Most Dems want Biden out

It is what the poll says, meathead.

Maybe you can find an ESL course at your local community college.
Moron, the poll states:

Majority of Democrats don't want Biden to run in 2024. That IS NOT the same as wanting Biden out of office now.

You may be satisfied with his work, but feel that he is getting too old to do yet another term 2024-2028.
Most Dems only want Biden not to run in 2024 because of his age. Some may want a more combative liberal, but I think Biden is letting the Repugs hang themselves.
Two things: 1. I wanted to look at the pol, but the damned Washington Times link to the poll, took me straight to the damned New York Times PAYWALL!
2. I certainly cannot speak for Democrats, but as an Independent (not speaking for them either) I would like a fair shot at a viable choice, next year also. I am not a happy camper.
Everyone who voted for Biden should have their voting privileges suspended for gross mental incompetence.

P.S. Biden isn't running in 2024 and may not last out this year.
WHAAAAAAT? How can this be? Who could have predicted this shit show of a Presidency and an even bigger shit show as a family of fucked up people. Trump was way better, we all know this and it will be corrected in 24 with no mail in ballots or changing election laws at the last minute.

but, but, but 81 million! 47 years that stupid fk Xiden couldn't acquire 20 million votes, let alone got 81 million. LOL to the max.
Two things: 1. I wanted to look at the pol, but the damned Washington Times link to the poll, took me straight to the damned New York Times PAYWALL!
2. I certainly cannot speak for Democrats, but as an Independent (not speaking for them either) I would like a fair shot at a viable choice, next year also. I am not a happy camper.
hey dude, he told you he'd do away with your fossil fuel vehicle.
Everyone who voted for Biden should have their voting privileges suspended for gross mental incompetence.

P.S. Biden isn't running in 2024 and may not last out this year.
hey, the man did everything he said he'd do. Take your lives away from you and you still voted him in. Too fking funny.
Everyone who voted for Biden should have their voting privileges suspended for gross mental incompetence.

P.S. Biden isn't running in 2024 and may not last out this year.
Hope you are right about 2024. Hope you are wrong about this year. The thought of a President Harris, gives my stomach that low rumble down to my bowels as if needing to take a sht, soon, to avoid soiling myself.
are you saying you didn't vote for him? my bad then.
Yes. I voted for him, but it had nothing to do with thinking we would do away with internal combustion fueled vehicles. Do you actually know anybody that voted based on that? I don't.
Yes. I voted for him, but it had nothing to do with thinking we would do away with internal combustion fueled vehicles. Do you actually know anybody that voted based on that? I don't.
It is the consequences, of your vote. You obviously didn’t like trump policies, I’ve asked in here what was the issue with those and crickets. I’ll ask you, what Trump policy did you vote against then?
Two things: 1. I wanted to look at the pol, but the damned Washington Times link to the poll, took me straight to the damned New York Times PAYWALL!
2. I certainly cannot speak for Democrats, but as an Independent (not speaking for them either) I would like a fair shot at a viable choice, next year also. I am not a happy camper.
Cmmon stop with the Independant. You voted for this bumbling idiot and fucked the country because Orange man bad.....SMH.....We told you he was gonna be a disaster, I'd love to toot my own horn, but it was so easy to see, you had to be a moron to miss it.
Cmmon stop with the Independant. You voted for this bumbling idiot and fucked the country because Orange man bad.....SMH.....We told you he was gonna be a disaster, I'd love to toot my own horn, but it was so easy to see, you had to be a moron to miss it.
47 years of failure, now 49
Thats is NOT what the poll says.

Democrats want Biden to finish his term, even if they may want someone younger to step up in 2024
Well he is eligible for reelection, stop gaslighting, the dems think he blows......maybe you still have kneepads for him, but most people see the obvious. He is a horrible President and I will add the people who voted for them should never vote again. They voted for an idiot that was clearly not going to be a good President.

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