Most Comprehensive List of 2020-2022 Election Fraud

not one case has gone to court and been presented to a jury. Why is that? liberal judges have refused to hear them using bullshit tactics like lack of standing and insufficient evidence, when they have not even seen the evidence. the USA has become a banana republic thanks to you dem/libs. and you are so dumb you think thats a good thing.
Right. Every judge in the country is a bonafide member of the deep state..
which ones, give us a list and which case they handled----------or STFU and stop lying.
No. If you are dumb enough to think every one of those 60+ judges were willing to abuse their office just to get trump, you're too dumb to believe anything I might tell you. Think what you want. I usually don't waste a lot of time on lost causes like you.
No. If you are dumb enough to think every one of those 60+ judges were willing to abuse their office just to get trump, you're too dumb to believe anything I might tell you. Think what you want. I usually don't waste a lot of time on lost causes like you.
they saved their jobs by catering to the leftist deep state and their deep pockets. WTF "no standing", "insuffient evidence" without actually seeing any of the evidence. The fix is in, the USA is about to cease to exist because of idiots like you.
not one case has gone to court and been presented to a jury. Why is that? liberal judges have refused to hear them using bullshit tactics like lack of standing and insufficient evidence, when they have not even seen the evidence. the USA has become a banana republic thanks to you dem/libs. and you are so dumb you think thats a good thing.
Remember who else empowered those liberal judges, otherwise the leftist judges knew that the Rhino's were with them in the undermining of the Republican party because of their hatred of Trump and protection of the establishment. That was the ultimate green light to go for it, and they went for it.

If they would have been up against a solid unified Republican party, we wouldn't be where we all are today.

Just shows how smart Trump was when he didn't show up at the debate stage, because he knew that they would use him to try and destroy everyone up on that stage, and ultimately increase Biden's chances of being President once again.
Sadly, in the case of the 2020 election, the US judiciary has shown it IS NOT the last bulwark against tyranny as Madison had hoped. No, they are just another brick in the wall of tyranny and criminal governance.
they saved their jobs by catering to the leftist deep state and their deep pockets. WTF "no standing", "insuffient evidence" without actually seeing any of the evidence. The fix is in, the USA is about to cease to exist because of idiots like you.
Wow that must be frustrating. You going to do something about it instead of posting on an obscure message board?
not one case has gone to court and been presented to a jury. Why is that? liberal judges have refused to hear them using bullshit tactics like lack of standing and insufficient evidence, when they have not even seen the evidence. the USA has become a banana republic thanks to you dem/libs. and you are so dumb you think thats a good thing.
So every judge became a liberal in Georgia, Arizona, etc....?
What happens is that people are not taken off the rolls when they move. I was once on the rolls in 3 states at the same time when I was in the Marine Corps. That does not mean I voted in all 3.
You're being way too sensible and logical for the MAGA Tards
they saved their jobs by catering to the leftist deep state and their deep pockets. WTF "no standing", "insuffient evidence" without actually seeing any of the evidence. The fix is in, the USA is about to cease to exist because of idiots like you.
I'll bet tou think those aren't common accepted reasons the courts refuse cases. You think it's something new, just for trump's crap.
not one case has gone to court and been presented to a jury. Why is that? liberal judges have refused to hear them using bullshit tactics like lack of standing and insufficient evidence, when they have not even seen the evidence. the USA has become a banana republic thanks to you dem/libs. and you are so dumb you think thats a good thing.
Remember who else empowered those liberal judges, otherwise the leftist judges knew that the Rhino's were with them in the undermining of the Republican party because of their hatred of Trump. That was the ultimate green light to go for it, and they went for it.

If they would have been up against a solid unified Republican party, we wouldn't be where we all are today.

Just shows how smart Trump was when he didn't show up at the debate, because he knew that they would use him to try and destroy everyone up on that stage, and ultimately increase Biden's chances of being President once again.
not all, but many are. I never said all were. What is the judge that killed Hunter's get our of jail free deal?
Yeah and what about finding out about Weiss and his affiliation with the Biden's ?.Talk about a freaking conflict - wow.

dblack wants to make us think with a statement like that, that there is no leading the horses to the cliffs involved, so it's not that every judge is a member of the deep state correct, but the one's placed upon the trail's heading to the cliffs definitely are.

Three kinds of judge's these days.

1. The political leaned judge. Sways with the political blowing winds back and forth. To many of these now.

2. The neutral judge.. Very, very few of these now.

3. The activist radical judge. Way to damned many of these now.

They lost the trust of the viewers because they fired Tucker, a person that looked at their viewers directly in their face and lied to them repeatedly, willingly and with full knowledge that he was lying to their faces.

If anyone wanted more proof that the right wing nut cases here WANT to be lied to, no NEED to be lied to, no more proof required.
The only lie is an excepted one.

People know how to balance the truth against an exaggerating crock of bull shite. All the networks have the truth and lies represented, so go talk your stupidity to a leftist knuckledragger that might put his or her hand against their unibrow and faint if they hear a truth being told. ROTFLMBO 🤣
Remember who else empowered those liberal judges, otherwise the leftist judges knew that the Rhino's were with them in the undermining of the Republican party because of their hatred of Trump. That was the ultimate green light to go for it, and they went for it.

If they would have been up against a solid unified Republican party, we wouldn't be where we all are today.

Just shows how smart Trump was when he didn't show up at the debate, because he knew that they would use him to try and destroy everyone up on that stage, and ultimately increase Biden's chances of being President once again.

Yeah and what about finding out about Weiss and his affiliation with the Biden's ?.Talk about a freaking conflict - wow.

dblack wants to make us think with a statement like that, that there is no leading the horses to the cliffs involved, so it's not that every judge is a member of the deep state correct, but the one's placed upon the trail's heading to the cliffs definitely are.

Three kinds of judge's these days.

1. The political leaned judge. Sways with the political blowing winds back and forth. To many of these now.

2. The neutral judge.. Very, very few of these now.

3. The activist radical judge. Way to damned many of these now.
Jesus .. you're just in denial. Classic, psychological, denial. And you're clinging to anything and everything that supports that state of denial. The parties have done such a thorough job of demonizing their opponents that partisans literally can't accept losing.
I'll bet tou think those aren't common accepted reasons the courts refuse cases. You think it's something new, just for trump's crap.
lack of standing is rarely used, in these cases it was used to prevent the evidence from being seen by a jury and the american people. Why? because they were afraid of what the american people would do to the DC establishment (both parties) if they knew the truth.
lack of standing is rarely used, in these cases it was used to prevent the evidence from being seen by a jury and the american people. Why? because they were afraid of what the american people would do to the DC establishment (both parties) if they knew the truth.
That's silly. Lack of standing is often used. Trumps cases were mostly rejected for insufficient evidence, not lack of standing. In other words, like rudy said, you have lots of theories, but no proof.
That's silly. Lack of standing is often used. Trumps cases were mostly rejected for insufficient evidence, not lack of standing. In other words, like rudy said, you have lots of theories, but no proof.
how can a judge know that the evidence is insufficient if it is never presented in open court? I know more about this than you do, you should stop now before you make a complete fool of yourself.
That's silly. Lack of standing is often used. Trumps cases were mostly rejected for insufficient evidence, not lack of standing. In other words, like rudy said, you have lots of theories, but no proof.
it is rarely used, you don't know anything about this topic.
how can a judge know that the evidence is insufficient if it is never presented in open court? I know more about this than you do, you should stop now before you make a complete fool of yourself.

Easy. The judge asks the plaintiff about their evidence. When they answer by showing they have no relevant evidence, the judge dismisses the case due to lack of evidence or lack of merit.

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