Most rich people worked themselves up from lower class

they are claiming that 77 percent of those with over 3 million in assets worked themselves up from being poor or the middle class.

NEW SURVEY: Most wealthy Americans worked their way up from a lower class
In this country, all rich people got there by exploiting the poor, paying shit wages and excluding others....that is fact!!

And you are stupid...that is an undeniable fact....
Since when do I give a fuck about you and your opinions of me? The last time I looked, you were shit grazing at the bottom of my shoe, so carry on, ass wipe!!
Loved the video from Business Insider. 3 things cited by the "wealthy" folks was hard work, ambition, and parental guidance.

If you look at the 3, the video stresses parental guidance. Eighty percent said their parents were disciplinarians. I think it was 70 % that encouraged them to pursue their desires and develop their talents.

So there is the model. Great model. So great, every conservative here agrees.

But somehow, when you try to illustrate the self-evident truth behind the stunning incarceration rates for black men (many are fathers) and the correlation to black poverty being repeated over and over; they plug their ears and sing Henry the 8th.


Study: All-White Jury Pools Convict Black Defendants 16 Percent More Often Than Whites

"I think this is the first strong and convincing evidence that the racial composition of the jury pool actually has a major effect on trial outcomes," said senior author Patrick Bayer, chairman of Duke's Economics Department.
"Our Sixth Amendment right to a trial by a fair and impartial jury of our peers is a bedrock of the criminal justice system in the U.S., and yet, despite the importance of that right, there's been very little systematic analysis of how the composition of juries actually affects trial outcomes, how the rules that we have in place for selecting juries impact those outcomes," Bayer said."

And then you wonder why they end up with white juries...the State has a great effectiveness at striking blacks from jury pools.


Of course this will be seen as "hating cops" "hating America" or of course the "they did it" . Whatever.

The stats are clear and the correlation between keeping a black male role model in the house and the success of Americans who have a more disciplined upbringing was proven by the video (as much as a video can prove anything).

It shows no such thing. A 16 percent difference what does that even mean? Does it show prejudice or is it an actual indication of crime and who commits them?

Let's say that the jury pool is comprised of the same percentage as found in society. So let's say there are 10 in the jury pool with 2 being black. Eliminate 1 black man and you thus can say 50 percent of the blacks were eliminated. To eliminate 50 percent of the whites would mean 4 would need to be dismissed. So naturally using percentage to make and argument takes some looking into. As soon as I hear people arguing percentages the red flag goes up.

But what you are actually saying is that either whites can not be open minded and are racist or that black will lie to get a brother off. So which is it, whites are dishonest or blacks are dishonest when looking at the evidence? Or are you doing as most liberals do, trying to make the case that the color of one's skin is a character trait?
Loved the video from Business Insider. 3 things cited by the "wealthy" folks was hard work, ambition, and parental guidance.

If you look at the 3, the video stresses parental guidance. Eighty percent said their parents were disciplinarians. I think it was 70 % that encouraged them to pursue their desires and develop their talents.

So there is the model. Great model. So great, every conservative here agrees.

But somehow, when you try to illustrate the self-evident truth behind the stunning incarceration rates for black men (many are fathers) and the correlation to black poverty being repeated over and over; they plug their ears and sing Henry the 8th.


Study: All-White Jury Pools Convict Black Defendants 16 Percent More Often Than Whites

"I think this is the first strong and convincing evidence that the racial composition of the jury pool actually has a major effect on trial outcomes," said senior author Patrick Bayer, chairman of Duke's Economics Department.
"Our Sixth Amendment right to a trial by a fair and impartial jury of our peers is a bedrock of the criminal justice system in the U.S., and yet, despite the importance of that right, there's been very little systematic analysis of how the composition of juries actually affects trial outcomes, how the rules that we have in place for selecting juries impact those outcomes," Bayer said."

And then you wonder why they end up with white juries...the State has a great effectiveness at striking blacks from jury pools.


Of course this will be seen as "hating cops" "hating America" or of course the "they did it" . Whatever.

The stats are clear and the correlation between keeping a black male role model in the house and the success of Americans who have a more disciplined upbringing was proven by the video (as much as a video can prove anything).

It shows no such thing. A 16 percent difference what does that even mean? Does it show prejudice or is it an actual indication of crime and who commits them?

Let's say that the jury pool is comprised of the same percentage as found in society. So let's say there are 10 in the jury pool with 2 being black. Eliminate 1 black man and you thus can say 50 percent of the blacks were eliminated. To eliminate 50 percent of the whites would mean 4 would need to be dismissed. So naturally using percentage to make and argument takes some looking into. As soon as I hear people arguing percentages the red flag goes up.

But what you are actually saying is that either whites can not be open minded and are racist or that black will lie to get a brother off. So which is it, whites are dishonest or blacks are dishonest when looking at the evidence? Or are you doing as most liberals do, trying to make the case that the color of one's skin is a character trait?

Just reporting the data from academic studies and highlighting the BI video.

But since we’re on the topic, NPR did a study about how the incessant fines keep poor people in a revolving door of being arrested, doing time, serving it, then being re-arrested for not paying fines.

A state-by-state survey conducted by NPR found that defendants are charged for many government services that were once free, including those that are constitutionally required. For example:

  • In at least 43 states and the District of Columbia, defendants can be billed for a public defender.
  • In at least 41 states, inmates can be charged room and board for jail and prison stays.
  • In at least 44 states, offenders can get billed for their own probation and parole supervision.
  • And in all states except Hawaii, and the District of Columbia, there's a fee for the electronic monitoring devices defendants and offenders are ordered to wear.
So what happens is that you are released from jail with a hefty bill that you cannot pay most often. Then…when you do not…back in jail.
And as the video shows, kids do much better when they have parents present.

If you’re really interested in finding out more:

As Court Fees Rise, The Poor Are Paying The Price
The Regressive Left is doing everything it can to convince people that hard work and sacrifice are a waste of time. If you're successful, you got lucky. You stole from somebody. You lied. You cheated. You didn't build that. You didn't earn that.

What a terrible fucking thing to do to people, especially in America.

It's regressive.

What's regressive is the failure to recognize that no more than 10% of the population will ever achieve wealth, regardless of skills, education, or opportunity. Conservatives want all economic decisions, regulations, laws and tax code to favour that 10% who achieve wealth.

What about the other 90%? Are you prepared to condemn them to living pay check to pay check, and struggling to make ends meet so the wealthy can continue to bleed them white?

Or we could consider possibility C, which is that your premise is a load of cow dung.

The policies that conservatives advocate favor everyone, not just the most wealthy. Admittedly, they benefit greatly, but anyone who is willing to work to acquire what they need in life will also benefit, even if they don't achieve - and don't want to achieve - any more wealth than just what's required to live a comfortable life.

Liberal policies, on the other hand, don't truly benefit anyone but the people administering them. There is no real benefit in removing and discouraging personal responsibility, not to society in general and not to the people "relieved" of it.
The Regressive Left is doing everything it can to convince people that hard work and sacrifice are a waste of time. If you're successful, you got lucky. You stole from somebody. You lied. You cheated. You didn't build that. You didn't earn that.

What a terrible fucking thing to do to people, especially in America.

It's regressive.

What's regressive is the failure to recognize that no more than 10% of the population will ever achieve wealth, regardless of skills, education, or opportunity. Conservatives want all economic decisions, regulations, laws and tax code to favour that 10% who achieve wealth.

What about the other 90%? Are you prepared to condemn them to living pay check to pay check, and struggling to make ends meet so the wealthy can continue to bleed them white?

Or we could consider possibility C, which is that your premise is a load of cow dung.

The policies that conservatives advocate favor everyone, not just the most wealthy. Admittedly, they benefit greatly, but anyone who is willing to work to acquire what they need in life will also benefit, even if they don't achieve - and don't want to achieve - any more wealth than just what's required to live a comfortable life.

Liberal policies, on the other hand, don't truly benefit anyone but the people administering them. There is no real benefit in removing and discouraging personal responsibility, not to society in general and not to the people "relieved" of it.

No, the policies of conservatives do not favor everyone. Not only are they crafted to help the wealthy, they are also crafted to ensure that the wealthy maintain as much of their wealth as possible. These policies work against the average worker to hold down wages and benefits and reduce the benefits workers receive from government
Or are you doing as most liberals do, trying to make the case that the color of one's skin is a character trait?

LMAO. You must be thinking of Donald " Tiny Hands" Trump. He's the one thinks skin color has an effect on character.

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