Trump Most Admired


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Retain Most Admired Titles

For the 10th year in a row, President Obama, in a Gallup poll, is America's most admired man.

And, Hillary is the most admired woman.

So, look forward to an executive order signed by the loser of the popular vote, President Trump, outlawing future polls that might make him look like the loser he is. Bigly.

oooOOOOooooo i hope president reject reads about this & starts obsessing all over again about crowd size & popular vote failures!!!!!!!
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My question is - what are they admired for? What did they do, precisely, that was worth a damn?
If I had to pick it would probably be a toss-up between Jesus and Harvey Weinstein.
Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Retain Most Admired Titles

For the 10th year in a row, President Obama, in a Gallup poll, is America's most admired man.

And, Hillary is the most admired woman.

So, look forward to an executive order signed by the loser of the popular vote, President Trump, outlawing future polls that might make him look like the loser he is. Bigly.

View attachment 168174
That explains why Hillary polls out as less popular than Trump. The more she talks about how she lost, and that its not her fault, the worse her poll numbers get.
Hillary Clinton is Less Popular Than President Trump
I can see Obama being on the list. He is still popular among his supporters. But Hillary? Why do I doubt that?

It's Gallup should be the first clue
The only polls recognized by Trumpsters are Faux News Playboy Channel and Rasmussen, which are far right wing polls..

Well no, I don't trust any poll and neither should you after that 2016 debacle.

Bu they keep you feeling all warm and fuzzy....right?
I can see Obama being on the list. He is still popular among his supporters. But Hillary? Why do I doubt that?

It's Gallup should be the first clue
The only polls recognized by Trumpsters are Faux News Playboy Channel and Rasmussen, which are far right wing polls..

Well no, I don't trust any poll and neither should you after that 2016 debacle.

Bu they keep you feeling all warm and fuzzy....right?
IMO the 2016 polls were on the money. It was the last minute Comey curve ball that screwed everything up.
I can see Obama being on the list. He is still popular among his supporters. But Hillary? Why do I doubt that?

It's Gallup should be the first clue
The only polls recognized by Trumpsters are Faux News Playboy Channel and Rasmussen, which are far right wing polls..

Well no, I don't trust any poll and neither should you after that 2016 debacle.

Bu they keep you feeling all warm and fuzzy....right?
IMO the 2016 polls were on the money. It was the last minute Comey curve ball that screwed everything up.

the same (R) comey who ( according to complacent traitorous (R) congress critters ) was supposta be a hillary supporter all along so he released 'new found' emails 11 days b4 the election that was going to clinch the win for her.

oh how they try to spin a ridiculous web.
I can see Obama being on the list. He is still popular among his supporters. But Hillary? Why do I doubt that?

It's Gallup should be the first clue
The only polls recognized by Trumpsters are Faux News Playboy Channel and Rasmussen, which are far right wing polls..

Well no, I don't trust any poll and neither should you after that 2016 debacle.

Bu they keep you feeling all warm and fuzzy....right?
IMO the 2016 polls were on the money. It was the last minute Comey curve ball that screwed everything up.

the same (R) comey who ( according to complacent traitorous (R) congress critters ) was supposta be a hillary supporter all along so he released 'new found' emails 11 days b4 the election that was going to clinch the win for her.

oh how they try to spin a ridiculous web.

That was an attempt to create plausible denial of collusion between Comey and the Clinton campaign. Comey's essential public indictment and simultaneous release in July of 2016 due to a finding of "no intent" (where a finding of intent is not a requirement in the first place) proved so egregious to the public that they had to do something.

Had Hillary been elected, that would now be the subject of numerous investigations, not the phony "Russian collusion" construct.
It's Gallup should be the first clue
The only polls recognized by Trumpsters are Faux News Playboy Channel and Rasmussen, which are far right wing polls..

Well no, I don't trust any poll and neither should you after that 2016 debacle.

Bu they keep you feeling all warm and fuzzy....right?
IMO the 2016 polls were on the money. It was the last minute Comey curve ball that screwed everything up.

the same (R) comey who ( according to complacent traitorous (R) congress critters ) was supposta be a hillary supporter all along so he released 'new found' emails 11 days b4 the election that was going to clinch the win for her.

oh how they try to spin a ridiculous web.

That was an attempt to create plausible denial of collusion between Comey and the Clinton campaign. Comey's essential public indictment and simultaneous release in July of 2016 due to a finding of "no intent" (where a finding of intent is not a requirement in the first place) proved so egregious to the public that they had to do something.

Had Hillary been elected, that would now be the subject of numerous investigations, not the phony "Russian collusion" construct.

sure, sure. & mueller - who is a (R)... who was appointed by rosenstein....who is a (R).... who was appointed by the drumpf administration are allllllllllllllllll in cohoots...... right?

The only polls recognized by Trumpsters are Faux News Playboy Channel and Rasmussen, which are far right wing polls..

Well no, I don't trust any poll and neither should you after that 2016 debacle.

Bu they keep you feeling all warm and fuzzy....right?
IMO the 2016 polls were on the money. It was the last minute Comey curve ball that screwed everything up.

the same (R) comey who ( according to complacent traitorous (R) congress critters ) was supposta be a hillary supporter all along so he released 'new found' emails 11 days b4 the election that was going to clinch the win for her.

oh how they try to spin a ridiculous web.

That was an attempt to create plausible denial of collusion between Comey and the Clinton campaign. Comey's essential public indictment and simultaneous release in July of 2016 due to a finding of "no intent" (where a finding of intent is not a requirement in the first place) proved so egregious to the public that they had to do something.

Had Hillary been elected, that would now be the subject of numerous investigations, not the phony "Russian collusion" construct.

sure, sure. & mueller - who is a (R)... who was appointed by rosenstein....who is a (R).... who was appointed by the drumpf administration are allllllllllllllllll in cohoots...... right?


Many establishment Republicans - who often act more like Democrats - are against Trump.

The fact is that a showing of intent was not relevant to the crime. Comey pulled a fast one.

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