MOST CORRUPT III: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Part II - Forgotten History

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
This report on the Corruption of Franklin Roosevelt (How Democrats get away commiting crimes) will explain that FDR did not create policies that took us out of the depression era other than he steered the USA into being in a major war that cost over 400,000 us deaths ( deaths first number, injured second number and total last number)

FDR promoted racism. Does this seem to be good?

FDR was elected in 1932 on a platform to end the depression and it continued for 2 terms. Most presidents were gentlemen who agreed to step down after two terms but the aging ill president, possibly a victim of a stroke or two, relied on the media to lie to Americans about his health and they haven't changed much. By the time his 4th term rolled around even democrats knew he was dying but the media lied once more to Americans.
FDR was elected in 1932 on a platform to end the depression and it continued for 2 terms. Most presidents were gentlemen who agreed to step down after two terms but the aging ill president, possibly a victim of a stroke or two, relied on the media to lie to Americans about his health and they haven't changed much. By the time his 4th term rolled around even democrats knew he was dying but the media lied once more to Americans.

Xiden has eclipsed FDR as most corrupt over a single term. With the added crime of treason.
FDR was elected in 1932 on a platform to end the depression and it continued for 2 terms. Most presidents were gentlemen who agreed to step down after two terms but the aging ill president, possibly a victim of a stroke or two, relied on the media to lie to Americans about his health and they haven't changed much. By the time his 4th term rolled around even democrats knew he was dying but the media lied once more to Americans.
There it is again. The evil media is to blame for our problems. :auiqs.jpg:
Same old, same old.
FDR was elected in 1932 on a platform to end the depression and it continued for 2 terms. Most presidents were gentlemen who agreed to step down after two terms but the aging ill president, possibly a victim of a stroke or two, relied on the media to lie to Americans about his health and they haven't changed much. By the time his 4th term rolled around even democrats knew he was dying but the media lied once more to Americans.
FDR put a huge bullseye on Pearl Harbor by how he did it. He signaled to Japan he was wanting war. And he would get closer to Japan to do it. The Japanese beat him to the punch.
FDR to the shock of Democrats actually blamed Hoover yet used the Hoover plan which apparently would not have worked either. Most think it was the FDR plan but Herbert came out first with the plan. How many posters recall as I recall actually hearing FDR deliver a talk he called Fireside Chats? Since My parents had a radio and listened to FDR, as a kid of around 5 and 7 I heard the president talk.
There it is again. The evil media is to blame for our problems. :auiqs.jpg:
Same old, same old.
Put away your bigotry and actually pay attention to the MSM and how they structure what they report. Notice if the politician is a Democrat, they coddle the Democrat. They attack Republicans. I believe Democrats believe the FOX news is opposite.
This report on the Corruption of Franklin Roosevelt (How Democrats get away commiting crimes) will explain that FDR did not create policies that took us out of the depression era other than he steered the USA into being in a major war that cost over 400,000 us deaths ( deaths first number, injured second number and total last number)

FDR promoted racism. Does this seem to be good?

FDR also made marijuana an illegal substance in 1938.
This report on the Corruption of Franklin Roosevelt (How Democrats get away commiting crimes) will explain that FDR did not create policies that took us out of the depression era other than he steered the USA into being in a major war that cost over 400,000 us deaths ( deaths first number, injured second number and total last number)

FDR promoted racism. Does this seem to be good?

in 1920 FDR was lobbying to the VP candidate for the Democrats who nominated James Cox, but FDR wanted Herbert Hoover to be the Democratic candidate.
Put away your bigotry and actually pay attention to the MSM and how they structure what they report. Notice if the politician is a Democrat, they coddle the Democrat. They attack Republicans. I believe Democrats believe the FOX news is opposite.
FOX News, having the most viewers is the MSM, but I don`t get my news from tv. I subscribe to 2 newspapers where I`m not interrupted by annoying pill commercials telling me what I should talk to my doctor about.
FOX News, having the most viewers is the MSM, but I don`t get my news from tv. I subscribe to 2 newspapers where I`m not interrupted by annoying pill commercials telling me what I should talk to my doctor about.
I am annoyed by two things on TV. That there are seemingly 85 percent of the ads are featuring blacks only and that they keep hawking those pills you mention. The TV is pulling a divide this nation stunt.
in 1920 FDR was lobbying to the VP candidate for the Democrats who nominated James Cox, but FDR wanted Herbert Hoover to be the Democratic candidate.
I am among the few that recalls FDR talking live on radio. I only recall him from around 1943 forward since prior to that I was busy playing with children as I then was. Amity Shlaes wrote an excellent book... The Forgotten Man. that is excellent true reading. She sticks to facts. She is not out to trash FDR. I do it primarily due to his getting us into WW2 using our Navy at Pearl Harbor as bait so we would get into the war. Navy commanders did not want that fleet at Pearl Harbor since they understood Japan would attack there.
I am among the few that recalls FDR talking live on radio. I only recall him from around 1943 forward since prior to that I was busy playing with children as I then was. Amity Shlaes wrote an excellent book... The Forgotten Man. that is excellent true reading. She sticks to facts. She is not out to trash FDR. I do it primarily due to his getting us into WW2 using our Navy at Pearl Harbor as bait so we would get into the war. Navy commanders did not want that fleet at Pearl Harbor since they understood Japan would attack there.
May well be the case. Does the name Adm. James Richardson ring a bell? He was C in C of the Pacific fleet until he opposed FDR's moving the fleet to pearl.
May well be the case. Does the name Adm. James Richardson ring a bell? He was C in C of the Pacific fleet until he opposed FDR's moving the fleet to pearl.

May well be the case. Does the name Adm. James Richardson ring a bell? He was C in C of the Pacific fleet until he opposed FDR's moving the fleet to pearl.

May well be the case. Does the name Adm. James Richardson ring a bell? He was C in C of the Pacific fleet until he opposed FDR's moving the fleet to pearl.

May well be the case. Does the name Adm. James Richardson ring a bell? He was C in C of the Pacific fleet until he opposed FDR's moving the fleet to pearl.

Yes, he was fired for not wanting the fleet moved from their former ports to Pearl Harbor.

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