Most rich people worked themselves up from lower class

Why do they pay most of the taxes?

Ummmmm......maybe because that is where most of the money is

The fucking idiots like a 2nd A guy isn't smart enough to understand what you are explaining.

He's not smart enough to u understand that IF the ultra wealthy had ALL the income they would pay ALL the income tax.

That's an idea that goes way over his head.

But 2nd A dude, you feeling bad about those taxes the real real rich pay? Then pick one out and send them some of your money.
Will you be doing that? To make amends and everything.
Funny how the left goes after rich people who actually produce a tangible product but they leave the Hollywood celebrities, who flaunt their wealth, alone. Why not picket the movie moguls to demand that the union members like gaffers and grips (whatever the hell they are) get paid on the same hourly scale as the actors and see how how it works out.

Most super wealthy are not in the process of producing a tangible product

Actually, it is workers who produce a tangible product...and they have little to show for it

Workers also get paid the wage they agreed upon when they decided to sell their time to an employer.

A workers time and skill are the products they sell to an employer if the worker doesn't care enough about his product so as to improve his skills thereby making his time worth more then whose fault is that?

A worker is part of the available market. Workers percentage of generated wealth has declined in the last thirty years as more wealth has concentrated at the top
Strong unions used to fight for a bigger share but an individual on his own is not as capable
And yet most people do not belong to unions even at their peak only about 30% of workers were union members

And still somehow people who weren't in unions managed to succeed
Those who did not belong to unions benefitted from them. 40 hour week, workplace safety, antidiscrimination.
Union wages helped to set the going wage rates and benefits
If you didn't want your shop to go had better pay
Nobody ever said that small business owners didn't build our businesses.

Nobody ever said that success isn't earned.

Not true, Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama has said that you did not earn what you have if you are a business owner.
He never said any such thing

Here's the DIRECT QUOTE, he was very close, while you're really fucking stupid!

Captain photoshop to the rescue

Why is it you guys always omit the part of the quote where he is obviously talking about roads and infrastructure?

So what if he was? In order to be true, what he said. It would mean that only businesses use the roads and infrastructure.
A business benefits more from our roads and infrastructure than the average American. Commerce cannot function without it
they are claiming that 77 percent of those with over 3 million in assets worked themselves up from being poor or the middle class.

NEW SURVEY: Most wealthy Americans worked their way up from a lower class
So? Who fucking cares? Financial wealth does not equate to a happy and fulfilling life. How much money you have is not an indication of 'success.' I remember a long time ago Oprah doing a show on 'successful' people. They were all considered successful because they a had made a shitload of money. Turns out half of them were crooks or fakes. You people are so screwed up. You think only people who make a lot of money are the people who work hard. You despise the lower class for some wierd reason when most of you are lower class yourselves. You worship rich or moneyed people when they walk all over you and think of you as trash. You don't make any sense. You really have a peasant mentality. Down on your knees to your 'betters,' your rich masters. Stooooopid.
This reminds me of a Bible passage about favoritism.... and concerns me to see all of these purported Christians putting Trump up on a Pedestal because he is a Billionaire.... (shakes head) And since it is Sunday, :D here is the verse...

James 2New International Version (NIV)
Favoritism Forbidden
2 My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism. 2 Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in filthy old clothes also comes in. 3 If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, “Here’s a good seat for you,” but say to the poor man, “You stand there” or “Sit on the floor by my feet,” 4 have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?

5 Listen, my dear brothers and sisters, Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? 6 But you have dishonored the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? 7 Are they not the ones who are blaspheming the noble name of him to whom you belong?

8 If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself, you are doing right. 9 But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. 10 For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. 11 For he who said, “You shall not commit adultery, also said, “You shall not murder. If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker.

12 Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, 13 because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.

Faith and Deeds
14 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? 15 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? 17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
Wrong....most fortunes are created through hard just see the media covering the criminals......
Hard work?

Have you any idea how much money a billion dollars is? How about ten billion? How hard must one "work" to accumulate that much money? While it may be true that some fortunes are built by intense effort combined with exceptional luck and being in the right place at the right time, in most examples an investigation would produce either criminal activity or artful manipulation of rules and laws, such as bribing a crooked politician to alter the law -- as in the example of Bill Clinton's repeal of the Glass-Steagal Act, which enabled the banks to gamble with depositors' money, ultimately requiring a taxpayer-funded bailout.

That's just one example. If legitimately motivated in-depth investigations were conducted on Wall Street there would be a line of handcuffed hedge-fund operators and insider-traders stretching around the block.

You're right that we just see the media examples of major financial criminality, but that's not because it isn't going on. Do yourself a favor and spend some time watching the Inside Job video via the link in my signature line. You will learn some important facts.

Meanwhile, check these guys out:

3 Top Crooks Still Roaming Free After the Economic Crash

Because it's likely they've stolen from you.
Are we to assume that everyone posting in this thread is among these "rich" people? If so, why are you all so unhappy all the time? :dunno:

Who told you rich = happy? For that matter, who told you to assume everyone on this thread is rich?
Are we to assume that everyone posting in this thread is among these "rich" people? If so, why are you all so unhappy all the time? :dunno:

Not even close to being rich...but I don't hate people who are successful and who have worked and sacrificed to be lefties hate those people for some reason....
Hardly, some people do, just like Christianity shuns accumulated wealth..yet not all Christians live a life of poverty...

Christianity does not shun wealth. As usual, you dimwit leftist "preachers" misinterpreted the doctrine you don't profess yet presume to teach others about.
Are we to assume that everyone posting in this thread is among these "rich" people? If so, why are you all so unhappy all the time? :dunno:

Not even close to being rich...but I don't hate people who are successful and who have worked and sacrificed to be lefties hate those people for some reason....
Hardly, some people do, just like Christianity shuns accumulated wealth..yet not all Christians live a life of poverty...

Christianity does not shun wealth. As usual, you dimwit leftist "preachers" misinterpreted the doctrine you don't profess yet presume to teach others about.
Then why do mendicant orders take a vow of poverty?
…23Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24Again I tell you, it iseasier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
Are we to assume that everyone posting in this thread is among these "rich" people? If so, why are you all so unhappy all the time? :dunno:

Not even close to being rich...but I don't hate people who are successful and who have worked and sacrificed to be lefties hate those people for some reason....
Hardly, some people do, just like Christianity shuns accumulated wealth..yet not all Christians live a life of poverty...

Christianity does not shun wealth. As usual, you dimwit leftist "preachers" misinterpreted the doctrine you don't profess yet presume to teach others about.
Then why do mendicant orders take a vow of poverty?
…23Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24Again I tell you, it iseasier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

Because THEIR ORDER shuns wealth. Specific orders of clergy are not "Christianity". For that matter, Catholicism is not "Christianity". Shockingly, there are entire rafts of Christian church denominations in the world besides the Catholics.
The Regressive Left is doing everything it can to convince people that hard work and sacrifice are a waste of time. If you're successful, you got lucky. You stole from somebody. You lied. You cheated. You didn't build that. You didn't earn that.

What a terrible fucking thing to do to people, especially in America.

It's regressive.
Are we to assume that everyone posting in this thread is among these "rich" people? If so, why are you all so unhappy all the time? :dunno:

Not even close to being rich...but I don't hate people who are successful and who have worked and sacrificed to be lefties hate those people for some reason....
Hardly, some people do, just like Christianity shuns accumulated wealth..yet not all Christians live a life of poverty...

Christianity does not shun wealth. As usual, you dimwit leftist "preachers" misinterpreted the doctrine you don't profess yet presume to teach others about.
Then why do mendicant orders take a vow of poverty?
…23Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24Again I tell you, it iseasier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

Yes...there are many temptations for the wealthy......and especially back then when the rule of law was arbitrary......but do you think that Jesus not giving a blanket pass to the other thief on the cross, vs. the one who he told would sit next to him in his father's kingdom has any bearing on poor criminals? Evil people can be poor you think they can get into heaven without asking for forgiveness too?

It always amazes me that you guys never think past attacking people who are if being poor makes you more knowledge....and less prone to evil....
Are we to assume that everyone posting in this thread is among these "rich" people? If so, why are you all so unhappy all the time? :dunno:

Not even close to being rich...but I don't hate people who are successful and who have worked and sacrificed to be lefties hate those people for some reason....
Hardly, some people do, just like Christianity shuns accumulated wealth..yet not all Christians live a life of poverty...

Christianity does not shun wealth. As usual, you dimwit leftist "preachers" misinterpreted the doctrine you don't profess yet presume to teach others about.
Then why do mendicant orders take a vow of poverty?
…23Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24Again I tell you, it iseasier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

Because THEIR ORDER shuns wealth. Specific orders of clergy are not "Christianity". For that matter, Catholicism is not "Christianity". Shockingly, there are entire rafts of Christian church denominations in the world besides the Catholics.
The name Christian predates all Protestant and Evangelical Churches by over a millennium. Many Evangelicals who think that Catholics are not Christian may be surprised to learn they accept the authority of several Catholic councils every time they pick up their Bible. The Bible didn't fall out of the sky, spiral bound with an NIV sticker on it.
The Regressive Left is doing everything it can to convince people that hard work and sacrifice are a waste of time. If you're successful, you got lucky. You stole from somebody. You lied. You cheated. You didn't build that. You didn't earn that.

What a terrible fucking thing to do to people, especially in America.

It's regressive.
Except those leftist.liberals/democrats that have made their own way into a fortune...ah yes, there is the RWNJ word of exploitation, regressive.....
The Regressive Left is doing everything it can to convince people that hard work and sacrifice are a waste of time. If you're successful, you got lucky. You stole from somebody. You lied. You cheated. You didn't build that. You didn't earn that.

What a terrible fucking thing to do to people, especially in America.

It's regressive.
Except those leftist.liberals/democrats that have made their own way into a fortune...ah yes, there is the RWNJ word of exploitation, regressive.....
Are we to assume that everyone posting in this thread is among these "rich" people? If so, why are you all so unhappy all the time? :dunno:

Not even close to being rich...but I don't hate people who are successful and who have worked and sacrificed to be lefties hate those people for some reason....
Hardly, some people do, just like Christianity shuns accumulated wealth..yet not all Christians live a life of poverty...

Christianity does not shun wealth. As usual, you dimwit leftist "preachers" misinterpreted the doctrine you don't profess yet presume to teach others about.
Then why do mendicant orders take a vow of poverty?
…23Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24Again I tell you, it iseasier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

Yes...there are many temptations for the wealthy......and especially back then when the rule of law was arbitrary......but do you think that Jesus not giving a blanket pass to the other thief on the cross, vs. the one who he told would sit next to him in his father's kingdom has any bearing on poor criminals? Evil people can be poor you think they can get into heaven without asking for forgiveness too?

It always amazes me that you guys never think past attacking people who are if being poor makes you more knowledge....and less prone to evil....
It's another oxymoron of Christian scripture, more so, than a anti-clerical issue...
Wrong....most fortunes are created through hard just see the media covering the criminals......
Hard work?

Have you any idea how much money a billion dollars is? How about ten billion? How hard must one "work" to accumulate that much money? While it may be true that some fortunes are built by intense effort combined with exceptional luck and being in the right place at the right time, in most examples an investigation would produce either criminal activity or artful manipulation of rules and laws, such as bribing a crooked politician to alter the law -- as in the example of Bill Clinton's repeal of the Glass-Steagal Act, which enabled the banks to gamble with depositors' money, ultimately requiring a taxpayer-funded bailout.

That's just one example. If legitimately motivated in-depth investigations were conducted on Wall Street there would be a line of handcuffed hedge-fund operators and insider-traders stretching around the block.

You're right that we just see the media examples of major financial criminality, but that's not because it isn't going on. Do yourself a favor and spend some time watching the Inside Job video via the link in my signature line. You will learn some important facts.

Meanwhile, check these guys out:

3 Top Crooks Still Roaming Free After the Economic Crash

Because it's likely they've stolen from you.

Wrong...most investigations would not...provide a good or service lots of people want or need and you can print money.........

There are more people making money honestly than there are criminals....just like the number of actual criminals in the population is about 7% of the population.....

Your left wing teachers lied to you.....they are jealous of the wealthy because when they got their masters in education and their Doctorate in Women's studies...those degrees did not trnalate into billion dollar incomes.....while some guy who didn't go to college but started bought into a Subway franchise and now owns 12 stores and other businesses is a multi millionaire...

The left is hateful, jealous and green with envy...and they will spread their hate as often as they can....
Not even close to being rich...but I don't hate people who are successful and who have worked and sacrificed to be lefties hate those people for some reason....
Hardly, some people do, just like Christianity shuns accumulated wealth..yet not all Christians live a life of poverty...

Christianity does not shun wealth. As usual, you dimwit leftist "preachers" misinterpreted the doctrine you don't profess yet presume to teach others about.
Then why do mendicant orders take a vow of poverty?
…23Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24Again I tell you, it iseasier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

Because THEIR ORDER shuns wealth. Specific orders of clergy are not "Christianity". For that matter, Catholicism is not "Christianity". Shockingly, there are entire rafts of Christian church denominations in the world besides the Catholics.
The name Christian predates all Protestant and Evangelical Churches by over a millennium. Many Evangelicals who think that Catholics are not Christian may be surprised to learn they accept the authority of several Catholic councils every time they pick up their Bible. The Bible didn't fall out of the sky, spiral bound with an NIV sticker on it.

Blah blah blah de fucking blah "I'm going to trot out a bunch of irrelevant nonsense to try to prove that I'm not as ignorant as my last post showed me to be."

I never said Catholics aren't Christians, shitforbrains. I said they aren't Christianity, and they aren't. They're just one segment of it.

Learn to read English, imbecile.
Hardly, some people do, just like Christianity shuns accumulated wealth..yet not all Christians live a life of poverty...

Christianity does not shun wealth. As usual, you dimwit leftist "preachers" misinterpreted the doctrine you don't profess yet presume to teach others about.
Then why do mendicant orders take a vow of poverty?
…23Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24Again I tell you, it iseasier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

Because THEIR ORDER shuns wealth. Specific orders of clergy are not "Christianity". For that matter, Catholicism is not "Christianity". Shockingly, there are entire rafts of Christian church denominations in the world besides the Catholics.
The name Christian predates all Protestant and Evangelical Churches by over a millennium. Many Evangelicals who think that Catholics are not Christian may be surprised to learn they accept the authority of several Catholic councils every time they pick up their Bible. The Bible didn't fall out of the sky, spiral bound with an NIV sticker on it.

Blah blah blah de fucking blah "I'm going to trot out a bunch of irrelevant nonsense to try to prove that I'm not as ignorant as my last post showed me to be."

I never said Catholics aren't Christians, shitforbrains. I said they aren't Christianity, and they aren't. They're just one segment of it.

Learn to read English, imbecile.
If you take your finger out it won't make you so irritable and bitchy..Just remove the finger...
How did the rich get that way?

A combination of genealogy, smarts, hard work, luck and ruthlessness

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