Most Liberals Appear to Be Clueless About the Supreme Court's Abortion Decision

Most Liberals Appear to Be Clueless​

Isn't that their normal state? I mean, all that was decided on Friday is that nothing in the Constitution was ever meant to say abortion was a federal concern or responsibility, so the decision on how to handle abortion law was returned back to the INDIVIDUAL STATES and their people---- democracy at its best.
The liberal reaction is predicated on the trigger laws in 30 states which make abortion illegal in those states when Roe is overturned.
wow i didn’t realize a majority of the states had something like that
The liberal reaction is predicated on the trigger laws in 30 states which make abortion illegal in those states when Roe is overturned.

That is a state's right. That is the whole premise upon which America is founded. Don't like it? Write your state representative! You've now been given that right.
Isn't that their normal state? I mean, all that was decided on Friday is that nothing in the Constitution was ever meant to say abortion was a federal concern or responsibility, so the decision on how to handle abortion law was returned back to the INDIVIDUAL STATES and their people---- democracy at its best.

A correct summary.
Isn't that their normal state? I mean, all that was decided on Friday is that nothing in the Constitution was ever meant to say abortion was a federal concern or responsibility, so the decision on how to handle abortion law was returned back to the INDIVIDUAL STATES and their people---- democracy at its best.
Yes but this does not help further along fake hysteria and misinformation
Georg Carlin sure had these republicans figured out. They love the unborn but won't do shit for them after they're born.
Reading the hysterical, bizarre liberal reactions to the Supreme Court's abortion decision makes it obvious that most liberals have no clue what the decision actually says. If liberals would break free of their brainwashing and bother to read the Supreme Court's decision, or read a reliable summary of it, they would discover the following facts:

* The ruling does NOT overturn any state law on abortion, whether blue or red. Blue states that allow abortion can continue to do so.

* The ruling does not even attempt to establish any federal restrictions on abortion; it merely turns the issue back over to the states, where it belonged in the first place.

* The ruling does not prohibit a red state that bans abortion from becoming a blue state that allows abortion. This matter is left entirely up to each state.

Here's the full text of the decision:

Liberals generally have no clue about anything.
Your side spent decades lyiing about how they didn't want to overturn Roe.

Therefore, don't pretend you're not lying now when you say you're content with stopping here. You were lying then, you're lying now.

We know you want to keep going with your fascist agenda. You want a complete abortion ban, gay marriage ban, contraception, gay rights, interracial marriage, the list goes on.

How do we know this? You told us.
And you want abortion on demand, up to the day of birth, and with some Leftist lunatics, even after the baby is born. There are women who have had as many as 11 abortions. So don't give us this BS about "this is a private women's health matter". The right thing would have been to allow it, but limit it to not more than like 15 weeks. Which is what the case brought in front of the court was about. But no, your side wanted it all, abortion at anytime.

"The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."
Reading the hysterical, bizarre liberal reactions to the Supreme Court's abortion decision makes it obvious that most liberals have no clue what the decision actually says. If liberals would break free of their brainwashing and bother to read the Supreme Court's decision, or read a reliable summary of it, they would discover the following facts:

* The ruling does NOT overturn any state law on abortion, whether blue or red. Blue states that allow abortion can continue to do so.

* The ruling does not even attempt to establish any federal restrictions on abortion; it merely turns the issue back over to the states, where it belonged in the first place.

* The ruling does not prohibit a red state that bans abortion from becoming a blue state that allows abortion. This matter is left entirely up to each state.

Here's the full text of the decision:

Their ruling will be devastating for women in the military especially if they are stationed in Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi....
And you want abortion on demand, up to the day of birth, and with some Leftist lunatics, even after the baby is born. There are women who have had as many as 11 abortions. So don't give us this BS about "this is a private women's health matter". The right thing would have been to allow it, but limit it to not more than like 15 weeks. Which is what the case brought in front of the court was about. But no, your side wanted it all, abortion at anytime.
And you want abortion on demand, up to the day of birth, and with some Leftist lunatics, even after the baby is born. There are women who have had as many as 11 abortions. So don't give us this BS about "this is a private women's health matter". The right thing would have been to allow it, but limit it to not more than like 15 weeks. Which is what the case brought in front of the court was about. But no, your side wanted it all, abortion at anytime.

What is this BS about up to the birth?
Their ruling will be devastating for women in the military especially if they are stationed in Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi....
But...But...What about 'Birthing people?' You seem pretty prejudiced. Birthing people don't necessarily have a womb you know, they have to use the wombs of other birthing people. Shouldn't they be able to abort a womb as well?
What is this BS about up to the birth?
It isn't BS.
"The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."
It isn't BS.
"The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."

Wait for the spin

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