Most Dems want Biden out

You don't get. Trumps policies affected my vote. Biden's and his administration missteps are effecting my opinion of Joe. Who said you got to choose what affects me? Are you getting some weird God complex? I don't know you from horse holder at Madam Orr's whorehouse.
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Cause you wanted to waste your money! I get it. 2.50 gas wasn’t affordable but 6.00 you can! Gotcha
Cause you wanted to waste your money! I get it. 2.50 gas wasn’t affordable but 6.00 you can! Gotcha
Never paid over $4.75/gal except in Hawaii in my life. Of course, I usually stopped by a military base and got it a lot closer to mainland prices. You also forget. I am retired, debt free with multiple, continuing income streams, so no, I am not highly affected by the price of gas, just a mildly irritating novelty. When not traveling for recreation, just how much gas did you think used on a monthly basis, living in the city? I have a pretty convenient lifestyle.
Never paid over $4.75/gal except in Hawaii in my life. Of course, I usually stopped by a military base and got it a lot closer to mainland prices. You also forget. I am retired, debt free with multiple, continuing income streams, so no, I am not highly affected by the price of gas, just a mildly irritating novelty. When not traveling for recreation, just how much gas did you think used on a monthly basis, living in the city? I have a pretty convenient lifestyle.
So fk your fellow Americans, how white of you! I see you weren’t fighting for Americans
I give you facts, backed up by sources. You give me bullshit assertions backed up by OMGs.

Good talk.
Well this is interesting
“BLM burned our cities and destroyed $2B of property. They faced no consequences.
The group found that 2020 protests cost more than any other period of unrest in American history

But BLM are good people and didn't do anything wrong....every leftists on this board.
But but but 1/6................................

The main question is why does the media and the dems, not attack BLM, but they do attack anti vax mandate people and the truckers in canada, but BLM is treated like Rockstars. They got maybe a low level offense, anyone get arrested for murder or arson?
This poll shows how dismal Biden's presidency is in his own party: New Biden Poll Numbers Are Very, Very Bad

* Percentage of Democrats under 30 who do not want Biden to run: 94%​
** Don't run: Maybe the most striking stat is that only 26% of Democratic voters want him to run again in 2024. That leaves 74% of Democratic voters do not want Biden to run for president. :boohoo:
:dunno: why isn't he on trial?

He was impeached, twice! The only reason why he wasn't convicted and removed is because we have a ton of corrupt and cowardly GOP senators not willing to do the right thing.

Yeah, Trump is the autocrat. He's the one that forced a vax mandate, he's the one who shut down the economy, he's the one that is destroying the oil industry, he's the one that wants kids taught by drag queens and weirdos, he's the one that wants babies killed for no reason, he's the one that loves riots and burning down cities, he's the one that wants to take our guns......Sorry bro you are really really stupid. Grow up, learn some things and when you have a clue we can talk.

You're like a walking and breathing billboard for how easy it is to brainwash the average right wing simpleton in order to rule over them.
He was impeached, twice! The only reason why he wasn't convicted and removed is because we have a ton of corrupt and cowardly GOP senators not willing to do the right thing.

You're like a walking and breathing billboard for how easy it is to brainwash the average right wing simpleton in order to rule over them.
Wrong, the democrats who were ok with Ted Kennedy killing someone, the guy didn't receive any punishment for it, are now going to Impeach a President over a phone call and a fake Russian Hoax run by Clinton and the FBI. Nope, that dog don't hunt.
He was impeached, twice! The only reason why he wasn't convicted and removed is because we have a ton of corrupt and cowardly GOP senators not willing to do the right thing.
what does that mean? so what, how did it affect his duties? was he removed from office? what? come on, surely you have some information on the deflection

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