Moscow Mitch is in the news again

Here's your quote about Pelosi "Pelosi is occupied trying to salvage the Democratic party from the crazies...whom she herself stoked..just as Trump has stroked the Alt/right." support it or just go away. I hate bullshitters. and we all know that is a lie . Scum bag winds up the crazy's every day more then Pelosi has ever done in her lifetime.
Different crazies...same ole shit. The issue you and I that you don't think of yourself as one of the crazies being wound up...while I do.

Pelosi plays identity politics with the worst of them..and she is quite adept at the dog whistle in her own right.

As far as hating and all that..just look at your toxic rhetoric...Loons on Left...Wingnuts on the Right---all the same to me.

Total knee-jerk factionalism..with no redeeming qualities. No cogent recognition that we are all Americans.
Back up your bullshit. Here's is your quote "Pelosi is occupied trying to salvage the Democratic party from the crazies...whom she herself stoked..just as Trump has stroked the Alt/right." So show us how Pelosi is even in the same sentence as Scum Bag when it comes to rallying the crazy's in their party. That the only response from you that is needed. I have no time for the weaklings that say everyone is just as bad because that's not what they are really saying, what they are really saying is I'm a wimp and will hide behind the support of both sides for my comment Because I'm incapable of fighting my way out of a corner by taking a position.

Oh..I think my position is quite clear. You are just too stupid to grasp it. No're not alone.
No it isn't This is for you-- Back up your bullshit. Here's is your quote "Pelosi is occupied trying to salvage the Democratic party from the crazies...whom she herself stoked..just as Trump has stroked the Alt/right." So show us how Pelosi is even in the same sentence as Scum Bag when it comes to rallying the crazy's in their party. That the only response from you that is needed. I have no time for the weaklings that say everyone is just as bad because that's not what they are really saying, what they are really saying is I'm a wimp and will hide behind the support of both sides for my comment Because I'm incapable of fighting my way out of a corner by taking a position.
I see copy and paste is your friend...ROTFLMAO!

Do you have any idea at all what you look like to others when you engage in such infantile rhetoric?

One more chance for you, back up your bullshit or your gone"No it isn't This is for you-- Back up your bullshit. Here's is your quote "Pelosi is occupied trying to salvage the Democratic party from the crazies...whom she herself stoked..just as Trump has stroked the Alt/right." So show us how Pelosi is even in the same sentence as Scum Bag when it comes to rallying the crazy's in their party. That the only response from you that is needed. I have no time for the weaklings that say everyone is just as bad because that's not what they are really saying, what they are really saying is I'm a wimp and will hide behind the support of both sides for my comment Because I'm incapable of fighting my way out of a corner by taking a position."
Why wouldn't a senator from KY want a foreign government to (legally) invest in his state? Politicians have been doing it since FDR was arresting citizens without due cause. Why not look into America's crazy uncle investing in China to make his son wealthy?
I love this, their people are such scum that these hate party members can't come to their aid but simply attack any democrat with the Idea that if someone else in history did something it would justify the actions of their scummiest people they support. Won't work No one tops Trotsky Trump or Moscow Mitch. I hope you right wingers understand that comrade.
Different crazies...same ole shit. The issue you and I that you don't think of yourself as one of the crazies being wound up...while I do.

Pelosi plays identity politics with the worst of them..and she is quite adept at the dog whistle in her own right.

As far as hating and all that..just look at your toxic rhetoric...Loons on Left...Wingnuts on the Right---all the same to me.

Total knee-jerk factionalism..with no redeeming qualities. No cogent recognition that we are all Americans.
Back up your bullshit. Here's is your quote "Pelosi is occupied trying to salvage the Democratic party from the crazies...whom she herself stoked..just as Trump has stroked the Alt/right." So show us how Pelosi is even in the same sentence as Scum Bag when it comes to rallying the crazy's in their party. That the only response from you that is needed. I have no time for the weaklings that say everyone is just as bad because that's not what they are really saying, what they are really saying is I'm a wimp and will hide behind the support of both sides for my comment Because I'm incapable of fighting my way out of a corner by taking a position.

Oh..I think my position is quite clear. You are just too stupid to grasp it. No're not alone.
No it isn't This is for you-- Back up your bullshit. Here's is your quote "Pelosi is occupied trying to salvage the Democratic party from the crazies...whom she herself stoked..just as Trump has stroked the Alt/right." So show us how Pelosi is even in the same sentence as Scum Bag when it comes to rallying the crazy's in their party. That the only response from you that is needed. I have no time for the weaklings that say everyone is just as bad because that's not what they are really saying, what they are really saying is I'm a wimp and will hide behind the support of both sides for my comment Because I'm incapable of fighting my way out of a corner by taking a position.
I see copy and paste is your friend...ROTFLMAO!

Do you have any idea at all what you look like to others when you engage in such infantile rhetoric?

One more chance for you, back up your bullshit or your gone"No it isn't This is for you-- Back up your bullshit. Here's is your quote "Pelosi is occupied trying to salvage the Democratic party from the crazies...whom she herself stoked..just as Trump has stroked the Alt/right." So show us how Pelosi is even in the same sentence as Scum Bag when it comes to rallying the crazy's in their party. That the only response from you that is needed. I have no time for the weaklings that say everyone is just as bad because that's not what they are really saying, what they are really saying is I'm a wimp and will hide behind the support of both sides for my comment Because I'm incapable of fighting my way out of a corner by taking a position."

LOL..copy and paste again, eh?

Oh..I think my position is quite clear. You are just too stupid to grasp it. No're not alone.

You know, Fleegle, he's not entirely wrong.

"Pelosi is occupied trying to salvage the Democratic party from the crazies...whom she herself stoked..just as Trump has stroked the Alt/right."

That's a strong assertion, and it could use a little back-up.

Pelosi, keeping the tent open for a diverse set of identities, isn't the same as playing "identity politics". It's just a rejection of the "White identity politics" of the right. Or, let's call it by its rightful name, it's white supremacism and racism.

Pelosi sure was not jumping with joy over Cortez winning against here solidly centrist opponent in the Democratic primary, and didn't endorse her beforehand. That she didn't advocate voting for the Republican in that district certainly isn't something to be held against Pelosi, no? She sure isn't happy she has to deal with the Squad, which is quite a thorn in her thigh. A thorn, I find, she deserves, but that's just me.

The worst part, however, is the last: Trump was, barely veiled, endorsing and encouraging White nationalists throughout, and is xenophobic verbiage day after day pandered to them with vigor. You will entirely fail to find anything, pandering to a group of proven violent thugs on that level, by Pelosi. There is simply no there there. So, your "just as Trump..." is just you, quite uncharacteristically, running your mouth in what appears to be an episode of BothSidesism, which, as usual, comes with an entitlement in the form of rightfully omitted evidence or argument, while nuance goes out the window. Your "position" may be clear, your argument, such as it is, is not. How often do I need to tell you snuggling with Mac is not advisable? Stop that already!

Pelosi --keeps the tent open..for her fringe--just as Trump does for his. Their tactics are different....but the intent is the same. Whoring for those votes. Yeah..Trump is a lot more dramatic and offensive. Pelosi has more skills..that's for sure. At the end of the day.....the far left is just as dangerous as the far right, IMO. The conflict between the two is the root of our problems..and the delight of Putin...LOL!

I do think that both Pelosi and the MSM pander to the their semantic choices and their presentation of 'good guy and bad guy'. I have no love for Bakunin-styled Anarchism either. Antifa can kiss my ass.

That does not in any way diminish my earlier remarks. I find the gentleman's rhetoric moronic

But sometimes it does good to remember that I'm just a bit to the you are just a bit to the makes for good talk.
a gutless wonder is a person that says everyone is wrong, then they can't be backed into a corner, obviously they don't have the capability to fight back . They are weaklings. This ones for you Comrade.
Back up your bullshit. Here's is your quote "Pelosi is occupied trying to salvage the Democratic party from the crazies...whom she herself stoked..just as Trump has stroked the Alt/right." So show us how Pelosi is even in the same sentence as Scum Bag when it comes to rallying the crazy's in their party. That the only response from you that is needed. I have no time for the weaklings that say everyone is just as bad because that's not what they are really saying, what they are really saying is I'm a wimp and will hide behind the support of both sides for my comment Because I'm incapable of fighting my way out of a corner by taking a position.

Oh..I think my position is quite clear. You are just too stupid to grasp it. No're not alone.
No it isn't This is for you-- Back up your bullshit. Here's is your quote "Pelosi is occupied trying to salvage the Democratic party from the crazies...whom she herself stoked..just as Trump has stroked the Alt/right." So show us how Pelosi is even in the same sentence as Scum Bag when it comes to rallying the crazy's in their party. That the only response from you that is needed. I have no time for the weaklings that say everyone is just as bad because that's not what they are really saying, what they are really saying is I'm a wimp and will hide behind the support of both sides for my comment Because I'm incapable of fighting my way out of a corner by taking a position.
I see copy and paste is your friend...ROTFLMAO!

Do you have any idea at all what you look like to others when you engage in such infantile rhetoric?

One more chance for you, back up your bullshit or your gone"No it isn't This is for you-- Back up your bullshit. Here's is your quote "Pelosi is occupied trying to salvage the Democratic party from the crazies...whom she herself stoked..just as Trump has stroked the Alt/right." So show us how Pelosi is even in the same sentence as Scum Bag when it comes to rallying the crazy's in their party. That the only response from you that is needed. I have no time for the weaklings that say everyone is just as bad because that's not what they are really saying, what they are really saying is I'm a wimp and will hide behind the support of both sides for my comment Because I'm incapable of fighting my way out of a corner by taking a position."

LOL..copy and paste again, eh?
It's been a slice your out of here , no one will respond to you, Bye comrade
China is America's enemy...

Heavens! What's with the overwrought rhetoric? China is an emerging competitor for influence over the goings-on in the world, "policing" its back yard, pursuing its (perceived) interests - just as the U.S. would. It is not America's enemy. It's also not America's friend - there are no friends among states. So, why not tone it down a notch or two?
Agreed, other then possible territorial disagreements they are in no way working against this country. The are simply competing and doing a better job at capitalism then we are. They give everyone a chance to get ahead , this country took that away in 1981 when the trickle down lie got pissed all over us. It has done what they wanted it to do and it is totally supported by the right wing . The total transfer of wealth to the golden few at the top. This is what the right wing wants for this country. There capitalism or in fact any capitalism will do better then this countries ultimately. By still giving the promise of the potential to get ahead. Only in other capitalistic countries , that doesn't exist here anymore./
Pelosi --keeps the tent open..for her fringe--just as Trump does for his. Their tactics are different....but the intent is the same. Whoring for those votes. Yeah..Trump is a lot more dramatic and offensive. Pelosi has more skills..that's for sure. At the end of the day.....the far left is just as dangerous as the far right, IMO. The conflict between the two is the root of our problems..and the delight of Putin...LOL!

I do think that both Pelosi and the MSM pander to the their semantic choices and their presentation of 'good guy and bad guy'. I have no love for Bakunin-styled Anarchism either. Antifa can kiss my ass.

Oh my...

Politicians are after votes? Really? That's what you're holding against Pelosi? They all are, and they are supposed to be, and it's exactly the different tactics they use that are the issue.

There is no far left of any import or influence in the U.S. - that critter doesn't exist. The far right is way, way more dangerous, the statistics on politically motivated hate crimes, the number of casualties, and the fact that the far right has taken over the to-the-bones-corrupt GOP should tell you as much. Moscow Mitch, sitting on Garland and legislation to secure elections against foreign influence and countering gun violence is just one of the uglier turds in this swamp.

There is no conflict between the far left and the far right. There is a conflict between decent, fact-based America and a corrupt GOP, befallen by the prion disease of the brain. Quite naturally, Putin has decided that the prion disease is to govern, because that is what would weaken the U.S. the most. America's diminished standing and support all over the world (outside Russia and North Korea) under the corrupt and corrupting, utterly incompetent "leadership" of Trump prove him right.

No, Pelosi is most assuredly not pandering to Antifa. There are no votes to be won, and millions of votes to be lost. Moreover, Antifa regard the Democratic party as a wholly owned subsidiary of Goldman Sachs - not entirely without reason - and hold Democrats in contempt. You invented that "pandering", based probably on the fact that she has the nuance to distinguish between one side occasionally beating up a jack-booted Nazi, the other side going for mass-murderous shooting sprees of defenseless shoppers. That's not "pandering"; it's just treating reality with respect.

Really, Fleegle, watching the authoritarian, nativist, misogynistic, racist rot devouring the once GOP, and then turning around and painting the other side with the same broad brush - because "Both Sides!!" - is brutalizing reality. That's Mac's disease. Don't...
China is America's enemy...

Heavens! What's with the overwrought rhetoric? China is an emerging competitor for influence over the goings-on in the world, "policing" its back yard, pursuing its (perceived) interests - just as the U.S. would. It is not America's enemy. It's also not America's friend - there are no friends among states. So, why not tone it down a notch or two?
Agreed, other then possible territorial disagreements they are in no way working against this country. The are simply competing and doing a better job at capitalism then we are. They give everyone a chance to get ahead , this country took that away in 1981 when the trickle down lie got pissed all over us. It has done what they wanted it to do and it is totally supported by the right wing . The total transfer of wealth to the golden few at the top. This is what the right wing wants for this country. There capitalism or in fact any capitalism will do better then this countries ultimately. By still giving the promise of the potential to get ahead. Only in other capitalistic countries , that doesn't exist here anymore./

Inequality of wealth and income is worse, way worse, in China compared to the U.S. That's before we consider slave labor, re-education camps and other ugliness. I agree Reagan's reign is of the most deleterious sort, but, really, holding up China as an example to emulate is a thing right out of UpIsDownistan.
Pelosi --keeps the tent open..for her fringe--just as Trump does for his. Their tactics are different....but the intent is the same. Whoring for those votes. Yeah..Trump is a lot more dramatic and offensive. Pelosi has more skills..that's for sure. At the end of the day.....the far left is just as dangerous as the far right, IMO. The conflict between the two is the root of our problems..and the delight of Putin...LOL!

I do think that both Pelosi and the MSM pander to the their semantic choices and their presentation of 'good guy and bad guy'. I have no love for Bakunin-styled Anarchism either. Antifa can kiss my ass.

Oh my...

Politicians are after votes? Really? That's what you're holding against Pelosi? They all are, and they are supposed to be, and it's exactly the different tactics they use that are the issue.

There is no far left of any import or influence in the U.S. - that critter doesn't exist. The far right is way, way more dangerous, the statistics on politically motivated hate crimes, the number of casualties, and the fact that the far right has taken over the to-the-bones-corrupt GOP should tell you as much. Moscow Mitch, sitting on Garland and legislation to secure elections against foreign influence and countering gun violence is just one of the uglier turds in this swamp.

There is no conflict between the far left and the far right. There is a conflict between decent, fact-based America and a corrupt GOP, befallen by the prion disease of the brain. Quite naturally, Putin has decided that the prion disease is to govern, because that is what would weaken the U.S. the most. America's diminished standing and support all over the world (outside Russia and North Korea) under the corrupt and corrupting, utterly incompetent "leadership" of Trump prove him right.

No, Pelosi is most assuredly not pandering to Antifa. There are no votes to be won, and millions of votes to be lost. Moreover, Antifa regard the Democratic party as a wholly owned subsidiary of Goldman Sachs - not entirely without reason - and hold Democrats in contempt. You invented that "pandering", based probably on the fact that she has the nuance to distinguish between one side occasionally beating up a jack-booted Nazi, the other side going for mass-murderous shooting sprees of defenseless shoppers. That's not "pandering"; it's just treating reality with respect.

Really, Fleegle, watching the authoritarian, nativist, misogynistic, racist rot devouring the once GOP, and then turning around and painting the other side with the same broad brush - because "Both Sides!!" - is brutalizing reality. That's Mac's disease. Don't...
The Long term Association with Goldman Sachs Is the fact that they are by far the highest paying business for financial experts in this country, always having the best of the best. It is natural that they are the Company that so many people are drown from into Government Positions by both Party's. I'm not denying that they maneuver through the system like all corporations in their relationship with politicians but just pointing out why so many people are drown from their corporations. The Idea that some how Pelosi is on the same scum level as Trotsky Trump and Moscow Mitch is a hoot . Pelosi in no way has sold out their country for money and if that was the only difference , It would be enough. The Right have sold out this country to the Commies'
China is America's enemy...

Heavens! What's with the overwrought rhetoric? China is an emerging competitor for influence over the goings-on in the world, "policing" its back yard, pursuing its (perceived) interests - just as the U.S. would. It is not America's enemy. It's also not America's friend - there are no friends among states. So, why not tone it down a notch or two?
Agreed, other then possible territorial disagreements they are in no way working against this country. The are simply competing and doing a better job at capitalism then we are. They give everyone a chance to get ahead , this country took that away in 1981 when the trickle down lie got pissed all over us. It has done what they wanted it to do and it is totally supported by the right wing . The total transfer of wealth to the golden few at the top. This is what the right wing wants for this country. There capitalism or in fact any capitalism will do better then this countries ultimately. By still giving the promise of the potential to get ahead. Only in other capitalistic countries , that doesn't exist here anymore./

Inequality of wealth and income is worse, way worse, in China compared to the U.S. That's before we consider slave labor, re-education camps and other ugliness. I agree Reagan's reign is of the most deleterious sort, but, really, holding up China as an example to emulate is a thing right out of UpIsDownistan.
I would suggest you look into the change in the standard of living in China a little deeper. I am in no way suggesting that they are in par with us , other then people have the prime factor in capitalism the, promise of the potential to get ahead. Which in numbers can't be argued. Since 81 their has been no distribution of the massive wealth increase in this country. As in Nada. There are many aspects to a economy and China's system is hard to decipher , but this alone spells out how it has done.the percentage of the Chinese population estimated to be living in absolute poverty fell from between 200-270 million in 1978 to 70 million in 2017.The life expectancy has increased by 50 % or more in those years.
the Prison numbers are a joke we have by far way more of our population in jail then they do. This country has about 4 times the percentage of the population incarcerated as China has. Look a little deeper into the forced labor in China that exist and you will find that Chinese Media was reporting this and it was done by business's and connecting it to government was harder. In many cases it is in the definition of forced labor. By the way this exist in this country also. Don't start with telling me to move to China, thats a stupid response but be clear on your statements as far as reality is concerned.
And what we are finding out is that Moscow Mitch would sell out our country, to our enemy's, for the sake of his pocket book, Something that we think as far as Trotsky Trump is concerned also. They will hold hands with the devil to make a buck. These people are a ugly group and there is nothing that they do for the common man in this country , Their party exist for one reason and that is to transfer the total new wealth of this country to the golden few at the top and this has been the case since Reagan's trickle down lie in 1981. During that time we have seen absolutely massive increase of profit and every dime went to the golden few. They have taken away the main incentive of capitalism and that can't be argued . The reason Capitalism is the only way is that it has the promise of the potential to get ahead and there has been none of that since 1981.

Mitch McConnell Rails Against ‘Moscow Mitch’ Nickname: It’s ‘Over The Top’

It's getting under his skin. Good. He deserves it.
And what we are finding out is that Moscow Mitch would sell out our country, to our enemy's, for the sake of his pocket book, Something that we think as far as Trotsky Trump is concerned also. They will hold hands with the devil to make a buck. These people are a ugly group and there is nothing that they do for the common man in this country , Their party exist for one reason and that is to transfer the total new wealth of this country to the golden few at the top and this has been the case since Reagan's trickle down lie in 1981. During that time we have seen absolutely massive increase of profit and every dime went to the golden few. They have taken away the main incentive of capitalism and that can't be argued . The reason Capitalism is the only way is that it has the promise of the potential to get ahead and there has been none of that since 1981.

Mitch McConnell Rails Against ‘Moscow Mitch’ Nickname: It’s ‘Over The Top’

It's getting under his skin. Good. He deserves it.
You tell him!!! Washington redskin
China is America's enemy...

Heavens! What's with the overwrought rhetoric? China is an emerging competitor for influence over the goings-on in the world, "policing" its back yard, pursuing its (perceived) interests - just as the U.S. would. It is not America's enemy. It's also not America's friend - there are no friends among states. So, why not tone it down a notch or two?
It sounds to me like you're on China's side.

Well, I should deliver my box of Chinese cornstarch clocks I bought at WalMart over the years to your house. I was headed to the dump, since you can't recycle cornstarch plastic into a better product to the best of my chemistry knowledge.

The last cornstarch clock I bought at Walmart was about a year ago, and last week, when I took it off the wall to replace the battery, guess what. It fell apart in my hands, to the touch. I have a rather sensitive touch when I am handling mechanical gadgets that comes from being a fiber artist since my mother gave me her old Domestic sewing machine when I graduated from high school, along with a new Bible.

Because our small community hosts a popular university that has 700% more students and faculty members than our local city has, inexpensive clocks are always available when the students arrive in mid- to late August, and for a short time are priced under four dollars. Not only that, but batteries no longer last in the monstrosities for longer than four months, at which these creepy clocks lose minutes that could result in an F for missing a test since the student one morning wakes up to being in the future according to the clock, and when the student arrives to take his midterm or final exam, he or she is 2 hours late, and nobody's home in the classroom where the exam took place.

Just thinking about that flaky break-off cornstarch frame makes my blood boil. I just put what was left of the clock in a plastic garbage bag between rotting food and cardboard cereal box throwaways, since I have cut up at least 100 of them on butterfly designs made by wielding sharp scissors that I DIDN'T buy at a discount house. Four dollars is a lot of money to a college student and an elderly social security recipient who doesn't have $4 every month so she can be on time to a charity bee meeting once a month, church services, and choir practice.

It's a disgrace what dirty tricks the Chinese pull on ordinary, everyday Americans so we can as Wally World shills out a "live better" line. The last year my late husband and I were both getting paychecks, I bought quality clocks for my children at a jewelry store that would last them a lifetime for a dear price, which was okay back then, because we could afford it.

The reward for growing old is waiting a year to buy another cornstarch clock for four dollars plus a whopping tax on top of that.

Some American dream we have these days, and I don't even know how I'm going to come up with $7,800 for one year's county tax bill in December for hanging onto my beautiful little property we worked a lifetime to buy for cash, so teachers can buy another Mercedez-Benz for Christmas to drive to their school to teach illegal aliens. :hmpf:

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