Most Urgent Problems in the United States right now?

So a lot of terms are getting thrown around on these boards via. Conservatives trying to define liberalism and liberals trying to define Conservatism. Seems clear that productive/civilized conversation between both "ideological" sectors are almost impossible since everyone has their own definition of "conservatism" and "liberalism"....

Terms, party affiliations, ideologies aside....what does anyone here actually think is the most pressing issue facing the United States (and, to a certain extent, the world since America pretty much runs most of the world) right now?

--Terrorism (homeland security)? Wealth inequality? Racism? Illegal immigration?

Number one appears to be Democracy. There just isn't any. It's a facade of the rich controlling everything and telling everyone how free they are.

"You will think you are free"

"Yes, I am free master, I will do what ever you say to be free"

"Jump off the bridge"

"Yes Master, I jump of the bridge to be free"

"Always call Democrats "Libtards""

"Yes Master, Libtards"

"And try to use "butthurt" in every sentence"

"Butthurt, yes master Butthurt"

This is the real root of the problem:
  • One Man one Vote, Preference Voting Needed
  • Congress has <19% approval rating and a 96% incumbency reelection rate, Proportional Voting Needed
  • A voting system that rewards alienating people
So a lot of terms are getting thrown around on these boards via. Conservatives trying to define liberalism and liberals trying to define Conservatism. Seems clear that productive/civilized conversation between both "ideological" sectors are almost impossible since everyone has their own definition of "conservatism" and "liberalism"....

Terms, party affiliations, ideologies aside....what does anyone here actually think is the most pressing issue facing the United States (and, to a certain extent, the world since America pretty much runs most of the world) right now?

--Terrorism (homeland security)? Wealth inequality? Racism? Illegal immigration?

Number one appears to be Democracy. There just isn't any. It's a facade of the rich controlling everything and telling everyone how free they are.

"You will think you are free"

"Yes, I am free master, I will do what ever you say to be free"

"Jump off the bridge"

"Yes Master, I jump of the bridge to be free"

"Always call Democrats "Libtards""

"Yes Master, Libtards"

"And try to use "butthurt" in every sentence"

"Butthurt, yes master Butthurt"

This is the real root of the problem:
  • One Man one Vote, Preference Voting Needed
  • Congress has <19% approval rating and a 96% incumbency reelection rate, Proportional Voting Needed
  • A voting system that rewards alienating people
We rejected your mob rule centuries ago.....
So a lot of terms are getting thrown around on these boards via. Conservatives trying to define liberalism and liberals trying to define Conservatism. Seems clear that productive/civilized conversation between both "ideological" sectors are almost impossible since everyone has their own definition of "conservatism" and "liberalism"....

Terms, party affiliations, ideologies aside....what does anyone here actually think is the most pressing issue facing the United States (and, to a certain extent, the world since America pretty much runs most of the world) right now?

--Terrorism (homeland security)? Wealth inequality? Racism? Illegal immigration?

Number one appears to be Democracy. There just isn't any. It's a facade of the rich controlling everything and telling everyone how free they are.

"You will think you are free"

"Yes, I am free master, I will do what ever you say to be free"

"Jump off the bridge"

"Yes Master, I jump of the bridge to be free"

"Always call Democrats "Libtards""

"Yes Master, Libtards"

"And try to use "butthurt" in every sentence"

"Butthurt, yes master Butthurt"

This is the real root of the problem:
  • One Man one Vote, Preference Voting Needed
  • Congress has <19% approval rating and a 96% incumbency reelection rate, Proportional Voting Needed
  • A voting system that rewards alienating people
We rejected your mob rule centuries ago.....

What is wrong with encouraging a system which offers more choice both left and right.. Where is the mob rule....

How about you stop being blinded by hatred and actually discuss a topic...
So a lot of terms are getting thrown around on these boards via. Conservatives trying to define liberalism and liberals trying to define Conservatism. Seems clear that productive/civilized conversation between both "ideological" sectors are almost impossible since everyone has their own definition of "conservatism" and "liberalism"....

Terms, party affiliations, ideologies aside....what does anyone here actually think is the most pressing issue facing the United States (and, to a certain extent, the world since America pretty much runs most of the world) right now?

--Terrorism (homeland security)? Wealth inequality? Racism? Illegal immigration?

Number one appears to be Democracy. There just isn't any. It's a facade of the rich controlling everything and telling everyone how free they are.

"You will think you are free"

"Yes, I am free master, I will do what ever you say to be free"

"Jump off the bridge"

"Yes Master, I jump of the bridge to be free"

"Always call Democrats "Libtards""

"Yes Master, Libtards"

"And try to use "butthurt" in every sentence"

"Butthurt, yes master Butthurt"

This is the real root of the problem:
  • One Man one Vote, Preference Voting Needed
  • Congress has <19% approval rating and a 96% incumbency reelection rate, Proportional Voting Needed
  • A voting system that rewards alienating people

Bang on. Nothing else to say other than, the rich aren't telling the others to like PR, so it won't happen.
NAFTA without a doubt.

Focusing on taking jobs from China, isolating them and rolling back the abuses. Does anyone think China would be ok with an $800B trade deficit? Let's see how "free market" they are.

America also has to find out who their allies are and who have been stabbing America in the back and exploiting their relationship with the U.S for years and/or decades.

Patriotism. America used to have it in droves, now you have dividers and opportunists who kneel for the flag and encourage hatred for their own country and fellow man. It's disgusting to see.
So a lot of terms are getting thrown around on these boards via. Conservatives trying to define liberalism and liberals trying to define Conservatism. Seems clear that productive/civilized conversation between both "ideological" sectors are almost impossible since everyone has their own definition of "conservatism" and "liberalism"....

Terms, party affiliations, ideologies aside....what does anyone here actually think is the most pressing issue facing the United States (and, to a certain extent, the world since America pretty much runs most of the world) right now?

--Terrorism (homeland security)? Wealth inequality? Racism? Illegal immigration?

Number one appears to be Democracy. There just isn't any. It's a facade of the rich controlling everything and telling everyone how free they are.

"You will think you are free"

"Yes, I am free master, I will do what ever you say to be free"

"Jump off the bridge"

"Yes Master, I jump of the bridge to be free"

"Always call Democrats "Libtards""

"Yes Master, Libtards"

"And try to use "butthurt" in every sentence"

"Butthurt, yes master Butthurt"

This is the real root of the problem:
  • One Man one Vote, Preference Voting Needed
  • Congress has <19% approval rating and a 96% incumbency reelection rate, Proportional Voting Needed
  • A voting system that rewards alienating people
We rejected your mob rule centuries ago.....

What is wrong with encouraging a system which offers more choice both left and right.. Where is the mob rule....

How about you stop being blinded by hatred and actually discuss a topic...
The discussion is well above your education child.....
So a lot of terms are getting thrown around on these boards via. Conservatives trying to define liberalism and liberals trying to define Conservatism. Seems clear that productive/civilized conversation between both "ideological" sectors are almost impossible since everyone has their own definition of "conservatism" and "liberalism"....

Terms, party affiliations, ideologies aside....what does anyone here actually think is the most pressing issue facing the United States (and, to a certain extent, the world since America pretty much runs most of the world) right now?

--Terrorism (homeland security)? Wealth inequality? Racism? Illegal immigration?

Number one appears to be Democracy. There just isn't any. It's a facade of the rich controlling everything and telling everyone how free they are.

"You will think you are free"

"Yes, I am free master, I will do what ever you say to be free"

"Jump off the bridge"

"Yes Master, I jump of the bridge to be free"

"Always call Democrats "Libtards""

"Yes Master, Libtards"

"And try to use "butthurt" in every sentence"

"Butthurt, yes master Butthurt"

This is the real root of the problem:
  • One Man one Vote, Preference Voting Needed
  • Congress has <19% approval rating and a 96% incumbency reelection rate, Proportional Voting Needed
  • A voting system that rewards alienating people
We rejected your mob rule centuries ago.....

What is wrong with encouraging a system which offers more choice both left and right.. Where is the mob rule....

How about you stop being blinded by hatred and actually discuss a topic...
The discussion is well above your education child.....

Can you be civil? Why won't discuss the topic? No need for insults, why do you feel you need to personally insult without need for a discussion?
Number one appears to be Democracy. There just isn't any. It's a facade of the rich controlling everything and telling everyone how free they are.

"You will think you are free"

"Yes, I am free master, I will do what ever you say to be free"

"Jump off the bridge"

"Yes Master, I jump of the bridge to be free"

"Always call Democrats "Libtards""

"Yes Master, Libtards"

"And try to use "butthurt" in every sentence"

"Butthurt, yes master Butthurt"

This is the real root of the problem:
  • One Man one Vote, Preference Voting Needed
  • Congress has <19% approval rating and a 96% incumbency reelection rate, Proportional Voting Needed
  • A voting system that rewards alienating people
We rejected your mob rule centuries ago.....

What is wrong with encouraging a system which offers more choice both left and right.. Where is the mob rule....

How about you stop being blinded by hatred and actually discuss a topic...
The discussion is well above your education child.....

Can you be civil? Why won't discuss the topic? No need for insults, why do you feel you need to personally insult without need for a discussion?
Post #28.....
This is the real root of the problem:
  • One Man one Vote, Preference Voting Needed
  • Congress has <19% approval rating and a 96% incumbency reelection rate, Proportional Voting Needed
  • A voting system that rewards alienating people
We rejected your mob rule centuries ago.....

What is wrong with encouraging a system which offers more choice both left and right.. Where is the mob rule....

How about you stop being blinded by hatred and actually discuss a topic...
The discussion is well above your education child.....

Can you be civil? Why won't discuss the topic? No need for insults, why do you feel you need to personally insult without need for a discussion?
Post #28.....

I didn't restore to name calling... But are you here to discuss issues or just insult people...

Serious allegations are being laid on Trump and you answer is to personally insult anyone who wants it to be independently investigated...

This might be a high learning curve for you considering your previous posts, but have a try...
We rejected your mob rule centuries ago.....

What is wrong with encouraging a system which offers more choice both left and right.. Where is the mob rule....

How about you stop being blinded by hatred and actually discuss a topic...
The discussion is well above your education child.....

Can you be civil? Why won't discuss the topic? No need for insults, why do you feel you need to personally insult without need for a discussion?
Post #28.....

I didn't restore to name calling... But are you here to discuss issues or just insult people...

Serious allegations are being laid on Trump and you answer is to personally insult anyone who wants it to be independently investigated...

This might be a high learning curve for you considering your previous posts, but have a try...
Seriously, post #28.....
We rejected your mob rule centuries ago.....

What is wrong with encouraging a system which offers more choice both left and right.. Where is the mob rule....

How about you stop being blinded by hatred and actually discuss a topic...
The discussion is well above your education child.....

Can you be civil? Why won't discuss the topic? No need for insults, why do you feel you need to personally insult without need for a discussion?
Post #28.....

I didn't restore to name calling... But are you here to discuss issues or just insult people...

Serious allegations are being laid on Trump and you answer is to personally insult anyone who wants it to be independently investigated...

This might be a high learning curve for you considering your previous posts, but have a try...
He's just a one-line-loser with nothing of value to ever add.
What is wrong with encouraging a system which offers more choice both left and right.. Where is the mob rule....

How about you stop being blinded by hatred and actually discuss a topic...
The discussion is well above your education child.....

Can you be civil? Why won't discuss the topic? No need for insults, why do you feel you need to personally insult without need for a discussion?
Post #28.....

I didn't restore to name calling... But are you here to discuss issues or just insult people...

Serious allegations are being laid on Trump and you answer is to personally insult anyone who wants it to be independently investigated...

This might be a high learning curve for you considering your previous posts, but have a try...
He's just a one-line-loser with nothing of value to ever add.

I see that, lets see if he has a actual discussion point in him...
What is wrong with encouraging a system which offers more choice both left and right.. Where is the mob rule....

How about you stop being blinded by hatred and actually discuss a topic...
The discussion is well above your education child.....

Can you be civil? Why won't discuss the topic? No need for insults, why do you feel you need to personally insult without need for a discussion?
Post #28.....

I didn't restore to name calling... But are you here to discuss issues or just insult people...

Serious allegations are being laid on Trump and you answer is to personally insult anyone who wants it to be independently investigated...

This might be a high learning curve for you considering your previous posts, but have a try...
He's just a one-line-loser with nothing of value to ever add.
The discussion is well above your education child.....

Can you be civil? Why won't discuss the topic? No need for insults, why do you feel you need to personally insult without need for a discussion?
Post #28.....

I didn't restore to name calling... But are you here to discuss issues or just insult people...

Serious allegations are being laid on Trump and you answer is to personally insult anyone who wants it to be independently investigated...

This might be a high learning curve for you considering your previous posts, but have a try...
He's just a one-line-loser with nothing of value to ever add.


This is embarrassing. He was agreeing with me...
Can you be civil? Why won't discuss the topic? No need for insults, why do you feel you need to personally insult without need for a discussion?
Post #28.....

I didn't restore to name calling... But are you here to discuss issues or just insult people...

Serious allegations are being laid on Trump and you answer is to personally insult anyone who wants it to be independently investigated...

This might be a high learning curve for you considering your previous posts, but have a try...
He's just a one-line-loser with nothing of value to ever add.


This is embarrassing. He was agreeing with me...
So a lot of terms are getting thrown around on these boards via. Conservatives trying to define liberalism and liberals trying to define Conservatism. Seems clear that productive/civilized conversation between both "ideological" sectors are almost impossible since everyone has their own definition of "conservatism" and "liberalism"....

Terms, party affiliations, ideologies aside....what does anyone here actually think is the most pressing issue facing the United States (and, to a certain extent, the world since America pretty much runs most of the world) right now?

--Terrorism (homeland security)? Wealth inequality? Racism? Illegal immigration?
The most urgent problem in the US right now is the person who has just been elected president. If you don't think so, just wait. He's a disaster.


Just because he is not a two faced politician like you are used to, don't mean he can't get the job done.

I have said it for months book mark it, trump Will be like a Reagan or JFK.
He's not two faced? LMAO If anybody is, he is.

And he may be like that he is very likely to be assassinated. Not for the same reasons but because he is such a hated figure...there are all kinds of minorities and other groups that hate him and there will be various nut jobs are going to go after him. Personally, I hope one succeeds.
....I have said it for months book mark it, trump Will be like a Reagan or JFK.
I hope you're correct, but I don't see it happening. Trump could turn this around, but he could also end up resigning in a year or so due to "health reasons" AKA he wants to go back to being an unbridled billionair.

Let's see how his first 100 days go.

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