Mosque Pays Fine for Vandalism

I will never forgive Islam for 9/11. I am a apostate, a infidel, a free thinker. Everything Islam would eradicate. Theirs is a backwards mindset. Islam declares itself the enemy of freedom, freedom of the heart, the mind OR religion but it demands acceptance here...the very word in Arabic, ISLAM means submit. THAT religion that demands conformism and creates a cult of suicide mass murder. Yeah, America, hell, the WORLD needs suicide mass murderers for the big kahuna, Allah the great and powerful. I don't know were else to go with this. Islam is evil. In its purest form.

Do you forgive America for Mi Lai? What about Japanese Internment camps. The mass murder of American indians?

Or is your 'forgiveness' selective for your 'own kind'?
I will never forgive Islam for 9/11. I am a apostate, a infidel, a free thinker. Everything Islam would eradicate. Theirs is a backwards mindset. Islam declares itself the enemy of freedom, freedom of the heart, the mind OR religion but it demands acceptance here...the very word in Arabic, ISLAM means submit. THAT religion that demands conformism and creates a cult of suicide mass murder. Yeah, America, hell, the WORLD needs suicide mass murderers for the big kahuna, Allah the great and powerful. I don't know were else to go with this. Islam is evil. In its purest form.

Do you forgive America for Mi Lai? What about Japanese Internment camps. The mass murder of American indians?

Or is your 'forgiveness' selective for your 'own kind'?

Mi Lai was a HUGE SCANDAL in its time. Lots of people on both sides of the controversy
paid with their military careers. It is not CELEBRATED. Japanese internment camps were
not labor camps or death camps.--------it was a really bad call-----but not AS BAD as YOU would
wish it to have been. The "mass murder" of Indians is entirely misrepresented. There was a
deadly conflict going on between the cowboys and the Indians (ie---brutality was not one-sided
albeit certainly UNBALANCED). Most of the "MURDER" turns out to be novel pathogens.
I got news------SYPHILIS did a BIG TIME NUMBER on Europe and was actually "brought over to
Europe from the "NEW WORLD"------I am not inclined to blame native americans for the devastation
that little new world spirochete wrecked. -----your comment is silly and your accusation is VULGAR
I will never forgive Islam for 9/11. I am a apostate, a infidel, a free thinker. Everything Islam would eradicate. Theirs is a backwards mindset. Islam declares itself the enemy of freedom, freedom of the heart, the mind OR religion but it demands acceptance here...the very word in Arabic, ISLAM means submit. THAT religion that demands conformism and creates a cult of suicide mass murder. Yeah, America, hell, the WORLD needs suicide mass murderers for the big kahuna, Allah the great and powerful. I don't know were else to go with this. Islam is evil. In its purest form.

Do you forgive America for Mi Lai? What about Japanese Internment camps. The mass murder of American indians?

Or is your 'forgiveness' selective for your 'own kind'?

Mi Lai was a HUGE SCANDAL in its time. Lots of people on both sides of the controversy
paid with their military careers. It is not CELEBRATED. Japanese internment camps were
not labor camps or death camps.--------it was a really bad call-----but not AS BAD as YOU would
wish it to have been. The "mass murder" of Indians is entirely misrepresented. There was a
deadly conflict going on between the cowboys and the Indians (ie---brutality was not one-sided
albeit certainly UNBALANCED). Most of the "MURDER" turns out to be novel pathogens.
I got news------SYPHILIS did a BIG TIME NUMBER on Europe and was actually "brought over to
Europe from the "NEW WORLD"------I am not inclined to blame native americans for the devastation
that little new world spirochete wrecked. -----your comment is silly and your accusation is VULGAR
Bin Laden used Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a justifications for 9/11. Accept, well Japan attacked US, we were attacked because we tried to counter Japanese imperialism and the horrific war it was waging in china and the far east. We developed the A bomb to counter the Nazis. And when we actually used it, (Germany was defeated, Japan was still up for the fight) it was to end Japanese aggression, period. AND nobody ever used a A- bomb before, and, well , more people died in the firebombing of Tokyo, and so on and so forth. Islam is a dogmatic mindset, and it will do or say anything to justify itself. Sophistry.
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I will never forgive Islam for 9/11. I am a apostate, a infidel, a free thinker. Everything Islam would eradicate. Theirs is a backwards mindset. Islam declares itself the enemy of freedom, freedom of the heart, the mind OR religion but it demands acceptance here...the very word in Arabic, ISLAM means submit. THAT religion that demands conformism and creates a cult of suicide mass murder. Yeah, America, hell, the WORLD needs suicide mass murderers for the big kahuna, Allah the great and powerful. I don't know were else to go with this. Islam is evil. In its purest form.

Do you forgive America for Mi Lai? What about Japanese Internment camps. The mass murder of American indians?

Or is your 'forgiveness' selective for your 'own kind'?

Mi Lai was a HUGE SCANDAL in its time. Lots of people on both sides of the controversy
paid with their military careers. It is not CELEBRATED. Japanese internment camps were
not labor camps or death camps.--------it was a really bad call-----but not AS BAD as YOU would
wish it to have been. The "mass murder" of Indians is entirely misrepresented. There was a
deadly conflict going on between the cowboys and the Indians (ie---brutality was not one-sided
albeit certainly UNBALANCED). Most of the "MURDER" turns out to be novel pathogens.
I got news------SYPHILIS did a BIG TIME NUMBER on Europe and was actually "brought over to
Europe from the "NEW WORLD"------I am not inclined to blame native americans for the devastation
that little new world spirochete wrecked. -----your comment is silly and your accusation is VULGAR
Bin Laden used Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a justifications for 9/11. Accept, well Japan attacked US, Nobody ever used a A- bomb before, and, well , more people died in the firebombing of Tokyo, and so on and so forth. Islam is a dogmatic mindset, and it will do or say anything to justify itself. Sophistry.

true. I did not know that bin Laden had cited Hiroshima-------shit mouth pig that he was. Right now
lots of "Islamic action" is justified by the fact that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. For more
sophistry---read the Koran. JUSTIFCATIONS cited for declaring a whole people the ENEMY OF ISLAAAM
and legal targets of Pillage, Rape, Murder and Enslavement is-------actually----if you read carefully-----
Thus whilst muslim countries and enclaves LEGALLY destroy bibles and churches and various temples ----
any law that can be interpreted as GETTING IN THE WAY of the imposition of islam------renders that
society ENEMY OF ISLAAAAM. ENEMY means----as noted----legal target of Murder, rape, pillage
and enslavement. Bin Laden was a very ardent and observant MUSLIM. A corollary is the DIVINE
LAW that any land which was AT ANY TIME IN HISTORY conquered by muslims OR upon which muslims
fought and died is the ABSOLUTE POSSESSION OF THE UMMAH FOREVER <<<<< you need know
no more than this-----to understand the justification for 9-11-01 and random shoot ups and bombs thruout
the world
I tried reading the Koran I also tried reading Mein Kampf. It's RUBBISH. Nazism and Islam have one thing in common, they mesmerize people. Why we didn't level Saudi Arabia, mystifies me.
I tried reading the Koran I also tried reading Mein Kampf. It's RUBBISH. Nazism and Islam have one thing in common, they mesmerize people. Why we didn't level Saudi Arabia, mystifies me.

Nazism and Islam are very similar. In fact the NUREMBURG LAWS are lifted directly from the laws
which govern non muslims in the Islamic concept of divine social form Omar Bin Khattab was something akin
to Himmler. The root of oppression and exploitation goes WAY back-----all the way to
Greek culture-----and the oppression of HELOTS in Sparta. Omar Bin Khattab was the second "caliph"----
something like Big bad Baghdaddy today. The caliph is supposed to be LIKE muhummad------which
accounts for the government of Big bad Baghdaddy. He did the PACT of OMAR----which provides for the
position of DHIMMIS-------you and me
I will never forgive Islam for 9/11. I am a apostate, a infidel, a free thinker. Everything Islam would eradicate. Theirs is a backwards mindset. Islam declares itself the enemy of freedom, freedom of the heart, the mind OR religion but it demands acceptance here...the very word in Arabic, ISLAM means submit. THAT religion that demands conformism and creates a cult of suicide mass murder. Yeah, America, hell, the WORLD needs suicide mass murderers for the big kahuna, Allah the great and powerful. I don't know were else to go with this. Islam is evil. In its purest form.

Do you forgive America for Mi Lai? What about Japanese Internment camps. The mass murder of American indians?

Or is your 'forgiveness' selective for your 'own kind'?

Mi Lai was a HUGE SCANDAL in its time. Lots of people on both sides of the controversy
paid with their military careers. It is not CELEBRATED. Japanese internment camps were
not labor camps or death camps.--------it was a really bad call-----but not AS BAD as YOU would
wish it to have been. The "mass murder" of Indians is entirely misrepresented. There was a
deadly conflict going on between the cowboys and the Indians (ie---brutality was not one-sided
albeit certainly UNBALANCED). Most of the "MURDER" turns out to be novel pathogens.
I got news------SYPHILIS did a BIG TIME NUMBER on Europe and was actually "brought over to
Europe from the "NEW WORLD"------I am not inclined to blame native americans for the devastation
that little new world spirochete wrecked. -----your comment is silly and your accusation is VULGAR

Kellyanne is that you? You have a ridiculous excuse for everything. How do you operate in normal society?
I will never forgive Islam for 9/11. I am a apostate, a infidel, a free thinker. Everything Islam would eradicate. Theirs is a backwards mindset. Islam declares itself the enemy of freedom, freedom of the heart, the mind OR religion but it demands acceptance here...the very word in Arabic, ISLAM means submit. THAT religion that demands conformism and creates a cult of suicide mass murder. Yeah, America, hell, the WORLD needs suicide mass murderers for the big kahuna, Allah the great and powerful. I don't know were else to go with this. Islam is evil. In its purest form.

Do you forgive America for Mi Lai? What about Japanese Internment camps. The mass murder of American indians?

Or is your 'forgiveness' selective for your 'own kind'?

Mi Lai was a HUGE SCANDAL in its time. Lots of people on both sides of the controversy
paid with their military careers. It is not CELEBRATED. Japanese internment camps were
not labor camps or death camps.--------it was a really bad call-----but not AS BAD as YOU would
wish it to have been. The "mass murder" of Indians is entirely misrepresented. There was a
deadly conflict going on between the cowboys and the Indians (ie---brutality was not one-sided
albeit certainly UNBALANCED). Most of the "MURDER" turns out to be novel pathogens.
I got news------SYPHILIS did a BIG TIME NUMBER on Europe and was actually "brought over to
Europe from the "NEW WORLD"------I am not inclined to blame native americans for the devastation
that little new world spirochete wrecked. -----your comment is silly and your accusation is VULGAR

Kellyanne is that you? You have a ridiculous excuse for everything. How do you operate in normal society?

Isaac----how do you justify your HUMANITY as the founder of that damn freshman KILLER COURSE
What kind of wife beating does he teach from his love.

Um.... OK anybody else want to have a go at forming a complete sentence?
That's not very loving of you.

What manner of wife beating do they teach at this loving mosque?

I'm nowhere near Arkansas so I have no idea, but I doubt Arkansas needs them much teachin' in that.

Besides, that would be a social construct, not a religious one. And it's no part of the topic here anyway.
What kind of wife beating does he teach from his love.

Um.... OK anybody else want to have a go at forming a complete sentence?
That's not very loving of you.

What manner of wife beating do they teach at this loving mosque?
I would guess similar to what the bible teaches.

Anyways, good on the Mosque for this one, I suppose :thup:
Can you link us with a church or synagogue that teaches wife beating.

Hey, you brought it up. Out of nowhere. Once again for you shortbus kids, there's no reference to any "wife" in the story at all. There's no evidence that the vandal is married, nor would it be relevant if he is.
.... on their own property, to help the vandal avoid jail.

>> FORT SMITH, Ark. -

In October of 2016, the Masjid Al Salam mosque in Fort Smith, Arkansas, was vandalized. Now more than a year later, the man charged with the crime is getting a helping hand from the people he hurt the most.

Back in October the mosque was vandalized with swastikas and the words "go home." The mosque's security cameras caught the man in the act. That person was identified as Abraham Davis. He was charged with a felony, which consisted of community service and a hefty fine. But it was a fine he might not have been able to pay on his own, so the Masjid Al Salam stepped in.

"We heard that he was having financial problems," said Louay Nassri, the president of Al Salam. "Now if you don't pay your fine, that's an automatic six years in jail. Well, we didn't want him to go to jail for six years," he told KARK-TV.

So Nassri wrote a check for $1,700 to wipe out the fine for Davis. <<​


Dood just got a lesson in Mercy. Hate is a dead-end street.
You can't buy good will.Now, if they would just do something about those pesky jihadist that behead and terrorize us infidels. THAT might actual accomplish a little more.

I'm not sure the Masjid al Salam mosque in Fort Fucking Smith Arkansas has jack shit to do with "jihadist" [sic]*, pesky or otherwise, or with "beheadings". But go ahead and show the class your evidence. And while you're at it essplain to us why the Our Lady of Perpetual Agony Catholic Church in Port Fart Idaho didn't "do something" about Eric Rudolph.

*fun tip -- in English we form plurals with the letter S. Hence "those" (plural) would match with "jihadists" (plural). If you refer to a singular it would be "that jihadist".

This was supposed to be like third grade stuff.
I would guess similar to what the bible teaches.

Anyways, good on the Mosque for this one, I suppose :thup:
Can you link us with a church or synagogue that teaches wife beating.
What's Pat Robertson's church? Or you could just look in the bible.
Got a link?
Of course I do
In case you forgot the question:

Can you link us with a church or synagogue that teaches wife beating.

In case it continues to sail over your pointed head --- it's your assertion, ergo the onus is on you to show it exists.

There's nothing you can do about that except reform and quit trying to derail threads you can't handle.

Um.... OK anybody else want to have a go at forming a complete sentence?
That's not very loving of you.

What manner of wife beating do they teach at this loving mosque?
I would guess similar to what the bible teaches.

Anyways, good on the Mosque for this one, I suppose :thup:
Can you link us with a church or synagogue that teaches wife beating.

If you want to know, why don't you ask the the folks at the mosque instead making assumptions?
I'm asking the question. I have no idea what rules they teach regarding their practice of wife beating. You've been no help whatsoever.

No, you're trolling a thread because you can't stand the story. So your tiny little mind tries desperately to invent some new one.

Piss off.
Good story.

Too bad far too many (80% estimate by the FBI) preach jihad, violence, antisemitism and pro-Sharia Law.
They did it for the good press and to bamboozle libs. Seems to have worked.

In other words if a "them" -- whatever "them" is this week --- does something bad, it's because it's a "them" and they're all like that, whereas if a "them" does something good, there must be some ulterior motive, because "them" are all bad.

That is to say you walked into the joint with steel doors around your head bolted down going :lalala:

--- and nothing will upset your juvenile little fantasy because you like your scary-monster dolls.

Grow the fuck up dood. You're embarrassing the human race.
Um.... OK anybody else want to have a go at forming a complete sentence?
That's not very loving of you.

What manner of wife beating do they teach at this loving mosque?

Apparently the kind that says "Do not beat your wife", but that won't fit with your fantasy, so we don't want to scar and traumatize you with the notion that there just might be some good Muzzies out there in the world."

BTW, what is your opinion of Muhammed Ali?
What do you mean, apparently? You have no idea.

The teacher in the video gave sound advice and taught not to beat your wife in the face and make her ugly. Perhaps this fine-paying mosque allows face beating.

For example.

Or perhaps the US is different than Egypt.

For example.
You're either ignorant or dishonest. The religion treats women like dirt and kills gays. How do you reconcile your concern for those groups with your support for those who would treat them in such a way.

Ironic post is ironic. The religion neither "treats women like dirt" nor "kills gays". And then YOU wanna talk "ignorance"?

What kind of wife beating does he teach from his love.

Um.... OK anybody else want to have a go at forming a complete sentence?
That's not very loving of you.

What manner of wife beating do they teach at this loving mosque?

Dear Aba Incieni
Probably zero.

If anyone at a Mosque tolerates wife beating going on,
it's probably no more or no less than the general tolerance
in this country for letting rapes go on at campuses, at parties,
with trafficking at clubs while cops look the other way, etc.
And when this gets reported in the media, politicians exploit
the rape just for points to attack each other and don't give a
flip about restitution or recovery for the victims.

If you are going to point the finger at Muslims
you can point the finger at society in general.

Now in countries OUTSIDE THE US, yes, this gets much worse.
The crisis in INDIA finally got publicized where crowds of people
started protesting regularly in public because of the coverups.
In Pakistan and similar cultures, women are still blamed, stoned,
punished and killed if they are raped, claiming it was adultery.

That's the culture in those countries.
In India the burning of widows on funeral pyres was part of the
cultural ritual, and it is NOT a 'teaching' in Hinduism;
similarly the dominating abusive and oppressive treatment of women is part
of the CULTURE in certain countries.

So it depends on the CULTURE.
Yes, there are many Muslims from oppressive Islam countries
where they don't have human rights recognized like we do here.

But because in the US we have both Constitutional protections
through govt as well as Christian standards embedded in our culture,
the Muslims who assimilate naturally the laws.

If you are going to blame Muslims who don't assimilate,
yes, there are criminals and abusers who never respect the laws.
Some of those criminals are going to be Muslims.

The best solution I have found is to make sure that all citizens
are educated and trained in Constitutional laws and enforcing
common principles, such as due process and not punishing people
except through the legal procedures so you don't take justice into
your own hands. Everyone and every group would benefit
from learning and agreeing to enforce Constitutional standards.

That solution would work for all groups, including political parties.
If you are going to point the finger at groups that violate laws,
the political parties are equally political religions that threaten to
violate the free exercise of people's beliefs by imposing their own.

So don't just point the finger at Muslims.

Salient points Emily, well said.

Domestic abuse, degradation of women, FGM, "honor killings" and such still take place worldwide. In the example above of India, among Hindus, Sikhs and Musliims, NONE of which condone the practices. For that matter Henry VIII's execution for alleged adultery was yet another example of an "honor killing", not sanctioned by Christianism either.

These vermin deliberately conflate ancient cultural practices with religions that arrived much later, just so they can make their puerile association fallacies and think they're actually convincing anyone except themselves in their own echobubble.
.... on their own property, to help the vandal avoid jail.

>> FORT SMITH, Ark. -

In October of 2016, the Masjid Al Salam mosque in Fort Smith, Arkansas, was vandalized. Now more than a year later, the man charged with the crime is getting a helping hand from the people he hurt the most.

Back in October the mosque was vandalized with swastikas and the words "go home." The mosque's security cameras caught the man in the act. That person was identified as Abraham Davis. He was charged with a felony, which consisted of community service and a hefty fine. But it was a fine he might not have been able to pay on his own, so the Masjid Al Salam stepped in.

"We heard that he was having financial problems," said Louay Nassri, the president of Al Salam. "Now if you don't pay your fine, that's an automatic six years in jail. Well, we didn't want him to go to jail for six years," he told KARK-TV.

So Nassri wrote a check for $1,700 to wipe out the fine for Davis. <<​


Dood just got a lesson in Mercy. Hate is a dead-end street.

This kind of thing must just burn the ass off the phoney 'christians' in the US. These Muslims actually PRACTICE turn the other cheek and do good to those that wrong you. They actually follow Jesus' teachings far more than those that claim to be Christians.

Exactly my thought when I heard this. Also very Zen.
I will never forgive Islam for 9/11. I am a apostate, a infidel, a free thinker. Everything Islam would eradicate. Theirs is a backwards mindset. Islam declares itself the enemy of freedom, freedom of the heart, the mind OR religion but it demands acceptance here...the very word in Arabic, ISLAM means submit. THAT religion that demands conformism and creates a cult of suicide mass murder. Yeah, America, hell, the WORLD needs suicide mass murderers for the big kahuna, Allah the great and powerful. I don't know were else to go with this. Islam is evil. In its purest form.

Do you forgive America for Mi Lai? What about Japanese Internment camps. The mass murder of American indians?

Or is your 'forgiveness' selective for your 'own kind'?

Mi Lai was a HUGE SCANDAL in its time. Lots of people on both sides of the controversy
paid with their military careers. It is not CELEBRATED. Japanese internment camps were
not labor camps or death camps.--------it was a really bad call-----but not AS BAD as YOU would
wish it to have been. The "mass murder" of Indians is entirely misrepresented. There was a
deadly conflict going on between the cowboys and the Indians (ie---brutality was not one-sided
albeit certainly UNBALANCED). Most of the "MURDER" turns out to be novel pathogens.
I got news------SYPHILIS did a BIG TIME NUMBER on Europe and was actually "brought over to
Europe from the "NEW WORLD"------I am not inclined to blame native americans for the devastation
that little new world spirochete wrecked. -----your comment is silly and your accusation is VULGAR

Kellyanne is that you? You have a ridiculous excuse for everything. How do you operate in normal society?

Nope, that's two socks talking to each other. It's how they serve the Echobubble.

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