Most rich people worked themselves up from lower class

Not even close to being rich...but I don't hate people who are successful and who have worked and sacrificed to be lefties hate those people for some reason....
What do you consider "successful?" Are you talking about the typical One Percenter?

I've never heard anyone whom you might characterize as a "leftie" criticize someone who worked and sacrificed to legitimately accumulate a reasonable level of financial success. But there is a very big difference between working and sacrificing and scheming, conniving and exploiting -- which is how most if not all exceptional fortunes are acquired.

Wrong....most fortunes are created through hard just see the media covering the criminals......
Nobody ever said that small business owners didn't build our businesses.

Nobody ever said that success isn't earned.

Not true, Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama has said that you did not earn what you have if you are a business owner.

That's not what he said at all.

He said that business owners didn't build the infrastructure that helps them succeed: the roads, bridges, railroads, communications networks, the lawyers, accountants and skilled workers, patent protections, banking systems, all of which helped you achieve your goals. The political stability that enables you to hold onto what you build is also essential.

When conservatives talk about keeping what THEY earned, they should remember that all their hard work would not have been successful without the infrastructure which supported their efforts.

That is what they pay taxes for.

and how much money did the poor put into that infrastructure compared to how much the rich put into the you guys ever think about that before you post in this topic....?

And he was wrong...the taxes from those business owners built the roads....where does he think the money for those roads came from? The guy making 60 grand a year pays a lot less in taxes than the guy making 2 million a year...who is also paying the salary of the guy making 60 grand a year.......

So yes...the business owner did "build that..." with his tax money......and they also built the political stability by creating jobs for the other people in the community.....
they are claiming that 77 percent of those with over 3 million in assets worked themselves up from being poor or the middle class.

NEW SURVEY: Most wealthy Americans worked their way up from a lower class
The question should be "are most lower class people able to work their way out of the lower class?"

No the question is , "Will most lower class people do what it takes to become wealthy?"

The answer is a resounding NO
I think in a capitalist society there has to be a poor class for the corporations to exploit. I or we just don't want them to be too poor. You don't want them to have it too good. I get it
No one is keeping poor people poor.
I was in a discussion about retirement and a person made the joke that the lottery is all the planning some people have done towards retirement. Once I thought about it, it isn't funny and the lottery is probably the only way they will be able to retire.
The funny part is that it's the state run lotteries that are exploiting the poor not some rich guy
they are claiming that 77 percent of those with over 3 million in assets worked themselves up from being poor or the middle class.

NEW SURVEY: Most wealthy Americans worked their way up from a lower class
The question should be "are most lower class people able to work their way out of the lower class?"

No the question is , "Will most lower class people do what it takes to become wealthy?"

The answer is a resounding NO
I think in a capitalist society there has to be a poor class for the corporations to exploit. I or we just don't want them to be too poor. You don't want them to have it too good. I get it
No one is keeping poor people poor.

Except democrats........they need poor they work to keep them that way...just look at how they run public schools through the education wing of the democrat party.........if you wanted to keep poor people couldn't do it any better than the democrats do it....
Yeah..and? Citizens are not your personal piggy banks with the emphasis on "piggy."

What is it with you lefties.........someone works to get the skills needed to either work at a job or start their own business...they work hard, they work smart, they sacrifice and take risks...and sometimes all of that pays off and they make a lot of money making other people happy......because in a capitalist society you only make money providing goods and services that other people want...

After all of that think yo have a right to come in and tell that person how much you think they can keep...based on your greed and envy of what they have......having contributed zero to that person's success....

And you think the person who actually made the money is greedy...

Now that is fucking insane......
They are doing quite well for all that work....and paying less and less in taxes

Our society suffers for it

Nope...the top 5% pay about 90% of the taxes...that isn't getting away with anything

Again..15% flat tax with a 35-40 thousand dollar deduction for all citizens.....that would be perfect......the really poor pay no taxes..the rich pay a little more...that would make you happy...right?

Thought really hate how much the rich have left after you take their money in isn't about funding just hate that they have more than you even after you tax them...
Why do they pay most of the taxes?

Ummmmm......maybe because that is where most of the money is


People don't generally pay taxes on wealth as there is no "wealth tax"
No shit.....the wealthy made sure of that

But that chart sure shows where the money is doesn't it?

But it doesn't show that anyone can increase their net worth (wealth) any time they want
We don't hate the rich.....

We just believe the tax cuts and incentives we have given them have not worked and they need to contribute at previous levels

Of course, you hate the rich. They achieved so much more than you.

As you know, there haven't been tax cuts or incentives since Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama took office. There have, however, been massive tax increases and regulations dramatically slowing our economy.
Yea let's deregulate again so instead of slow steady growth we have booms and busts every decade
We have anemic growth not slow steady growth

And I hope you realize that Obama's and the fed's policy is what is creating the next recession.
Interest rates have been artificially held at virtually zero for over 7 years. That has fueled that stock market run up which is creating the current stock bubble.

We will have another recession in the next 2 years
Funny how the left goes after rich people who actually produce a tangible product but they leave the Hollywood celebrities, who flaunt their wealth, alone. Why not picket the movie moguls to demand that the union members like gaffers and grips (whatever the hell they are) get paid on the same hourly scale as the actors and see how how it works out.

Most super wealthy are not in the process of producing a tangible product

Actually, it is workers who produce a tangible product...and they have little to show for it

Workers also get paid the wage they agreed upon when they decided to sell their time to an employer.

A workers time and skill are the products they sell to an employer if the worker doesn't care enough about his product so as to improve his skills thereby making his time worth more then whose fault is that?
I think in a capitalist society there has to be a poor class for the corporations to exploit. I or we just don't want them to be too poor. You don't want them to have it too good. I get it

How is a "poor" class exploited? Did they not make the decisions which put them in that situation?
This is the mentality the rest of the world sees and says that's what's wrong with America. People from places like Canada England Australia germany
So move.
Nobody ever said that small business owners didn't build our businesses.

Nobody ever said that success isn't earned.

Not true, Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama has said that you did not earn what you have if you are a business owner.
He never said any such thing

Here's the DIRECT QUOTE, he was very close, while you're really fucking stupid!

Captain photoshop to the rescue

Why is it you guys always omit the part of the quote where he is obviously talking about roads and infrastructure?
Funny how the left goes after rich people who actually produce a tangible product but they leave the Hollywood celebrities, who flaunt their wealth, alone. Why not picket the movie moguls to demand that the union members like gaffers and grips (whatever the hell they are) get paid on the same hourly scale as the actors and see how how it works out.

Most super wealthy are not in the process of producing a tangible product

Actually, it is workers who produce a tangible product...and they have little to show for it

Workers also get paid the wage they agreed upon when they decided to sell their time to an employer.

A workers time and skill are the products they sell to an employer if the worker doesn't care enough about his product so as to improve his skills thereby making his time worth more then whose fault is that?

A worker is part of the available market. Workers percentage of generated wealth has declined in the last thirty years as more wealth has concentrated at the top
Strong unions used to fight for a bigger share but an individual on his own is not as capable
So, according to you, unless someone produces a tangible product, it does not produce jobs?

I believe Bill Gates, Mike Zuckerberg and quite a few others would be very amused by your observation.

In your opinion, does the Walmart family produce anything tangible?
You brought it up...not me

Most of our super wealthy are involved in moving money from one place to another

Not surprisingly, you dodged the questions. I am shocked, SHOCKED I SAY!

I'll ask it again....

"Because I work harder, went to school longer, work longer hours than you, why should you pay a lower rate than me?"

If, as you claim, the super wealthy, are involved in moving money from one place to another, why is that bad and who does that hurt? Are they not invested in businesses employing millions?

Low wage workers are struggling to provide their families with food, shelter, education and healthcare. Why should the government take away additional money that is needed for survival?
The wealthy have funds well in excess of what they require for survival.

In essence you tax where the money is
Looks like the thread topic has been pretty effectively derailed.

Nobody ever said that small business owners didn't build our businesses.

Nobody ever said that success isn't earned.

Not true, Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama has said that you did not earn what you have if you are a business owner.
He never said any such thing

Here's the DIRECT QUOTE, he was very close, while you're really fucking stupid!

Captain photoshop to the rescue

Why is it you guys always omit the part of the quote where he is obviously talking about roads and infrastructure?

He actually was saying that anyone in America who has started a business has benefitted from a number of helping hands. From good teachers and public education to excellent roads to our solid legal system.

Of course, a successful business requires hard work and sacrifice on the part of the entrepreneur.

I know why losers like Vigilante pretend that the POTUS was dissing business owners. They see shallow political opportunity from lying about it.

Guys like Mac, on the other hand? There has to be a deeper reason. I don't expect him to ever speak to it honestly, though.
Looks like the thread topic has been pretty effectively derailed.


The thread topic isn't much to begin with. Someone asked wealthy people if they got wealthy by hard work and sacrifice and they said yes.

Funny how the left goes after rich people who actually produce a tangible product but they leave the Hollywood celebrities, who flaunt their wealth, alone. Why not picket the movie moguls to demand that the union members like gaffers and grips (whatever the hell they are) get paid on the same hourly scale as the actors and see how how it works out.

Most super wealthy are not in the process of producing a tangible product

Actually, it is workers who produce a tangible product...and they have little to show for it

Workers also get paid the wage they agreed upon when they decided to sell their time to an employer.

A workers time and skill are the products they sell to an employer if the worker doesn't care enough about his product so as to improve his skills thereby making his time worth more then whose fault is that?

A worker is part of the available market. Workers percentage of generated wealth has declined in the last thirty years as more wealth has concentrated at the top
Strong unions used to fight for a bigger share but an individual on his own is not as capable
And yet most people do not belong to unions even at their peak only about 30% of workers were union members

And still somehow people who weren't in unions managed to succeed
I was in a discussion about retirement and a person made the joke that the lottery is all the planning some people have done towards retirement. Once I thought about it, it isn't funny and the lottery is probably the only way they will be able to retire.
The funny part is that it's the state run lotteries that are exploiting the poor not some rich guy

True enough. A self-imposed tax.
Nobody ever said that small business owners didn't build our businesses.

Nobody ever said that success isn't earned.

Not true, Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama has said that you did not earn what you have if you are a business owner.
He never said any such thing

Here's the DIRECT QUOTE, he was very close, while you're really fucking stupid!

Captain photoshop to the rescue

Why is it you guys always omit the part of the quote where he is obviously talking about roads and infrastructure?

So what if he was? In order to be true, what he said. It would mean that only businesses use the roads and infrastructure.
So, according to you, unless someone produces a tangible product, it does not produce jobs?

I believe Bill Gates, Mike Zuckerberg and quite a few others would be very amused by your observation.

In your opinion, does the Walmart family produce anything tangible?
You brought it up...not me

Most of our super wealthy are involved in moving money from one place to another

Not surprisingly, you dodged the questions. I am shocked, SHOCKED I SAY!

I'll ask it again....

"Because I work harder, went to school longer, work longer hours than you, why should you pay a lower rate than me?"

If, as you claim, the super wealthy, are involved in moving money from one place to another, why is that bad and who does that hurt? Are they not invested in businesses employing millions?

Because the super wealthy use more of the nation's resources and infrastructure than those who have less. Therefore their share of costs is higher.

The working poor are working the longest hours, sometimes two and three jobs to make ends meet. To suggest that business owners and the super rich deserve to pay less because they work harder, is a conservative fallacy. One they like to repeat often.

Last but certainly not least, the middle class is losing their wealth to the super wealthy due to the lower rate of taxes the mega corporations and super wealthy, and the earned income credits to the poor. This started when Reagan lowered taxes and continues unabated.

Do you think the super wealthy deserve ALL wealth of the nation? Do you believe that the middle class and working class deserve to keep some of what they earn too? Corporations are awash in cash. So are the wealthy. The rest of Americans are struggling.

The poor and the working people have been bled white. They have no savings, no equity, no wealth. The middle class is losing the savings now. How healthy is this for your economy?

Until wages rise, and tax loopholes are closed and rates raised for the wealthy, they are are going to continue to bleed the middle class until they too have nothing.

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