Most overrated rock bands

I would say Rush but only because no one can name one hit song for them. But they seemed really talented & creative.
Grateful Dead

Ok, I agree with you.
Another - the Beatles.
No they are not the first rock band, and no they didn't create the sound they are known for.
Paul McCartney would record himself farting if he thought it would sell. Most of the songs he did are bubble gum teeny bopper songs.
They were all over the place. Some of their music was absolutely brilliant and new. But most were just okay to crap.
It is impossible to imagine the same people did I am the Walrus, also did Maxwell Hammer... whatever the hell that was.

What I admire about the Beatles is that after their early hits and massive fan following, they could have just mailed it in.
Spend the next 20 years singing variations of “I want to hold your hand and “She Loves You”

But the Beatles went back into the studio, experimented with different sounds, different formats. Agree that some of it was crap but most was cutting edge.
Springsteen was great since the 70s with that Estreet album with Rosilita song and many others. A classic collection on that album alone. Then later Born to Run? Come on people are you crazy?
Born to Run? I would rather drink hot lava. 37 tracks of gratuitous soloing, adding up to a diahrrea stream of cacophony and some guy making noises with his mouth that sound like my car turning over, but not starting.
poison is far better then Guns
I agree with rightwinger that the Grateful Dead are THE most overrated rock band of all-time. I always though Black Sabbath was overrated as well.
Black Sabbath ? they were a ground breaking band . they came up with what they named horror rock and was later termed heavy metal .
You're Canadian. You wouldn't understand.
I have the most ecleptic taste in music from classical,.jazz to old scool hip hop. It's an opinion question and the Eagles imo are one of the most overrated bands in history. A pretty good band,.yes, but their popularity/album sales far suppass their creativity imo.

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