Most Important Take Away on Trump's Response to Bannon's Book

"The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower in the conference room on the 25th floor - with no lawyers. They didn't have any lawyers. Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit and I happen to think it's all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately.


Bannon reportedly said the Justice Department investigation into links between the Trump campaign and Moscow would focus on money laundering, adding: "They're going to crack Don Junior like an egg on national TV."

Grab your popcorn.
Change is what Article 5 is for. Only problem for you regressives is most of the crap you approve of would never be ratified, that's why you turn to the lawyers and not the Constitution.

Amending the constitution has unforeseen circumstances. Look at how many people are bitching over the 14th amendment. t hat's written so an 18th century farmboy could understand it.
"Trump did not enjoy his own inauguration. He was angry that A-level stars had snubbed the event, disgruntled with the accommodations at Blair House, and visibly fighting with his wife, who seemed on the verge of tears. Throughout the day, he wore what some around him had taken to calling his golf face: angry and pissed off, shoulders hunched, arms swinging, brow furled, lips pursed."

Most depressing inauguration ever. So glad Trump and Melania felt the same way.
Change is what Article 5 is for. Only problem for you regressives is most of the crap you approve of would never be ratified, that's why you turn to the lawyers and not the Constitution.

Amending the constitution has unforeseen circumstances. Look at how many people are bitching over the 14th amendment. t hat's written so an 18th century farmboy could understand it.

Actually that is a 19th century amendment. It's not hard to understand as long as you don't try to read anything into it. Of course lawyers would be out of business if they accepted the 4 corners doctrine.

Still waiting.

Amending the constitution has unforeseen circumstances. Look at how many people are bitching over the 14th amendment. t hat's written so an 18th century farmboy could understand it.

Actually that is a 19th century amendment. It's not hard to understand as long as you don't try to read anything into it. Of course lawyers would be out of business if they accepted the 4 corners doctrine.

Still waiting.


Not as long as they get to argue over what the meaning of is , is.
Change is what Article 5 is for. Only problem for you regressives is most of the crap you approve of would never be ratified, that's why you turn to the lawyers and not the Constitution.

Amending the constitution has unforeseen circumstances. Look at how many people are bitching over the 14th amendment. t hat's written so an 18th century farmboy could understand it.

Actually that is a 19th century amendment. It's not hard to understand as long as you don't try to read anything into it. Of course lawyers would be out of business if they accepted the 4 corners doctrine.

Still waiting.


From the way it sounds, someone let the Wolff in the hen house. :badgrin:
A falling out of thieves.
At some point, as far as this presidency and white house, the shit is really going to hit the fan. What fun!
party time.jpg
Change is what Article 5 is for. Only problem for you regressives is most of the crap you approve of would never be ratified, that's why you turn to the lawyers and not the Constitution.

Amending the constitution has unforeseen circumstances. Look at how many people are bitching over the 14th amendment. t hat's written so an 18th century farmboy could understand it.

Actually that is a 19th century amendment. It's not hard to understand as long as you don't try to read anything into it. Of course lawyers would be out of business if they accepted the 4 corners doctrine.

Still waiting.


From the way it sounds, someone let the Wolff in the hen house. :badgrin:
Wolff set up shop in the White House and had a front row seat to the circus. He got an earful from everyone he spoke to.

One thing that was very revealing was how everybody in the White House had the same opinion of Trump.

Ya know how Eskimos have 23 words for snow.... everyone called Trump 23 words for stupid. For Steve Mnuchin and Reince Priebus “he was an idiot. “ For Gary Cohn, he was “ dumb as shit.” For HR McMaster he was a “ dope.” The list went on.

The amazing thing is not one republican came to Trump’s defense today saying he’s not like that.
Not one.

Looks like Bob De Niro had it right about him 11 months ago.
Amending the constitution has unforeseen circumstances. Look at how many people are bitching over the 14th amendment. t hat's written so an 18th century farmboy could understand it.

Actually that is a 19th century amendment. It's not hard to understand as long as you don't try to read anything into it. Of course lawyers would be out of business if they accepted the 4 corners doctrine.

Still waiting.


Not as long as they get to argue over what the meaning of is , is.


Still waiting.

Change is what Article 5 is for. Only problem for you regressives is most of the crap you approve of would never be ratified, that's why you turn to the lawyers and not the Constitution.

Amending the constitution has unforeseen circumstances. Look at how many people are bitching over the 14th amendment. t hat's written so an 18th century farmboy could understand it.

Actually that is a 19th century amendment. It's not hard to understand as long as you don't try to read anything into it. Of course lawyers would be out of business if they accepted the 4 corners doctrine.

Still waiting.


From the way it sounds, someone let the Wolff in the hen house. :badgrin:

Yeah, just saw Sebastian Gorka on Hannity rerun, he told Wolff to piss up a rope and refused to talk to him.

Change is what Article 5 is for. Only problem for you regressives is most of the crap you approve of would never be ratified, that's why you turn to the lawyers and not the Constitution.

Amending the constitution has unforeseen circumstances. Look at how many people are bitching over the 14th amendment. t hat's written so an 18th century farmboy could understand it.

Actually that is a 19th century amendment. It's not hard to understand as long as you don't try to read anything into it. Of course lawyers would be out of business if they accepted the 4 corners doctrine.

Still waiting.


From the way it sounds, someone let the Wolff in the hen house. :badgrin:

Yeah, just saw Sebastian Gorka on Hannity rerun, he told Wolff to piss up a rope and refused to talk to him.

Gorka is a neonazi scumbag. Only smart thing Trump has done since taking office is getting rid of this embarrassing piece of vermin.

Of course you watch that demagogue Hannity. Birds of a feather.
Change is what Article 5 is for. Only problem for you regressives is most of the crap you approve of would never be ratified, that's why you turn to the lawyers and not the Constitution.

Amending the constitution has unforeseen circumstances. Look at how many people are bitching over the 14th amendment. t hat's written so an 18th century farmboy could understand it.

Actually that is a 19th century amendment. It's not hard to understand as long as you don't try to read anything into it. Of course lawyers would be out of business if they accepted the 4 corners doctrine.

Still waiting.


From the way it sounds, someone let the Wolff in the hen house. :badgrin:

Yeah, just saw Sebastian Gorka on Hannity rerun, he told Wolff to piss up a rope and refused to talk to him.

Gorka is a neonazi scumbag. Only smart thing Trump has done since taking office is getting rid of this embarrassing piece of vermin.

Of course you watch that demagogue Hannity. Birds of a feather.

Yeah, I catch it once sometimes twice a week when I'm up late. All his repetition helps me sleep, hell you could miss a half dozen of his shows, see the next and not miss a thing. I catch his radio show every week or two when I'm driving, same thing.

This just in.
Still no republican that is willing to say Donald Trump is not an idiot, a dope, dumb as shit.
This isn’t the opposition saying how stupid he is. These are the people that work with him
This is revelatory.
Now we have confirmation of what we’ve been saying about him since day one.

This is great, almost a whole year of liberals losing their minds daily. Lol, very amusing.
Well, they have a lot of catching up to do after eight years of pseudocons thrashing about, screaming, whining, crying, holding their breath, shitting their pants, fearmongering, and manufacturing bullshit non stop.

You know, all that histrionic hyperbole about deficit spending, other countries not liking us, and expensive health care and shit. All those things you no longer care about.
Trump is spending no where near the amount Obama did. Doing away with Obama's legacy is a great thing. It really is amusing watching y'all coming up with multiple post whining about him daily. Carry on.
A falling out of thieves.
At some point, as far as this presidency and white house, the shit is really going to hit the fan. What fun! View attachment 169513
Yep.......i guess Bannon is in deep shit. He signed a non-disclosure agreement, which is a felony if he breaks it.

How do you think Obama, Bush, and the Clinton's kept everyone quiet.
Bannan signed a NDA as a campaign member. A president cannot require NDAs from white house staff or administration members. They are federal employees and a president cannot legally force federal employees to sign nondisclosure agreements. For one thing, many of the positions in a presidential administration are created by statute and may have specific requirements related to public access and full disclosure.

If Bannon signed an NDA as a white house employee, he wasn't required to. And given the type of presidents Obama, Bush and Clinton were, i.e., proper presidents, traditional presidents, they probably did not ask people to sign them. Probably not that much to disclose as compared to the shenanigans in the Trump white house.

Trump is going down. Not today, not tomorrow, but he is going down.

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