Most Urgent Problems in the United States right now?

Wage stagnation, deregulation of predatory industries, privatization of public assets, endless wars and attempts to democratize other countries.
....I have said it for months book mark it, trump Will be like a Reagan or JFK.
I hope you're correct, but I don't see it happening. Trump could turn this around, but he could also end up resigning in a year or so due to "health reasons" AKA he wants to go back to being an unbridled billionair.

Let's see how his first 100 days go.
The junk food junkie is a heart attack waiting to happen. Let's hope it does.
He's not going to be able to take the stress of the office.
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....I have said it for months book mark it, trump Will be like a Reagan or JFK.
I hope you're correct, but I don't see it happening. Trump could turn this around, but he could also end up resigning in a year or so due to "health reasons" AKA he wants to go back to being an unbridled billionair.

Let's see how his first 100 days go.
The junk food junkie is a heart attack waiting to happen. Let's hope it does.
He'snot going to be able to take the stress of the office.
There's a good possibility of that happening.
....I have said it for months book mark it, trump Will be like a Reagan or JFK.
I hope you're correct, but I don't see it happening. Trump could turn this around, but he could also end up resigning in a year or so due to "health reasons" AKA he wants to go back to being an unbridled billionair.

Let's see how his first 100 days go.
The junk food junkie is a heart attack waiting to happen. Let's hope it does.
He's not going to be able to take the stress of the office.
There's a good possibility of that happening.
So a lot of terms are getting thrown around on these boards via. Conservatives trying to define liberalism and liberals trying to define Conservatism. Seems clear that productive/civilized conversation between both "ideological" sectors are almost impossible since everyone has their own definition of "conservatism" and "liberalism"....

Terms, party affiliations, ideologies aside....what does anyone here actually think is the most pressing issue facing the United States (and, to a certain extent, the world since America pretty much runs most of the world) right now?

--Terrorism (homeland security)? Wealth inequality? Racism? Illegal immigration?
The most urgent problem in the US right now is the person who has just been elected president. If you don't think so, just wait. He's a disaster.


Just because he is not a two faced politician like you are used to, don't mean he can't get the job done.

I have said it for months book mark it, trump Will be like a Reagan or JFK.
He's not two faced? LMAO If anybody is, he is.

And he may be like that he is very likely to be assassinated. Not for the same reasons but because he is such a hated figure...there are all kinds of minorities and other groups that hate him and there will be various nut jobs are going to go after him. Personally, I hope one succeeds.

Duly noted.
Wage stagnation, deregulation of predatory industries, privatization of public assets, endless wars and attempts to democratize other countries.

A prognosticator!!! Gotta love it ..... and, when you're wrong, will we get an abject apology?

Didn't think so ----
So a lot of terms are getting thrown around on these boards via. Conservatives trying to define liberalism and liberals trying to define Conservatism. Seems clear that productive/civilized conversation between both "ideological" sectors are almost impossible since everyone has their own definition of "conservatism" and "liberalism"....

Terms, party affiliations, ideologies aside....what does anyone here actually think is the most pressing issue facing the United States (and, to a certain extent, the world since America pretty much runs most of the world) right now?

--Terrorism (homeland security)? Wealth inequality? Racism? Illegal immigration?
The most urgent problem in the US right now is the person who has just been elected president. If you don't think so, just wait. He's a disaster.


Just because he is not a two faced politician like you are used to, don't mean he can't get the job done.

I have said it for months book mark it, trump Will be like a Reagan or JFK.
He's not two faced? LMAO If anybody is, he is.

And he may be like that he is very likely to be assassinated. Not for the same reasons but because he is such a hated figure...there are all kinds of minorities and other groups that hate him and there will be various nut jobs are going to go after him. Personally, I hope one succeeds.

Duly noted.
Donald Trump may DIE in office: Top doctor warns President could suffer 'heart attack'

Critics take aim at 'unfit' Trump as new medical report declares he is 'borderline obese'
So a lot of terms are getting thrown around on these boards via. Conservatives trying to define liberalism and liberals trying to define Conservatism. Seems clear that productive/civilized conversation between both "ideological" sectors are almost impossible since everyone has their own definition of "conservatism" and "liberalism"....

Terms, party affiliations, ideologies aside....what does anyone here actually think is the most pressing issue facing the United States (and, to a certain extent, the world since America pretty much runs most of the world) right now?

--Terrorism (homeland security)? Wealth inequality? Racism? Illegal immigration?
The most urgent problem in the US right now is the person who has just been elected president. If you don't think so, just wait. He's a disaster.


Just because he is not a two faced politician like you are used to, don't mean he can't get the job done.

I have said it for months book mark it, trump Will be like a Reagan or JFK.
He's not two faced? LMAO If anybody is, he is.

And he may be like that he is very likely to be assassinated. Not for the same reasons but because he is such a hated figure...there are all kinds of minorities and other groups that hate him and there will be various nut jobs are going to go after him. Personally, I hope one succeeds.

Duly noted.
Donald Trump may DIE in office: Top doctor warns President could suffer 'heart attack'

Critics take aim at 'unfit' Trump as new medical report declares he is 'borderline obese'

Another far left drone posting "fake" news!

Trump is a FDR democrat!

It is just hilarious to watch these drones attack someone that is like their Hero and God, FDR!
The single biggest problem is the widespread intellectual incapacity to evaluate, process and decide. This leads directly to the lack of individual responsibility and the inherent destruction of liberty, upon which it is based. Confining themselves to dualistic thinking in politics, religion and ideology, people choose not to have choice.
While it's true he could die in office, the same applies to any elderly occupant of the WH. Hillary is "borderline obese" herself, very close in age to Trump and has obvious health problems. I always thought each of them, regardless who won, were going to be one-term Presidents due to age.
The most urgent problem in the US right now is the person who has just been elected president. If you don't think so, just wait. He's a disaster.

Just because he is not a two faced politician like you are used to, don't mean he can't get the job done.

I have said it for months book mark it, trump Will be like a Reagan or JFK.
He's not two faced? LMAO If anybody is, he is.

And he may be like that he is very likely to be assassinated. Not for the same reasons but because he is such a hated figure...there are all kinds of minorities and other groups that hate him and there will be various nut jobs are going to go after him. Personally, I hope one succeeds.

Duly noted.
Donald Trump may DIE in office: Top doctor warns President could suffer 'heart attack'

Critics take aim at 'unfit' Trump as new medical report declares he is 'borderline obese'

Another far left drone posting "fake" news!

Trump is a FDR democrat!

It is just hilarious to watch these drones attack someone that is like their Hero and God, FDR!
Trump is absolutely nothing like FDR. You are very, very stupid.
Most urgent problem? I don’t think it is one of policy. It is a problem with the people. We don’t seem to have, for lack of a better way to put it…a “code” any longer.

Many won’t know what I mean. Most will pretend they don’t know. A select few will realize that it is nebulous and undefined. The best definition is this I suppose; Its that thing in the back of your mind the most people have in the back of their mind that keeps them from doing things that are inherently inappropriate.
So a lot of terms are getting thrown around on these boards via. Conservatives trying to define liberalism and liberals trying to define Conservatism. Seems clear that productive/civilized conversation between both "ideological" sectors are almost impossible since everyone has their own definition of "conservatism" and "liberalism"....

Terms, party affiliations, ideologies aside....what does anyone here actually think is the most pressing issue facing the United States (and, to a certain extent, the world since America pretty much runs most of the world) right now?

--Terrorism (homeland security)? Wealth inequality? Racism? Illegal immigration?

Number one appears to be Democracy. There just isn't any. It's a facade of the rich controlling everything and telling everyone how free they are.

"You will think you are free"

"Yes, I am free master, I will do what ever you say to be free"

"Jump off the bridge"

"Yes Master, I jump of the bridge to be free"

"Always call Democrats "Libtards""

"Yes Master, Libtards"

"And try to use "butthurt" in every sentence"

"Butthurt, yes master Butthurt"
are you free?
So a lot of terms are getting thrown around on these boards via. Conservatives trying to define liberalism and liberals trying to define Conservatism. Seems clear that productive/civilized conversation between both "ideological" sectors are almost impossible since everyone has their own definition of "conservatism" and "liberalism"....

Terms, party affiliations, ideologies aside....what does anyone here actually think is the most pressing issue facing the United States (and, to a certain extent, the world since America pretty much runs most of the world) right now?

--Terrorism (homeland security)? Wealth inequality? Racism? Illegal immigration?

Number one appears to be Democracy. There just isn't any. It's a facade of the rich controlling everything and telling everyone how free they are.

"You will think you are free"

"Yes, I am free master, I will do what ever you say to be free"

"Jump off the bridge"

"Yes Master, I jump of the bridge to be free"

"Always call Democrats "Libtards""

"Yes Master, Libtards"

"And try to use "butthurt" in every sentence"

"Butthurt, yes master Butthurt"
are you free?

I'm more free than most. But I can't tell you why. At the same time total freedom is anarchy, and that's not freedom.
"bt404, post: 16275282, member: 61069"]So a lot of terms are getting thrown around on these boards via. Conservatives trying to define liberalism and liberals trying to define Conservatism. Seems clear that productive/civilized conversation between both "ideological" sectors are almost impossible since everyone has their own definition of "conservatism" and "liberalism"....

Terms, party affiliations, ideologies aside....what does anyone here actually think is the most pressing issue facing the United States (and, to a certain extent, the world since America pretty much runs most of the world) right now?

--Terrorism (homeland security)? Wealth inequality? Racism? Illegal immigration?

Number one appears to be Democracy. There just isn't any. It's a facade of the rich controlling everything and telling everyone how free they are.

"You will think you are free"

"Yes, I am free master, I will do what ever you say to be free"

"Jump off the bridge"

"Yes Master, I jump of the bridge to be free"

"Always call Democrats "Libtards""

"Yes Master, Libtards"

"And try to use "butthurt" in every sentence"

"Butthurt, yes master Butthurt"
are you free?

I'm more free than most. But I can't tell you why.
I understand, it's hush-hush and I may not have the proper clearance.

At the same time total freedom is anarchy, and that's not freedom.

do you reject freedom then, you know, since it is not, there isn't any direction this cannot go in
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