Not very surprisingly, they preach Marxism.

Let me tell you, the word "non-profit" means jack shit. Plenty of people are profiting at the expense of the kids. These are the most parasitical greedy people out there. Just look at the conernstudents1950.

(Besides, the price increases would still happen even if they weren't greedy, this is a heavily government driven sector... Plus, basic demand and supply).
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In the 2+2=5 Bizzaroland of Liberals we learn that having adult sign on for more home they can afford is evil and merits the death penalty but having young people just starting out in the world taking on more debt than they need to buy a starter home is, well, you tell me

Predatory lending is any lending practice that imposes unfair or abusive loan terms on a borrower. It is also any practice that convinces a borrower to accept unfair terms through deceptive, coercive, exploitative or unscrupulous actions for a loan that a borrower doesn't need, doesn't want or can't afford.

Obama is a Predatory Lender, right?


As usual, WRONG. This OP is one more example of hackery and bias by the creator of the Idiot-Gram genre. Of course it may appeal to like minded bigots, racists, the biddable and the brainwashed.

Risking an attack for the use of an appeal to authority we need to consider the words of Thomas Jefferson who, in a letter to Elbridge Gerry on Jan. 26, 1799 wrote, "Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies".

Everyone with a clear head and an open mind knows that the culpable party for the crash of housing in America was not the Republican Party Leaders nor the Democratic Party Leaders but brokers - those individuals in institutions not bound by the ethos of a fiduciary who brokered deals sure to fail and sold them in bundles to other less savvy.

Thus I must once again remind the reader that CrusaderFrank is member of the right wing fringe within Trolls We Is Together (TWIST). The goal of TWISTers is too spin every negative event a creation of Communists, who hide in our society pretending to be Democrats, progressives, liberals, and Republicans in name only. The sad thing about this is many who echo such obvious lies actually believe them, echo them and exacerbate an already divided nation.

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