Most rich people worked themselves up from lower class

Funny how the left goes after rich people who actually produce a tangible product but they leave the Hollywood celebrities, who flaunt their wealth, alone. Why not picket the movie moguls to demand that the union members like gaffers and grips (whatever the hell they are) get paid on the same hourly scale as the actors and see how how it works out.

Most super wealthy are not in the process of producing a tangible product

Actually, it is workers who produce a tangible product...and they have little to show for it

Workers also get paid the wage they agreed upon when they decided to sell their time to an employer.

A workers time and skill are the products they sell to an employer if the worker doesn't care enough about his product so as to improve his skills thereby making his time worth more then whose fault is that?

A worker is part of the available market. Workers percentage of generated wealth has declined in the last thirty years as more wealth has concentrated at the top
Strong unions used to fight for a bigger share but an individual on his own is not as capable
And yet most people do not belong to unions even at their peak only about 30% of workers were union members

And still somehow people who weren't in unions managed to succeed
Those who did not belong to unions benefitted from them. 40 hour week, workplace safety, antidiscrimination.
Union wages helped to set the going wage rates and benefits
If you didn't want your shop to go had better pay

That didn't benefit me, I was born in 1965 not 1865.

If you think for one second we wouldn't have had the laws we have today with out Unions you are crazy.


Most super wealthy are not in the process of producing a tangible product

Actually, it is workers who produce a tangible product...and they have little to show for it

Workers also get paid the wage they agreed upon when they decided to sell their time to an employer.

A workers time and skill are the products they sell to an employer if the worker doesn't care enough about his product so as to improve his skills thereby making his time worth more then whose fault is that?

A worker is part of the available market. Workers percentage of generated wealth has declined in the last thirty years as more wealth has concentrated at the top
Strong unions used to fight for a bigger share but an individual on his own is not as capable
And yet most people do not belong to unions even at their peak only about 30% of workers were union members

And still somehow people who weren't in unions managed to succeed
Those who did not belong to unions benefitted from them. 40 hour week, workplace safety, antidiscrimination.
Union wages helped to set the going wage rates and benefits
If you didn't want your shop to go had better pay

That didn't benefit me, I was born in 1965 not 1865.

If you think for one second we wouldn't have had the laws we have today with out Unions you are crazy.


Unions did the fighting and dying for our labor laws.

Since unions have lost their power, workers are at the mercy of their employers

We have seen the results, lower pay, fewer benefits, no job security

Christianity does not shun wealth. As usual, you dimwit leftist "preachers" misinterpreted the doctrine you don't profess yet presume to teach others about.
Then why do mendicant orders take a vow of poverty?
…23Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24Again I tell you, it iseasier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

Because THEIR ORDER shuns wealth. Specific orders of clergy are not "Christianity". For that matter, Catholicism is not "Christianity". Shockingly, there are entire rafts of Christian church denominations in the world besides the Catholics.
The name Christian predates all Protestant and Evangelical Churches by over a millennium. Many Evangelicals who think that Catholics are not Christian may be surprised to learn they accept the authority of several Catholic councils every time they pick up their Bible. The Bible didn't fall out of the sky, spiral bound with an NIV sticker on it.

Blah blah blah de fucking blah "I'm going to trot out a bunch of irrelevant nonsense to try to prove that I'm not as ignorant as my last post showed me to be."

I never said Catholics aren't Christians, shitforbrains. I said they aren't Christianity, and they aren't. They're just one segment of it.

Learn to read English, imbecile.
If you take your finger out it won't make you so irritable and bitchy..Just remove the finger...

If you quit projecting your sick fantasies onto me, you might have enough brain wattage to produce a post that isn't laughable.

I doubt it, though.
Then why do mendicant orders take a vow of poverty?
…23Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24Again I tell you, it iseasier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

Because THEIR ORDER shuns wealth. Specific orders of clergy are not "Christianity". For that matter, Catholicism is not "Christianity". Shockingly, there are entire rafts of Christian church denominations in the world besides the Catholics.
The name Christian predates all Protestant and Evangelical Churches by over a millennium. Many Evangelicals who think that Catholics are not Christian may be surprised to learn they accept the authority of several Catholic councils every time they pick up their Bible. The Bible didn't fall out of the sky, spiral bound with an NIV sticker on it.

Blah blah blah de fucking blah "I'm going to trot out a bunch of irrelevant nonsense to try to prove that I'm not as ignorant as my last post showed me to be."

I never said Catholics aren't Christians, shitforbrains. I said they aren't Christianity, and they aren't. They're just one segment of it.

Learn to read English, imbecile.
If you take your finger out it won't make you so irritable and bitchy..Just remove the finger...

If you quit projecting your sick fantasies onto me, you might have enough brain wattage to produce a post that isn't laughable.

I doubt it, though.
What is so sick about your finger?
That would go against the whole "you didn't build that / you didn't earn that" schtick, so it will be denied, distorted, deflected and damned.

Try being a success in somolia on the same scale as here, and tell us all about it.
How did the rich get that way?

A combination of genealogy, smarts, hard work, luck and ruthlessness
It never fails to amuse me how the most tenacious defenders of the super-rich are those who haven't the proverbial pot to piss in and no hope of ever paying off their credit card balances.
Unions did the fighting and dying for our labor laws.

Since unions have lost their power, workers are at the mercy of their employers

We have seen the results, lower pay, fewer benefits, no job security.
Which adds up to excessive wealth on the part of exploitative corporatist millionaires and billionaires -- who are thought by their brainwashed water-carriers and ass-wipers to have "worked hard" to acquire their fortunes.
How did the rich get that way?

A combination of genealogy, smarts, hard work, luck and ruthlessness

Yes..tell the immigrant who comes here not speaking the language, and with no money who ends up rich...and there are more of those stories than inherited wealth this thread shows....
Unions did the fighting and dying for our labor laws.

Since unions have lost their power, workers are at the mercy of their employers

We have seen the results, lower pay, fewer benefits, no job security.
Which adds up to excessive wealth on the part of exploitative corporatist millionaires and billionaires -- who are thought by their brainwashed water-carriers and ass-wipers to have "worked hard" to acquire their fortunes. are wonder you are filled with hate and have no clue how to achieve what they have you lie about them......asshole.
How did the rich get that way?

A combination of genealogy, smarts, hard work, luck and ruthlessness
It never fails to amuse me how the most tenacious defenders of the super-rich are those who haven't the proverbial pot to piss in and no hope of ever paying off their credit card balances.

It's like we're motivated by something beyond personal profit, like . . . right and wrong, or some shit like that.
How did the rich get that way?

A combination of genealogy, smarts, hard work, luck and ruthlessness
It never fails to amuse me how the most tenacious defenders of the super-rich are those who haven't the proverbial pot to piss in and no hope of ever paying off their credit card balances.

It's like we're motivated by something beyond personal profit, like . . . right and wrong, or some shit like that.

I have come to the realization that the left wing brain...cannot comprehend Truth, Facts, Reality or the difference between Right and Wrong and Good and Evil.......some part of their brain has failed to develop properly....that is why they can go through life doing everything else a normal person can...but then they can believe stupid crap like they do.........they are like a person with dyslexia...I call it reality dyslexia....
How did the rich get that way?

A combination of genealogy, smarts, hard work, luck and ruthlessness

Yes..tell the immigrant who comes here not speaking the language, and with no money who ends up rich...and there are more of those stories than inherited wealth this thread shows....

So which of those did he use?

Good looks?
The Regressive Left is doing everything it can to convince people that hard work and sacrifice are a waste of time. If you're successful, you got lucky. You stole from somebody. You lied. You cheated. You didn't build that. You didn't earn that.

What a terrible fucking thing to do to people, especially in America.

It's regressive.

What's regressive is the failure to recognize that no more than 10% of the population will ever achieve wealth, regardless of skills, education, or opportunity. Conservatives want all economic decisions, regulations, laws and tax code to favour that 10% who achieve wealth.

What about the other 90%? Are you prepared to condemn them to living pay check to pay check, and struggling to make ends meet so the wealthy can continue to bleed them white?
The Regressive Left is doing everything it can to convince people that hard work and sacrifice are a waste of time. If you're successful, you got lucky. You stole from somebody. You lied. You cheated. You didn't build that. You didn't earn that.

What a terrible fucking thing to do to people, especially in America.

It's regressive.

What's regressive is the failure to recognize that no more than 10% of the population will ever achieve wealth, regardless of skills, education, or opportunity. Conservatives want all economic decisions, regulations, laws and tax code to favour that 10% who achieve wealth.

What about the other 90%? Are you prepared to condemn them to living pay check to pay check, and struggling to make ends meet so the wealthy can continue to bleed them white?
A different subject entirely.

What I want for the other 90% is for them to be encouraged to find something they enjoy, work hard, sacrifice a bit, stay disciplined and play by the rules. If they do that, they'll be better off than if they did not. Will they be "rich"? Irrelevant. Money doesn't buy happiness. But they'll be better off, and they'll have the dignity of knowing they earned whatever it is they have.

Telling a person they have no chance - especially in America - is a horrible thing to do to them. Telling a person that those who have achieved something just got lucky or stole it and don't deserve it only compounds it, makes it worse.

This simplistic us vs. them crap does no one any good.
Loved the video from Business Insider. 3 things cited by the "wealthy" folks was hard work, ambition, and parental guidance.

If you look at the 3, the video stresses parental guidance. Eighty percent said their parents were disciplinarians. I think it was 70 % that encouraged them to pursue their desires and develop their talents.

So there is the model. Great model. So great, every conservative here agrees.

But somehow, when you try to illustrate the self-evident truth behind the stunning incarceration rates for black men (many are fathers) and the correlation to black poverty being repeated over and over; they plug their ears and sing Henry the 8th.


Study: All-White Jury Pools Convict Black Defendants 16 Percent More Often Than Whites

"I think this is the first strong and convincing evidence that the racial composition of the jury pool actually has a major effect on trial outcomes," said senior author Patrick Bayer, chairman of Duke's Economics Department.
"Our Sixth Amendment right to a trial by a fair and impartial jury of our peers is a bedrock of the criminal justice system in the U.S., and yet, despite the importance of that right, there's been very little systematic analysis of how the composition of juries actually affects trial outcomes, how the rules that we have in place for selecting juries impact those outcomes," Bayer said."

And then you wonder why they end up with white juries...the State has a great effectiveness at striking blacks from jury pools.


Of course this will be seen as "hating cops" "hating America" or of course the "they did it" . Whatever.

The stats are clear and the correlation between keeping a black male role model in the house and the success of Americans who have a more disciplined upbringing was proven by the video (as much as a video can prove anything).

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