Mother Nature Giving AOC / Democrats 'The Finger'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Expansive Mess of Snow and Ice for Midwest and Northeast

A Year's Worth Of Snow In 24 Hours:


At a Glance
  • Up to 80,000 customers lost power in Washington during the peak of the storm.
  • Hundreds of flights were canceled out of Seattle over the weekend.
  • A golf tournament was suspended when hail began to fall at Pebble Beach.

National and Local Weather Radar, Daily Forecast, Hurricane and information from The Weather Channel and

OOps....The Science is NOT settled after all....

"On November 1, AFP joined news outlets around the world in covering the release of a major academic paper warning that our oceans were warming dramatically quicker than previously thought.

The study was undertaken by some of the world's most pre-eminent climate scientists, using state-of-the-art modelling systems reviewed by their peers, and appeared in one of the most prestigious academic journals.

There was just one problem: it was wrong.

Published in Nature, the paper by researchers from the University of California San Diego and Princeton found that ocean temperatures had warmed 60 percent more than current estimates.

They concluded, with no small sense of alarm, that even the most ambitious emissions cuts laid out in the global plan to prevent climate disaster would need to be slashed again by another 25 percent.

Soon after publication, an independent climate scientist—one who has repeatedly voiced scepticism of the consensus that
human behaviour is causing global warmingspotted an error in the Nature paper's maths.

"After correction, the... results do not suggest a larger increase in ocean heat content than previously thought,"

Climate correction: when scientists get it wrong


Read more at:
I am shocked ---"NATURE" is USUALLY very reliable------this
error is the exception that proves the rule
Ah yes, 'it is BECAUSE of global warming that we have record cold temps and snow'.

30 Below?
- Global Warming

Snow in Hell?
- Global Warming

Trick Knee acting up?
- Global Warming


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